Monday, April 21, 2008


Planning Sheet Cyber-Post

This is a re-post of the earlier assignment. The dates are not negotiable, so do not get behind. Today we will post the planning sheets here. We'll read from Chapter 7 and profile one of the New Radicals. This will be an in-class assignment. I am still looking for my Letter's From Mississippi book. I might need to borrow someone's book to copy the last few chapters.

The Social Entrepreneur Essay

The question you want to ask after you have identified a person or two:
What motivated this person to want to change something in society? How did this person get the community's support for the project? What did the community gain? What did the social entrepreneur gain? Your essay needs to answer all of these questions; you can structure it like a typical problem/solution essay or cause and effect.

The person has to be alive. Try to find someone local, who is living in the San Francisco Bay Area or in California. The person has to have been doing this work for 10-20 years. You need to locate 5-10 sources on your subject to form a bibliography; you don't have to cite 10 sources. The sources can be published or broadcast interviews, books, articles, and films or you can interview them yourself. The person cannot be a relative. You can work in groups and share data. In fact, I encourage it.

Due dates
The planning sheet and 5-10 sources are due Monday, April 21 to share.

An outline is due: Wednesday, April 23.

An introduction and conclusion are due Monday, April 28.

The first draft is due Wednesday, April 30.

The final draft is due Monday, May 5. This draft needs to include a peer review and a review by a writing center teacher or tutor (this does not mean you have to change your paper, just consider their comments in answer to the five areas we consider when reviewing another’s work (Hacker handout) or specific questions you might have.)

You will post the essay, the planning sheet, and all the works cited and bibliography pages on the blog that day in class.

Englich 201, 10-12

Initial Planning Sheet

1.What is the subject of your paper?
: A social entrepreneur Mimi W. Lou and Children’s Hospital Autism Intervention.
2.Why do you want to write about this subject?
: Although many people indifference to the disabled, they do have an opportunity to change their lives because of organizations like CHAI that helps autistic kids and their parents. It is one of the best examples of social entrepreneurship.
3.What audience will you write for?
: I’m writing for people who are interested in social entrepreneurship. Especially, I’m writing for people who concern about the disabled and their possibility of the intervention.
4.What question do you want your research paper to answer?
•Who are social entrepreneurs?
•What motivated Mimi W. Lou to want to start the Autism Intervention?
•How do they equip the people to build their own life?
•How Dr. Lou get the community support for the project.
•What did the community and Dr. Lou gain?
5.What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?
: Description. Problem/solution

Source Medias:
•Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland Volunteer Handbook
Sophia Andrews
Ms. Sabir
M,W 1-3

What is the subject of your paper?
Researched informaton on who C. Diane Howell P.H.D.
Who is C. Diane Howell P.H.D?
What does she do?
Where is it done?
Why do you want to write about this subject?
I am choosing C. Diane Howell because just from reading a short bio of her I found my self extremely interested in her work, as well as her history. I feel that choosing her as my social entreprenuer researched topic I will not only learn, and infrom others, but actually be interested while doing so.
What audience will you write to?
I am writing to C.O.A student, faculty and staff, as well as any other that may be interested in social entreprenuership. I am aiming to use C. Diane Howell P.H.D as an advocate to help insipire those who are interested in createing change.
What questions do you want your paper to answer?
Who is the social entreprenuer profiled?
What prolem did they identify?
What is the name of the organization they started?
Descirbe their relationship to the community they serve?
Why they decied to address this issue?
What is the local component?
How does the community own the process?
What is the main stargety that you will be using?

5-10 sources
http://www.kqed/org/topics/heritage/black heroes-dhowell.jsp
Oakland Tribune Black Expo Foster connections Event helps small , mimority owned businesses reach consumers
Great planning students. Sophia, Diane Howell, Ph.D. has a newspaper, Black Business Listings. You can pick up a copy at the public library.
Erik Del Nero
English 201 B
Planning Sheets

1. What is the subject of your paper? Eva Patterson
2. Why do you want to write about this subject? I felt that I could handle writing an essay on Eva Patterson.
3. What audience will you write for? The audience I am writing for is the College of Alameda.
4. What question do you want your research paper to answer? How caring she really was.
5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use? I probably use description.

