Monday, December 03, 2007


Afternoon class 1-3

The afternoon class was small, but we had a great time analyzing several of Tupac's poems to see if they used inductive or deductive reasoning. Students present please post your syllogisms and arguments here. We also watched the Revision Strategies video. I let students go early so that they could start their homework based on the Jasmine Guy book. It is listed below. Remember, post all 5 essay responses there. You can also respond to each other's essays. This will be our cyber discussion of the book.

If you haven't finished your research essay, and you haven't spoken to me. Please do so.

I printed out the assignment. If you want a copy check my mail slot by L-236 (my office).

Hearths That Make Hearths Break(Tupac's poem)
Jessica and Debbie
We think that our peom is inductive. The poem talks about how the heart can get easily broken by many different ways and reasons. The heart can get broken by people being selfish. Another way that the heart can get broken is by being lonely, people that lie and offend,like personal statements.
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