Monday, November 10, 2008


"But Do the Lord Care," Chapter 7

Today we read aloud in the early class from Chapter 7, in Holler then discussed the themes: Hip Hop Spirituality and Thug Theology from the perspectives of Rev. Willie Wilson and Bishop TD Jakes. We also looked at poet Sonia Sanchez and the comments of Big Tray D. Complete the chapter.

1. Write a summary of the chapter in a short essay, minimally three paragraphs.

2. Separately, list ten words and their definitions you didn't know. Talk about how the word is used in the text, then paraphrase the sentence it appears in. Include page numbers.

3. Reflect on the arguments presented here and post three arguments, ones you agree with and those you don't agree with and argue in favor or against one of them.

How is Thug Theology defined? Does the Lord care? How do you know? How did Tupac know? Isn't an interesting parallel that there are 10 Commandments and the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense had a Ten Point Program.

4. Respond to a student argument.

If you have any of the music cited in the examples, please feel free to bring it in to share.

We will meet in A-202E on 11/12 and 11/13. If you'd like the next assignment: research essay assignment, check the ledge next to the bin outside my office L-236. if any of you have not spoken to me, make sure you do. Everyone should have their progress report.

Andrew Nguyen
English 201

1)ecumenical - worldwide or general in extent, influence, or application
- "Bomb First" exhibits an ecumenical religious sensibility as he observes, "Spirits spurting spiritual lyrics/Like the Holy Koran." (Pg. 203)
- To show an ecumenical view, Tupac's "Bomb First" shows a religious reference of "Spirits spurting spiritual lyrics/Like the Holy Koran.
2) malaise - an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness
- A lesson, to be sure, crassly overlooked by many a would-be guru who tutors remedies for spiritual malaise that discount the circumstances and experiences of the oppressed.
3) convoluted - twist, coil
- Tupac's personal battles with hopelessness had to do with "that convoluted thing of wanting to have hope but not wanting the hope to be dashed," Singleton says.
- The feeling of hope is convoluted with the idea of obtaining hope, yet also not to rush hope itself.
4) vitriola - sulfate of any of various metals (as copper, iron, or zinc)/something felt to resemble vitriol especially in caustic quality ; especially : virulence of feeling or of speech
- Tupac released an especially effective and hateful single, "Hit 'Em Up," that spilled his vitriol into a recording.
- Tupac's "Hit 'Em Up," which is filled with vitriol, foreshadows a terrible fate for him.
5) misnomer - the misnaming of a person in a legal instrument
- The term is a misnomer, to be sure, since its cause is often the barbarisms of economic misery and its consequence, the death of another black person, is encouraged by the persistence of white supremacist myths and practices that promote black self- and other hatred.
- White supremacists promoted the death of Tupac, giving the misnomer, "black-on-black homicide" as hatred to oneself.

In my opinion, this will be a heated conversation based on religion. I am Agnostic. I want proof. I stopped committing to religion because my higher power (Buddha, God, whatever) does not help, regardless of how much I pray. If that higher power cared, we would not have deaths in our community. We would not have to worry about paying for college, getting into college, or even attempt to enroll into college. If higher power cared, education would be at their prime, equal education, equal oppotunity. If higher power cared, we do not need to look behind us everytime we walk in the streets to watch ourselves. I believe in a higher power, I just don't believe they care, or maybe just playing with us to see what will result in these situations. Give me proof that they care and we'll talk some more.
Do you know what existentialism is?
Andrew Nguyen
English 201

RE: to Thomas Newman

existentialism - a group that shares the belief that philosophical thinking begins with the human subject—not merely the thinking subject, but the acting, feeling, living human individual.
Dion Cade
Eng 201b

