Thursday, September 13, 2007
September 13, 2007: All Eyez on Me
Today is the 11th anniversary of Tupac's murder. Tonight at Suite 181, 181 Eddy Street in San Francisco. There is a great speech by Tupac to the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement. This is a really powerful speech. fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=15116190&blogID=309550976.
Visit for information about what's planned.
Also this weekend, Too Short is performing in West Oakland at the deFremery Park, 18th and Adeline Streets, in Oakland. It's mentioned in the Too Short article I gave you. If you missed it, visit
In the 8-9 a.m. class we listened to Words of Wisdom and had a really enlightened conversation about the themes elucidated in the work. One student in my English 1A class later on that morning spoke of another poem in A Rose Grew from Concrete about Liberty Needs Glasses (135), a poem that shares similar themes as Wisdom.
Shanella and Elesha shared essays which had opposing viewpoints. I will ask them to post them here so you can read them for yourself.
What else? Oh, homework is to read the rest of chapter 2. Some of your classmates have already read chapter three which we will read for Tuesday-Wednesday next week.
Students were to continue their logs and identify arguments and supporting evidence (5 minimally). Label the claims and support in the book. In the handout from Writing with a Thesis, complete the exercises up to page 21. Write on the paper.
If you have any questions about anything, you can always call me. If you go to the Block Party with Too Short and write something about the event (250 words, typed). You can have extra credit.
English 201 1-3
English 201 1-3 p.m. class your homework is to read Chapter 2, pp. 47-57. Continue the log. We had a great discussion yesterday about Dear Mama and the East Bay Express article, "Too Short, Career Counselor." I enjoyed the linguistic movement, the fluidity students exercised as they defined slang terms in Standard English for a audience unfamiliar with the colloquial terms.
We also shared our arguments, many greeted with applause. I'd like those students to post those essays here.
You can always read further in the book, continue to log you comments, and vocabulary. We will look at reoccurring themes or topics, characters, and shape tentative questions we might want to explore in an essay. I was going to have students respond to the book as a whole, but I have changed my mind. We'll write several short essays as we make our ways through the text beginning next week. We'll come up with essays questions together. fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=15116190&blogID=309550976.
Visit for information about what's planned.
Also this weekend, Too Short is performing in West Oakland at the deFremery Park, 18th and Adeline Streets, in Oakland. It's mentioned in the Too Short article I gave you. If you missed it, visit
In the 8-9 a.m. class we listened to Words of Wisdom and had a really enlightened conversation about the themes elucidated in the work. One student in my English 1A class later on that morning spoke of another poem in A Rose Grew from Concrete about Liberty Needs Glasses (135), a poem that shares similar themes as Wisdom.
Shanella and Elesha shared essays which had opposing viewpoints. I will ask them to post them here so you can read them for yourself.
What else? Oh, homework is to read the rest of chapter 2. Some of your classmates have already read chapter three which we will read for Tuesday-Wednesday next week.
Students were to continue their logs and identify arguments and supporting evidence (5 minimally). Label the claims and support in the book. In the handout from Writing with a Thesis, complete the exercises up to page 21. Write on the paper.
If you have any questions about anything, you can always call me. If you go to the Block Party with Too Short and write something about the event (250 words, typed). You can have extra credit.
English 201 1-3
English 201 1-3 p.m. class your homework is to read Chapter 2, pp. 47-57. Continue the log. We had a great discussion yesterday about Dear Mama and the East Bay Express article, "Too Short, Career Counselor." I enjoyed the linguistic movement, the fluidity students exercised as they defined slang terms in Standard English for a audience unfamiliar with the colloquial terms.
We also shared our arguments, many greeted with applause. I'd like those students to post those essays here.
You can always read further in the book, continue to log you comments, and vocabulary. We will look at reoccurring themes or topics, characters, and shape tentative questions we might want to explore in an essay. I was going to have students respond to the book as a whole, but I have changed my mind. We'll write several short essays as we make our ways through the text beginning next week. We'll come up with essays questions together.