Wednesday, October 10, 2007
English 201 1-3 October 10
Hummmmm. This afternoon was pleasant after the noisy neighbors moved away from our doorway, though not before about 10 students left. It was as if someone yelled fire, yet no one ran. The men, calmly put on their backpacks and departed. Should I read anything into this? All the students shared certain ethnic and gender characteristics which shall remain unnamed. Perhaps all had an emergency that happened to fall on this date. Only one student, told me he wouldn't be present today and he came in to grab the handouts and went to his dental appointment. All the students who left have unexcused absences.
We read the Laney College Tower articles about Senator Clinton's visit to Laney. We also read the op ed, and discussed what the thesis was. I hope to see student letters published next week in The Tower newspaper in response to Reggie James' column.
Students were divided into groups based on their reading. Only one group was up to chapter 7, a larger group was up to 6 and a few students were at chapter 3, others at chapter 4. Keep reading. We will be finishing the book in the coming week. An essay will be due based on a question related to the text.
We will continue the collaborative essay outline consisting of the introduction and conclusion on Monday. Students are also supposed to read the handout from Reading to Write pages 2-15. I will put extra copies in the bin on the wall outside my office (L-236) for students who were absent.
Several students choose the topics education, others chose knowledge, and one group looked at the word: "nigger" and its derivations.
I told students about The Living Word Festivalwhich began last week and continues through November 3. Visit There is an event this Saturday, October 13 at the Black New World, 836 Pine Street, Oakland. Tickets are $10 general and $5 for youth 18 and under. I wanted students to note Saturday, October 27, 9 p.m. DJ Kool Herc and James Brown's drummer Clyde Stubblefield perform together. DJ Funklor will join them. It's at the Bruno's, 2389 Mission Street, in San Francisco. It's a 21+ event plus ID. Tickets are $15, free with/Scourge Benefit Ticket. There is a lot more. Visit the website. If you want credit for attending anything, you have to write a review (250 words min.)
We read the Laney College Tower articles about Senator Clinton's visit to Laney. We also read the op ed, and discussed what the thesis was. I hope to see student letters published next week in The Tower newspaper in response to Reggie James' column.
Students were divided into groups based on their reading. Only one group was up to chapter 7, a larger group was up to 6 and a few students were at chapter 3, others at chapter 4. Keep reading. We will be finishing the book in the coming week. An essay will be due based on a question related to the text.
We will continue the collaborative essay outline consisting of the introduction and conclusion on Monday. Students are also supposed to read the handout from Reading to Write pages 2-15. I will put extra copies in the bin on the wall outside my office (L-236) for students who were absent.
Several students choose the topics education, others chose knowledge, and one group looked at the word: "nigger" and its derivations.
I told students about The Living Word Festivalwhich began last week and continues through November 3. Visit There is an event this Saturday, October 13 at the Black New World, 836 Pine Street, Oakland. Tickets are $10 general and $5 for youth 18 and under. I wanted students to note Saturday, October 27, 9 p.m. DJ Kool Herc and James Brown's drummer Clyde Stubblefield perform together. DJ Funklor will join them. It's at the Bruno's, 2389 Mission Street, in San Francisco. It's a 21+ event plus ID. Tickets are $15, free with/Scourge Benefit Ticket. There is a lot more. Visit the website. If you want credit for attending anything, you have to write a review (250 words min.)