Ch. 7 Do the Lord Care Essay

In this chapter, it talks about Tupac’s religious views and how they affected him and the rest of the people that surrounded him. Before his death, he had many religious songs. In some, he would be asking God for his forgiveness and in others he would play an angel that came back down to earth after getting shot five times. Tupac was always thinking about God and his view of him. Tupac’s Ideas of religion were very unique. He would always put some kind of religious fact from the Bible in his songs. Tupac was one of those people who said that he could make a difference and change the world and he also believed that anyone else can do the same, whether it is a small change, or a big one. He really thought about the meaning of life and why he was alive on this planet. He wanted others to question their existence as well. He believed that in some way, his mother was actually his daughter. He believed that he was really the older one and thinks that it was like that ever since he was born. He did teach his mother a lot of things that he learned. He loves to apply his knowledge. And also before, his mom was a drug addict so he really had to take her hand and guide her along with him.
Tupac’s songs sent many messages because he was crying out for help. He wants God to forgive his sins that he had to commit in order to keep living when he was on the streets. He had to steal from people in order to feed himself because he was not fortunate. Tupac knows that all black people should not be looked upon as being the same as the next black person who never changes for the better. They are always the ones that are getting arrested so when they see that then they automatically think that blacks are criminals. But it is a possibility that a black person who is getting arrested is innocent, for example Martin Luther King. But a lot of people like to generalize about one incident that they saw. One situation can lead to even irrelevant accusations because some people think if that person must be bad, then the whole race must be bad and Tupac is trying to speak out on this situation.
Towards the end Tupac was very unhappy, especially when he got out of prison. No one really wanted to talk about his experience in prison especially him. Some people say that he was raped or beat up or a number of other situations, but when he came out he seemed like a whole other person. Tupac said that “Jail killed my spirit, it wore me out. I’m tired now, I don’t know if I’m making any difference.” After that he really did not care anymore, which eventually led to his rampage and his demise.

Vocab words from Chapter 7

Ecumenical pg 203- Accepted by churches through-out the world. In the chapter the word is used as an adjective. Paraphrase: “Bomb first” has a religious acceptance that Tupac views.
Solidarity pg 205- Union of interests, purposes, sympathies among members of a group. In the chapters it is used as a result of something. Paraphrase: Tupac, being young, was an advantage in a believing in a union of interests.
Hollistic pg 206- Pertaining to the whole body. In the chapter the word is used positively to help Tupac’s view. Paraphrase: Unlike any in the revolution, young Tupac had a whole-bodied view of social change that did not let down the role of spirituality in a changeable world.
Epitomize pg 208- to typify, embody the essential character of a typical example of. In the chapter it is used as a verb. Paraphrase: Tupac and a lot of people like him embody the character of the hardships from modern times.
Pessimism pg 208- State characterized by negative outlook. In the chapter it is used as a noun Paraphrase: Prophet Jeremiah let out despair from his ongoing negative outlook.
Prophetic pg 209- foretelling events as if by supernatural intervention. In the chapter it is used as an adjective. Paraphrase: we must not forget overlooked views as a regard to foretelling events.
Paramount pg 210- Overriding, having superior power and influence. Used as an adjective in the chapter. Paraphrase: The question of the kinds of personas made in hip hop is overriding.
Edifying pg 210- Enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage moral improvement. In the chapter it is used as a verb. Paraphrase: …- making violence, selling gang culture, encouraging the hatred of women, and reducing or arranging self-hatred.
Anachronistic pg 211- out of proper time in history, referring to time in the past. In the chapter it is used as an adjective. Paraphrase: to a limit, “thug- theology” is out of its proper time in history.
Dion Cade
Eng 201b

Response to Andrew

I totally agree with Andrew on his arguement of religion.I also do a lot of praying but nothing much seems to happen. I also do believe in a higher being but i rely more on scientific facts. Im kind of in the middle of it all. Im a Jehovahs Witness but the only thing i do is pray. I dont really do anything else religiously other than pray. If God does exist though Andrew, the truth is that he does care for us but you are forgetting who really rules this planet right now and that being is Satan. God knows the right time to strike and make armeggedon a reality, its just a matter of time before Satan vanishes for eternity.
Sara Yusufi
English 201A
MW 1-2:50

Chapter 7 Assignment

1. outlandish: of foreign appearance or matter
2. hoary: gray or white as if with age
3. crassly: gross, insensitive
4. messiahs: a professed or accepted leader of a cause
5. creeds: a statement of the essential beliefs of a religious faith
6. paramount: superior to all others
7. anachronistic: the error of placing a person or thing in the wrong period
8. exacerbated: to make more violent, bitter, or severe
9. futile: useless, vain
10. reprimanded: a severe or formal reproof

The words are used in ways where both the definition is made easy for the reader to make sense out of the sentence. Meaning if the reader did not know what a word meant then he or she could easily make sense of it by the usage of the word in the sentence.

