Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Cyber-Assignment: How to Mark a Book
Post your response to the questions of form, questions of content, and respond to one question in a paragraph.
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Theresa Smith March 7,2008 English 201A 10-11 Mortimer J Alder
How to Mark in a Book
Questions of Content
1. Alder’s say’s you should mark up a book only if it is yours, but not if it belongs to some one else like a Liberian because the next person will not be able to read through your notes. You need to mark in your book in order to get the full reading time, marking in your books helps you put ideas that pop up in your mind on paper, also marking up your book will help you stay on track and when you get tired of reading, if you marked in your book you can go back to where you started.
Questions of form
1. Marking in your book is good for the brain; it makes your reading active you also get more involved with the author and his view points. You can leave marking on your essay it is like a tore guide, think of a question about the essay if you marked in it you can go back easily without having to read the passage or essay again. You can put notes in your own words on the side of the paper to read the essay faster. Doing this will make your reading skills pick up and you will learn to read fluently and accurately.
2. The two draw backs from marking a book is your reading will slow down. You will have to stop what you are reading and take notes; you have to put sticky on the passage. Or just by rereading the material so that you could get a full understanding. Yes Alder placed the draw backs in an appropriate place in the essay. Alder explains well why you should mark up a book
Suggestion for Writing
This is a response to the essay I just read about, the essay was written by Mortimer J Alder on how to mark a book. I find what he expresses in this essay is real and important because no matter how short or long the passage or essay is you will have to mark in the book. Taking notes will help you and it will build a connection with you an author and what he is talking about. For example once you begin to mark in the book it will become a good study guide for you, it will help with the speeding of your reading and. You can also establish a good vocabulary list for yourself and your records which will become useful when you are writing an essay yourself.
How to Mark in a Book
Questions of Content
1. Alder’s say’s you should mark up a book only if it is yours, but not if it belongs to some one else like a Liberian because the next person will not be able to read through your notes. You need to mark in your book in order to get the full reading time, marking in your books helps you put ideas that pop up in your mind on paper, also marking up your book will help you stay on track and when you get tired of reading, if you marked in your book you can go back to where you started.
Questions of form
1. Marking in your book is good for the brain; it makes your reading active you also get more involved with the author and his view points. You can leave marking on your essay it is like a tore guide, think of a question about the essay if you marked in it you can go back easily without having to read the passage or essay again. You can put notes in your own words on the side of the paper to read the essay faster. Doing this will make your reading skills pick up and you will learn to read fluently and accurately.
2. The two draw backs from marking a book is your reading will slow down. You will have to stop what you are reading and take notes; you have to put sticky on the passage. Or just by rereading the material so that you could get a full understanding. Yes Alder placed the draw backs in an appropriate place in the essay. Alder explains well why you should mark up a book
Suggestion for Writing
This is a response to the essay I just read about, the essay was written by Mortimer J Alder on how to mark a book. I find what he expresses in this essay is real and important because no matter how short or long the passage or essay is you will have to mark in the book. Taking notes will help you and it will build a connection with you an author and what he is talking about. For example once you begin to mark in the book it will become a good study guide for you, it will help with the speeding of your reading and. You can also establish a good vocabulary list for yourself and your records which will become useful when you are writing an essay yourself.
Chesi Brown
English 201B
Instructor: Ms. Sabir
March 9, 2008
1.Why does Adler think it is fine to mark-up a book of your own
a)When you own it.
b)When you write in it, it’s out of love.
c)Hopeful it’s less then a dollar.
2.How many kinds of books owners are there? Which kind does Adler clearly thinks is best? What is your opinon.
a)Standard set and best-sellers unread and on touched.
b)Owns a lot of books, but few of them are read through. Some are read a little like they read one chapter, and you can tell, because the book looks new like the pages have never been touch.
c) Owns a lot of books , and has read them more the once. You can tell the that the owner of the book is interested in reading the book, because the page are about to fall out. Like the book has been read to many times.
d. I think that Adler makes a gook point because books that I don’t read tends to look new. Books I have read or certain part in a book that I love. Are always highlighted or crumbley from me turn the pages so much.
