Monday, May 19, 2008
Ilyasah Shabazz, Daughter of Malcolm X Cyber-essay
Today is Malcolm X's birthday. He was a contemporary of Martin Luther King Jr. and also was assasinated at 39 years old. Though shown as advesaries, the two men shared a lot and had a lot in common. Malcolm X appreciated Martin King's work and went to Atlanta to support him, yet King was away, so Shabazz met with Coretta Scott King instead. If you don't know anything about Malcolm X, you might want to read a short bio on him first, before responding to this essay.
The topic of this paper takes as a theme, nature vs. nurture, fate vs. destiny. Think about this interview with another child of an icon, Ilyasha Shabazz, daughter of El Hajj Malik El Shabazz. Her life shares some of the same challenges that Martin Luther King III spoke about: the expectations of greatness neither could live up to as children and young adults. King wanted to shoot hoops and Shabazz wanted to be a fashion model. Now both are carrying on their parents' legacy of civil leadership and civic involvement.
Was Ilyasah given a choice or did she take it? Was she a victim of circumstances or did she have certain privileges because of her parents?
How much of who she is based on her will rather than the family she inherited? If you like, you can talk about yourself and whether or not you choose your life, or if it was given to you, or perhaps it is a little of both.
The question is in here somewhere :-) Respond in 250-500 words today and post it here. This is your final essay. Make it good.
The topic of this paper takes as a theme, nature vs. nurture, fate vs. destiny. Think about this interview with another child of an icon, Ilyasha Shabazz, daughter of El Hajj Malik El Shabazz. Her life shares some of the same challenges that Martin Luther King III spoke about: the expectations of greatness neither could live up to as children and young adults. King wanted to shoot hoops and Shabazz wanted to be a fashion model. Now both are carrying on their parents' legacy of civil leadership and civic involvement.
Was Ilyasah given a choice or did she take it? Was she a victim of circumstances or did she have certain privileges because of her parents?
How much of who she is based on her will rather than the family she inherited? If you like, you can talk about yourself and whether or not you choose your life, or if it was given to you, or perhaps it is a little of both.
The question is in here somewhere :-) Respond in 250-500 words today and post it here. This is your final essay. Make it good.
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Erik Del Nero
English 201 B
Ilyasah Shabazz is one of Malcolm X’s Daughters. She barely has any memory of her father’s death. He died when she was two. As a child, she was put into private schools. She did not even know her own fathers legacy, while many of her classmates did. Ilyasah had to buy an autobiography of her father to know his great accomplishments. She became famous only because of her last name.
When she gives speech’s people expect to hear her father, and if they don’t they felt disappointed. She always has to tell people that she is not her father. Ilyasah and Martin Luther King the third have a lot in common. They both lost their fathers at a young age. I believe it was their father’s destiny to do what they did because they worked on civil rights. I also, believe that it was fate that Martin Luther King the third and Ilyasah followed their father’s footsteps.
By the year 1995 Ilyasah’s sister, decide to get revenge on their father’s killer. When she attempted to do so, she was arrested and agreed to plea insanity. Everyone knows when you lose a family member it is devastating. Many people do not handle a death in the family well. Ilyasah handled her father death well, because she was too young to remember what happened.
After she read her father’s autobiography, she had some many questions. Did it hurt when he got shot? At times, she could hear her mother crying and asking her father why he had to leave. Their will always be pain of the loss of her father in her heart. Most of the questions she wanted to ask him were about his life. She finally had a day to go visit his grave cite. The weather was horrible because it was raining.
In conclusion, Ilyasah had to for everything she got. While being a freshman in she dated a NBA player only to find out that he was unfaithful so she dumped him with out any hesitation. Once she figured out how famous her father was it made her life a whole lot easier. Then she wanted to know what he was famous for. While figuring out who her father was she also figured out who she is. She says, “I would never trade parent with anyone. Therefore, to me she is proud of her family and herself after all.
English 201 B
Ilyasah Shabazz is one of Malcolm X’s Daughters. She barely has any memory of her father’s death. He died when she was two. As a child, she was put into private schools. She did not even know her own fathers legacy, while many of her classmates did. Ilyasah had to buy an autobiography of her father to know his great accomplishments. She became famous only because of her last name.
When she gives speech’s people expect to hear her father, and if they don’t they felt disappointed. She always has to tell people that she is not her father. Ilyasah and Martin Luther King the third have a lot in common. They both lost their fathers at a young age. I believe it was their father’s destiny to do what they did because they worked on civil rights. I also, believe that it was fate that Martin Luther King the third and Ilyasah followed their father’s footsteps.
By the year 1995 Ilyasah’s sister, decide to get revenge on their father’s killer. When she attempted to do so, she was arrested and agreed to plea insanity. Everyone knows when you lose a family member it is devastating. Many people do not handle a death in the family well. Ilyasah handled her father death well, because she was too young to remember what happened.
After she read her father’s autobiography, she had some many questions. Did it hurt when he got shot? At times, she could hear her mother crying and asking her father why he had to leave. Their will always be pain of the loss of her father in her heart. Most of the questions she wanted to ask him were about his life. She finally had a day to go visit his grave cite. The weather was horrible because it was raining.
In conclusion, Ilyasah had to for everything she got. While being a freshman in she dated a NBA player only to find out that he was unfaithful so she dumped him with out any hesitation. Once she figured out how famous her father was it made her life a whole lot easier. Then she wanted to know what he was famous for. While figuring out who her father was she also figured out who she is. She says, “I would never trade parent with anyone. Therefore, to me she is proud of her family and herself after all.
Carmen Truong
Sabir 10-12
Llyasah Shabazz
Daughter of Malcolm X
Llyasah Shabazz was 17 when she first went to private college with only white students. Students already knew who she is before she arrived to school. Students welcomed her and also expects a lot of her. Perhaps someone who is more special or one of a kind. Llyasah was 2 years old when her father Malcolm X was shot to death. She doesn’t have any memory of it and doesn’t know exactly who her father is. She has to take courses about him and read about his fathers autobiography in order to know more about him. Malcolm X was assassinated on February 21, 1965 at the age 39 by three nation of Islam men at Malcolm out stage. They shot him 15 times at a close range. After his death, Llyasah sister Qubilah was arrested for trying to get revenge from the nation of Islam leader who she think that killed her father. Her mother Betty Shazz was killed at home by a set of fire. Although Llysah lost both of her parents, Llysah moved on and try not to be sad because she feels like she doesn’t want anything to hold her back. People are constantly talking about not seeing her as Malcolm X daughter, because of the clothing she wore or maybe how she talks, but all that doesn’t seems to bother her at all, she tries not to involves in other people expectations. Despite all the people gossiping, “There’s never been one moment in my life where I wished I had different parents.” pg.118 Finally, “She knows who her father was, but she also knows who she is.” pg.118
In conclusion, If I was in Llysah shoe, I wouldn’t choose another life just because there are many obstacles that I have to face, because I believe all parents give the best to their children, and no matter what they do, we still have love for each other. Family will always be there for you no matter what. I will have no choice but to face the fact. I try to not take other peoples opinion and thought that effect me. I choose what is right for me and I only follow my own instinct.