Reading Chapter 7 “But do the Lord care” it taught the readers about the religious life that Tupac had. He always songs that showed his “obsession” with God. He seemed to be a strong believer and always asked for forgiveness. Living the thug life he committed many sins. He sang many religious songs where he had different relationships with God. He always wanted to get the best of religion to be able to be forgiven when he passes away. He attempted to follow and worship God and then his mom which similar to a second “God” for him.
The thug theology is defined as even though thug life definitely affects the ones involved. They are still able to be religious or wanting to be good people. Even though it includes gangs it doesn’t necessarily mean that they can’t be religious.
Sara Yusufi
re: andrew n.

i agree with your view on the chapter. i think it clearly says the main points of the chapter and if someone were not to read it then they could use yours.
Lisa Ryan
English 201A
MW 1-2:50

“But Do The Lord Care?”
In chapter 7 “But Do The Lord Care?” Dyson takes a look at Tupac’s spirituality and shares the views of others. It is clear from this chapter that Tupac had a strong belief in God which started at an early age. God played a big role in many of Tupac’s songs, some had the name of God in the titles and the lyrics showed that he relied on God for guidance.

Tupac’s pain from coming up in poverty brought him closer to God and helped to shape him as a man.
Tupac was seen as God like to some. Poet Sonia Sanchez talks about the likeness between Tupac and God. She states, “I always say to [them] when they really get kinda nasty, ‘if Jesus would come in your church, he’d be crucified again.’ Because Jesus was a bad dude. He was challenging what I call the orthodox criminals.” She felt that Tupac was doing the same when he stood up against those that keep blacks down and those that simply misrepresent blacks. Many spoke of how Tupac’s music was a message sent through him from God, he was the messenger for many black impoverished youth.

After Tupac’s death many people started to see what Tupac was really about, they started to appreciate and understand what his role meant here on earth and what he was brought here to do. If only he could have received his flowers while he was alive, but maybe it wasn’t meant to be, he lived his destiny.

In the end of the chapter Dyson discusses death and what it meant to Tupac and other blacks. Tupac wasn’t afraid of death and sometimes welcomed it in his lyrics. He predicted his impending demise and knew it would end in violence. He lived everyday as if it would be his last because he was sure that death was lurking. He remained a spiritual thug to the end and faced death head on.

Disagreeable Arguments:
“Tupac’s hopelessness and ambition befit a seventeen-year old.”

“For many thugs, God is the great accomplish to a violent lifestyle.”

“Many critics think that his remedy-an elevation of thug rhetoric and glorification of gang behavior-only increases the suffering.”

Agreeable Arguments:

“Tupac’s passion for spiritual matters never left him, although its form and function in his later life may have become almost unrecognizable by earlier standards.”

“Although prison certainly exacerbated Tupac’s unhappiness, it did not create his misery.”

“In embracing thug life, he was at once plague and prophet.”
Favorable Argument:

“Although prison certainly exacerbated Tupac’s unhappiness, it did not create his misery.”

In favor of the below Argument:

Unhappiness means to be sad and not satisfied. Misery on the other hand is defined as great physical and emotional suffering. Being imprisoned guarantees you unhappiness and misery. Misery for Tupac started way before he was in control of his choices in life and the type of emotional distress he had to endure as a child. His misery started as a young child when his mother didn’t have time for him, she started using drugs and pretty much abandoned him. He had to learn to be a man when he should have been a child. He also had to deal with the rejection that he faced in life which contributed to his sometimes miserable demeanor as an adult. His imprisonment also cotributed to his misery.

1. Befuddled- To confuse or muttle; perplex
Young people from all across Washington D.C. attended the memorial they were confused and disoriented by Tupac’s death (201).