3.What are three useful of results of making in a book when reading it? Which do you think matters most?
a)It keep you awake when reading.
b)If it is active, is thining, and thinking tends to express itslf in words spoken or written.
c)Writing help you remember the thought you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.
I.I think writing helps me remember a thought I might have. Or a main point a need to go back and look at. Sometime I forget where that point is an this help me find it.
4.How can writing in a book result in a “conversation” with its author?
a)When you are listening to an author you start to visualize and feeling the t characters as if it was you, some one you know, or something that just interest you a lot. When reading sometime you disagree with the author point of view, (this is known as in argument) this is like you are having a conversation. In your head you’re saying one thing, and the author is saying another. The art of understanding the author point is a conversation with out words being said verbally.
5. Beginning with paragraph 16, Adler describe how he marks a book; which one of his techniques seems most useful to you and why?
a) Underlining; of major point, of important or forceful statement. Would have to be my favorite choice.
I. The reason why I chose this one is particularly because it helps me remember something that is important on my topic. A word that I might not know, I can highlight and go back and look up the definition. Or it might be an answer that I need.
English 201B
Instructor: Ms. Sabir
March 9, 2008
1.Why does Adler think it is fine to mark-up a book of your own
a)When you own it.
b)When you write in it, it’s out of love.
c)Hopeful it’s less then a dollar.
2.How many kinds of books owners are there? Which kind does Adler clearly thinks is best? What is your opinon.
a)Standard set and best-sellers unread and on touched.
b)Owns a lot of books, but few of them are read through. Some are read a little like they read one chapter, and you can tell, because the book looks new like the pages have never been touch.
c) Owns a lot of books , and has read them more the once. You can tell the that the owner of the book is interested in reading the book, because the page are about to fall out. Like the book has been read to many times.
d. I think that Adler makes a gook point because books that I don’t read tends to look new. Books I have read or certain part in a book that I love. Are always highlighted or crumbley from me turn the pages so much.
3.What are three useful of results of making in a book when reading it? Which do you think matters most?
a)It keep you awake when reading.
b)If it is active, is thining, and thinking tends to express itslf in words spoken or written.
c)Writing help you remember the thought you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.
I.I think writing helps me remember a thought I might have. Or a main point a need to go back and look at. Sometime I forget where that point is an this help me find it.
4.How can writing in a book result in a “conversation” with its author?
a)When you are listening to an author you start to visualize and feeling the t characters as if it was you, some one you know, or something that just interest you a lot. When reading sometime you disagree with the author point of view, (this is known as in argument) this is like you are having a conversation. In your head you’re saying one thing, and the author is saying another. The art of understanding the author point is a conversation with out words being said verbally.
5. Beginning with paragraph 16, Adler describe how he marks a book; which one of his techniques seems most useful to you and why?
a) Underlining; of major point, of important or forceful statement. Would have to be my favorite choice.
I. The reason why I chose this one is particularly because it helps me remember something that is important on my topic. A word that I might not know, I can highlight and go back and look up the definition. Or it might be an answer that I need.
Chesi Brown
English 201B
Instructor: Ms. Sabir
March 9, 2008
Writing and essay in which you discuss the values of Adler’s advice for a student in a subject or course other than English.
In humanities there is a lot of reading. The chapter varies from thirty to forty pages a piece. With word that are unbelievably hard, even for Dyson! With all this in mind she is expecting you to two questions or observation about the chapter that is assigned.
The trouble that a lot of the student seem to have, is “what is a good question,” when you barely understand what you are reading or ever thing you reading seem to be a fact and you can’t ask question. I can you observe what you reading when your writing exactly what in the book, in failure of understanding. The purpose of this assign meant is to it in your own words, and it seems impossible.
Adler’s advice for a student is very helpful for me. It kind of gave me a better understanding with his methods. It mostly helps me find a way to be more organized with the way I take notes. With his methods I have learned new ways to handle reading and keep tract of what I need. Always write in my book when a here something that pertain to the subject or a question I might need to answer. Make sure I own the book before I write in it. Focus on argument or disagreement/agreement with the author to have a connection, or conversation. Finally, it is so important to write down something like a word or a definition because writing it down will help you remember it.
