Monday, February 05, 2007


February 5, 2007 Assignments and Announcements

You can post to the website now. So for new students, please respond to at least 3 of the questions about writing in the on-line assignment below.

We will be visiting the library (L-bldg. first floor) this week and next: The 1-3 meeting time will meet at the reference desk Wednesday, Feb. 7; The 10-12 meeting time will meet at the reference desk Monday, Feb. 12.

Today in class we reviewed chapter 1 in WWT. We looked at the Initial Planning Sheet questions and answered them for the authors: What is the topic, Who is the audience, What is the purpose, What question do we we want the essay (in this case chapter) to answer, What are the main writing strategies employed?

In the 10-12 class we discussed the various commercials during the Super Bowl and what the arguments were. It was a great discussion.

We finished reviewing the Grammar Quiz and assigned page numbers from Hacker in the 10-12 class. If you missed the class today see a peer or come see me. The objective of the exercise is to identify what you know and don't remember so that your 10 hours in the Writing Center are spent effectively.

Diana Hacker's Rules for Writers
If you need help developing a plan come see me. In general, I suggest students start with Planning, Document Design, then skip to The Basics and Grammar, followed by Clarity, Punctuation, Mechanics. We will review Research and Argument together.

Jurassic Park
We read the introduction to Jurassic Park and corrected the exercises in WWT up to page 23 in the 10-12 class. Students hadn't read the assignment so we postponed it until 2/7.

We discussed WWT pp. 34-35 and reviewed the assignment on pp. 32-33 in the 1-3 p.m. class.

New Homework:
Read Prologue to Target of Opportunity (stop here)
Keep a reading log where you discuss the themes for the chapter, significant points and any questions that come up for you.

Write a 100-250 summary of the Introduction.

Bring in a bio of Michael Crichton; also find a published interview with him re: his writing of Jurassic Park. Just print it out and read it. You don't have to do any writing.

Extra Credit Event
Tomorrow, Feb. 6, 12:30 p.m., Booker T. Washington's great great-granddaughter will be
speaking in the F-Bldg. If you attend and write about it, you can have extra credit. I will be attending this event and host my office hours afterwards (2-3).

On Channel 9 tonight, I think at 10 p.m. (check the listing at there is a great documentary called The Disciples of Nelson Mandela. It's a grea piece on a group of young men who joined the African National Congress and what happened to their lives, as told by one of the men's adopted sons here in the United States.

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