Thursday, November 29, 2007
Research Essay
Today a few students dropped by with their essays on a disk or jump drive. I told students in the Writing Center lab looking over their essays one more time that they could turn them in Monday, Dec. 3 if they needed a little extra time. Other assignments haven't ceased and students still have to keep up but I want you to be happy with the essay you turn in. If for any reason, you have not gotten a response on your midterm or do not have a grade yet, make certain that we go over your essay so that you can revise it. To pass the class you have to pass the midterm.
Evolution of a Revolutionary Cyber-Assignments
Next week in both classes we will finish Jasmine Guy and do a series of cyber essay responses on themes from the book. This package of about 5-7 short writings (250 words each) will be included in your portfolio. You will have a response to post daily for the next seven days: Monday, Dec. 3-Monday, Dec. 10.
I will give you an in-class essay assignment on a current event issue related to themes covered this semester the last day of class. Both classes will only have 50 minutes to write it. We'll do this Wednesday, Dec. 12.
Dinner Party
Thursday, Dec. 14 we are going to Delancy Street Restaurant in San Francisco for an end of the semester dinner party. More on this later. I need to know who can come so I can make reservations.
On the day of the final students will present their social entrepreneur papers.
Portfolio Checklist
You will find out more about this later. Next week, I will give you a portfolio check-list. I will post it here also, probably Friday, so look for it.
The McClintock essay responses to the pre-writing topic and the 250 word response to one of the essay questions at the end of the essay on propaganda is to be posted no later than Tuesday, Dec. 4. I have given you a separate place to post. It is also dated Nov. 29. Look for it and post your essay and pre-writing response there, not here.
Evolution of a Revolutionary Cyber-Assignments
Next week in both classes we will finish Jasmine Guy and do a series of cyber essay responses on themes from the book. This package of about 5-7 short writings (250 words each) will be included in your portfolio. You will have a response to post daily for the next seven days: Monday, Dec. 3-Monday, Dec. 10.
I will give you an in-class essay assignment on a current event issue related to themes covered this semester the last day of class. Both classes will only have 50 minutes to write it. We'll do this Wednesday, Dec. 12.
Dinner Party
Thursday, Dec. 14 we are going to Delancy Street Restaurant in San Francisco for an end of the semester dinner party. More on this later. I need to know who can come so I can make reservations.
On the day of the final students will present their social entrepreneur papers.
Portfolio Checklist
You will find out more about this later. Next week, I will give you a portfolio check-list. I will post it here also, probably Friday, so look for it.
The McClintock essay responses to the pre-writing topic and the 250 word response to one of the essay questions at the end of the essay on propaganda is to be posted no later than Tuesday, Dec. 4. I have given you a separate place to post. It is also dated Nov. 29. Look for it and post your essay and pre-writing response there, not here.