Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Frontline World Cyber-Assignment Post

Post your Frontline World Responses (3) here.

Don't forget to answer the following questions in your response to the program.

What is a social entrepreneur?
What is a philanthropist?


1.Who is the social entrepreneur profiled?
2.What problem did the person profiled identify?
3.What is the name of the organization they started?
4.Describe their relationship to the community that they serve?

• Why they decided to address this issue?

5.What is the local component?
6.How does the community own the process?

Sophia Andrews
What is a social entreprenuer?
A social entreprenuer is a business person whos business promotes, and practices social, and economical change in a society
What is a philanthropist?
A philanthropist is a person ( social entreprenuer example) who gibe money to a worthy cause
A social entreprenuer, as well as a philanthropist put together as one persons characteristics, or the characteristics of two people put together are very well capable of being in the reach of someone elses needs.
Being in America all over the country millions of people are thrown in the arms of poverty, and in most cases don’t have anything to help them turn away from poverty. Fortunately we have great people like Matt and Jessica Flannery who have realized this problem, and decided to do something about it. Specifically targeting Uganda, Matt and Jessica came across people that were interested in entreprenuership, unfortunately the proper funding them to accomplish this was not being provided for them to get a head start. After realizing this issue Matt and Jessica started and organization name Kiva. Kiva is a small operation that consist of only seven staff. Kiva purely relies on the donation that they receive from people all over the country to give make loans possible to give to those that are not as fortunate to get their businesses started alone. For the most part the businesses that are desired arent big so the loan isnt really asking too much.
Matt and Jessica decided that they were going to target Uganda. Part of this reason was due to the fact that they received their first seven customers from Uganda. These seven people where the first to challenge the operation. Becaseu Uganda is so far away and Kiva’s location is here in San Fransisco, email is the source of communication that they use. Kiva even provides a site for thoses that donate the loan havethe opputunity to talk, view pictures, and communicate with the component that they are helping out, to vizualize their success, and also reaasure themselevs that they arent being taken for granted when it comes to their money.
Matt and Jessica decided it was best to address this issue specifically because of the sever suffering, and the unfairness that those who desired to be successful and feel accomplish who dealing with.
English 201, 10-12

India: Getting Children Off the Street

A social entrepreneur is a person who identifies and tries to solve social problems that is created from poverty or lack of information and education on a large scale. Social entrepreneurs seek to generate social value rather than profits, and their work pursue long-term change of a community.

Father Tomas Koshy, a Catholic Salesian priest, is one of entrepreneur who works in the southern Indian city of Vijayawada. From 1989, he started the New Life Children’s Home with Anu Dasaka, a psychologist, to save the children in the streets of India; because of industrialization, more and more countryside people flood into urban center and create the bigger slum and street people in India. Father Koshy employs the “peer educators” who were former street kids. With the team of social workers, peer educators approach streets kids and draw them into shelter to care. In the shelter, they have received more than 25,000 children and have been able to take home more than 11,000 children to their families. They also have educated and provided vocational training to almost 2,000 children, and some are completed university education.

In the 17 years, New Life Children’s Home has run by raising money from foreign donors and supported from the Indian government. Now they have 12 centers in the city and keep try to settle the kids to live an honest life. Lots of grown people in this program become positive role models to serve the society and the program have a very strong presence in the street in Vijayawada.
Making room to read: Nepal

A social entrepreneur is a person who identifies and tries to solve social problems that is created from poverty or lack of information and education on a large scale. Social entrepreneurs seek to generate social value rather than profits, and their work pursue long-term change of a community.

I found an entrepreneur, John Wood and his innovative “Room to Read” program from the Frontline/World in PBS. The idea of the program was sprouted when he visited a school in Nepal in 1998. In “a place of crushing poverty”, many children couldn’t get a chance to go to school, and schools couldn’t provide books to read. The reality Wood faced made him transform from a footloose American into a committed entrepreneur to start a literacy program called Room to Read.

At first, the program started as a project to provide books, but, now, it has grown into a full-scale educational campaign to build school, publish children’s books and offer scholarships, etc. In Nepal, this program has already established more than 1,300 libraries and they have special mission of education for girls who doesn’t have equal opportunity for education in a society. Room to Read is now run and staffed by Nepalese and has made great impact on education in the poorest rural areas in Nepal.
Chesi Brown
English 201B
April 14, 2008
Instructor: Sabirs


 A social entrepreneur is a person who creates in idea to make or plan a business for themselves and/or for their community.