Sabir 10-12
Llyasah Shabazz
Daughter of Malcolm X
Llyasah Shabazz was 17 when she first went to private college with only white students. Students already knew who she is before she arrived to school. Students welcomed her and also expects a lot of her. Perhaps someone who is more special or one of a kind. Llyasah was 2 years old when her father Malcolm X was shot to death. She doesn’t have any memory of it and doesn’t know exactly who her father is. She has to take courses about him and read about his fathers autobiography in order to know more about him. Malcolm X was assassinated on February 21, 1965 at the age 39 by three nation of Islam men at Malcolm out stage. They shot him 15 times at a close range. After his death, Llyasah sister Qubilah was arrested for trying to get revenge from the nation of Islam leader who she think that killed her father. Her mother Betty Shazz was killed at home by a set of fire. Although Llysah lost both of her parents, Llysah moved on and try not to be sad because she feels like she doesn’t want anything to hold her back. People are constantly talking about not seeing her as Malcolm X daughter, because of the clothing she wore or maybe how she talks, but all that doesn’t seems to bother her at all, she tries not to involves in other people expectations. Despite all the people gossiping, “There’s never been one moment in my life where I wished I had different parents.” pg.118 Finally, “She knows who her father was, but she also knows who she is.” pg.118
In conclusion, If I was in Llysah shoe, I wouldn’t choose another life just because there are many obstacles that I have to face, because I believe all parents give the best to their children, and no matter what they do, we still have love for each other. Family will always be there for you no matter what. I will have no choice but to face the fact. I try to not take other peoples opinion and thought that effect me. I choose what is right for me and I only follow my own instinct.
Matthew Tasby
English 201-b
Ilyasha Shabazz
Just One Of Malcom's Kids
All of Malcom's kids seem to have inherited at least one solid piece of his character. One of the well known Malcom X's daughters, Attalah, tried to publicly have a reconciliation with the Minister Farrakahn, where another (Qubilah) tried to conspire towards his murder. Where Ilyasha herself is the mirror image of her father in a sense of how she makes her own strong and intelligent decisions. She originally wanted to be a fashion model and very well could have been easily with her family's connections and her being daughter to one of America's great leaders. However, she seems to reject the idea of being the recipient of any fame that connects only or mostly her father's work. "And though Ilyasha can't remember her father, many others do. their memories cause them to place their expectations on her." (pg.113) I'm pretty sure that the reason for her mother's involvement in having Ilyasha bombarded with culture/character building activities early on in life was so she would end up being her own person; just like her dad. Also her lack of knowledge about her father only made his essence come forth from within her. she was so overwhelmed by his presence, (afterlife), that she felt obligated to learn more about his life works. Malcom definitely had the same thirst for knowledge and truth! There was much that she was obviously in the dark about her father's works as she was grown before she was shocked by the information in Malcom's autobiography.
Ilyasha Shabazz, one of Malcom X's daughters is probably more like her father than she realizes. rage and a fount of wisdom were two things mentioned by her as aspects from her fathers life that she thinks she lacks. This translates to me as the "fight" (from the external) which she is convinced is missing from her character that prevents her from having the same drive of outward motivation emanating outward. Well, first of all it's obvious from her sister's, Qubilah, conspiring for revenge against the Minister Loius Farrakahn in 1995; which one of Malcom's daughters inherited the, (from external), "fight". In Ilyasha I see the from internal "fight" that Malcom had. She speaks for what she believes in through her writing. Existing in a realm where she freely expresses herself is moving and extremely relative to a mass audience; whom appreciates her uniqueness aside from her father's legacy. Which in turn prevents her from feeling as if she is piggy backing on just her father's status due to his work. In fact in writing she shows how she is a product of her father's legacy.
It wasn't always acceptable for Ilyasha to be herself. " Ilyasha felt inadequate as an inspirational speaker."(pg.113) When she tried to step into the spotlight of being the daughter of the famous Malcom X, she quickly found out that people were uninterested in her individuality. most just wanted to see a exact reincarnation of Malcom. Criticism seemed to come by the boatload as she moved into the public's view searching for her spark; like her father's. The same spark that grasped the attention of a mass audience around the world when her father was alive and in action. starting on day one of her college life she was surrounded by whispers from admirers of her father's work; whom ignorantly stalked her around the campus: " Are you certain that's Malcom X's daughter?" " She sure doesn't look like it." (pg.109) What kind of rhetoric is that?! People can't expect someone to feel the least bit of comfort as the jackals of society pick away at them; alive. this beautiful individual is the daughter of a legendary man, but she and her family, (especially siblings), have suffered due to Malcolm’s death. it's not about pity in her eyes, but it's all about awareness. Like Eryka Badu says on her new album, "I stay woke!" After all, Malcom was shot to death in front of her when she was a baby; even though she doesn't remember. her nephew, later in life, caused death of her mother via setting fire to the house. These are just a few examples of the trials and tribulations of her life. It is apparent that she has grown to be very much like her father through adversity, which forces a lot of the inherited qualities out of her. As she writes in her book Growing Up X , " I realized that I didn't have to re-create the amazing lives of my mother or my father; all I had to do was be my own best self," (pg.116) This is where she talks about growing into the powerful individual she has become through getting as far away as possible from the family's image set by her father's works.
English 201-b
Ilyasha Shabazz
Just One Of Malcom's Kids
All of Malcom's kids seem to have inherited at least one solid piece of his character. One of the well known Malcom X's daughters, Attalah, tried to publicly have a reconciliation with the Minister Farrakahn, where another (Qubilah) tried to conspire towards his murder. Where Ilyasha herself is the mirror image of her father in a sense of how she makes her own strong and intelligent decisions. She originally wanted to be a fashion model and very well could have been easily with her family's connections and her being daughter to one of America's great leaders. However, she seems to reject the idea of being the recipient of any fame that connects only or mostly her father's work. "And though Ilyasha can't remember her father, many others do. their memories cause them to place their expectations on her." (pg.113) I'm pretty sure that the reason for her mother's involvement in having Ilyasha bombarded with culture/character building activities early on in life was so she would end up being her own person; just like her dad. Also her lack of knowledge about her father only made his essence come forth from within her. she was so overwhelmed by his presence, (afterlife), that she felt obligated to learn more about his life works. Malcom definitely had the same thirst for knowledge and truth! There was much that she was obviously in the dark about her father's works as she was grown before she was shocked by the information in Malcom's autobiography.