Eva Patterson

President and co-founder of the Equal Justice Society, has championed civil rights with passion, courage and tenacity for more than three decades.

Author of numerous articles:
"Can't We Get Along?"
"The Future of Affirmative Action" -- California Lawyer
"Pro Bono Help for Legal Services Programs" -- Clearinghouse Review
"How the Legal System Responds to Battered Women" -- Battered Women
Equal Justice Society Forum talks with attorney Eva Jefferson Patterson about civil rights issues facing the country.
Putting Race Back on the Table Post-Katrina with Eva Patterson
Chesi Brown
English 201B
Instructor: Sabir
April 23, 2008


Ashley Dorsett

1) My Research paper is on The Books Not Bars Organization. Also known as The Ella Baker Center
2) I chose to write about this organization because when we had a Stop The Violence Rally they spoke to us about how the system is taking our juveniles males mostly and putting them in detentions that are not sanitized and don’t care about their well-being, also about how they are not giving them any choice to graduate if they haven’t. Books Not Bars has closed down 2 youth prisons so far and they want to close down 8.
3) I am writing to all audience because this is something that will help the community gain knowledge of what is really going on in the system of which our taxes pay for. This is really for Mother, and any caregiver who fills that the Youth Prisons are unfair, and to the minorities that are underestimated.
4) I want people to know who was Ella Baker; What Books Not Bars gives to the community, and what they have gained.
Ashley Dorsett
Sources- Books Not Bars/Ella Baker
Ella Baker First Ten Years
KTVU News Turf Unity Weekend
Mistah FAB- Silence the Violence
Books not Bars Rally Coverage
Chesi, you don't indicate who your social entrepreneur is. I saw that Julia Hare, Ph.D., will be speaking at the Museum of the African Diaspora on 4/30 at 12 noon. She is introducing Michael Eric Dyson who has a new book on Martin Luther King Jr. 40 years after his assasination.

Perhaps you can go and meet her?

Erik, Eva Patterson will be at the Museum of the African Diaspora in San Francisco on Monday, April 28. She is introducing an author, a friend and speech writer for Martin Luther King Jr. He reflects on King's legacy, 40 years later.

Both of you should check the website for the details.
Kay Kaunda
English 10-12


1. What is the subject of your paper?
Social Entrepreneur Dr Joseph Marshal and the Street Soldiers and Omega Boys Club

2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
The number of African American boys that are dropping out of school and turning to crime leading to incarceration is high. So I believed it was important to pick an organization like this what shows how their trying to stop this from happening.

3. What audience will you write for?
People who want to know more about social Entrepreneurs and also for people who can see the growing problem for young youths and would like to know more on what’s been done to help them

4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
Why was Dr Joseph Marshal motivated to change something in society?
What support did Dr Joseph Marshal get from the community?
What did the community gain?
What did Dr Joseph Marshal Gain?

5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?

Media Sources: - Information on Omega background - Information on founders - Video
Eng 201 1-3pm

Initial Planning sheet

1.What is the topic of your paper?
Isabel Kang is a social entrepreneur who is a director of Shimtuh. It means resting place in Korean which organization helps battered women in Korean American community.
2.What is your audience?
The Korean American women who are interested in getting information of battered woman or actual victim who desperately need help.
3.Why do you want to write about this subject?
I am writing about this subject because I want to introduce what role dose Shimtuh have in Korean American community. Shimtuh is another name for women’s shelter which helps battered women.
4.What question do you want you essay to answer?
•Who is a social entrepreneur?
•Why she started this organization?
•What role does this organization do in Korean American community?
•What relationship does organization have with the community?
•Who and what is involved in?
•What benefits does the community gain?
5.What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?

•Interviews with Isabel Kang on April 24th, 2008
•Brochure 'Peaceful homes, Healthy Relationship'
•Brochure ‘Shimtuh’
•Monthly journal of Shimtuh on Korean Daily newspaper
Jessica Ramos
201B 1-3

1. What is the subject of your paper?
Youth Speaks, a leading nonprofit presenter of spoken word performance, education, and youth development programs in the country.
2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
To learn about them, to know what they do and how they help the youth from the bay area.
3. What audience will you write for?
I am writing for those who are interested in social entrepreneurs and to youth who might want to participate in this program.
4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
How does Youth Speaks get community support? What did the community gain? What did Youth Speaks gain?
5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?