2. Hoary- gray or white with or as if with age; very old.
Gullible people view Tupac’s childhood as being beneficial to him instead of a handicap opposite to how his childhood is seen by the older people (205).

3. Expound- To give a detailed statement; explain
How can poor people without money from impoverished communities explain anything about life (206)?

4. Discern- To detect or perceive with the eyes of intellect.
Jada Pinkett felt that Tupac’s dependence on drugs clouded his ability to understand his faith (207).

5. Convoluted-Intricate; complex.
Tupac’s fight with his lack of optimism was a result of his complicated belief that when you want something to happen it won’t.

6. Vitriol-bitterly abusive feelings or expressions.
Tupac produced a strong and hostile song called, “Hit Em Up,” that captured his violent feelings (224).

7. Staple- A major part, element or feature.
Death is a major part of what young black people from the ghetto see in their future (226).

8. Elegy- A mournful poem or song.
All of the death in the poor communities has evolved into gatherings of young people to share their mournful feelings and experiences

9. Adept- Skilled
Tupac was skilled at speaking about death through his poetic art.

10. Rhetoric- The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.
Clearly it makes sense that post mortem is a vital part of rap language.
Lisa Ryan
English 201A

Sara, I enjoyed your summary, you talked about how Tupac was a sinner b and did bad things but he always turned to God for forgiveness. Well said Sara.
Dalena Tran
English 201A

1. Summary:
In Michael Eric Dyson's "Holler If You Hear Me", chapter 7 "But Do the Lord Care" presents the readers with a connection of which Tupac Shakur shares with God. God has been through every experience with Tupac, which has then influenced his life. Because of God's important presense, Tupac has felt that it was his goal to inspire young people, the way God has inspired him.

2. 10 Definitions:

- ecumenical: General; universal; pertaining to the whole Christian church.
Ex: “’Bomb First’ exhibits an ecumenical religious sensibility as he observes, ‘Spirits spurting spiritual lyrics/ Like the Holy Koran’” (203).
- epitomize: to contain or represent in small compass; serve as a typical example of; typify
Ex: “Jakes says that ‘Tupac and others like him epitomize for us the perils of our times,’ full of entertainers who are not real leaders” (208).
- aspirations: Expulsion of breath in speech.
Ex: “Still, its is notable that a poor black youth who was bounced from home to home with little means of support should harbor such grand aspirations” (205).
- retributive: characterized by or involving retribution
Ex: “Syke argues that God is aware of how the social order reflects a retributive philosophy” (211).
- misogyny: hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women.
Ex: “There is also a strong emphasis on combating self-destructive habits—glamorizing violence, promoting gang culture, encouraging misogyny, and codifying self-hatred—that find expression in quarters of hip-hop” (210).
- exacerbated: to increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of (disease, ill feeling, etc.); aggravate.
Ex: “Although prison certainly exacerbated Tupac’s unhappiness, it did not create his misery” (216).
- inevitability: unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary
Ex: “It is clear that Tupac wavered between conceding thug life’s brutality even as he embraced its lethal inevitability” (218).
- perfunctory: performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial
Ex: “According to Butcher, most actors give little more than perfunctory greetings to residents in the neighborhoods in which they film, retreating for the most part to their trailers” (220).
- vitriol: something highly caustic or severe in effect, as criticism.
Ex: “Tupac released an especially effective and hateful single, ‘Hit ‘Em Up,’ that spilled his vitriol into a recording” (224).
- arbitrariness: subject to individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one's discretion
Ex: “They accept the bleak inevitability of death’s imminent swoop—which, in truth is a rejection of the arbitrariness we all face, since death to these youth is viewed as the condition, not the culmination, of their existence” (227).
Re: Lisa

I really enjoyed reading your summary. The way the words were structured in the sentences really felt deep and created a good vision of the event. Well done.
Francisco Marcial
English 201A
MW 1-2:50pm


In chapter 7 Dyson was telling the readers about Tupac's religious life and his beliefs. "Tupac was obsessed with god" (Dyson, 202). He always showed that by his music. Sometimes he showed it by the title of his songs or by his lyrics.
In many of his songs, Tupac had a religious fact in them. In the Song "Only God Can Judge Me" he has the word "God" in the title. In the song he talks about how he is looking for an answer for all of the deaths of his friends. On the song "Picture Me Rolling" Tupac says "Will god forgive me for all the dirt a n*gga did to feed his kids?" (Dyson, 203).
Tupac was spiritual but he was always trying to make people think about sins and he was always questioning religious facts. In the song "blasphemy" Tupac says "What did the Ten Commandments Say? That there are ten rules to the game" (Dyson, 205). In some of his songs Tupac is sending a message to god and telling him if he could forgive him for all of the sins that he has done.

