Thursday, October 09, 2008


Homework for both classes

Read Dyson, Chapters 1-4. Skim chapter 4 first and be prepared to talk about the key ideas you noted when you did this. Students will also be asked to discuss how this previewing helped guide their reading and grasp of certain concepts later.

We will write a skit on Monday and for the early class, act it out on Tuesday. For the MW class, we will do both on Monday, October 13. Students will not know which chapter will be assigned, so read all of them and have a short log prepared with areas of interest and places that encourage dramatization noted in-text or in the notes.

A scene has characters and dialogue. It is not the entire story. In your case, students will have a narrative prologue to recap the story so far and give a little background on Tupac and Dyson's book: why he wrote it and what this chapter covers. We might have more than one ensemble developing scenes from the same chapter. In this case, you will be assigned a certain section of the text.

It should be fun!

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