Monday, April 14, 2008


Social Entrepreneur con't.

I mentioned in both classes suggestions for search topics and non-profit organizations which students might want to use to find an entrepreneur. They are as follows: Books not Bars; Youth Speaks, Intersection for the Arts' Compo Santo (founder, Michael Torres at Laney College); The Omega Boys Club (Dr. Joe Marshall) and the Street6 Soldiers program on KMEL; DESTINY Arts; Medea Project: Theatre for Incarcerated Women; Center for Independent Living, Inc.; Van Jones; Ella Baker Center; Eva Patterson; Bananas, Inc.; Pacific News Service--KPFA; New American Media: The Beat Within; The Mentoring Center; Aya de Leon; Davey D, Anita Johnson, Wayland--Hard Knock Radio; JR. and the Block Report (KPFA)

Search for key words: violence intervention; conflict resolution; economic development; education

Remember the Civil Rights Movement goals were to allow and facilitate access for all citizens irregardless of their race, gender, religion; or physical or mental abilities. If you think in these terms then there are many people who are following in the Freedom Summer volunteers footsteps.

Lewis holman

I picked the omega boys\street soldiers
Erik Del Nero
English 201 B

I chose Eva Patterson the civil rights lawer
Theresa Smith April 20, 2008 English 201A
1. Eleana Ghanotakis is the Social entrepreneur.

2. The Problem that Elena identified was their were two many outstanding AIDS and Rape cases in South Africa.

3. Help with Rape Services at José Hospital.

4. The village is very happy with the results and the support with the hospital they fill like they can trust the people at the hospital to get token care of and treated to the fullest extent.

5. Hospital business

6. The victims are able to discuss their rape experience with the counselor with out filling scared and without filling like nothing will happen to them.

South Africa Cape Town
Cape Town is one of the most beautiful places to live although living there is a struggle to survive. Cape Town has the highest crime rate in the world. There are a lot of children, men, and woman in this country and the crime punishments are not fair to the young boys or men in Cape Town.
It had to be someone that could help. Elena Ghanotakis a reporter came to Camp Town to educate the young people on AIDS since the disease is so common. Elena had come on a mission to rescue the victim in South Africa. But when she arrived to the country she found that rape was very high. Elena started doing an investigation in Cape Town in AIDS and rapes crises. Elena arrived at Jooste Hospital (Comfort) “is the name of the hospital in English” however Patice was a woman that had arrived five thirty in the morning bruised up and beaten badly. The hospital that early is or was very limited with staff at the time of Patice's arrival. Eleana was their to assist Dr Lorna Martin with the patients Patice face was beaten up so bad she could not open either of her eyes she was very bloody her hair was filled with grass, sand, dirt Patice was seen immediately because of her condition. The Jooste Hospital has a counselor for the young boys, girls and woman in side of the facility. Counselor Nombuyisela Somdaka has spoken with Patice and translated her information in english to Elena. Patice explained her rape experience with Nombuyisela informing her that her neighbor did it and she did not know why. She was able to identify him by his name Bongali, she says Bongali raped her and beat her inside his apartment and would not let her go. Nombuyisela believed her story enough to have Bongali arrested. Patice bruises were so apparent that her prosecutor went back down to the court house to make sure Bongali don’t get out of jail and gets prosecuted to the fullest extreme.

Nombuyisela had to deal with so many cases but this day only five cases came in. Their was three young ladies that came too Jooste Hospital with their mother reporting that they were raped the night before by two men in a cab. The girl were around the ages of 7-13 they felt like it would be safer if the rode in a cab, and that night their safety was violated by two men who snatched the three young ladies out the car and threatened to shot them if they did not undressed. The young girls had no choice but to undress and give the men what they wanted. The three woman experience the men repeatedly having sex with them at least three or four times, and then the men switched up. The two men were not prosecuted immediately Nombuyisela did not have enough sufficient evidence to go after the men. The young girls did not give a good description of the men. The woman was treated at the hospital they were treated with Antibiotic, Retro Virus shot to prevent them from catching AIDS, and the next day pill just in cast they were pregnant.
This organization was developed in 2004 after so many cases were not having full extent to the law. Seven percent of rape cases result in convention. The punishment for men raping young boys is not fair to the children that are assaulted at such a young age. In South Africa the courts do not convict the men when the child has been raped they consider it a lesser crime like a slap on the risk a Misdemeanor. Elena and Mrs. Nombuyisela Somdaka has been giving the opportunity to make a change out in South Africa and the young boys, girls, and woman and young adult woman appreciate Elena coming to their village and making a change which turns the victims in to survivors.
Good choices Lewis and Erik. Theresa, your SE has to live in Northern California, preferably the SF Bay. Choose another person to profile.
Ewa Dobrzynska
English 201B

