Thursday, November 29, 2007


Propaganda Techniques

Post your pre-writing and essay response to one of the 5 prompts from the McClintock essay (page 311-312) here by Tuesday, Dec. 4. You can post it earlier. Please read it aloud to catch any mistakes. Once you post it, you cannot change the writing. See Hacker 26-26 re: Global Revisions for suggestions. Also, look at your notes from the video: "Revision Strategies."

As humans materialistics, and the finer thing in life that are in comparison to the lower class items that are put off to have a lower quality is what we desire to have Hearing exactly what you want to hear by the company of the exact product that you want to earn, only makes the push to get it a harder one. Propagandist are overly aware of this, that’s why they use the magical tool to inspire to buy. Watching commercials, or observing ads of a product that you personally would desire influences you to feel comfortable with purchasing, and subside the guilt that you felt before, and the guilt that will return once the product does not do you any good. Propaganda is the blame for People all over the world spending their money on items they don’t even need.
Whenever I was television I usually turn, or mute the channel whenever a commercial comes on, because it take away from my eagerness to what was going on in the movie, or it anticipates me even more and I don’t like that feeling so I do the best that I can to ignore it, for some reason while I was watching the golden girls the other day and commercials came on I decided to watch, and there were all sort of advertising from coffee: there’s nothing like waking up with foldgers in your cup glittering generalization) maybe its maybeline: with he superstar Beyonce (Testimonial) Proactive: (everyone is using it bandwagon) just all types of propaganda was being used. There was this one ad for a cannon camera slogan : make your shot, a power shot. Unofrtunately it got me.
Lately I have been looking, and wanting a digital camera but don’t know which brand to go with. After watching television, and I noticed the repetition of the commercial, and in fact it was on every channel. I began to realize that I want that camera it has a wide screen, scanning from your computer abilities, 9 zoom in options, and plenty more. I know because I was convinced so well I went on the internet and found out more about it, and matter of factly this Thursday I am going to buy it I just cant wait. I was going tot wait until Christmas, because I told my mom that I wanted a digital camera, and told her that I really didn’t care the brand just as long as it worked well, but no cannon has my vote and Im going for their latest camera.
My point here is that propaganda has one me over once again. I have been wanting a camera but I was willing to wait, and at that I didn’t know which one to get, but after watching and seeing the ad for that specific camera on almost every channel hat I flipped to my mind has been made up, and I have been won over by a glittering generalization. Who knows if that camera will make all my shot a power one, who knows if I go spend the two hundred dollars on it and it dosent break down the following week. Well we don’t know, but what we do know is that no matter what happens the company has their money, and propagandist has done their hob once agan!
Halina Nafey
I absolutely agree with Ms. McClintock that we are being victimized and brainwashed by advertisers. The advertising industry is a very powerful and deceptive industry, which bombard every minute of our lives with their ads. Most of us might not realize this, but advertisers are playing mind games with us. When I first came to the United States, I was going shopping every time I saw an ad on television. I was blown away by all those fancy and computer generated ads. At the time, I was not working, and my hobby was to find out which store has sale, so I could go shopping. My poor husband would come tired from work, and as soon as he got home, I would take him back out shopping. He always told me that those sales mean nothing, but I would not listen. It took me a year to realize that the advertisers have gained control of my live without me knowing it. Later, I noticed that every day there was a sale in Macy’s. I noted that Macy’s semiannual sale, or Macy’s biggest sale of the year never ends. I was a very easy target. I was being manipulated by most of these false advertisements, which is created by latest technology. After reading the handout, I noticed that I am still being controlled by advertisers though I thought I beat them, and I was no longer a victim. Every time, I see something cool on TV, I would just go to store and buy it. Most of the times, I do not even need the product, but I am afraid that it might run out, and I will be the only one left without it. It is sad to observe that even my six years old son is being a victim of these advertisers. He already owns a PSP, PS2, and Nintendo DS, but since he saw the WII system commercial, he has been driving me crazy to buy him WII gaming system. I will buy him WII for his birthday, but I am afraid that next year some other new gaming system will hit the market, and then I have to buy him that. I do not know how long it would take him to realize that he is brainwashed by advertisers.
In short, the only way to beat the advertisement companies is Knowledge. Knowledge will help us fight back these shopping urges, and take control of our live. I am working on taking control of my live, and I hope other victims also find a way to fight back these adverting companies.

Almost all televison commercials are advertisements on certain products that would be eye catching to a person. I am fairly susceptible to some of the advertisements. I'm not much of an easy target. I admit I have purchased products because the advertising strategies were appealing. You never know what will work best for you, unless you try out different types of products. Somethings that have been advertised won me over and some have not.

The hair dyes Nice N' Easy has always appealed to me. In their commercials they say you will experience long lasting color, more shine, and your hair wont dry out. The type of propaganda they use is glittering generalities. Most of what they say about the dye isnt confusing to understand. The name of the dye would be appealing to some and one might think it means it is nice and easy to use. I like the hair dye it does turn out pretty well and it comes in a big bottle.