1. Befuddled: To confuse; perplex
Paraphrase: Many youth from across the city were confused and disillusioned by Tupac's death(201)

2. Startled: To cause to make a quick involuntary movement or start.
Paraphrase: Wilson's speech started a quick movement on many religious communities.(202)

3. Fostered: To bring up; nurture
Paraphrase: Tupac wanted to make a society where religion was nurture and respected.(205)

4. Harbor: A place of shelter; a refuge.
Paraphrase: Tupac didn't really had a shelter where to stay because he was always changing home.(205)

5. Hoary: Gray or white with or as if with age.
Paraphrase: Old age people had a opposite belief on Tupac's childhood.(205)

6. Expound: To give a detailed statement, To explain in detail.
Paraphrase: How can people with very low income explain in detail how life is.(206)

7. Holistic: incorporating the concept of holism in theory or practice.
Paraphrase: Tupac view that the concept of holism of social change wouldn't change the world.(206)

8. Reared: To care for.
Paraphrase: Tupac was disappointed about how he lived in poverty, but now he is taking care of that by his music.(207)

9. Discern: To perceive with the eyes or intellect; detect.
Paraphrase: Tupac's reliance on weed and alcohol made it difficult to detect his faith.(207)

10. Trodden: To walk on, over, or along.
Paraphrase: Tupac was walking under the steps of god in his generation.(208)

"3 Arguments I Agree or Disagree With"

"He is looking for an answer, trying to find it with his people, through his music" (Dyson, 208).

"Tupac aimed to use his spiritual beliefs to tear down ethnic and national barriers" (Dyson, 204).

"Tupac truly felt that he and others could help transform the world" (Dyson, 205).
Nina Wooten
English 201B
8-8:50 am

“But Do The Lord Care”

Summary: This chapter touches on some what of a sensitive topic. Tupac talks about his religious views and aspects as he incorporated them into many of his songs. We learned that Tupac spoke to god through his music (my personal opinion) through songs like “I Wonder If Heaven Gotta a Ghetto.” He seemed to be very interested and maybe even concerned to whether or nothing thugs will make it to heaven. Although Tupac knew that he knowingly sinned continuously, he believed that was the only way for him to survive. He knew right from wrong, and understood he wasn’t as fortunate as others so he took matters into his own hands.

1) Ecumenical: promoting or tending towards worldwide Christian unity and cooperation. Pg 203
2) Premonitory: previous notice or warning. Pg 203
3) Prophetic: characteristics of a prophet or prophecy. Pg 208
4) Codifying: to reduce a code. Pg 210
5) Anachronistic: a person or thing that is chronologically out of place. Pg 211
6) Nihilistic: a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless. Pg 216
7) Demobilized: to discharge from military service. Pg 218
8) Transmute: to change or alter in form, appearance, or nature. Pg 218
9) Duly: a due manner or time; properly. Pg 223
10) Vitriol: a sulfate of any various metals (as copper, iron, zinc). Pg 224

Argument: I disagree with Tupac’s role model Sykes. Just because It is certain that God will forgives us from our sins, does not mean that we should always knowingly commit these sins. He admits he is a God fearing man and believes that he will forgive us for our sins, but doesn’t believe what the bible says. He hasn’t read the bible to gain any knowledge about that God he believes will forgive him.
Melissa Mah
English 201A
1-2:50 PM