Ilyasha Shabazz, one of Malcom X's daughters is probably more like her father than she realizes. rage and a fount of wisdom were two things mentioned by her as aspects from her fathers life that she thinks she lacks. This translates to me as the "fight" (from the external) which she is convinced is missing from her character that prevents her from having the same drive of outward motivation emanating outward. Well, first of all it's obvious from her sister's, Qubilah, conspiring for revenge against the Minister Loius Farrakahn in 1995; which one of Malcom's daughters inherited the, (from external), "fight". In Ilyasha I see the from internal "fight" that Malcom had. She speaks for what she believes in through her writing. Existing in a realm where she freely expresses herself is moving and extremely relative to a mass audience; whom appreciates her uniqueness aside from her father's legacy. Which in turn prevents her from feeling as if she is piggy backing on just her father's status due to his work. In fact in writing she shows how she is a product of her father's legacy.
It wasn't always acceptable for Ilyasha to be herself. " Ilyasha felt inadequate as an inspirational speaker."(pg.113) When she tried to step into the spotlight of being the daughter of the famous Malcom X, she quickly found out that people were uninterested in her individuality. most just wanted to see a exact reincarnation of Malcom. Criticism seemed to come by the boatload as she moved into the public's view searching for her spark; like her father's. The same spark that grasped the attention of a mass audience around the world when her father was alive and in action. starting on day one of her college life she was surrounded by whispers from admirers of her father's work; whom ignorantly stalked her around the campus: " Are you certain that's Malcom X's daughter?" " She sure doesn't look like it." (pg.109) What kind of rhetoric is that?! People can't expect someone to feel the least bit of comfort as the jackals of society pick away at them; alive. this beautiful individual is the daughter of a legendary man, but she and her family, (especially siblings), have suffered due to Malcolm’s death. it's not about pity in her eyes, but it's all about awareness. Like Eryka Badu says on her new album, "I stay woke!" After all, Malcom was shot to death in front of her when she was a baby; even though she doesn't remember. her nephew, later in life, caused death of her mother via setting fire to the house. These are just a few examples of the trials and tribulations of her life. It is apparent that she has grown to be very much like her father through adversity, which forces a lot of the inherited qualities out of her. As she writes in her book Growing Up X , " I realized that I didn't have to re-create the amazing lives of my mother or my father; all I had to do was be my own best self," (pg.116) This is where she talks about growing into the powerful individual she has become through getting as far away as possible from the family's image set by her father's works.
Matthew Tasby
English 201-b
Ilyasha Shabazz
Just One Of Malcom's Kids
All of Malcom's kids seem to have inherited at least one solid piece of his character. One of the well known Malcom X's daughters, Attalah, tried to publicly have a reconciliation with the Minister Farrakahn, where another (Qubilah) tried to conspire towards his murder. Where Ilyasha herself is the mirror image of her father in a sense of how she makes her own strong and intelligent decisions. She originally wanted to be a fashion model and very well could have been easily with her family's connections and her being daughter to one of America's great leaders. However, she seems to reject the idea of being the recipient of any fame that connects only or mostly because of her father's work. "And though Ilyasha can't remember her father, many others do. Their memories cause them to place their expectations on her." (pg.113) I'm pretty sure that the reason for her mother's involvement in having Ilyasha bombarded with culture/character building activities early on in life was so she would end up being her own person; just like her dad. Also her lack of knowledge about her father only made his essence come forth from within her. She was so overwhelmed by his presence, (afterlife), that she felt obligated to learn more about his life works. Malcom definitely had the same thirst for knowledge and truth! There was much that she was obviously in the dark about her father's works as she was grown before being shocked by the information in Malcom's autobiography.
Ilyasha Shabazz, one of Malcom X's daughters is probably more like her father than she realizes. Rage and a fount of wisdom were two things mentioned by her as aspects from her fathers life that she thinks she lacks. This translates to me as the "fight" (from the external) which she is convinced is missing from her character that prevents her from having the same drive of motivation emanating outward. Well, first of all it's obvious from her sister's, Qubilah, conspiring for revenge against the Minister Loius Farrakahn in 1995; which one of Malcom's daughters inherited the, (from external), "fight". In Ilyasha I see more of the from internal "fight" that Malcom had. She speaks for what she believes in through her writing. Existing in a realm where she freely expresses herself is not just moving but extremely relative to a mass audience; whom appreciates her uniqueness aside from her father's legacy. Especially with a lot of this audience being children of the movement themselves! Which in turn prevents her from feeling as if she is piggy backing on just her father's status due to his work. In fact in writing she shows how she is a product of her father's legacy.
It wasn't always acceptable for Ilyasha to be herself. " Ilyasha felt inadequate as an inspirational speaker."(pg.113) When she tried to step into the spotlight of being the daughter of the famous Malcom X, she quickly found out that people were uninterested in her individuality. most just wanted to see a exact reincarnation of Malcom. Criticism seemed to come by the boatload as she moved into the public's view searching for her spark; like her father's. The same spark that grasped the attention of a mass audience around the world when her father was alive and in action. starting on day one of her college life she was surrounded by whispers from admirers of her father's work; whom ignorantly stalked her around the campus: " Are you certain that's Malcom X's daughter?" " She sure doesn't look like it." (pg.109) What kind of rhetoric is that?! People can't expect someone to feel the least bit of comfort as the jackals of society pick away at them; alive. this beautiful individual is the daughter of a legendary man, but she and her family, (especially siblings), have suffered due to Malcolm’s death. it's not about pity in her eyes, but it's all about awareness. Like Eryka Badu says on her new album, "I stay woke!" After all, Malcom was shot to death in front of her when she was a baby; even though she doesn't remember. her nephew, later in life, caused death of her mother via setting fire to the house. These are just a few examples of the trials and tribulations of her life. It is apparent that she has grown to be very much like her father through adversity, which forces a lot of the inherited qualities out of her. As she writes in her book Growing Up X , " I realized that I didn't have to re-create the amazing lives of my mother or my father; all I had to do was be my own best self," (pg.116) This is where she talks about growing into the powerful individual she has become through getting as far away as possible from the family's image set by her father's works.