I chose Ernesta Wright
The Green Foundation
Ammnah Babikir

I chose to do my paper on joe Marshall/street soldiers/
Theresa Smith
English 201A

Charter Schools in the Bay area and New York City.
Ashley Dorsett

I am doing Books Not Bars( Ella Baker Center)
Dylan Cunningham
English 1-3 201B

I picked BBBS BA (Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area). Richard Miles and Ernest Coulter are my social entrepreneurs because they are the most importnat people that are affiliated with this organization.
Note: I was having trouble emailing my paper to you Mrs. Sabir so I figured I should just go ahead and post it. I t wont include all of the graphics o fthe pictures however thr tex will be viewable.

Ammnah Babikir
Eng. 201b
Dr. Joe Marshall: From the Ground up Starting with the Youth

“I can use this model; Alive and Free, in getting some of our boys off the street.”
-Joe Marshall

The Omega Boys Club is an academic, drug-free organization that was co founded by the social entrepreneur Dr. Joe Marshall and originated in the city of San Francisco in 1987. This organization was created to keep youth out of the streets and in programs that will educate them. "The show's content is a valuable resource that can be used to establish a dialog concerning the issues affecting our communities," he added. "We are excited to share the Street Soldiers radio program with a broader audience." says Dr. Marshall. For the last 20 years, he has been keeping youth “alive and free” and off the streets. This has been the slogan for the Omega Boys Club. They have established a weekly call in radio show called Street Soldiers, and the Omega Club House, which holds weekly family meetings. Dr Marshall feels that violence is a virus and the Omega Boys club was its treatment. There are four primary programs, which are The Omega Leadership Academy, which provides academic preparation and life skills education for all Club members. They also receive counseling, college placement assistance and scholarship support. This component also provides non-college bound Club members with social and employment skills necessary to enter the job market. The Omega Training Institute, The Institute has three programs. The School Adoption Program works with six Bay Area schools, helping them transform their classrooms so they can achieve a violence-free learning environment and academic success. Omega Training Institute informs, teaches and trains individuals who work with youth in the violence prevention and intervention methodology developed by the Omega Boys Club. The Street Soldiers National Consortium is a group of professionals and organizations trained in the Omega violence prevention methodology and dedicated to preventing violence by using and promoting the model. To date, Omega has trained 1,117 adults who work with youth, including police officers, youth development workers, and 756 Bay Area school faculty and staff affecting 12,096 students, according to The Street Soldiers Violence Prevention includes Street Soldiers Communications and Outreach:
· The Club's Hotline, 1-800-SOLDIER, that provides help and a source for information and referrals;
· Workshops and presentations for community agencies, schools and other organizations;
· Presentations to inmates in correctional institutions and training workshops for staff.
Then there is Street Soldiers Radio Show. This award-winning call-in radio talk show deals with the pressing issues that young people face, particularly those related to keeping neighborhoods and communities safe. This radio show is a weekly three-hour call-in show on 12 radio stations nationwide reaches over 300,000 listeners.
-Now, 133 Omega students have graduated from college with the help of the Omega Boys Club. Another 50 Omegas are currently enrolled in college.
One youth said, he gained an “Excellent new perspective on violence issues and the program shed light on my failures and success.”
Joe Marshall, a middle school teacher and administrator, and Jack Jacqua, a middle school counselor, were greatly concerned about the violence and dropout rate of African-American youth in San Francisco. After leaving a twenty-five year career, they put their minds together and came up with the Omega Boys Club Youth Outreach Organization, which offered positive recreational and educational activities for the youth. Dr. Marshall and Mr. Jacqua noticed how pervasive the violence was in the community so they decided to go as far as helping most youth move away from the “culture of violence” to a safer environment.