1. Summary
In this chapter "But Do The Lord Care" illustates a story about the relationship of Tupac and God. Dyson portrayed Tupac as a very religious man, who believed that God was the key to all of his success. Tupac had strong morals, and after many events, he strongly believed that God was on his side. An example used was his childhood, his mother was a drug addict, they were living in poverty, and the Black Panther Party had betrayed them. But later on he became a successful rapper and brought him our of poverty.
2. Definitions

A. Disillusioned:[noun] The act of disenchanting (201)

B. Sacrilegious:[adj]pertaining to or involving sacrilege (202)

C. Outlandish:[adj] having a foreign appearance (202)

D. ecumenical:[adj] general; universal(203)

F. orthodox:[adj] of, pertaining to, or conforming to beliefs, attitudes, or modes of conduct that are generally approved(204)

G. malaise:[noun] a condition of general bodily weakness or discomfort, often marking the onset of a disease (206)

H. misogyny:[noun]hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women (210)

I. anachronistic:[adj] pertaining to or containing an anachronism(211)

J. convoluted: [adj] twisted; coiled(218)

K. pervasiveness: [verb] to become spread throughout all parts of(226)

3. Arguments
a. Thug Theology is defined as
a relationship between god
and "Thugs" and i believe
that there is one, and this
is what motivates some
"thugs" to keep striving for
their goals.
b. I think the Lord does
care, just as long as you
believe in him , he will
always be there to help/
support you in the long
run. I know this because
i am very fortunate to have
what i have and i owe this to
the Lord. Tupac knew because
with the Lords help, he
became successful.
c. I think that's irony! I also
believe that the Black
Panther Party may have based
their 10 point program on the
10 commandments. Also it
could have been a sign from
1. "He really wanted you to questions [sin] so that you'd understand that there is a spiritual element to life. That if you don't get the sense of God in your breath and your being on this planet, you've lost it, [and that] you have to really come to the truth there is a spiritual force in this help correct what the Bible should teach" (204)

2. "Steinberg says Tupac believed that revolution ' had to be emotional...had to be spiritual' to be effective" ( 207).

3. "Steinberg says. ' Well, both of our mothers were products of the idea of revolution...[but it] has to be multidimensional, and neither of us felt like our mothers quite got it...they were younger than us" ( 206).
Melissa Mah

Re. Francisco

I like the way you incorporated quotes into your summary and i also agree with you agreement

"Tupac truly felt that he and others could help transform the world" (Dyson, 205).
Chapter 7 talks about how Tupac was viewed from different minister perspectives’. According to Willie Tupac was somebody that the youth could reach out to, the youth and Tupac could relate to one another. Jakes on the other hand thought Tupac was lost and seen as a messiah instead of the confused person that he was. Chapter 7 also explores the oppression young men face every day, and how Tupac viewed God. Tupac was crying out for help, but nobody was able to save him from the demons that trapped his soul. Possibly that is why God took him from us.

1. Expound~ to make a statement
2. Guru~ a religious Teacher or spiritual guide in Hinduism
3. Malaise~ a vague sense of mental or moral ill-being
4. Discernible~ to see or understand the difference between right and wrong
5. Ingenuity~ skill or cleverness in devising or combining
6. Orthdox ~relating to, or constituting any of various conservative religious or political groups
7. Pessimism ~ to expect the worst possible outcome
8. Nihilistic~ a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths
9. Lumpen ~ of or relating to dispossessed and uprooted individuals cut off from the
10. Perfunctory~ characterized by routine or superficiality, lacking in interest or enthusiasm
T.D jakes was very biased towards Tupac did he ever sit down and really talked to him? Jakes said that Tupac was not a leader, he couldn’t have been more wrong. Tupac reached out to youth, they understood where he was coming from and some of the pain that he felt as well as he understood the pain and the oppression the youth faced day to day.
Allow me to say this; I am attacking the idea of A.N not the person!
I completely disagree with A.N. There is a higher power. I am Christian, in this world someone must die in order for new life and creation to come in. if no one died in the world, it would be over populated there would never be enough room for people to live comfortably. People have a choice to make good bad ugly beautiful; it’s up to you the choice that you make as well as the consequence. If the People from back in the day before civilization came into place we had a somewhat perfect world. Somewhere down the road in life people started to feel the emotion HATE as well as revenge, people wanted to make other people that hurt them feel the pain that they went through. That is there is violence in the world.

