Thursday, August 21, 2008


How To Mark a Book Cyber Assignment

You can post your responses to Adler's essay here sometime before Wednesday, August 27. Answer the questions and respond in 1 paragraph to 1 prompt in Suggestions for Writing. If you have any questions about the essay ask them here. I want all students to respond to 3 posts. Don't forget to include your name.

If you already posted it in the August 20, recap, copy it and paste it here. Thanks! We'll continue working on the accounts and blogspot creation for your COA academic work. As mentioned this morning, you can create multiple blogs with the same email address, so don't mix business with pleasure. You could have a separate blog for each course, then when you take other English courses you can just add the course and continue saving your work. Keep it simple, use you name as your email address, name the blog whatever you like, but English COA would describe what it's about. Lastly, in creating your web address, use your name. I have a blog with my name: The name of the blog is "Interchange."

I will print copies of the syllabus for you. I will also try to remember to print copies of the homework assignments for you. I will always print the assignment on the board, but I will try to remember to do the other.

You are responsible for everything posted here, so read it all. You are to respond where asked; do not get behind on the logs. They do count.

Stay loose and you'll be okay. If you are stiff, or like lots of structure, this is not the class for you. I am not the one.

In my opinion I feel that the type of reading material that should not be marked up is magazines. Most of magazines that are in society today are mainly advertisements. So i feel that there is no reason to mark up an advertisement because they explain themselves with a picture if some sort. When a magazine article speaks about a person individully I still disagree on annotation. My reasoning for saying that is because those are facts about those certain people and to write a thought of yours next to the text would just have no meaning. No matter what your thoughts are about a magazine article this reading material is based on facts.

Julian Pete
English 201A
Lisa Ryan
English 1A
MW 1:00-2:50

The value of Adler's advice can benefit most students who are required to read. No matter what the subject of study may be whether it is, psychology, physical education or nursing. How to Mark a Book is a useful tool and can be applied in several different ways, for which most students can one of his suggestions to fit their individuality. In my opinion, Adler's overall reasons for marking your book will result in the same benefits across the educational spectrum. Benefits including keeping you focused, teaches you to be an active reading and as Adler states, "The marked book is usually the thought through book",(377).

Since reading this essay and moving forward, I will have a better appreciation for my notes and may now start to actually write in my books.
Honestly, I really like reading the "How To Mark A Book" Essay. It was really telling the truth about how people treat their books, and what people are called for their treatment. Personally, I read for pleasure. I have only annotated a book once, which was "Battle Royale" because there were many connecting points that I have wanted to do. I thought that marking up a book would ruing a book. That was my thought. But after reading the essay, I feel like I should mark the book to understand it even more. The essay helped me appreciate marking a book even more.

Andrew Nguyen
English 201A
I realy enjoyed reading Adler's essay on "How to Mark a Book". I never thought about whose the real owner of a book. I strongly agree with Adler that the real owner of a book is the one who write between its lines ,and mark it so he goes deeper and deeper thought its material and topics.

My mom taught me to always use a pencil when reading since I was child. She believed that marking would increase the mind process and will make it easier for me to remember what I have just read. She was just write and until this day I can not reading a book with out mark in it. I under line things that interesting and imprtan to me, I high light words that I don’t know it meaning? and translated in to my first language, I also write my commands and note.

My books are really valuable and deer to me for they have my thoughts and when reading them again I remember the day I marked them first. I never sell them or thought them away!

Ohood Abdullah
English 201B
Mon-Thu 8:00am-8:50am
i do agree with Adler's advice in How to Mark a Book. He was right when saying that the book owners who have their book shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back are really the book owners because they are the one who knows how to read and understand what they read. Personally, i only read book when i have time. i dont really like to read, but after reading this eassay i will start to read and annotate the book i read. it is better to understand what u read by marking the main point of the book.

Dung Nguyen
English 201A
how to market a book was pretty interesting. adler says that when you buy a book,it is your book so you can do anything you want with it.when you mark up a book you put your mind into it. interesting when he says it is like having a conversation with the author and if you havent read your book for a while then just look at your markings so that you can catch up where you left off.
How to mark a book was a good reading. Reading this paper was like a brush up for me, i already mark my books. with markers, hilighters,pens,sticky tabs, i circle things that i don't understand. i write all in the margins i write notes to myself as well as questions. overall i enjoyed reading this paper.

English 201B
While reading how to mark a book, I discovered how to take useful notes that will help me have a better understanding of how to maximize my reading. Making annotations is a key factor to becoming a successful reader. Also jotting down words that I do not understand is useful for me, from there I proceed by looking up the wword in a dictionary.

-Sameela Smith ENG 201A
Francisco Marcial
MW 1-2:50pm

After reading "How to Mark A Book" i also agree with what adler said; a real book owner is the one that has their book with a lot of writing in it and the pages all loose. This is a real book owner because by the condition of the book you can tell that this person did read the book because they have a lot of writing in it. Real book owners have to annotate their book so you can remember next when you open the book what is happening or you can also write something like;"i agree". Since i was little i was taught that you have to write in your books so when you open it next time you remember what is it about. If you open one of my books you are going to see a lot of sticky notes with writing in them.
Treana Penn

Personally, I just read books and don't understand why I do not remember a third of what I read. I never really thought to write in my book until reading "How to Mark a Book" a essay by Adler. He notes that it is okay to write in your book for helpful notes. He also give tips for example, your book should at least look worn out with dog flaps on the pages. This essay was very helpful and now I feel like I have to write, underline, or highlight everything that I read.
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