Dr. Marshall is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including the McArthur Foundation Genius Award, the Leadership award from the Children's Defense Fund, The Essences Award honoring outstanding contributions by African American men, the Martin Luther King Jr. Award from the National Education Association, and the "Use Your Life Award" from the Oprah Winfrey's Angel Network. He is also the author of the 1996 best-selling book, Street Soldier: One Man's Struggle to save a generation, one life at a time. Dr. Marshall is also a current member of the San Francisco Police Commission. He is an elected Fellow of Ashoka: Innovators for the Public, a global organization of social entrepreneurs, who are recognized for their innovative solutions to some of society's most difficult social problems.
Funders state [him], it is “excellent and much needed.”
Joe Marshall states, “This has been the missing piece to the puzzle in my work with young people at risk of violence, incarceration and death.”
In conclusion, Dr. Marshall provides an inoculation to the disease that is violence. The members who are involved in his programs learn rules designed t decrease their chances of being either a perpetrator or a victim of violence. If they follow these rules, Marshall says they can change their own lives. Who would have ever thought that a middle school teacher would start a revolution of peace and education? Dr. Marshall is truly a blessing to cherish in a society so deeply rooted in the lack of education and violence.

Initial Planning Sheet;

1. What is the subject of your paper?
: The subject of my paper is about Dr. Joe Marshall /the Omega boys club/ Street Soldiers organization and what they stand for.

2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
: To find out more about this organization and the people who founded it.

3. What audience will you write for?
: To inform the youth about any helpful links to this organization which specialize in guiding young people and being mentors to them.

4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?

-Who are social entrepreneurs?

-What motivated this person to want to change something in society?

-How did this person get the community's support for the project?

-What did the community gain?

-What did the social entrepreneur gain?

-How did Joe Marshall and Jack Jacqua Start this organization?

-How did they gain the support of youth community?

5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?
: Description. Problem/ solution

Source Medias:
Street Soldiers Radio Show
Street Soldiers National Consortium
Omega Training Institutes
Street Soldiers Communications and Outreach: the Club's Hotline, 1-800-SOLDIER,
Contact Information

-The Omega Boys Club / Street Soldiers
1060 Tennessee Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
-Mailing Address
P.O. Box 884463
San Francisco, CA 94188-4463
-Requests for information and other general inquiries can
be made by phoning 1-800-SOLDIER® (1-800-765-3437).
You may also email us at:
Street soldiers –the book
Street soldiers- the documentary
Im doing my research paper on Enviornemtal Science Academy. This is my draft.

Carmen Truong
Sabir 10-12

My research paper will be about Environmental Science Academy, as known as ESA is the human impact of the world. It is a program which helps the students to learn about the environment and perhaps help their further career in the future. It’s about teamwork, to learn and to help together. Mr. Jordan wrote letters to the environment agency to ask for donations and grants for our trips. We also work with other company. I have joined this academy when I was in High School. Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Noonan are our ESA teachers, and I learned many great things through out those four years that I will never forget. There are many schools also have this academy class. I noticed not a lot of people know about our topic Environmental Science Academy.

I want to write about this subject because as a member of ESA, I was taught to do many useful things for this community such as recycling, community service, we go to many field trips to learn a lot of different kind of species. We also go Lake Merritt every Tuesday to test out the water, it was fun because we get to ride on the boat with a group of people, as we ride from a certain places, we test out the salinity, which tells us how salty the water is, the oxygen, the color on top of the water, how dirty it is, and to test at what is living underneath the water by looking through the microscope with a scope of water, it was very interested, because it was a scope of water we scoop up from Lake Merritt, and as I look through it from the microscope, I see a lot of living species that is moving, as I look even closer, there was many different kinds. After we test that out, I know the water is very dirty. Even a small amount of water pollution can eventually cause a very large environmental problem. We also take a walk around Lake Merritt, Mr. Jordan point out a lot of birds to us, there was a lot of kinds, he explain every single one to us, the description, the color, the size, what does it eat, etc…After we learn about the different kinds of birds for few weeks, we had a quiz on it.