D.C. You say you pray but do you believe when you pray, do you have faith that things can happen? Change doesn’t come over night; look how long it took the U.S to receive a Bi-Racial president. Satin does not rule the earth, it may seem like he does, but once God took over that one time when satin told him to bow down to him, that was it. There is a God he does care about this world, as I stated before it’s all about the choices that you make, and the faith that you have that things can change for the better!

I strongly believe that the Lord care about his people, purple, green, orange, red. God gives you a basic instruction before leaving earth as you guide line, now if you choose to follow it is on you. Tupac new that God care there is always a test before your blessings, in which Tupac had a lot of tests obviously he was not passing them. Just when he did start to understand how things work God Took him, I don’t know if he knew that his time was coming or not some of his songs it seems like he knew that it was time to go. I can understand both commandments one is the street law and the other is social change laws, when you think about it you need both sets of commandments.

English 201 B
Chapter 7: "But do the lord care"

In this chapter Tupac talks about his belifs in God according to his experience and personal affiliation with religion in general. Pastor Willie had positive opinions on the influence Tupac left for our children today to view as a role model that did not always feed off his own instincts, but trusted God to help him through the pain. Also this chapter discussed the evidence proving that Tupac did have a personal relationship with God through his music and believed that God was his best gudience to follow.

1. Vitriol-bitterly abusive feelings or expressions.

2. Expound- To give a detailed statement; explain
How can poor people without money from impoverished communities explain anything about life.

3. Orthdox ~relating to, or constituting any of various conservative religious or political groups.

4. Misnomer - the misnaming of a person in a legal instrument.

5. Reprimanded: a severe or formal reproof.

6. Fostered: To bring up, nurture. To relive.

7. Malaise-- An indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness.

8. Elegy- To mourn repeatedly through a song or poem.

9.Anachronistic-- pertaining to or containing an anachronism.

10.Nihilistic-- A doctrine written in denial of any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths.

My beliefs: (my opinion counts)

I believe in God most definitely. He is King. He is the sunshine over rain. From my personal experiences if it wasn't for God I'll be in my casket right now, but instead God has kept me under his wings and under his protection. ***God is love***.

Nobody cant tell me there isn't a God because I have experienced his works and unconditional love.

---Sameela Eng.201A 1-3
Treana Penn

Thug Theology is defined as “to an extent…is willfully anachronistic or at least or at least staunchly traditional” as being spiritually gangster. A personal relationship with God and themselves. The Lord does care, because he will not put you in any situation that you can not handle. He does it to show you your strengths. He works miracles, but we have to learn to be patient.

assailant-a person who attacks.

orthodox-of, pertaining to, or conforming to the approved form of any doctrine, philosophy, ideology, etc.

prophetic-of or pertaining to a prophet: prophetic inspiration.

edifying-to instruct or benefit, esp. morally or spiritually; uplift: religious paintings that edify the viewer.

heuristics-Of or relating to a usually speculative formulation serving as a guide in the investigation or solution of a problem: "The historian discovers the past by the judicious use of such a heuristic device as the 'ideal type'"

millennia-a period of 1000 years.

staunchly-Firm and steadfast; true. See Synonyms at faithful.

anachronistic-pertaining to or containing an anachronism.

inevitability-unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary.

demobilized-to disband (troops, an army, etc.).


1) By his own admission, Tupac was “bitter” about the poverty he was reared in, but only later, through his lyrics, did the world discover just how much he had really suffered.(207)

2) “…You can’t rationalized what is really going on in the mind of a man who is not clear, and who is brilliant as he is…but I just know that he did have a very strong relationship with God” (207).

3) Such a view, however, over-looks the urgent spiritual crisis passed on to the hip-hop generation by older black generations (208).


1)There is in this arena of hip-hop a shameless glorification of figures otherwise stigmatized in society, including the player, pimp, the mack, and the hustler (210).
2)The sheer repetition of death has caused black youth to execute funeral plans (227).
3) Death is also a staple of the physic landscape of poor black youth.
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