Thursday, October 18, 2007


Charles Foster and other assignments

Students are not reading the blog and responding to assignments. There is homework from yesterday, and today's assignment, posted October 10, to develop a few questions for our guest this morning, was not done by most of the students. Look at the assignment, read Charles Foster's bio and write a three paragraph essay recap of his visit to our class this morning. Describe his looks, his mannerisms, how he spoke, his attitude about his subject, and what you learned. Incorporate parts of his bio where such inclusion would support your claims. The profile is to be posted here by Monday, October 22, 8 a.m. His business is "Now or Never Records" and the website address is:

I was serious when I suggested Mr. Foster as a possible candidate for the social entrepreneur essay due later this semester.

Midterm Questions
Check back for the questions. You only have to respond to one.

Our guest speaker Charles Foster, husband to fellow classmate Elesha is a music

producer that has been in music since age 6. He began playing drums and piano early on

and wrote music with his cousin Agerman from the group 3XKrazy. In 2004 he quit working to

pursue music full time.

He was very informative about his views on misogny in the hip hop and rap genre.

Charles Foster also had similar liking to the artist some of the students also liked. The CD he

brought in with a sample of some of the music he has produced , sounds very good. Being as

though he himself is a father of 4 children , he believes it is the parents responsibility to monitor

what the children listen too, rather than it being the artist responsibility.

He also explained the process of producing music. This process involves clip recording,

then mixing and compresing , then mastering the track. A rap song can take 2 - 4 hours to

record. This sounds like a full time thing and i can understand why he has pursued his music

career full time. One of the things he did mention is that his all time favorite rap artist is ,

suprisingly LL Cool J. He states that LL Cool J is the one rap artist that was here at the at

start of the rap music and is still making albums now. He also paid honor to one of our great

lyricist Tupac Shakur. Which i'm sure everyone in the class can agree with.

Overall , his visit was very nice and appreciated . Its good to see there is still real

and down to earth people in the music industry.
On Thursday oct, 10 2007

We had a guest speaker in our class, by the name of Charles C. Foster a husband and
devoted father of one of our classmates. Upon his visit he looked very nice and carried his self very well. He talked to our class about Hip-Hop, misogyny, and what we thought about rap music in today’s society. First of all he gave us a little background about himself and where he came from . He started at a early age of nine (9) years old in a church playing the drums, and then he wrote his first rap song for his cousin, at the age of 14 years old he wrote a song for his mother and grandmother.

By the time he was 18 years old he had written 20 songs and formed his own group. He later went his own way and started recording and producing, he worked with a number of artist which he helped to get signed to a major deal such as; (3x Crazy, MC. Hammer, Too Short. As far as my comments that I have, I can see that MR. Foster is very sincere about his work, and it takes a lot of patients to do the line of work that he’s into.

And he seems to have pretty good knowledge of the recording industries, and I can see that he is on the right track, being a family man is very important in today’s society.
On Thursday oct, 10 2007

We had a guest speaker in our class, by the name of Charles C. Foster a husband and
devoted father of one of our classmates. Upon his visit he looked very nice and carried his self very well. He talked to our class about Hip-Hop, misogyny, and what we thought about rap music in today’s society. First of all he gave us a little background about himself and where he came from . He started at a early age of nine (9) years old in a church playing the drums, and then he wrote his first rap song for his cousin, at the age of 14 years old he wrote a song for his mother and grandmother.

By the time he was 18 years old he had written 20 songs and formed his own group. He later went his own way and started recording and producing, he worked with a number of artist which he helped to get signed to a major deal such as; (3x Crazy, MC. Hammer, Too Short. As far as my comments that I have, I can see that MR. Foster is very sincere about his work, and it takes a lot of patients to do the line of work that he’s into.

And he seems to have pretty good knowledge of the recording industries, and I can see that he is on the right track, being a family man is very important in today’s society.
charles foster ....our guest speaker to speak about the hiphop.
he started to enrool in music at the age of 9 by playing drums in church. He told us about his background.he worte many songs at the age of 18. his first song was for his cousin..he wrote that song at the age 14. In my view he is very talented person..he knows to make the decision..when his daughter enters the class ..he changes the track...thats amazing ...he doesn't want his children to listen that..thats really good ..he also have lot of knowledge about the hiphop...thats all about him ..i just want to tell that he is superb...
questions for the speaker....

1.) how do you feel about people saying hip hop is dead?

2.) how was the industry when you first got into it?

3) how do you feel about masculinity and the way hip hop has changed?

4.) having children, how does that effect the work you decide to put out?

5.) do you think that if rappers should change their lyrics and image it would change the way people responded to hip hop?

6.) what all is your responsibilities as a producer?

7.) what are some inspiring words for upcoming artists?

8.) how is your schedule compared to family life?

9.) what type of criteria do you need to be successful in the industry today?

10.) who do you think is the all- time rapper?
It was great to the words of an actual producer and how he feels about hip hop today. I believe that hip hop is just entertainment and should not be blamed for the way society responds to it. After hearing the words of charles I think he feels similar to what i think. Charles talked about hip hop and how it is now and how it used to be. Much has changed do to the fact that rappers then talked about their real life struggle and rappers now talk about things they've seen, done, or made up for the public.
It was clear that charles believed it starts at home with the children while their parents decide what they can watch and hear. He himself said that he doesnt allow his own children listen to the music he makes. he chooses to let them hear what he think is appropriate, if bet is off the hook then he wont let his children watch it.
Furthermore, he feels that hip hop and the industry is entertainment and its the people choice to interpret what they feel. we dont blame the rappers for the behavoir of the society, we can blame them for the mosagony of women, but the ultimate decision is still yours, not the rappers.
Charles Foster is a charming,handsome black star.
"Now or Never Records" is a poetic name that symbolizes his views of Hip Hop music.
Classmate asked him was Hio Hop music a country? He said yes.
Hip Hop music as a world-wide status of Blacks and other colored people, "country" is a flag, or a pattern to all kinds of cultures.
Mr Charles Foster, is the leader of black young people as the same as poet Tupac to the young people. Their brilliant views of their culture are the most important to us, everyone.
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