English 201-b
Ilyasha Shabazz
Just One Of Malcom's Kids
All of Malcom's kids seem to have inherited at least one solid piece of his character. One of the well known Malcom X's daughters, Attalah, tried to publicly have a reconciliation with the Minister Farrakahn, where another (Qubilah) tried to conspire towards his murder. Where Ilyasha herself is the mirror image of her father in a sense of how she makes her own strong and intelligent decisions. She originally wanted to be a fashion model and very well could have been easily with her family's connections and her being daughter to one of America's great leaders. However, she seems to reject the idea of being the recipient of any fame that connects only or mostly because of her father's work. "And though Ilyasha can't remember her father, many others do. Their memories cause them to place their expectations on her." (pg.113) I'm pretty sure that the reason for her mother's involvement in having Ilyasha bombarded with culture/character building activities early on in life was so she would end up being her own person; just like her dad. Also her lack of knowledge about her father only made his essence come forth from within her. She was so overwhelmed by his presence, (afterlife), that she felt obligated to learn more about his life works. Malcom definitely had the same thirst for knowledge and truth! There was much that she was obviously in the dark about her father's works as she was grown before being shocked by the information in Malcom's autobiography.
Ilyasha Shabazz, one of Malcom X's daughters is probably more like her father than she realizes. Rage and a fount of wisdom were two things mentioned by her as aspects from her fathers life that she thinks she lacks. This translates to me as the "fight" (from the external) which she is convinced is missing from her character that prevents her from having the same drive of motivation emanating outward. Well, first of all it's obvious from her sister's, Qubilah, conspiring for revenge against the Minister Loius Farrakahn in 1995; which one of Malcom's daughters inherited the, (from external), "fight". In Ilyasha I see more of the from internal "fight" that Malcom had. She speaks for what she believes in through her writing. Existing in a realm where she freely expresses herself is not just moving but extremely relative to a mass audience; whom appreciates her uniqueness aside from her father's legacy. Especially with a lot of this audience being children of the movement themselves! Which in turn prevents her from feeling as if she is piggy backing on just her father's status due to his work. In fact in writing she shows how she is a product of her father's legacy.
It wasn't always acceptable for Ilyasha to be herself. " Ilyasha felt inadequate as an inspirational speaker."(pg.113) When she tried to step into the spotlight of being the daughter of the famous Malcom X, she quickly found out that people were uninterested in her individuality. most just wanted to see a exact reincarnation of Malcom. Criticism seemed to come by the boatload as she moved into the public's view searching for her spark; like her father's. The same spark that grasped the attention of a mass audience around the world when her father was alive and in action. starting on day one of her college life she was surrounded by whispers from admirers of her father's work; whom ignorantly stalked her around the campus: " Are you certain that's Malcom X's daughter?" " She sure doesn't look like it." (pg.109) What kind of rhetoric is that?! People can't expect someone to feel the least bit of comfort as the jackals of society pick away at them; alive. this beautiful individual is the daughter of a legendary man, but she and her family, (especially siblings), have suffered due to Malcolm’s death. it's not about pity in her eyes, but it's all about awareness. Like Eryka Badu says on her new album, "I stay woke!" After all, Malcom was shot to death in front of her when she was a baby; even though she doesn't remember. her nephew, later in life, caused death of her mother via setting fire to the house. These are just a few examples of the trials and tribulations of her life. It is apparent that she has grown to be very much like her father through adversity, which forces a lot of the inherited qualities out of her. As she writes in her book Growing Up X , " I realized that I didn't have to re-create the amazing lives of my mother or my father; all I had to do was be my own best self," (pg.116) This is where she talks about growing into the powerful individual she has become through getting as far away as possible from the family's image set by her father's works.
Raymond Wong
English 201B 10-12
Ilyasah Shabazz was the daughter of Malcolm X. Her life had an effect while growing up as the daughter of Malcolm X. First of all, she was only two years old when he was assassinated, she does not remember much about her father. She did not have any privileges while growing up as Malcolm X’s daughter. Her mother Dr. Betty Shabazz made Ilyasah and her sisters do extracurricular activities like ballet lessons, music lessons, summer camps, etc. When people first see her, they expect her to be like her father.
Ilyasah’s life was somewhat pushed on to her due to her father being Malcolm X, because he wanted to be a songwriter or a model, but the book about her growing up as Malcolm X’s daughter changed that. Also, her mother made her do other activities. But, writing the book about her life growing up, shows that she chose her own path in her life and did not inherit the life she have from her father. Betty Shabazz also brought Ilyasah up away from the political spotlight so it had no influence on her life. Ilyasah chose her own path in life but some things are forced upon her, just because she is the daughter of a political leader.
I believe everyone’s life is chosen and inherited. It is chosen because we make out own decisions in life and we inherited our parents beliefs and we make out life choices based on those beliefs. Parents gives you many benefits and what you chose to do with them are your own choice. I believe Ilyasah’s life is both a choice and given to her because she did what ever she wanted with her life and what she did was write a book about her life, and the political life of Malcolm X was given to her even though she grew up out of the political spotlight. It was hard growing up in the shadows of her father but she did it and overcame the criticisms about her and became her own person in the world, and not just as the daughter of Malcolm X.
English 201B 10-12
Ilyasah Shabazz was the daughter of Malcolm X. Her life had an effect while growing up as the daughter of Malcolm X. First of all, she was only two years old when he was assassinated, she does not remember much about her father. She did not have any privileges while growing up as Malcolm X’s daughter. Her mother Dr. Betty Shabazz made Ilyasah and her sisters do extracurricular activities like ballet lessons, music lessons, summer camps, etc. When people first see her, they expect her to be like her father.
Ilyasah’s life was somewhat pushed on to her due to her father being Malcolm X, because he wanted to be a songwriter or a model, but the book about her growing up as Malcolm X’s daughter changed that. Also, her mother made her do other activities. But, writing the book about her life growing up, shows that she chose her own path in her life and did not inherit the life she have from her father. Betty Shabazz also brought Ilyasah up away from the political spotlight so it had no influence on her life. Ilyasah chose her own path in life but some things are forced upon her, just because she is the daughter of a political leader.
I believe everyone’s life is chosen and inherited. It is chosen because we make out own decisions in life and we inherited our parents beliefs and we make out life choices based on those beliefs. Parents gives you many benefits and what you chose to do with them are your own choice. I believe Ilyasah’s life is both a choice and given to her because she did what ever she wanted with her life and what she did was write a book about her life, and the political life of Malcolm X was given to her even though she grew up out of the political spotlight. It was hard growing up in the shadows of her father but she did it and overcame the criticisms about her and became her own person in the world, and not just as the daughter of Malcolm X.