 A philanthropist it’s someone who contributes to humanitarian causes.

 The social entrepreneur of this profile is Lornah Kiplagat.

 Lornah build the first women’s running camp in Kenya.

 The name of the organization is High Altitude Center and it was form in 2000.
 The relationship to the community is to encourage women who love to run to stay true to what their desires and also it is to help them get the proper experience they deserve, and provide better independence.

 Larnah decided to create this program to help women escape their traditional lifestyle and start new ones that can help for the future.

Chesi Brown
English 201B
April 14, 2008
Instructor: Sabirs

Frontline: “Run, Lornah, Run”

Alexis Bloom and Cassan went to Iten to meet with these amazing athletes, who are women at High Altitude Training Center. Most of these women come from poor communities. They are trying to survive off less then a dollar to live.

Lornah Kiplagat was a committed women who broken a four year world record, In the L.A marathon in 1997-1998. With the money she receives from winning the competition, she used to form a camp in Kenya called High Altitude Training Center. This is where women who are dedicated to running, but can’t afford it can go to train.

In the video Alexis and Herman went on a two hour journey to visit a women name Ruth chebbi. She is a young woman who is currently stayed at the training center. She was raised on a farm with eight siblings who are very poor and hoping their sister can win to provide a better life for all of them.

Lornah explains, that a lot of the women who decided to join the center are interested because of running is something that their all very good at. Running is a lifestyle for most of the women their. Most of them had to run all their life to school and that was four to six mile run. Some ran with no shoes.
Although the training center is a positive thing for a lot of these women, it’s not a guarantee all these women who join the center will become winner’s. This is very important because a lot of these women are leaving their children, and husband to provide money for their homes. Even though all won’t win this is still a program that gives Kenya women another way to make an honest living.
Theresa Smith
English 201A April 14, 2008
Frontline World
An Entrepreneur is a person who starts their own business works from home making less those thousand dollars a week.

A Philanthropist is someone that gives money to the worthy cause.

The Social Entrepreneurs that started KIVA were Matt & Jessica.

1 The problems that they wanted to identify were to help fund businesses.

2 The name of the organization was called KIVA.

3 The community had a good, positive mutually beneficial, relationships.

4 The community paid back all their loans and no outstanding bills.

5 The local component – were small businesses and communities.

6 KIVA assisted with the community KIVA has given eleven other countries the opportunity to invest in their own businesses. Nathan a loaner from San Francisco has helped Grace and the community out a lot. Nathan invested money he got back from KIVA and invested it into seventy other businesses to help get Grace’s business off the ground
Theresa Smith
English 201A
April 14, 2008

This story was about families that were torn because of the Civil War. The families in Uganda had to find a way to survive. They had to find work and a stable location to build and start a new life. The families settled in Uganda. Clark Boyd was the first reporter to visit Uganda to see how the people were surviving.

Clark Boyd reported that Uganda survivors had to break rocks to make a living. It was a very poor country and it had very little money to feed their families. Clark meet Grace, Grace was from Uganda. She started her own business by making peanut butter. She had her own workers which was very helpful. They kept her business going. Grace had very little money and she needed help and the village to come up with a plan to help the communities.

Ames was another survivor who was left with at least twenty children that he had to take care of because his brother died from AIDS and left the children behind. Ames was a furniture maker who needed eleven hundred dollars to stretch his business and to help with the brick building that was also in process. He needed money so he could find a new way to dry the bricks.

Molly was another person who needed a loan. She did not have her business yet, and was asking if she could get a loan. The community had to vote on it. That was the only way she could get her business and id she would fail the whole community.

Well that is where KIVA comes in. KIVA is a non-profit organization that helps refugees seeking money to help them start their business and feed their families. The reason KIVA felt they must help the children they have left their children in Uganda behind for dead, leaving them with deadly diseases that would devour and diminish their skin leaving the children in the dark, with no food or medicine to help with the hollering or to help with their diseases.
Matt and Jessica are the co-founders of KIVA. Seeing the children like that, they felt they had to help the children more than anything and they did. Matt and Jessica have successfully started a business called KIVA which has helped the community out a lot. The first person that was helped was Grace; Grace got her loan from Nathan a San Francisco resident who wanted to help. KIVA is an organization that has a web site it features several families members and their business in regards to why they need the money. One the loan is approved they get the money and start their businesses. KIVA had done some prior investigation in regard to banks being able to loan them the money for the refugee camp. Banks charge 35 percent interest and local money lenders charge 300 percent. KIVA felt like they could do better on their own by borrowing money and giving it back in full. KIVA has been very successful. They have been able to help eleven other countries to succeed with the loans.
English 201,10-12

Delancey Street Foundation

A social entrepreneur is a person who identifies and tries to solve social problems that is created from poverty or lack of information and education on a large scale. Social entrepreneurs seek to generate social value rather than profits, and their work pursue long-term change of a community.