English 201B
Instructor: Ms. Sabir
March 9, 2008
Writing and essay in which you discuss the values of Adler’s advice for a student in a subject or course other than English.
In humanities there is a lot of reading. The chapter varies from thirty to forty pages a piece. With word that are unbelievably hard, even for Dyson! With all this in mind she is expecting you to two questions or observation about the chapter that is assigned.
The trouble that a lot of the student seem to have, is “what is a good question,” when you barely understand what you are reading or ever thing you reading seem to be a fact and you can’t ask question. I can you observe what you reading when your writing exactly what in the book, in failure of understanding. The purpose of this assign meant is to it in your own words, and it seems impossible.
Adler’s advice for a student is very helpful for me. It kind of gave me a better understanding with his methods. It mostly helps me find a way to be more organized with the way I take notes. With his methods I have learned new ways to handle reading and keep tract of what I need. Always write in my book when a here something that pertain to the subject or a question I might need to answer. Make sure I own the book before I write in it. Focus on argument or disagreement/agreement with the author to have a connection, or conversation. Finally, it is so important to write down something like a word or a definition because writing it down will help you remember it.
English 201, 10-12
How to Mark a Book
Suggestions for Writing
1.Write one paragraph in which you discuss the value of Adler’s advice for a student in a subject or course other than English.
I want to discuss the value of Adler’s advice for the Bible reading. Since the Bible is a book that reveals God and his world which is not in sight physically, it “raises and tries to answer great fundamental questions” like Dr. Adler’s other great books. Because the Bible is a letter from God to us who lives daily actual life, when we have made it a part of ourselves, we could listen to his words personally. I totally agree to the author’s point that “reading a book should be a conversation between you and the author,” and for the reason, “marking a book is literally an expression of your differences, or agreements of opinion, with the author” (378). Specially for the daily Bible reading, when we marking up a book to find who is God and how he related to his people, it made us to focus to learn His personality and His purpose of writing this letter to us today instead of pull out an objective moral lesson. Through daily personal conversation with God which comes from intensive, active reading, we can learn and experience his concealed but ready to reveal world to who want to know God today.
How to Mark a Book
Suggestions for Writing
1.Write one paragraph in which you discuss the value of Adler’s advice for a student in a subject or course other than English.
I want to discuss the value of Adler’s advice for the Bible reading. Since the Bible is a book that reveals God and his world which is not in sight physically, it “raises and tries to answer great fundamental questions” like Dr. Adler’s other great books. Because the Bible is a letter from God to us who lives daily actual life, when we have made it a part of ourselves, we could listen to his words personally. I totally agree to the author’s point that “reading a book should be a conversation between you and the author,” and for the reason, “marking a book is literally an expression of your differences, or agreements of opinion, with the author” (378). Specially for the daily Bible reading, when we marking up a book to find who is God and how he related to his people, it made us to focus to learn His personality and His purpose of writing this letter to us today instead of pull out an objective moral lesson. Through daily personal conversation with God which comes from intensive, active reading, we can learn and experience his concealed but ready to reveal world to who want to know God today.
Sophia Andrews
1) Why does Alder think it is fine to mark up a book of your own?
According to Alder when making marks as you go when reading something, under the circumstances that the reading is yours, this helps to keep you awake (literally). However if the reading belongs to someone eslse, don’t chicken scratch in the book itself, but always have a pen/paper, and a notebook handy to make notes to reassure you reading during and after you have read it. He also says that marked books are books that have actually been understood, and thought through for a genuine undersatning of what the authro was trying to say. Last but not least according to the thoery of Alder writing helps for you to remember the thoughts you had/ the thoughts that the author expressed.
2) How many kinds of book owners are there? Which kind does alder clearly think is best?
There are three kinds of boo owners, the first has all the standard sets, and best sellers that are al untouched. The second as a number of books only a few of then read, and thought through, but still shiny and clean, and the third is the best , the one who may own few books but they are dogged eared by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back.
What is your oppinion?
I agree with Alder, writing in a book that you are reading whether it belong to you or not honestly, I have learned that it truly does help you to understand the topic a lot more.
3) What are three usefull results of marking in a book, when reading it?