Neutrogena face wash is always advertised in a commercial with a celebrity shown using it. They say it will cleanse the face, prevent blackheads/pimples, and prevent future breakouts. This is another commercial that was appealing to me. Testimonial is the propaganda being used in the commercials.

The garnier fructis shampoo comercials were never appealing to me. They say the shampoo will fix unmanageable hair and leave it with a nice shine. The propaganda they use is plain folks. The commercials show ordinary people with messy hair and once they use the shampoo their hair is nice and straight.

Overall advertising is everywhere around us. It isn't bad being susceptible to it. There will always be eye catching and bornig advertisements. Trying out the different products will help you see what you like the best.
Seonhea Koo

Pre-reading Journal Entry
I consider myself a “hard sell” because I usually think many times before I make decisions. I can’t remember any product I purchased because of advertising strategies; however, I can remember an advertisement that has a strong impact on me. “Think Different,” the slogan for Apple computer, made me think differently about the company and remained in my mind for a long time. The advertiser’s tactic worked on me.

Writing Assignments Using a Journal Entry as a Starting Point

I consider myself a “hard sell” that is quite immune to advertising ploys that appeal to my emotion because I usually think many times before I make decisions. I am an old, skeptical person rather than young and vulnerable. However, even though I can’t remember any product I purchased because of advertising strategies, I do remember an advertisement that has a strong impact on me. “Think Different,” the slogan for Apple computer, made me think differently about the company and remained in my mind for a long time. The advertiser’s tactic worked on me.

The first time I saw the Apple advertisement was on billboards in SF. They were beautiful black and white portraits of significant historical people of the past, including Albert Einstein, Bob Dylan, Martin Luther King, Jr., Thomas Edison, Maria Callas, Mahatma Gandhi, Amelia Earhart, Alfred Hitchcock, Martha Graham. This innovative people are known worldwide and that’s the one of the reasons the advertisement grabbled my attention. In the overwhelming picture on the billboards, they put the slogan “Think Different” in one corner and the small Apple logo in the other corner with no reference to the company’s products. The fine images of innovative people and the simple slogan intrigued me. Later, I watched their TV commercial “Crazy Ones” and, the narrated text made me ponder about “what is the difference between innovative ideas and normal, conventional thinking?” Moreover, I was saturated by their purpose of advertisement that Apple has innovative idea and products like the genius people they were using. After I read the essay of Ann McClintock, I realized they used Transfer tactic by associating their value with symbols most people admire. In some ways, they used significant historical people’s image as a Testimonial tactic by putting Apple’s image in the same position with them. The historical people were unique and different in their time and helped change the world, this is same purpose that Apple trying to achieve.

The billboards were very simple and there were no persuasive images or information about products. Their simple design and slogan, their unfinished order, suggested to me to think about the meaning of their innovative ideas. It attracted me and I was won over by effective advertising strategies since I now have a good impression of Apple computer; they are unique and trustworthy like the significant historical people they paid tribute to. Apple’s advertisement worked because it appealed to my mind, not to my old, skeptical emotion.

* Apple used this slogan from 1997 to 2002

I am certainly no easy target when it comes to numerous attempts of advertising. I am simply not swayed one way or another by commercial ads and advertising tactics that do not have your best interest at heart. It’s just another form of keeping you in debt. My approach is that I tend to look at the greater scheme of things: “Is this something I really need, and a good deal”? Or, is this just another advertising ploy that I simply have no use for? I don’t feed into the one day sale, ½ off antics. Most of the time I purchase items as I need them online at reduced prices on discounted websites.

The minute a television commercial flashes across the screen, I change the channel or simply leave the room. With the new luxury of having a DVR, I record all of my preferred programs and skip over the commercials altogether. Nine times out of 10, more recently ten times out of ten, I have no knowledge of the most popular ads that most people can recite verbatim.

Billboards? This glittering generality technique can’t even persuade me to look in that direction. And if for some reason it does catch my eye, it’s because of my admiration for the art and not the product being pitched. The same applies to sales and commercial radio ads. Perhaps my opinion stems from my boredom with the endless propaganda attempts we are exposed to on a daily basis.

I cannot recall one instance where a bandwagon or plain folks tactic has convinced me to adhere to what was being pitched. I may bite for that moment in time where a luxury car commercial comes on and the car is attractive, loaded with new features and presented at a great price, but the minute the commercial is over I don’t give it any second thought. Maybe for most individuals these approaches had the ability to win them over, but for me I am more of a ration thinker than an emotional one.
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Propaganda Response