Ilyasah Shabazz
From the fact that who is your parents, a person sometimes take advantages from it or become a victim of circumstance. However, if he/she accepts his genetic situation since it is a part of his identity, and if he can nurture it to develop his true identity, it will become an opportunity to strengthen himself. Ilyasah Shabazz’s story shows how she built her life on top of her parents’ legacy instead being a victim of circumstances.
Born into a child of Movement, Ilyasah Shabazz situated on the position of that people expected to see her father, Malcolm X’s reincarnation through her: fiery speeches and prominent leadership. However, as the third of Malcolm X’s six daughters, she grown up a shy, middle class woman who attended private school with white students. She learned about her father form his autobiography because she was two years old when her father was killed.
Also, Betty Shabazz, widow of Malcolm X, raised her six daughters in the Islamic faith, submitting to God and to peace, and taught them “you’re not the only person that suffers” (109) in front of her father’s death and the environment they have to go through. Like her mother’s teaching, Ilysah refuses to let herself be a victim of circumstances. Name recognition and people’s expectations followed her life, but she tried to accustom to it. In 2002, she wrote a book, Growing Up X, about her parents and her life, and the book attracted considerable attention. Even though she couldn’t satisfy people who invited her to speak at various political rallies, she continued to accept the invitation to dishonor her father’s memory.
In the end of the story, John Blake said that “Ilysha is no longer the shy college freshman letting other people’s expectations drag her along. Now she knows who her father was, but she also knows who she is. And despite the hardships that have come with her name, she remains grateful,” (118) and it confirms that she has accepted the parents’ legacy, and on top of that, she has nurtured and built her identity instead being a victim of circumstances.
From the fact that who is your parents, a person sometimes take advantages from it or become a victim of circumstance. However, if he/she accepts his genetic situation since it is a part of his identity, and if he can nurture it to develop his true identity, it will become an opportunity to strengthen himself. Ilyasah Shabazz’s story shows how she built her life on top of her parents’ legacy instead being a victim of circumstances.
Born into a child of Movement, Ilyasah Shabazz situated on the position of that people expected to see her father, Malcolm X’s reincarnation through her: fiery speeches and prominent leadership. However, as the third of Malcolm X’s six daughters, she grown up a shy, middle class woman who attended private school with white students. She learned about her father form his autobiography because she was two years old when her father was killed.
Also, Betty Shabazz, widow of Malcolm X, raised her six daughters in the Islamic faith, submitting to God and to peace, and taught them “you’re not the only person that suffers” (109) in front of her father’s death and the environment they have to go through. Like her mother’s teaching, Ilysah refuses to let herself be a victim of circumstances. Name recognition and people’s expectations followed her life, but she tried to accustom to it. In 2002, she wrote a book, Growing Up X, about her parents and her life, and the book attracted considerable attention. Even though she couldn’t satisfy people who invited her to speak at various political rallies, she continued to accept the invitation to dishonor her father’s memory.
In the end of the story, John Blake said that “Ilysha is no longer the shy college freshman letting other people’s expectations drag her along. Now she knows who her father was, but she also knows who she is. And despite the hardships that have come with her name, she remains grateful,” (118) and it confirms that she has accepted the parents’ legacy, and on top of that, she has nurtured and built her identity instead being a victim of circumstances.
Theresa Smith
English 201A
May 20, 2008
IIyasah Shabazz and Martin Luther King lll
I would like to discuss the life of Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. How Dr. King and Malcolm X families were affected by the tragedy of their lives and how it ended so quickly, leaving their children behind to follow in their footsteps.
Nature verses Nurture is the ideal way that people in today’s society think in order to determine how people make meaningful decision in their life. Nature is most important during a child up bringing and individuals that are incarcerated continuously such as a career criminal lead to repeated criminals activities and becomes one’s nature. To nurture someone is to allow oneself to become meliorable. Enabling your good friends and family to help you become a positive roll in today’s society by finishing school, not by indulging in drugs, and staying out of jail. If a person accomplishes these goals it will be in their destiny to succeed. Allowing a well nurtured brain to succeed with out failure.
First am going to discuss the nature and nurture that IIyasah Shabazz and Martin 111 endured while growing up with their mothers. Weather they were born in nature verses nurture. Also how IIyasah and Martin dealt with the community. They were left behind by their infamous father’s Malcolm X and Dr. King while the community expected them to succeed higher than others.
Marty did not want to follow in his father’s foot steps he wanted to play basketball and just be a normal person. When Dr. King died Marty’s mother told him. “He was the man of the house”. (M King) He was expected to close the blinds and lock the doors daily as the day ended. Marty tried to follow in his father’s foot steps but he did not get the same feeling as his father. He did not have the burning desire to continue the legacy. Marty was nurtured by his family and the community they placed him on a petal stool they gave him a lot of opportunity and challenges that was giving to him because of his father. The community wanted to push him emotionally, physically, and mentally. Marty’s remembers when he was a young child his father use to tell him if you don’t have something to die for then it not worth doing.
Ms. Shabazz on the other end was not nurtured by her family but she was expected to succeed in the community. Ms. Shabazz mother did not talk about her father; she did not force her to follow in his footsteps. Ms. Shabazz did not know much about her father until she read his autobiography. Ms. Shabazz mother raised her to become a normal person she attended ballet lesson, music lesson, and summer camps. Keeping her mind and body out of the movement as Ms. Shabazz gotten older she attended college her college peers pressured her into speaking at political parties expecting her to arrive on campus flaring up civil rights rallies and just remising about her father. Ms. Shabazz felt like she has no choices. Ms. Shabazz said. “I didn’t want to take away from what my father represented. And I felt if I did not give the speech, it would take away from my father”.( Ms. Shabazz came to turns that she did not have to be like her mom and dad as long as she had god on her side she was going to be alright.
In conclusion both Ms.Shabazz and Martin made their own accomplishment in life Ms. Shabazz wrote a book so that will enable her to speak more about her father. Martin traveling around keeping the movement going is working out for him. They both believe they were natured to what gods has expected them to do and they are both happy with that
English 201A
May 20, 2008
IIyasah Shabazz and Martin Luther King lll
I would like to discuss the life of Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. How Dr. King and Malcolm X families were affected by the tragedy of their lives and how it ended so quickly, leaving their children behind to follow in their footsteps.
Nature verses Nurture is the ideal way that people in today’s society think in order to determine how people make meaningful decision in their life. Nature is most important during a child up bringing and individuals that are incarcerated continuously such as a career criminal lead to repeated criminals activities and becomes one’s nature. To nurture someone is to allow oneself to become meliorable. Enabling your good friends and family to help you become a positive roll in today’s society by finishing school, not by indulging in drugs, and staying out of jail. If a person accomplishes these goals it will be in their destiny to succeed. Allowing a well nurtured brain to succeed with out failure.