Marking in a book has extremely positive affects, and results for one it keeps you awake. And when I say waske I mean both ways literally and it keeps the subject of the reading live, and awken. It also helps you to develop further ideas and questions that can help you to receive a much stronger understanding of the topic. And just as when you are having a conversation with someone in order to understand you must listen actively it is the same when you are reading marking helps for you to listen actively, which will help you to understand a lot better
4) How can writing ina book result in a converstion with the author?
When writing with you rhand it brings forth ideas, and thoughts to you mind that develop further thoughts and ideas, says Alder “ understanding is a two way operation.” This is useful to help the reader get a better understanding of what the author is trying to say, althought the author will know more then you, if taking proper notes, and digging deep to try to receive a stronger understanding you will!
5) Circling key words is, and words that occur to be a bit challenging to understand. Words that you have to pull out a dictionary for. This is important to me, because it helps for me to be able to always refer to and read between th lines of what one paragraph or one sentence is trying to say.
1) Why does Alder think it is fine to mark up a book of your own?
According to Alder when making marks as you go when reading something, under the circumstances that the reading is yours, this helps to keep you awake (literally). However if the reading belongs to someone eslse, don’t chicken scratch in the book itself, but always have a pen/paper, and a notebook handy to make notes to reassure you reading during and after you have read it. He also says that marked books are books that have actually been understood, and thought through for a genuine undersatning of what the authro was trying to say. Last but not least according to the thoery of Alder writing helps for you to remember the thoughts you had/ the thoughts that the author expressed.
2) How many kinds of book owners are there? Which kind does alder clearly think is best?
There are three kinds of boo owners, the first has all the standard sets, and best sellers that are al untouched. The second as a number of books only a few of then read, and thought through, but still shiny and clean, and the third is the best , the one who may own few books but they are dogged eared by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back.
What is your oppinion?
I agree with Alder, writing in a book that you are reading whether it belong to you or not honestly, I have learned that it truly does help you to understand the topic a lot more.
3) What are three usefull results of marking in a book, when reading it?
Marking in a book has extremely positive affects, and results for one it keeps you awake. And when I say waske I mean both ways literally and it keeps the subject of the reading live, and awken. It also helps you to develop further ideas and questions that can help you to receive a much stronger understanding of the topic. And just as when you are having a conversation with someone in order to understand you must listen actively it is the same when you are reading marking helps for you to listen actively, which will help you to understand a lot better
4) How can writing ina book result in a converstion with the author?
When writing with you rhand it brings forth ideas, and thoughts to you mind that develop further thoughts and ideas, says Alder “ understanding is a two way operation.” This is useful to help the reader get a better understanding of what the author is trying to say, althought the author will know more then you, if taking proper notes, and digging deep to try to receive a stronger understanding you will!
5) Circling key words is, and words that occur to be a bit challenging to understand. Words that you have to pull out a dictionary for. This is important to me, because it helps for me to be able to always refer to and read between th lines of what one paragraph or one sentence is trying to say.
Dylan: How to mark in a book
1) What are three usefull results of marking in a book, when reading it?
Marking in a book has extremely positive affects, and results for one it keeps you awake. And when I say waske I mean both ways literally and it keeps the subject of the reading live, and awken. It also helps you to develop further ideas and questions that can help you to receive a much stronger understanding of the topic. And just as when you are having a conversation with someone in order to understand you must listen actively it is the same when you are reading marking helps for you to listen actively, which will help you to understand a lot better
2) Why does Alder think it is fine to mark up a book of your own?
According to Alder when making marks as you go when reading something, under the circumstances that the reading is yours, this helps to keep you awake (literally). However if the reading belongs to someone eslse, don’t chicken scratch in the book itself, but always have a pen/paper, and a notebook handy to make notes to reassure you reading during and after you have read it. He also says that marked books are books that have actually been understood, and thought through for a genuine undersatning of what the authro was trying to say. Last but not least according to the thoery of Alder writing helps for you to remember the thoughts you had/ the thoughts that the author expressed.
3) How many kinds of book owners are there? Which kind does alder clearly think is best?