Theresa Smith
English 201A
April 28, 2008

Initial Planning Sheet

What is the subject of you paper?

My subject is Charter School.

Why do you want to write about this subject?

I want to write about Charter Schools because I would like for my child to attend schools that has more people who are concerned about his academic achievement in Math and English. My child is enrolled in Will C Wood School and has had a very hard time keeping up with the children. He has failed all of his classes. Benjamin is trying real hard to keep up. I have worked with him on his Math and English assignment when we work together he is fine and performs well. But once he returns to the school his self esteem is lowered and that stops him from doing his school work.
What audience will you write for?
I want my audience to be parents. Parents who have young children that finds it hard adapting to public schools. The schools that children are attending are not focusing on the child learning comprehension the learning styles differ in each child. They learn different and also adapt different. The children need that full support from the school. Encouraging them to succeed by helping them with the struggles with the schools
academic programs.
What question do you want your research paper to answer?
Why did they develop Charter School? Is Charter School different than Pubic School?
What is the main writing strategy you think you will answer?
Will Charter Schools be able to help my son get to the point to where he can make it; in school without being suspended or filling left out, like he can not do the work? Will they be teachers who are willing to support my child with tutoring? The real support a person fills deep down inside giving my child all the motivation he needs. Ask question when he fills the need. With out filling like he is bothering someone in regards to him succeeding and building is self esteem.
The Vanishing Class--Failing Students Spell Profit for Some Schools
Charter Schools Not As Integrated As Many Would Like
Theresa Smith
English 201A
Chesi Brown
Ms. Sabir
English 201B

Initial Planning Sheet

1. What is the name of the person profiled?
The person that I am profiling is a woman by the name of Dr. Julia Hare. She is a relationship expert, and author, and educatoinal psychologist.

2. What problem did she identified?
She identified the downfall of the African American voice, their economic status, and the failure of identity as a whole race.

3. What is then name of the organization they started?
Julia Hare, and her husband Nathan Hare started the “ black think tank” this black think tank looks at problems that have occurred in the past, work on what is goin on in the present, and try to figure out what can be done to create a better future.
4. Describe their relationship to the community that they serve?
Julia Hare has development a great relationship with her community; however, they are the ones that own, and make leaders like her want to continue their work.

5. Why they decided to address this issue?
Julia Hare decided to address this issue because she realized the downfall in the African American community as a whole.

6. How does the community own the process?
They are the ones that pick leaders like her.
Chesi Brown
Ms. Sabir
English 201B

Initial Planning Sheet

1. What is the name of the person profiled?
The person that I am profiling is a woman by the name of Dr. Julia Hare. She is a relationship expert, and author, and educatoinal psychologist.

2. What problem did she identified?
She identified the downfall of the African American voice, their economic status, and the failure of identity as a whole race.

3. What is then name of the organization they started?
Julia Hare, and her husband Nathan Hare started the “ black think tank” this black think tank looks at problems that have occurred in the past, work on what is goin on in the present, and try to figure out what can be done to create a better future.
4. Describe their relationship to the community that they serve?
Julia Hare has development a great relationship with her community; however, they are the ones that own, and make leaders like her want to continue their work.

5. Why they decided to address this issue?
Julia Hare decided to address this issue because she realized the downfall in the African American community as a whole.

6. How does the community own the process?
They are the ones that pick leaders like her.
Ammnah Babikir
Eng. 201b

Initial Planning Sheet;

1. What is the subject of your paper?
: The subject of my paper is the Omega boys club/ street Soldiers organization and what they stand for.

2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
: To find out more about this organization and the people who founded it.

3. What audience will you write for?
: To inform the youth about any helpful links to this organization which specialize in guiding young people and being mentors to them.

4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?

-Who are social entrepreneurs?

-What motivated this person to want to change something in society?

-How did this person get the community's support for the project?

-What did the community gain?

-What did the social entrepreneur gain?