First am going to discuss the nature and nurture that IIyasah Shabazz and Martin 111 endured while growing up with their mothers. Weather they were born in nature verses nurture. Also how IIyasah and Martin dealt with the community. They were left behind by their infamous father’s Malcolm X and Dr. King while the community expected them to succeed higher than others.
Marty did not want to follow in his father’s foot steps he wanted to play basketball and just be a normal person. When Dr. King died Marty’s mother told him. “He was the man of the house”. (M King) He was expected to close the blinds and lock the doors daily as the day ended. Marty tried to follow in his father’s foot steps but he did not get the same feeling as his father. He did not have the burning desire to continue the legacy. Marty was nurtured by his family and the community they placed him on a petal stool they gave him a lot of opportunity and challenges that was giving to him because of his father. The community wanted to push him emotionally, physically, and mentally. Marty’s remembers when he was a young child his father use to tell him if you don’t have something to die for then it not worth doing.
Ms. Shabazz on the other end was not nurtured by her family but she was expected to succeed in the community. Ms. Shabazz mother did not talk about her father; she did not force her to follow in his footsteps. Ms. Shabazz did not know much about her father until she read his autobiography. Ms. Shabazz mother raised her to become a normal person she attended ballet lesson, music lesson, and summer camps. Keeping her mind and body out of the movement as Ms. Shabazz gotten older she attended college her college peers pressured her into speaking at political parties expecting her to arrive on campus flaring up civil rights rallies and just remising about her father. Ms. Shabazz felt like she has no choices. Ms. Shabazz said. “I didn’t want to take away from what my father represented. And I felt if I did not give the speech, it would take away from my father”.( Ms. Shabazz came to turns that she did not have to be like her mom and dad as long as she had god on her side she was going to be alright.
In conclusion both Ms.Shabazz and Martin made their own accomplishment in life Ms. Shabazz wrote a book so that will enable her to speak more about her father. Martin traveling around keeping the movement going is working out for him. They both believe they were natured to what gods has expected them to do and they are both happy with that
Eng 201 1-3pm
Ilyasah Shabazz is the third daughter of Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz. When she was two years old, her father Malcolm X was assassinated. After her father’s death, her mother, Betty Shabazz moved to an integrated middle-class community with their children and raised them not telling clearly what their father did in his life. Her mother raised and educated her children base on Muslim background but she did not let her children interest in politics. So, Ilyasah grew up as a normal girl who likes to do things she likes. She wanted be a fashion model. Because of the childhood she lived, she did not have a chance to know much about her father.
When Ilyasah went to college, she realized whose daughter she is and found out people still expected her as Malcolm X’s daughter. Black students expected to see Malcolm X as a Black Muslim leader image from her. Thus, black students elected her as an officer in the Black Student Union. When she was recognized by people in college she had to buy her father’s autobiography to learn what he actually did and what kind of life he lived.
She found her father as a Black Muslim activist and lived his life for human rights of black people. He was betrayed and killed by the Nation of Islam and left his pregnant wife and four daughters behind.
There are many questions about Malcolm’s death but she answered one question if she is still angry with the Nation of Islam. “Not angry. You can have friends who you think are your good friends and you could be working on this project with them and you know it would be great. Then when you have those who are envious because you’re getting more attention, the project falls apart.” (115)
By she wrote in Growing up X, she received different spotlight in the public instead of fashion model. She says it is inevitable to choose where you are born from but it is your choice how you live in your life. She did not want to disgrace her father’s name and she said, “I didn’t want to take away from what my father represented. And I felt if I didn’t give the speech, it would take away from my father. I didn’t have a choice.” (114)
She denies herself as a victim of her father’s death. Even though her siblings have had a hard life since Malcolm X’s death, instead she thanks to her mother’s well parenting to her and her siblings. Ilyasah accepts the reality of choosing life to live and she said, “It’s a lot of pain. It’s a lot of questions. There are so many different things. But I would never trade parents with anyone.”(118) Even though, she is inherited a lot from both of her parents’ beliefs, it is her own life to build base on circumstances.
Ilyasah Shabazz is the third daughter of Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz. When she was two years old, her father Malcolm X was assassinated. After her father’s death, her mother, Betty Shabazz moved to an integrated middle-class community with their children and raised them not telling clearly what their father did in his life. Her mother raised and educated her children base on Muslim background but she did not let her children interest in politics. So, Ilyasah grew up as a normal girl who likes to do things she likes. She wanted be a fashion model. Because of the childhood she lived, she did not have a chance to know much about her father.
When Ilyasah went to college, she realized whose daughter she is and found out people still expected her as Malcolm X’s daughter. Black students expected to see Malcolm X as a Black Muslim leader image from her. Thus, black students elected her as an officer in the Black Student Union. When she was recognized by people in college she had to buy her father’s autobiography to learn what he actually did and what kind of life he lived.
She found her father as a Black Muslim activist and lived his life for human rights of black people. He was betrayed and killed by the Nation of Islam and left his pregnant wife and four daughters behind.
There are many questions about Malcolm’s death but she answered one question if she is still angry with the Nation of Islam. “Not angry. You can have friends who you think are your good friends and you could be working on this project with them and you know it would be great. Then when you have those who are envious because you’re getting more attention, the project falls apart.” (115)
By she wrote in Growing up X, she received different spotlight in the public instead of fashion model. She says it is inevitable to choose where you are born from but it is your choice how you live in your life. She did not want to disgrace her father’s name and she said, “I didn’t want to take away from what my father represented. And I felt if I didn’t give the speech, it would take away from my father. I didn’t have a choice.” (114)
She denies herself as a victim of her father’s death. Even though her siblings have had a hard life since Malcolm X’s death, instead she thanks to her mother’s well parenting to her and her siblings. Ilyasah accepts the reality of choosing life to live and she said, “It’s a lot of pain. It’s a lot of questions. There are so many different things. But I would never trade parents with anyone.”(118) Even though, she is inherited a lot from both of her parents’ beliefs, it is her own life to build base on circumstances.