There are three kinds of boo owners, the first has all the standard sets, and best sellers that are al untouched. The second as a number of books only a few of then read, and thought through, but still shiny and clean, and the third is the best , the one who may own few books but they are dogged eared by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back.
What is your oppinion?
I agree with Alder, writing in a book that you are reading. It's a better way of getting a graspe of what the concept really means.
4) Circling key words is, and words that occur to be a bit challenging to understand. Words that you have to pull out a dictionary for. This is important to me, because it helps for me to be able to always refer to and read between th lines of what one paragraph or one sentence is trying to say.
5) How can writing ina book result in a converstion with the author?
When writing with you rhand it brings forth ideas, and thoughts to you mind that develop further thoughts and ideas, says Alder “ understanding is a two way operation.” This is useful to help the reader get a better understanding of what the author is trying to say, althought the author will know more then you, if taking proper notes, and digging deep to try to receive a stronger understanding you will!
1) What are three usefull results of marking in a book, when reading it?
Marking in a book has extremely positive affects, and results for one it keeps you awake. And when I say waske I mean both ways literally and it keeps the subject of the reading live, and awken. It also helps you to develop further ideas and questions that can help you to receive a much stronger understanding of the topic. And just as when you are having a conversation with someone in order to understand you must listen actively it is the same when you are reading marking helps for you to listen actively, which will help you to understand a lot better
2) Why does Alder think it is fine to mark up a book of your own?
According to Alder when making marks as you go when reading something, under the circumstances that the reading is yours, this helps to keep you awake (literally). However if the reading belongs to someone eslse, don’t chicken scratch in the book itself, but always have a pen/paper, and a notebook handy to make notes to reassure you reading during and after you have read it. He also says that marked books are books that have actually been understood, and thought through for a genuine undersatning of what the authro was trying to say. Last but not least according to the thoery of Alder writing helps for you to remember the thoughts you had/ the thoughts that the author expressed.
3) How many kinds of book owners are there? Which kind does alder clearly think is best?
There are three kinds of boo owners, the first has all the standard sets, and best sellers that are al untouched. The second as a number of books only a few of then read, and thought through, but still shiny and clean, and the third is the best , the one who may own few books but they are dogged eared by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back.
What is your oppinion?
I agree with Alder, writing in a book that you are reading. It's a better way of getting a graspe of what the concept really means.
4) Circling key words is, and words that occur to be a bit challenging to understand. Words that you have to pull out a dictionary for. This is important to me, because it helps for me to be able to always refer to and read between th lines of what one paragraph or one sentence is trying to say.
5) How can writing ina book result in a converstion with the author?
When writing with you rhand it brings forth ideas, and thoughts to you mind that develop further thoughts and ideas, says Alder “ understanding is a two way operation.” This is useful to help the reader get a better understanding of what the author is trying to say, althought the author will know more then you, if taking proper notes, and digging deep to try to receive a stronger understanding you will!
Erik Del Nero
English 201 B
How to Mark a Book
Questions of Content
1. Why does Alder think it is a fine to mark up a book of your own? It is ok to mark up your own book because you don’t have to give it back to anyone.
2. How many kinds of book owners are there? Which kind does Alder think is best? What is your opinion? There are three kinds of book owners. The owner who owns all the best sellers. I totally agree with Alder.
3. What are the three useful results of marking a book when reading it? Which one do you think matters most? First it keeps you awake. Second it is the active of thinking and thinking tends to express itself in words spoken or written. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed. I think how it helps you stay awake.
4. How can writing in a book result in a conversation, which its author, as Adler claims? Why is such a conversation useful? It helps bring words and sometime sentences out before your brain can process them. This is useful because you may do this when you are studying for a test.
5. Beginning with paragraph 16, Adler describes how he marks a book; which one of his techniques seems most to you and why? Underlining to me is the best one because it helps me follow what I am trying to read.
Question of form
1. Which of his examples or allusions indicate that Adler wrote this essay over 50 years ago? What changes would you make to update the essay? How he used to mark his books. I’m not sure yet.
2. How does classification and comparison/contrast of book owners in paragraph 6 advance Adler’s argument? It tells you how different owners take care of their books.
