Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Field Trips

Today in class students began typing their scenes. Please post them no later than 5 p.m. today. I want to look at them and give you feedback. Make sure the writing is standard and as polished as you can get it. You can certainly revise it later. Post it where at the link where I give you an outline to follow.

Old Assignments
No one posted a summary of Chapter 5. Next week and today in the afternoon class we will look at paraphrasing certain sentences in chapters 1-5. We'll work on the summaries, in the afternoon class as a group for a freewrite.

We will also review Writing with a Thesis exercises.

Field trip
The film "Public Enemy: Welcome to the Terrordome," is screening tomorrow, the final day of the Oakland International Film Festival at Grand Lake Theatre, in Oakland. The film is screening 6 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. The producer is going to be present. The evening wraps with a party beginning about 12 midnight. Tickets are $10 with a discount of $5 for those who attended the festival. If you attend the film screening with me, tickets are $5 for you and any guests. I will meet you at 5:30 p.m. at the theatre tomorrow. Let me know if you plan to come no later than tomorrow.

There is another screening that begins at 9 p.m. I will not be staying for this screening, but I might return. I have an 8 p.m. engagement.

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