Delancey Street is one of the outstanding self-help organizations. It is a residential education center where former substance abuser, ex-convicts, homeless learn to lead productive, crime-free lives. In 1971 Mimi Silbert founded it with four residents in San Francisco. Without fund and staff, residents (from 2 to 4years staying) learn to work together through a principal called “each-one-teach-one” where each new resident is responsible for helping the next arrival. While they stay in Delancey Street, residents receive a high school equivalency degree, and they are trained different marketable skills. Moreover, residents learn social and interpersonal skills that allow them to live in the mainstream society. They earn revenue by operating more than 20 businesses such as restaurant, café, and moving company etc.

For over 35years the project empowered more than 14,000 people to lead crime-free, drug-free lives in mainstream society and established satellite programs in Los Angeles, New Mexico, North Carolina and New York. Delancey Street has functioned as an extended family and a community for the people who hit the bottom to live as a responsible member of society. They have been called the most successful rehabilitation project in the United States and developing a model of social entrepreneurship.
Theresa Smith
English 201A
April 16, 2008
Hero Rats in Tanzania
This story was about a young man name Bart Weetjens who grew up to admire rodents. Bart is an entrepreneur who has started his business seven years ago; he did not get into this business for money he got into it because he wanted to save lives.
Bart Weetjens has been working with rats when he discovered that rats are easy to deal with and are trainable. Bart started a project that would train rats to dig up mines. The reasons he is training the rats, their have been village men dyeing from the land mines. There are thousands of land mines that need to get dug up because of the multiple fatalities that have gone on. The locations of the mines are in dangerous location near schools, fields, and walking zones. Digging up the mines is very dangerous and expensive.
The Hero rats as Bart calls them are fully trained before entering the land mine. The trainer has to put sun tan on the rat’s ears because they are sensitive to noise. Once they are out in the land the trainers tie a rope around the body not allowing the rat any opportunity to escape. The rats dig and dig when they find the mine they start scratching and scratching and the trainer dig up the mine. The rats are experts at their jobs by finding the mines.
Their is a story about a young guy name Ramos who survived a mine bomb. And he was very fortunate. Ramos was riding in a truck with a car load of workers and the truck drove over the mine and the whole truck blew up but Ramos survived. Ramos spent the next two years in the hospital recovering after he was released with his lower body disfigured from his waist on down and his prostrated legs found out about Bart’s project and was eager to get to work.
Bart has been very successful with his business he is finding out daily how he can better assist the world. Bart is training rats they are from Africa. Their names are African Giant Pouch Rat. Bart has also discovered that the rats help with (TB) Tuberculosis, the rats can actually read the test before the machine reads it. This is very helpful to the community because they would be able to get diagnose the same day instead of waiting. The Village is very happy with the Hero Rats there were survivors on the video who had one leg eager to get on with his life as he trudge through the village, hoping he don’t run into another mine. The Hero rats are very light and every mine the rats have found have saved that many lives and that is why Bart is an entrepreneur.
Eng 201 1-3pm

Nepal: A Girl’s Life
1.Who is the social entrepreneur profiled?
John Wood is a social entrepreneur. He used to work as an engineer at Microsoft. After 7 years of hard work he got tired of meaningless life and he wanted to get away from work so he traveled to Nepal in 1998.
2.What problem did the person profiled identify?
Through the ‘get away’ from his work, he traveled in the country of Nepal. He noticed and surprised there were no books in the library while he was visiting. The principal of the school told him “Perhaps sir, you will someday come back with books.” And his life changed dramatically because of the compassion for kids in Nepal for their poor education. One year later he went back to Nepal with full load of books on eight donkeys back and started this big project.
3. What is the name of the organization they started?
‘Room to Read’
4. Describe their relationship to the community that they serve?
This organization started with building a library for kids to read a book and now there are more than 1300 libraries run by Nepalese. They extended to build schools and even publish books in their own language. Since, women in Nepal has less educational opportunities than men, the level of women’s education is very low. So, the organization created a scholarship program to provide equal opportunity for girls to achieve education.
5.What is the local component?
The village boys and girls who want to get an education and the teachers, school staffs, and the volunteers who help to build schools and libraries.
6.How does the community own the process?
All the community people know that they need education for their kids so they voluntarily take ownership to build libraries, schools and other facilities.
Chesi Brown
English 201B
April 21, 2008
Instructor: Sabir

Frontline Assignment # 2

A social entrepreneur is someone who manages or creates a business or an enterprise.