-How did Joe Marshall and Jack Jacqua Start this organization?

-How did they gain the support of youth community?

5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?
: Description. Problem/ solution

Source Medias:
Street Soldiers Radio Show
Street Soldiers National Consortium
Omega Training Institutes
Street Soldiers Communications and Outreach: the Club's Hotline, 1-800-SOLDIER,
Contact Information

-The Omega Boys Club / Street Soldiers
1060 Tennessee Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
-Mailing Address
P.O. Box 884463
San Francisco, CA 94188-4463
-Requests for information and other general inquiries can
be made by phoning 1-800-SOLDIER® (1-800-765-3437).
You may also email us at:
-Sreeet soldiers –the book
-Street soldiers- the documentary
Ewa Dobrzynska
English 201A/B
Prof. Sabir
What is the subject of your paper?
Victoria Hale
Why do you want to write about this subject? I felt interest about what she is doing.I think it is very important to help poor people
What audience will you write for?
The audience I am writing for are the students from College of Alameda and everyone who is interested to help poor people.
What question do you want your research paper to answer? The world's poorest people — from India to Africa — were dying from curable diseases while big drug companies did little to help. How is she able to help them?
Why Victoria Hale is entrepreneur?

What is the main writing strategy you think you will use? -description (problem-solution)
1) woty/articles/2007/11/Victoria_hale
Carmen Truong
Sabir 10-12

Planning Sheet

1. What is the Subject of your paper?
(ESA) Environmental Science Academy.

2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
I would like to let everyone knows what we do in the Environmental Science Academy and want others to gain good impressions of what we do. We hope to desire others to join us to make this community looks better.

3. What audience will you write for?
I hope to write this for others, hope to inspire people to make a change in this world, for themselves and others.

4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
What do ESA people do? Who created ESA? What do people gain from it? What knowledge did I gain from it? Why did I enjoy it? Why is it important to know all these information?

5. What is the main writing strategy you think you use?
Ewa Dobrzynska
English 201A/B (10-12)
Prof. Sabir
Victoria Hale
Everywhere around I hear about poor people in Africa and other parts of the world. It is so sad that some people like me have everything and we are able to get healthcare when we need. From my own experience I know how expensive it is to go to the doctor or to buy prescription. In the Africa people do not have money to buy food and they are not able to pay any amount of money for medications.
Nowadays the fact is that pharmaceutical industry spends billions of dollars developing drugs to cure being fat, but very little to treat diseases that kill million of people every year in India or Africa. “Why in our world, in twenty first century were there people who had medicine for any disease, and on the other parts of the world, five, ten thousand miles away children die of diarrhea?” asked Victoria Hale. She is a woman who decided to do something for people from bad economies counties. I decided write about her because I think she is a great example of entrepreneur. She is an inspiration for many pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical companies to work together to help the poorest humanity around the word. She encourages to something with anybody wants to deal with.
Victoria Hale is a pharmaceutical chemist and a founder and director of One World Health. It is the first United States nonprofit pharmaceutical company with mission to develop safe, effective affordable drugs for diseases that plague the poorest population.
Victoria Hale received a bachelor degree in science in pharmacy from University of Maryland in 1983. She also received a ph. D. in pharmaceutical chemistry from the University of California in San Francisco in 1990. For a while Victoria Hale was working as an FDA analyst. During that time she was thinking about starting another type of pharmaceutical company. One which would target diseases that no one was researching. Then one day when she was forty years old she was taking a taxi to the airport when the African immigrant, taxi driver asked her what she does for living? She said: ”I am a pharmaceutical scientist and I am doing or pharmaceutical meeting” in that moment driver started laughing very deeply and then said something that really heart Victoria Hale: ”You all have all the money”. It was the moment when she decided to do something with her life. Hale quit her job and began working on non-profit organization located in San Francisco, California.
Many people in India suffer for epidemic of black fever and only one therapy what exist is very toxic, often not effective and cost lots of money. When someone gets sick the family members have only two choices: go to debts for three generations or allowed to family member to die. Victoria Hale knew of an old, injectable antibiotic, paromomycin that was no longer produced because of low sells and no profit. Victoria Hale decided to bring this drug back to life. “You know, you are really never finished with your drugs,” Victoria Hale says. “You are always worrying about them and wanting to make sure they’re doing well in the world.” Everybody who received this antibiotic survived. It was very cheap and very effective. Victoria together with One World Health Company and hospital in Patna had only one chance to prove it works then Indian government would distribute it for free. She become a hero and saved thousands of people every year. Victoria starts working with profit companies. The organization stated to grow. Primary no one believed this non-profit organization would bring any success, but now more and more companies, laboratories want to help. They give to Victoria disposition chemicals, knowledge and anything she needs One World Health has major success and change the face of tropical disease treatment.
Victoria G. Hale, Ph.D. won over the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Hale received one of the Glamour Woman of the Year award at gala reception in New York City. She received other honors include being elected to membership in the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies , The Economist Innovation Award for Social and Economical Innovation, Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurs in 2005. This great non-profit organization winning awards after awards. Everything they do is successful.
In conclusion I would like to say that Hale is my hero. Victoria Hale is working to prevent deaths from diseases like black fever in India, diarrhea which kills thousands of children every year. She stops malaria and Chgas disease which kills more the one million people a year in Central and South America. She sacrificed her life to help poor people to recover from terrible diseases all over the world. She is an example of entrepreneur. Person who does something for community with no interests is a hero for me. She is showing us everything can be done, if we really want it. She is big person in the little word. I think Victoria Hale gave her heart to her job. She loves what she is doing and that is way Victoria Hale is so successful. In my opinion it should be more organizations like Institute for OneWorld Health. We should start care about poverty ports of the world. We should help poor people have an access to all kind industries to make a world better. She makes impossible things become possible. She is a hero because she saves people lives every day. It is priceless to give somebody a heath back.