For all the ESA members, we have to recycle; we have to keep the community a better place to live. In class time we have to go to each classroom in the whole school to collect what could recycle. We took a trip to the dumpster, we saw much garbage piling up, it was stinking, but they also pick up the recycle things so it can be reused, we learned that if we recycle, it could be reuse and reduce. If a person produces many garbage a day is 10%, he or she could reduces it to 5% by recycling plastic, paper, aluminum, and put compostable items into the decomposing bin. This is important because landfills are being out of space. We are creating more and more landfills. Landfills will get closer to our land, causing air and water pollution to our health. We can also pay lower trash bills if we recycle. I notice a lot of people don’t recycle and don’t care about it, but we not only helping others but ourselves too. If the world is clean, the air we breathe could be even better. Not only outdoors should be clean, inside large buildings can also cause bad air pollution. Sometimes at home can cause bad health problem such as smoking or cooking. People with heart problem or lung cancer are more likely causes of the air pollutions. Littering shouldn’t be allowed at all, that’s why there is a 1,000 fine for people that litter. Therefore, we should make this world a possible chance to make this community better if we can educate the public about the benefits of recycling, educate students about the importance of recycling and label recyclable at recyclable items for people to recycle.

We went to Monterey Bay Aquarium to visits the inhabitants, we look at the seals, and they are wild animals and can bite. There was a hospital room for the seal if the seal is sick. This woman was helping the seal. I learn that if the seal is sick, then they don’t want to eat, they have to use a long tube to stick it in the seals mouth to the stomach and pump food in there or else they will die. We also had a classroom to learn about the invertebrate. We also went to many hiking on many long hard roads. Mr. Jordan point out different kinds of plants to us, the poison kinds and many different kinds. Mr. Jordan had a test for us to see if we remember it. There are many trips such as snow trips, Catalina, Hawaii, Snow boarding, and rafting that I didn’t go, but I regretted, I wish I went to all the trips. Even though there are few people who came back with injured arms or legs, but they still went again, because they had fun. All the trips we went are to learn, not to relax, but we educated ourselves. We did community service in school together. We clean the school garden, painted the walls, plant flowers and grass, we water it every other day, and we saw them grew beautifully, and we also went to clean up the beaches. In everyday class, we learn about the environment, global warming, Nuclear energy, Acid Rain, population, and we also did a lot of experiment in class.

I really enjoy joining ESA, although there are many notes we have to study on, but we also had fun. The trips we went to all help me with my tests. It is very important to know all these information because it taught me to save a better community with this knowledge. All the ESA members got very close connection, we got more socialize. The main strategy I use writing this essay is my knowledge. In class, Mr. Jordan taught us about different vocabulary words due to the Environment, we have to look up the words for its meaning, and then we have discussion of those words, we also did a project about DNA. The biggest part I’ve learned is at Lake Merritt, because we spend more time there studying on the water, the species, etc… Overall, I think this academy is worth joining, although I graduated high school, I miss ESA. We all still keep in touch with Mr. Jordan, sometimes he will send us emails asking us if we want to go on a trip with his class. I definitely recommend young girls in high school join ESA.
Im doing my research paper on Enviornemtal Science Academy. This is my draft.

Carmen Truong
Sabir 10-12

My research paper will be about Environmental Science Academy, as known as ESA is the human impact of the world. It is a program which helps the students to learn about the environment and perhaps help their further career in the future. It’s about teamwork, to learn and to help together. Mr. Jordan wrote letters to the environment agency to ask for donations and grants for our trips. We also work with other company. I have joined this academy when I was in High School. Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Noonan are our ESA teachers, and I learned many great things through out those four years that I will never forget. There are many schools also have this academy class. I noticed not a lot of people know about our topic Environmental Science Academy.

