Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Final Days, Portfolio Narrative Assignment edited 12/12/07
The portfolio narratives (These are essays)
1. The narrative will look at the 18 weeks, the themes we looked at this semester, the poetics of hip hop and Tupac Shakur. Talk about what you've learned and discovered this semester about writing and yourself, college and life, which have transformed or changed you.
What have you learned about yourself this semester? What have you learned about the discipline you are studying here: reading and writing that you plan to carry forth into your lifelong pursuit of learning.
Please also comment on the texts and whether or not they were helpful in this process. You can also talk about the instruction, culture of the class and the teacher.
2. The second part of the narrative looks at the writing process and what you have been learning about yourself as a writer. Take two essays and talk about the planning, research and revision strategies you used. It helps to choose an early paper and compare to a later paper. Often you can more easily see the differences in your writing and a better example of mastery of certain concepts. Also discuss skills you need to improve and how you plan to address that.
Besides the two essays, I also want you to include the midterm essay and research essay, also the Byron Hurt essay or it's substitute. We will work on the narratives together next week, Monday, Dec. 10, in the Writing Lab. We will meet in the smaller lab, L-235.
You have a copy of the assigned essays this semester. The check-list is the same with grades posted next to the assignment. We will look at this the last day of class. Our final for the 8-9 a.m. class is Friday, Dec. 21, at 8 a.m. We will meet in the Writing Center, L-235. If you need technology, let me know next week.
Extra credit essay
The extra credit essay assignment will be posted to the blog by next week so you can read the prompt in advance. You will have 50 minutes to write the essay. This essay can replace the Hip Hop essay if the grade is higher or just serve as more practice. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE THE EXAM.
Note: Wednesday, Dec. 12, I asked students to revise one of the essay responses to Evolution of a Revolutionary in the early class. The afternoon class wrote an essay in response to the Maria Teresa Leal story in the New Heroes video series narrated by Robert Redford. For the afternoon class, none were written well enough to replace another assignment.
Additional narrative considerations for the portfolio essay:
The second essay has students look at the writing process and discuss their own writing process: the topics chosen, the information used, revision strategies, writing as a process. This should include a definition of the difference between editing and revising and a value statement on the place for both in composition.
I am really interested in discourse about audience and how that shapes or determines how the writer approaches her topic.
I am also interested in discussion of the revision process, and whether or not seeing writing as a work in progress or a draft, liberates or stagnates the creative process. (Students are to use examples from their writing to illustrate these points.)
I'd also like students to think about and give at three specific ways how they have grown as writers and thinkers this semester. Each essay should be minimally 1-2 pages (250-500 words).
Grade Justification
What grade do you think you earned in the course? If you have a strong argument with proof: graded work. I will consider it.
Your essay and the attached copy of a completed grading sheet are the evidence.
Do you have any questions about writing or anything else?
Teacher Research
Can I use you writing in teacher research projects? I will give you full credit and inform you of its use. Indicate Yes or No. Please circle one.
In a third response evaluate the semester: teacher, textbooks, assignments, methodology, etc. Please be frank and feel free to offer suggestions.
Portfolio due date
Your portfolios are due Friday, Dec. 21 the day of the final. They are to be digitized. No exceptions. The only paper copies are the freewrites. Do not give me your originals. I can make copies, if you can’t.
1. The narrative will look at the 18 weeks, the themes we looked at this semester, the poetics of hip hop and Tupac Shakur. Talk about what you've learned and discovered this semester about writing and yourself, college and life, which have transformed or changed you.
What have you learned about yourself this semester? What have you learned about the discipline you are studying here: reading and writing that you plan to carry forth into your lifelong pursuit of learning.
Please also comment on the texts and whether or not they were helpful in this process. You can also talk about the instruction, culture of the class and the teacher.
2. The second part of the narrative looks at the writing process and what you have been learning about yourself as a writer. Take two essays and talk about the planning, research and revision strategies you used. It helps to choose an early paper and compare to a later paper. Often you can more easily see the differences in your writing and a better example of mastery of certain concepts. Also discuss skills you need to improve and how you plan to address that.
Besides the two essays, I also want you to include the midterm essay and research essay, also the Byron Hurt essay or it's substitute. We will work on the narratives together next week, Monday, Dec. 10, in the Writing Lab. We will meet in the smaller lab, L-235.
You have a copy of the assigned essays this semester. The check-list is the same with grades posted next to the assignment. We will look at this the last day of class. Our final for the 8-9 a.m. class is Friday, Dec. 21, at 8 a.m. We will meet in the Writing Center, L-235. If you need technology, let me know next week.
Extra credit essay
The extra credit essay assignment will be posted to the blog by next week so you can read the prompt in advance. You will have 50 minutes to write the essay. This essay can replace the Hip Hop essay if the grade is higher or just serve as more practice. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE THE EXAM.
Note: Wednesday, Dec. 12, I asked students to revise one of the essay responses to Evolution of a Revolutionary in the early class. The afternoon class wrote an essay in response to the Maria Teresa Leal story in the New Heroes video series narrated by Robert Redford. For the afternoon class, none were written well enough to replace another assignment.
Additional narrative considerations for the portfolio essay:
The second essay has students look at the writing process and discuss their own writing process: the topics chosen, the information used, revision strategies, writing as a process. This should include a definition of the difference between editing and revising and a value statement on the place for both in composition.
I am really interested in discourse about audience and how that shapes or determines how the writer approaches her topic.
I am also interested in discussion of the revision process, and whether or not seeing writing as a work in progress or a draft, liberates or stagnates the creative process. (Students are to use examples from their writing to illustrate these points.)
I'd also like students to think about and give at three specific ways how they have grown as writers and thinkers this semester. Each essay should be minimally 1-2 pages (250-500 words).
Grade Justification
What grade do you think you earned in the course? If you have a strong argument with proof: graded work. I will consider it.
Your essay and the attached copy of a completed grading sheet are the evidence.
Do you have any questions about writing or anything else?
Teacher Research
Can I use you writing in teacher research projects? I will give you full credit and inform you of its use. Indicate Yes or No. Please circle one.
In a third response evaluate the semester: teacher, textbooks, assignments, methodology, etc. Please be frank and feel free to offer suggestions.
Portfolio due date
Your portfolios are due Friday, Dec. 21 the day of the final. They are to be digitized. No exceptions. The only paper copies are the freewrites. Do not give me your originals. I can make copies, if you can’t.