3. Adler uses analogies in paragraph 4 and 8: what does he compare and how successful are these analogies in clarifying and supporting his points? Between the two paragraphs it is telling me how you can own a book.
4. Adler’s essay clearly claims policy; how would you summarize his claim, and what warrant related to reading books lies behind his claim? The way you should take care of a book.
5. Adler makes three concessions, where he admits to two drawbacks of marking up a book when reading it; what are they and how appropriate is his placement of them in the essay? One is when he was really tired. That one happened in the beginning. The other I could not find.
Overall, he seems lime a good author. I would not mind reading one of his books one day. Of what I read he gets straight to the point. I authors who get right to the point. This essay helped me a lot on how to mark a book when I need to.
English 201 B
How to Mark a Book
Questions of Content
1. Why does Alder think it is a fine to mark up a book of your own? It is ok to mark up your own book because you don’t have to give it back to anyone.
2. How many kinds of book owners are there? Which kind does Alder think is best? What is your opinion? There are three kinds of book owners. The owner who owns all the best sellers. I totally agree with Alder.
3. What are the three useful results of marking a book when reading it? Which one do you think matters most? First it keeps you awake. Second it is the active of thinking and thinking tends to express itself in words spoken or written. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed. I think how it helps you stay awake.
4. How can writing in a book result in a conversation, which its author, as Adler claims? Why is such a conversation useful? It helps bring words and sometime sentences out before your brain can process them. This is useful because you may do this when you are studying for a test.
5. Beginning with paragraph 16, Adler describes how he marks a book; which one of his techniques seems most to you and why? Underlining to me is the best one because it helps me follow what I am trying to read.
Question of form
1. Which of his examples or allusions indicate that Adler wrote this essay over 50 years ago? What changes would you make to update the essay? How he used to mark his books. I’m not sure yet.
2. How does classification and comparison/contrast of book owners in paragraph 6 advance Adler’s argument? It tells you how different owners take care of their books.
3. Adler uses analogies in paragraph 4 and 8: what does he compare and how successful are these analogies in clarifying and supporting his points? Between the two paragraphs it is telling me how you can own a book.
4. Adler’s essay clearly claims policy; how would you summarize his claim, and what warrant related to reading books lies behind his claim? The way you should take care of a book.
5. Adler makes three concessions, where he admits to two drawbacks of marking up a book when reading it; what are they and how appropriate is his placement of them in the essay? One is when he was really tired. That one happened in the beginning. The other I could not find.
Overall, he seems lime a good author. I would not mind reading one of his books one day. Of what I read he gets straight to the point. I authors who get right to the point. This essay helped me a lot on how to mark a book when I need to.
Questions of Content
1.Why does Adler think it is fine to mark up a book of your own?
Because of that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love.
2.How many kinds of book owners are there? Which kind does Adler clearly think is best? What is your opinion?
The first has all the standard sets best-seller - unread, untouched.
The second has a great many books - a few of them read throuth, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought.
The third has a few books or many – every one of then dog-eared and dilapidated shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back.
Adler clearly think third one is best.
My opinion is second one. Because I personally don’t like mark or scribble on the book.
3.What are three useful results of marking in a book when reading it? Which do you think matters most?
First, it keeps you wake.
Second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken or written. The marked book is usually the though – through book.
Third is writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.
I matters most is remember the thoughts.
4.How can writing in a book result in a “conversation” with its author, as Adler claims? Why is such a conversation useful?
Conversation between you and the author is to understand author’s think.
5.Beginning with paragraph 16 Adler describes how he marks a book;which one of one of his techniques seems most useful to you, and why?
Number 7. Because when writing in the margin for key words or short summery, it is helps me to understand when ever coming back to book.
Questions of Form
1.Book’s price. He said, “ Most of the world’s great books are available today, in reprint editions, at less than dollar.”
Suggestions for Writing
3. The ‘novel’ does not need to be marked in the book. Because novel is usually make up story by author. We don’t need to find out key wards or mark on it. When I read fiction I just fallow author’s story line. After finish reading a novel then I think what is author wants to tell in the book. So my opinion is we don’t need mark on novel.
1.Why does Adler think it is fine to mark up a book of your own?