A philanthropist that is someone who donates funds for humanitarian causes.

The social entrepreneur profile is a retired advertising executive by the name of Trevor Field, who is very successful and want to give back to community in need.

In villages across South Africa there are millions of people who don’t have access to clean water, because of plants who survive off water are taking the countries water flow from the mountain stream. This country multiples daily and these families are not able to receive clean water.

The “Play Pump” is the name of the organization the Mr. Field has form so that the families in these communities can get clean water. This Pump is a merry-go-round that the children can play on and at the same time clean the water as the play structure turns.

Field started this organization with an idea and $7,000 dollars. He focus on helping the children and the women in eastern Cape, by providing clean water and a way for the women to be closer to their children. Field is now forming many of these play structures around South Africa and is going to expand to all over African Countries. He says, “This is going to make a huge difference in African and healthy communities for many adults and children.

The women in these communities have to spend so many hour trying to get and carry water for there children they barley have to time to love them. Jay Z is another entrepreneur who has notice the error in these communities and he has also donated, and visited Eastern Cape. The purpose of his visit was to see how these women and children are surviving. He walks a day in the life of the women who live in these villages. He witness hand to hand what they go through. Jay Z explains that these women walk 5 to 6 mile maybe three times a day to get water, With a jog about 40 pounds on their back. He says “there is no way he could have survived and there is no way women should have to go through this. They walk over 100 degree in the heat. This is no job for women or children.’ “These women are soldiers” he said.
Eng 201 1-3pm

India: A New Life

A social entrepreneur is a starter or founder of the organization who has a strong belief which could impact people’s life in the society. Also, social entrepreneurs try many ways of building funds in order to make an improvement in the society.

In 1989, the mayor in Vijayawada, India asked father Thomas Koshy who is Catholic Salesian priest to run shelters for the street kids. They are called roofless and rootless kids and there are more than 3000 kids in Vijayawada. The fast growing high-tech industry made a big gap between the poor and rich and created social problems in India.

Father Thomas Koshy and his old friend Anu Dasaka have been running “New Life Children’s Home’ for last 17 years to educate street kids and help them to live normal life in the society. The organization is operated by Indian government’s support and foreign donors. More than 2500 kids have been rescued and educated in twelve different centers. The educated kids reach out to other street kids and invite them to the center once a month. Even though many kids come to the center to live but majority of the kids go back to street because they are not disciplined and are addicted to live freely on the street. So, there are still many kids who come and go between the center and the street.

The kids who were rescued through the organization live their own life well and survive successfully in the society. For example some kids diligently work at stores some successfully do their small businesses in the society and some become social workers to reach out for same situational kids.
Father Thomas Koshy still has compassion heart for poor spirits of the street kids. Today, he tries to reach out for kids and longs them to live a normal life.
Eng 201 1-3pm

Cambodia : The Silk Grandmothers

A social entrepreneur is a starter or founder of the organization who has a strong belief which could impact people’s life in the society. Also, social entrepreneurs try many ways of building funds in order to make an improvement in the society.

1.Who is the social entrepreneur profiled?
Kikuo Morimoto is textile artist who draws on kimonos in Japan. One day he asks himself about the meaning of successful life. He found the beauty of Cambodian silk while he was volunteering at refugee camps through UNESCO.

2.What problem did the person profiled identify?
He discovered that generational silk craftsmen were disappearing because of the civil war in Cambodia. He met few elderly women who know how to make the silk and shocked that they only make few cents a day. He has a compassion heart for needy people and he, as a craftsmanship, does not want the special silk making skill in Cambodia disappear. He started institute where those seven elderly skilled silk makers weave silk in 1996.

3.What is the name of the organization they started?
Institute for Khmer Traditional Textiles

4.Describe their relationship to the community that they serve?
Through this project, he preserves the silk craftsmanship in Cambodia. He even introduces Cambodian silk to the world by selling silk products to tourists.

5.What is the local component?
Local community and new generation silk craftsman

6.How does the community own the process?
Community accepts the silk craftsmanship should step down to next generation to keep their own silk making culture.
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