raymond cade
English 201 B
Although i understand why Betty Shabazz kept her husband legacy a secaert from her children it was tragery what happened to her, at the same time, she and her sister should have been proud of what he accomplished. Its a traged that Ilyasah who was two when he was killed doesnt know who her father malcolm X was. Now her mother is dead and now she cut off from her roots. All she can do is do reseacher what a missed opprotunity. As i watched the Malcolm X docmentary in class on Malcolm X brithday i wonder how Ilyasah felt when she saw her father and realized, like i did how powerful her dad was. They were so tramatized, mentaly what it took them hell through espicaliy Ilyasah, seeing yor father shot to dath is hard. The family deep expressd in diffrent ways how it effected them. One of her sisters ploted to kill minster leader Louis Farakhan because she thinks that he had do with her fathers daeth. But the emotional roller coaster ride didnt stop her mother Betty Shabazz was killed in a house fire set by her nephew. Even the photographs of her fahter are too painful to look at. Through it all she kept a some of what she is whorth and here for. In the book children of the movement pg109 Ilyasah say" I think thats because thats how my mother raised us. That's what Islam is all about, subitting to god and to peace.Because when you think about it you're not the the only person that suffers. everyone lost their parents. Everyone lost someone and everyone suffered. But if you look at it like you're a victim , how do you accomplish anthing in life? how do you give ?"
i think that its sad that she dont know who she is some aspect of it all. She wrote a book called Growing Up X the book she wrote it to help her in a lot of ways she was most likely to get out some of her problems she kept about her father dath. And what she though about him and his legacey. The people or audince she was writting to felt deeply for and that hlep her. I was bron in Greenville Mississippi i dont know much about my mother or father but i would love to be in her shoes not sayin im hatein but she need to be firey about what her father has done.
English 201 B
Although i understand why Betty Shabazz kept her husband legacy a secaert from her children it was tragery what happened to her, at the same time, she and her sister should have been proud of what he accomplished. Its a traged that Ilyasah who was two when he was killed doesnt know who her father malcolm X was. Now her mother is dead and now she cut off from her roots. All she can do is do reseacher what a missed opprotunity. As i watched the Malcolm X docmentary in class on Malcolm X brithday i wonder how Ilyasah felt when she saw her father and realized, like i did how powerful her dad was. They were so tramatized, mentaly what it took them hell through espicaliy Ilyasah, seeing yor father shot to dath is hard. The family deep expressd in diffrent ways how it effected them. One of her sisters ploted to kill minster leader Louis Farakhan because she thinks that he had do with her fathers daeth. But the emotional roller coaster ride didnt stop her mother Betty Shabazz was killed in a house fire set by her nephew. Even the photographs of her fahter are too painful to look at. Through it all she kept a some of what she is whorth and here for. In the book children of the movement pg109 Ilyasah say" I think thats because thats how my mother raised us. That's what Islam is all about, subitting to god and to peace.Because when you think about it you're not the the only person that suffers. everyone lost their parents. Everyone lost someone and everyone suffered. But if you look at it like you're a victim , how do you accomplish anthing in life? how do you give ?"
i think that its sad that she dont know who she is some aspect of it all. She wrote a book called Growing Up X the book she wrote it to help her in a lot of ways she was most likely to get out some of her problems she kept about her father dath. And what she though about him and his legacey. The people or audince she was writting to felt deeply for and that hlep her. I was bron in Greenville Mississippi i dont know much about my mother or father but i would love to be in her shoes not sayin im hatein but she need to be firey about what her father has done.
Chesi Brown
English 201B
May 25, 2008
Children of the Movement:
Ilyasha Shabazz and Martin Luther King lll both are going through similar situations as meself. My grandfather is expecting all his grandchildren to go to school for a career that doesn’t need any assistants from the government. I’ve always wanted to be in the medical field everysince I was a little girl I felt this joy when being there for other who are in need. It made me feel like a “shero”, in this field people can finally see how much a care or how of big my heart is, because I love to give love this would have to be my passion. I have craved this position for a long time, I can imagine myself walking into the job on the first day saying, “hello, hello, hello, how are you, hello you look great Stacy! IF anybody needs me I’m in my office.” Just being able to greet everyone with a beautiful smile and a personality to remember feels great. However, this dream is mine not my grandfathers. My grandfather is expecting and praying for me to see the big picture that he talks about constantly becoming a“doctor.” Everyone in my family has rebelled against my grandfather advice and they are all in need of jobs and money. He lists and explains to me on a day to day basis the advantages that a doctor have and how important it is to be at the top of what every I choose to do. He says “when you are a doctor your are the boss, you make the decision, you call the orders, you can go all over the world when you feel like it and you will still be needed where ever you are. He says Chesi, you will never need a job, jobs will need you, you can be in a jungle and I bet someone or something will still need you, you will always have a job that no government or law can take, because a trade is something you have installed and you are capable to teach your family. Please don’t give up the opportunity to make a change.
My grandfather is so wise and powerful he makes so much sense to me whenever he speaks. I listen to him and I feel healed when I’m confused. I know when I listen to him I know me and my daughter want never have to worry about nothing. He always say, “ you say you want a car like mines, if you keep going the way you going you will have three cars like mine.” I see my grandfather’s vision and I never want to let him down. I respect him and understand him so much, but I don’t feel like I have a lot of time to do the things I love. I’m ready to work and be professional. I have been on section 8 and disability for a long time now and I have been living off my grandfather for a long time. I want to provide for me and my child, and make stand not just take a short cut.
I do have a choice and I know my grandfather would support me on my decision, but I not going to let him down. I love my grandfather too much and I know he knows best. He didn’t make 72 years old for nothing. I understand what Ilyasha Shabazz and Martin Luther King lll are going through and how frustrating this situation can be, but I’m chose to do it my way and my grandfather’s way. I going to continue to go to school and become a doctor after I get my BA in nursing. I’m going to work as a Nurse and go to school at night until I get my doctor credentials.
English 201B
May 25, 2008
Children of the Movement:
Ilyasha Shabazz and Martin Luther King lll both are going through similar situations as meself. My grandfather is expecting all his grandchildren to go to school for a career that doesn’t need any assistants from the government. I’ve always wanted to be in the medical field everysince I was a little girl I felt this joy when being there for other who are in need. It made me feel like a “shero”, in this field people can finally see how much a care or how of big my heart is, because I love to give love this would have to be my passion. I have craved this position for a long time, I can imagine myself walking into the job on the first day saying, “hello, hello, hello, how are you, hello you look great Stacy! IF anybody needs me I’m in my office.” Just being able to greet everyone with a beautiful smile and a personality to remember feels great. However, this dream is mine not my grandfathers. My grandfather is expecting and praying for me to see the big picture that he talks about constantly becoming a“doctor.” Everyone in my family has rebelled against my grandfather advice and they are all in need of jobs and money. He lists and explains to me on a day to day basis the advantages that a doctor have and how important it is to be at the top of what every I choose to do. He says “when you are a doctor your are the boss, you make the decision, you call the orders, you can go all over the world when you feel like it and you will still be needed where ever you are. He says Chesi, you will never need a job, jobs will need you, you can be in a jungle and I bet someone or something will still need you, you will always have a job that no government or law can take, because a trade is something you have installed and you are capable to teach your family. Please don’t give up the opportunity to make a change.