Because of that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love.
2.How many kinds of book owners are there? Which kind does Adler clearly think is best? What is your opinion?
The first has all the standard sets best-seller - unread, untouched.
The second has a great many books - a few of them read throuth, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought.
The third has a few books or many – every one of then dog-eared and dilapidated shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back.
Adler clearly think third one is best.
My opinion is second one. Because I personally don’t like mark or scribble on the book.
3.What are three useful results of marking in a book when reading it? Which do you think matters most?
First, it keeps you wake.
Second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken or written. The marked book is usually the though – through book.
Third is writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.
I matters most is remember the thoughts.
4.How can writing in a book result in a “conversation” with its author, as Adler claims? Why is such a conversation useful?
Conversation between you and the author is to understand author’s think.
5.Beginning with paragraph 16 Adler describes how he marks a book;which one of one of his techniques seems most useful to you, and why?
Number 7. Because when writing in the margin for key words or short summery, it is helps me to understand when ever coming back to book.
Questions of Form
1.Book’s price. He said, “ Most of the world’s great books are available today, in reprint editions, at less than dollar.”
Suggestions for Writing
3. The ‘novel’ does not need to be marked in the book. Because novel is usually make up story by author. We don’t need to find out key wards or mark on it. When I read fiction I just fallow author’s story line. After finish reading a novel then I think what is author wants to tell in the book. So my opinion is we don’t need mark on novel.
Ammnah Babikir
Questions of Content:
1. Why does Adler think it is fine to mark up a book of your own? Adler says that there are two ways in which one can own a book. One way is by paying for it and the other is by writing in. Which you establish full ownership because when you write in your book, you make a part of you. He goes on to say that marking up a book is indispensable to reading it because 1. It keeps you awake consciously and wide awake 2. Reading it is active, it is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken and written. The book that is written in is usually closest analyzed, well thought- through. Writing also helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.
2. How many kinds of book owners are there? Which kind does Adler clearly think is best? What is your opinion? “There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the best-sellers-unread, untouched. (This delude individual owns wood pulp and ink, not books.) The second has a great many books- a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. (This person would probably like to make books his own, but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.) The third has a few books or many-every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back. (This man owns books.) The author clearly respects the third individual best. I do agree with Adler’s philosophy behind marking up books. I think that it does help engrave the material that the book has to offer its readers.
3. What are three useful results of marking in a book when reading it? Which do you think matters most?1. It keeps you awake consciously and wide awake 2. Reading it is active, it is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken and written. 3. The book that is written in is usually closest analyzed, well thought- through. Writing also helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed. All of these methods matter, they all connect to each other.
4. How can writing in a book result in “conversation” with its author, as Adler claims? Why is such a conversation useful? Because the author knows more about the book than you do. The reader may reach an alternate conclusion based on a different interpretation in which the book brought out prior to the author writing the book; or vice versa. The conversation is useful because it can reach beyond the bindings, glue, and threads that make up the book. it has the ability to shed new light into the mind of both the author and the reader. It allows the imagination to wander off creating new relms of reality.
5. Beginning with paragraph 16, Adler describes how he marks a book; which one of his techniques seems most useful to you, and why? 1,2, 4 , 5 ,6 , and 7.
Suggestions for Writing
1. Write a paragragh in which you discuss the value of Adler’s advice for a student in a subject or course other than English. For instance, annotating in a psychology book would be tremendously helpful. there are a lot of facts, famous phylosophers's names and techniques that have to be engraved in your mind in order to help you pass the class. I studied my notes and aced all of my tests and quizes which resulted in me getting an A in the course last semester. this was the ultimate result of me taking precise notes as best as I could and paying close attention to the material given.
Questions of Content:
1. Why does Adler think it is fine to mark up a book of your own? Adler says that there are two ways in which one can own a book. One way is by paying for it and the other is by writing in. Which you establish full ownership because when you write in your book, you make a part of you. He goes on to say that marking up a book is indispensable to reading it because 1. It keeps you awake consciously and wide awake 2. Reading it is active, it is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken and written. The book that is written in is usually closest analyzed, well thought- through. Writing also helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.