1) woty/articles/2007/11/Victoria_hale
Instructor name: Wanda SAbir
My van Nguyen
English 201 A
Period 2

Planning sheet

1) What is the subject of your paper?
Social entrepreneur
2) Why do you want to write about this subject?
In reflection of my previous adolescent age.
3) Who do you write this people for?
4) What question do you want your research paper to answer?
The question what made Angela Davis contributes involvement and her dedication the elimation of the campaigns to free political prisoners.
5) Problem/ solution strategy
Instructor name: Wanda SAbir
My van Nguyen
English 201 A
Period 2


1) Who is the social entrepreneur profile?
Davis Angela
2) What problem did the person profiled identify?
National alliance against racist and campaigns to free political
3) What is the name of the organization they started?
The prison industrial and complex Critical resistance

4) Describe their relationship of the community that they serve

5) What is the local component?
The fact and reality

6) How does the community own the process?
Believe in here
Dylan Cunningham
English 1-3

1. What is the Subject of your paper?
Environmental Science Academy.

2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
Because it shows people the difference between a beatiful living environment and a disgusting one that no one ever volunteers to clean up. I want to inform people of how to come together and put their minds to work on making the world a better place.

3. What audience will you write for?
Everyone on this planet who can read english haha and whoever cares about the world and what is to become of it.

4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
Who invented ESA? Why did I enjoy it? What do people gain from it? What knowledge did I gain from it? What do ESA people do?

5. What is the main writing strategy you think you use?

I try to gather up as much information about a certain part of the essay before i go on to the next part because if i try to do it all at once, then i get confused usually and my whole essay doesn't make any sense, but when i use that writing strategy by seperating certain topics, i can breeze through the essay.
Dylan Cunningham
English 1-3 201B

I changed my topic from the last one i posted so disregard that one.

Initial Planning Sheet

1. What is the subject of your paper? Richard Miles and Ernest Coulter of BBBS BA.
2. Why do you want to write about this subject? To let people know how generous, thoughtful, and productive BBBS BA has been to children all across the Bay Area.
3. What audience will you write for? All of those kids out there who never had any one to guide them such as a father or a grandmother. All of the kids who know they are doing bad and seek help.
4. What question do you want your research paper to answer? Who started the organization and why, and how far it reaches today.
5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use? Starting with historical facts, leading on to statistics, and ending with proof that this organization does what it claims it does best. I will also include motivations of the social entrepreneurs.
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