My grandfather is so wise and powerful he makes so much sense to me whenever he speaks. I listen to him and I feel healed when I’m confused. I know when I listen to him I know me and my daughter want never have to worry about nothing. He always say, “ you say you want a car like mines, if you keep going the way you going you will have three cars like mine.” I see my grandfather’s vision and I never want to let him down. I respect him and understand him so much, but I don’t feel like I have a lot of time to do the things I love. I’m ready to work and be professional. I have been on section 8 and disability for a long time now and I have been living off my grandfather for a long time. I want to provide for me and my child, and make stand not just take a short cut.
I do have a choice and I know my grandfather would support me on my decision, but I not going to let him down. I love my grandfather too much and I know he knows best. He didn’t make 72 years old for nothing. I understand what Ilyasha Shabazz and Martin Luther King lll are going through and how frustrating this situation can be, but I’m chose to do it my way and my grandfather’s way. I going to continue to go to school and become a doctor after I get my BA in nursing. I’m going to work as a Nurse and go to school at night until I get my doctor credentials.
Jessica Ramos
201B 1-3
Ilyasah Shabazz is the daughter of Malcolm X. She didn’t really get to spend much time with her father because he was murdered when she was just two years old. Shabazz is the third of six girls and she only grew up with her mother and her five sisters. She didn’t have much memories of her father because she was very young when he got killed; she only saw him in pictures and heard about him because her mother talked about him. But her mom didn’t say much about Malcolm X because she had to read his autobiography to learn more about him. While growing up people had certain expectations of her simply because she was Malcolm X’s daughter. In college, her “classmates expected a Black Muslim who would light up the campus with fiery speeches…What they got instead was a shy, middle-class woman…”(108).
Shabazz was not given a choice to who she was going to be. “Shabazz had originally wanted to be a model or a songwriter…” (111) and her mother let her know that her father was an important civil rights leader; she didn’t want to be the same. Shabazz had a few privileges because of her father. Just because she was Malcolm X’s daughter she got “invited to speak at various political rallies [she] accepted, though she didn’t feel she had anything to say” (113). Shabazz didn’t get involved in any movements or demonstrations; she wasn’t going to follow her father’s steps. Maybe other people thought that by her being Malcolm X’s daughter, she would be just like him, but she wasn’t.
Ilyasah Shabazz is who she is based on her will. There wasn’t anyone to tell her what she needed to do. Shabazz didn’t know much of her father “she even enrolled in a college course to learn more about [him],” (114) so she didn’t decide she wanted to be just like her father, she just wanted to be herself. Even though there were people that expected her to be just like her father and more at her college, she was going to continue to be herself. “Over time Ilyasah has grown more comfortable with herself despite other people’s expectations. ‘I realized that I didn’t have to re-create the amazing lives of my mother or my father; all I had to do was be my own best self’” (116).
201B 1-3
Ilyasah Shabazz is the daughter of Malcolm X. She didn’t really get to spend much time with her father because he was murdered when she was just two years old. Shabazz is the third of six girls and she only grew up with her mother and her five sisters. She didn’t have much memories of her father because she was very young when he got killed; she only saw him in pictures and heard about him because her mother talked about him. But her mom didn’t say much about Malcolm X because she had to read his autobiography to learn more about him. While growing up people had certain expectations of her simply because she was Malcolm X’s daughter. In college, her “classmates expected a Black Muslim who would light up the campus with fiery speeches…What they got instead was a shy, middle-class woman…”(108).
Shabazz was not given a choice to who she was going to be. “Shabazz had originally wanted to be a model or a songwriter…” (111) and her mother let her know that her father was an important civil rights leader; she didn’t want to be the same. Shabazz had a few privileges because of her father. Just because she was Malcolm X’s daughter she got “invited to speak at various political rallies [she] accepted, though she didn’t feel she had anything to say” (113). Shabazz didn’t get involved in any movements or demonstrations; she wasn’t going to follow her father’s steps. Maybe other people thought that by her being Malcolm X’s daughter, she would be just like him, but she wasn’t.
Ilyasah Shabazz is who she is based on her will. There wasn’t anyone to tell her what she needed to do. Shabazz didn’t know much of her father “she even enrolled in a college course to learn more about [him],” (114) so she didn’t decide she wanted to be just like her father, she just wanted to be herself. Even though there were people that expected her to be just like her father and more at her college, she was going to continue to be herself. “Over time Ilyasah has grown more comfortable with herself despite other people’s expectations. ‘I realized that I didn’t have to re-create the amazing lives of my mother or my father; all I had to do was be my own best self’” (116).
Deanna Moody
english 201b 1-3
llyasah Shabazz is the third daughter of Molcolm X and started to learn about her father when she went to college. llyasah was two years old when her fathered was killed, she had no memories of him and her family never talked about him. it wasnt until she entered college when she found out who her father really was and what he did for the people around the world. Every one was showing her lots of love and attention beacuse of who her father was and thought she was goin to pick up where he left off. Originally llyasah wanted to be a fashion model but once she took a class that focused on her father and what hehas done she decided to take upon that role as an activist.
llyasah was given a choice because she didnt have to be like her father but i guess after she seen what her father was doing she began to understand and like her father take action on what she believed in. Also she sort of have privileges because of her parents because everyone was willing to listen to whatever she had to say because they knew her words would be similiar to her fathers. Everything she do is based on her because she made the decision to be like her father after she understood evrything about what he was doing and what he fought for but I also believe she wanted to make her family proud and take action like her father. Im sure she can always go back to being a fashion model or something in that industry.
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english 201b 1-3
llyasah Shabazz is the third daughter of Molcolm X and started to learn about her father when she went to college. llyasah was two years old when her fathered was killed, she had no memories of him and her family never talked about him. it wasnt until she entered college when she found out who her father really was and what he did for the people around the world. Every one was showing her lots of love and attention beacuse of who her father was and thought she was goin to pick up where he left off. Originally llyasah wanted to be a fashion model but once she took a class that focused on her father and what hehas done she decided to take upon that role as an activist.
llyasah was given a choice because she didnt have to be like her father but i guess after she seen what her father was doing she began to understand and like her father take action on what she believed in. Also she sort of have privileges because of her parents because everyone was willing to listen to whatever she had to say because they knew her words would be similiar to her fathers. Everything she do is based on her because she made the decision to be like her father after she understood evrything about what he was doing and what he fought for but I also believe she wanted to make her family proud and take action like her father. Im sure she can always go back to being a fashion model or something in that industry.
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