2. How many kinds of book owners are there? Which kind does Adler clearly think is best? What is your opinion? “There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the best-sellers-unread, untouched. (This delude individual owns wood pulp and ink, not books.) The second has a great many books- a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. (This person would probably like to make books his own, but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.) The third has a few books or many-every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back. (This man owns books.) The author clearly respects the third individual best. I do agree with Adler’s philosophy behind marking up books. I think that it does help engrave the material that the book has to offer its readers.
3. What are three useful results of marking in a book when reading it? Which do you think matters most?1. It keeps you awake consciously and wide awake 2. Reading it is active, it is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken and written. 3. The book that is written in is usually closest analyzed, well thought- through. Writing also helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed. All of these methods matter, they all connect to each other.
4. How can writing in a book result in “conversation” with its author, as Adler claims? Why is such a conversation useful? Because the author knows more about the book than you do. The reader may reach an alternate conclusion based on a different interpretation in which the book brought out prior to the author writing the book; or vice versa. The conversation is useful because it can reach beyond the bindings, glue, and threads that make up the book. it has the ability to shed new light into the mind of both the author and the reader. It allows the imagination to wander off creating new relms of reality.
5. Beginning with paragraph 16, Adler describes how he marks a book; which one of his techniques seems most useful to you, and why? 1,2, 4 , 5 ,6 , and 7.
Suggestions for Writing
1. Write a paragragh in which you discuss the value of Adler’s advice for a student in a subject or course other than English. For instance, annotating in a psychology book would be tremendously helpful. there are a lot of facts, famous phylosophers's names and techniques that have to be engraved in your mind in order to help you pass the class. I studied my notes and aced all of my tests and quizes which resulted in me getting an A in the course last semester. this was the ultimate result of me taking precise notes as best as I could and paying close attention to the material given.
Ashley Dorsett
Ms.Sabir 1-3
1) Its good for your brain, because you can easily forget something, its makes the reading more active, and you can get into because you will find other points. If it’s not yours have a pen and paper, so you can take notes.
2) Best-sellers, Owns a lot of books but a lot go unread, ones that are read its chapter by chapter. You can tell because the book will look brand new. Then there’s owns a lot and has read all of them, you can tell because there might be writing in them, like notes pages folded, like they might fall off. I can agree with Alder because if I like a book it’s marked up and I’ll read it over and over, but with books I do not read a lot there some were thrown in the closet and look brand new. I tend to just read the first chapter and if it’s not good then I won’t continue to read.
3) Marking a book makes a big difference, highlighting a word or a word you do not know, that helps because the more understanding you have of the word the more easy and fun it will be to read.
4) When you write in a book it is like talking to the author because with me and I do it a lot, I’ll write a question and then when I continue to read I find the answer so I’ll go back and read it all over to put it together which really helps.
5) Alder admits to having some drawbacks in the book one is when he can’t find it, and the other is when he is just tried.
Alder seems like a good author and he gives good writing and reading techniques. That can better me as a reader and writer.
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Ms.Sabir 1-3
1) Its good for your brain, because you can easily forget something, its makes the reading more active, and you can get into because you will find other points. If it’s not yours have a pen and paper, so you can take notes.
2) Best-sellers, Owns a lot of books but a lot go unread, ones that are read its chapter by chapter. You can tell because the book will look brand new. Then there’s owns a lot and has read all of them, you can tell because there might be writing in them, like notes pages folded, like they might fall off. I can agree with Alder because if I like a book it’s marked up and I’ll read it over and over, but with books I do not read a lot there some were thrown in the closet and look brand new. I tend to just read the first chapter and if it’s not good then I won’t continue to read.
3) Marking a book makes a big difference, highlighting a word or a word you do not know, that helps because the more understanding you have of the word the more easy and fun it will be to read.
4) When you write in a book it is like talking to the author because with me and I do it a lot, I’ll write a question and then when I continue to read I find the answer so I’ll go back and read it all over to put it together which really helps.
5) Alder admits to having some drawbacks in the book one is when he can’t find it, and the other is when he is just tried.
Alder seems like a good author and he gives good writing and reading techniques. That can better me as a reader and writer.
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