I want to write about this subject because as a member of ESA, I was taught to do many useful things for this community such as recycling, community service, we go to many field trips to learn a lot of different kind of species. We also go Lake Merritt every Tuesday to test out the water, it was fun because we get to ride on the boat with a group of people, as we ride from a certain places, we test out the salinity, which tells us how salty the water is, the oxygen, the color on top of the water, how dirty it is, and to test at what is living underneath the water by looking through the microscope with a scope of water, it was very interested, because it was a scope of water we scoop up from Lake Merritt, and as I look through it from the microscope, I see a lot of living species that is moving, as I look even closer, there was many different kinds. After we test that out, I know the water is very dirty. Even a small amount of water pollution can eventually cause a very large environmental problem. We also take a walk around Lake Merritt, Mr. Jordan point out a lot of birds to us, there was a lot of kinds, he explain every single one to us, the description, the color, the size, what does it eat, etc…After we learn about the different kinds of birds for few weeks, we had a quiz on it.

For all the ESA members, we have to recycle; we have to keep the community a better place to live. In class time we have to go to each classroom in the whole school to collect what could recycle. We took a trip to the dumpster, we saw much garbage piling up, it was stinking, but they also pick up the recycle things so it can be reused, we learned that if we recycle, it could be reuse and reduce. If a person produces many garbage a day is 10%, he or she could reduces it to 5% by recycling plastic, paper, aluminum, and put compostable items into the decomposing bin. This is important because landfills are being out of space. We are creating more and more landfills. Landfills will get closer to our land, causing air and water pollution to our health. We can also pay lower trash bills if we recycle. I notice a lot of people don’t recycle and don’t care about it, but we not only helping others but ourselves too. If the world is clean, the air we breathe could be even better. Not only outdoors should be clean, inside large buildings can also cause bad air pollution. Sometimes at home can cause bad health problem such as smoking or cooking. People with heart problem or lung cancer are more likely causes of the air pollutions. Littering shouldn’t be allowed at all, that’s why there is a 1,000 fine for people that litter. Therefore, we should make this world a possible chance to make this community better if we can educate the public about the benefits of recycling, educate students about the importance of recycling and label recyclable at recyclable items for people to recycle.

We went to Monterey Bay Aquarium to visits the inhabitants, we look at the seals, and they are wild animals and can bite. There was a hospital room for the seal if the seal is sick. This woman was helping the seal. I learn that if the seal is sick, then they don’t want to eat, they have to use a long tube to stick it in the seals mouth to the stomach and pump food in there or else they will die. We also had a classroom to learn about the invertebrate. We also went to many hiking on many long hard roads. Mr. Jordan point out different kinds of plants to us, the poison kinds and many different kinds. Mr. Jordan had a test for us to see if we remember it. There are many trips such as snow trips, Catalina, Hawaii, Snow boarding, and rafting that I didn’t go, but I regretted, I wish I went to all the trips. Even though there are few people who came back with injured arms or legs, but they still went again, because they had fun. All the trips we went are to learn, not to relax, but we educated ourselves. We did community service in school together. We clean the school garden, painted the walls, plant flowers and grass, we water it every other day, and we saw them grew beautifully, and we also went to clean up the beaches. In everyday class, we learn about the environment, global warming, Nuclear energy, Acid Rain, population, and we also did a lot of experiment in class.

I really enjoy joining ESA, although there are many notes we have to study on, but we also had fun. The trips we went to all help me with my tests. It is very important to know all these information because it taught me to save a better community with this knowledge. All the ESA members got very close connection, we got more socialize. The main strategy I use writing this essay is my knowledge. In class, Mr. Jordan taught us about different vocabulary words due to the Environment, we have to look up the words for its meaning, and then we have discussion of those words, we also did a project about DNA. The biggest part I’ve learned is at Lake Merritt, because we spend more time there studying on the water, the species, etc… Overall, I think this academy is worth joining, although I graduated high school, I miss ESA. We all still keep in touch with Mr. Jordan, sometimes he will send us emails asking us if we want to go on a trip with his class. I definitely recommend young girls in high school join ESA.
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