Chesi brown

In the media I’ve noticed, in recent movies and television, that the intentions of the advertising company are geared towards making a lot of sales. The items that they are advertising are extremely high in price. The ipod, sidekick cell phone, and the biggest video game in history the Wee, are just to name of few.
The advertising company’s are making these items seem necessary to have, to kids and sometimes adults. Last week my daughter was watching television and a commercial came on, it was Hana Montana. In a promotion for Sony, she stated that only her real fans will own a Hana Montana flat screen T.V. (Testimonial) My daughter, being a fan of Hana Montana, now feels that having a Hana Montana flat screen will make her more of a fan.
Now with my child wanting the T.V from seeing this advertisement, the next step is a store, like Wal-Mart, putting that same T.V. on sale during the holiday season. This is another example on how advertising is very powerful. Even the stores push persuasive advertisement to reinforce the affect the manufacture’s ads, have on consumers.
I must admit I have bitten into the propaganda trap. I’ve been wanting a new JVC T.V. deck in my car. The cost of this T.V/Radio is more then 1,000 dollars, and is very expensive. There are other T.V./radio decks I can buy, but they do not cost as much as this name brand. JVC deck which is known to have the best quality and most popularity, is one of the big reasons why I’m hooked in, and drawn in by the propaganda. This deck in particular has all the features I’d enjoy, but it’s still no different than any other deck on the market except for the name.
most people love colthes,shoes,hats,car,and houses. Most people are so meterialistic. When you see a brand spanking new car you got the money whats next to go head and get it right. i understand what it means to want and to need something. The testimoninal come from celebbrity named john lynch is a football player for the denver broncos. Every time the denver broncos play a commerical come on about H D. I have friend who love the denver broncos. He also lovers football and john lynch too. MY friend cant help himself he gotta go get a broncos hat, broncos jersy i mean all out. My freiend is very meterailistc and that makes him very sucseptible to propganda. Im not susceptible to propganda and the way they try to get you im very immune. If i have money then i will save it if i dont need it then why get it. Nothing can make me do anthing if i dont want to if i wnat it then i will go buy it on my own. Propganda is very strong and the use of it to, but like my mother says"you gotta stick to your guns"
I definitely argued with the Ann McClintock. Yes, we affected by the propaganda tactic of companies using to sale their products. For instance, I watched, a TV –commercial of Macy yesterday. They advertized a pair of pants as a best quality and a cost of 89 dollars. Two days later, after I bought the pair of pants Ross Company advertized the same brand for 50 dollars. I was brainwashed by the propaganda of Macy commercial. I am wondering whom to we are going to believe .Yes, we are victims of commercial propaganda in our daily life.
I definitely argued with the Ann McClintock. Yes, we affected by the propaganda tactic of companies using to sale their products. For instance, I watched, a TV –commercial of Macy yesterday. They advertized a pair of pants as a best quality and a cost of 89 dollars. Two days later, after I bought the pair of pants Ross Company advertized the same brand for 50 dollars. I was brainwashed by the propaganda of Macy commercial. I am wondering whom to we are going to believe .Yes, we are victims of commercial propaganda in our daily life
I definitely argued with the Ann McClintock. Yes, we affected by the propaganda tactic of companies using to sale their products. For instance, I watched, a TV –commercial of Macy yesterday. They advertized a pair of pants as a best quality and a cost of 89 dollars. Two days later, after I bought the pair of pants Ross Company advertized the same brand for 50 dollars. I was brainwashed by the propaganda of Macy commercial. I am wondering whom to we are going to believe .Yes, we are victims of commercial propaganda in our daily life
Jonathan Munoz

I believe that appealing propaganda can sell anything. Propagandists use many different ways to attract a buyer or anyone willing to buy anything. As a society, we are constantly bombarded with advertisements and these advertisements appeal to our emotions rather than the logical part of our mind. Due to the craftiness of these advertisers, our society can become appealed to anything that may be trendy or in style. A lot of times, our society looks to our celebrities to see what is hot. And these propagandists bombard us with thheir trendy commercials. If only our socety could see past the biases and generalizations made by the media, our american way would be different. Maybe our nation would be more in unison rather than disoriented. Propagandists certainly use different methods to appeal to the buyer. A lot of times, they put limits on the product. For example, some retailers say: This offer will only go on through wednesday, and then the price of this item will rise again. all of these tactics used by the propagandists are effective since the buyer is not to think rationally, but rather emotionally. There are 7 mathods of propaganda used through out advertising: Name Calling, Glittering Generalization, Transfer, Testimonial, Plain Folks, Card Stacking, and Bandwagon.

A lot of times "name calling" is used in political debates. Glittering Generalizations are assumptions made by propagandists to let them think for you and justify that the generalization is true. Transfer is used to raise the image of a product equal to the of the other product of theme. Testimonial is when advertisers use celebrities to endorse their product. Plain folk is used with political campaigns. The politicaan tries to relate with the people by saying he is like you or me. Card Stacking is when advertisers use propaganda to lie or say half-truths to sell their products. Riding the bandwagon is the last method used; it is applies to what the crowd is doing. For example, if everyone has an ipod, that means that i need one and so do you since everyone else has one. Propaganda is a very useful tool used to influence a person. And we have to look past the lies and see into the truth of the matter.
I definitely argued with the Ann McClintock. Yes, we affected by the propaganda tactic of companies using to sale their products. For instance, I watched, a TV –commercial of Macy yesterday. They advertized a pair of pants as a best quality and a cost of 89 dollars. Two days later, after I bought the pair of pants Ross Company advertized the same brand for 50 dollars. I was brainwashed by the propaganda of Macy commercial. I am wondering whom to we are going to believe .Yes, we are victims of commercial propaganda in our daily life .
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