Monday, May 18, 2009


Subject Verb Agreement Essay

The freewrite today is to complete 1-2 error paragrahs for Essay 5 (277).

The template for the error paragraphs is [claim naming the type of error]. "Insert the error." the (singular/plural) subject "____" does not agree with the (singular/plural) verb "____." [Explain why the error is an error. Explain how to fix the error.] The correct sentence will read, "Give example of the corrected sentence."

See page 277 to see how to write the introduction and conclusion.

miriam says,
1Pidd makes a verb before subject error. He writes, “There is rumors going around Ludville.” The verb “is” is singular and does not agree with the plural subject “rumors.”
To fix the error, Pidd should replace the singular verb form with the plural “are.” The revised sentence will read, “There are rumors going around Ludville.”
Keisha Simmons
Wanda Sabir
English 201A
May 18, 2009

Steward Pidd does not seem to understand the concepts of the subject-verb agreement because he has made many errors in his essay, “Nothing Ever Changes in Ludville.”

Pidd makes an error using a compound subject with a subject complement. He writes, “Having fun and enjoying life is the solution.” The verb should agree with the subject and not the subject complement. The verb “is” does not agree with the subject. Pidd needs to fix this error by changing the verb “is” to the verb “are”. The revised sentence should read, “Having fun and enjoying life are the solution.”
eric ton

Pidd’s essay contains an indefinite pronoun error. He writes, “Most of the merchants worries….”(5). The singular indefinite pronoun “most” does not agree with the plurals verb “worries.” A verb should agree with its subject, not with the phrase separating the two. To fix the error, Pidd should replace the word “worries.” The correct sentence will read, “Most of the merchants worry.”
Timothy Grube
English 201B
18, May, 2009

Pidd has trouble using plural worss treated as words. Pidd states, "Cowards" are the best word to describe the merchants of Ludvill."The singular wors "Cowards" does not agree with the plural verb "are." The error is an error because the singular subject does not agree with the plural verb are. To fix this error Pidd must change the plural verb "are" to a singular verb "is." The correct sentence will read, "Cowards" is the best word to describe the merchantss of Ludvill."
Sabah Said
English 201 B
Mon/Wed 10-12

Error # 2

Pidd makes a subject verb agreement error in company names. He says,
“Beau Gus Properties are going to buy up the strand and build a huge resort.” The plural verb “are” does not agree with the singular subject “BeauGus Properties.” Company names are singular. Pidd needs to fix the error by replacing the plural verb “are” with a singular form “is”. The corrected sentence will read, BeauGus properties is going to buy up the strand and build a
Henok Weledehanna
English 201A
May 18,2009
Steward pidd makes the neither/nor agreement error.He writes "neither the townsfolk nor I believes".The rule is when compond subjects are connected with the words either/or and neither/nor ,the verb agrees with the nearest antecedent.he can fix the error like this;"neither the townsfolks nor I believe."
Soad Suarez
English 201B

Error 6- subject and a verb separated by a phrase

Pidd has trouble with subject and words agreements separated by a phrase. Pidd states “Every one of the skaters dudes I talked to think these fears are unwarranted.” The singular “every one” does not agree with the plural “are.” The error is an error because Pidd use a phrase in the middle of the subject and the verb, therefore it makes it harder to understand. Pidd can fix this error by eliminating the phrase and changing the plural verb “are” to singular verb “is.” The correct sentence will read, “Every one is unwarranted.”
Ashenafi Berhea
English 201A
May 18,2009

Steward Pidd makes compond subject with a subject complement error.He writes "Having fun and enjoing life is the solution."

The rule is make verbs agree with the subject,not the subject complement.
He can fix the error by replacing is with plural are.The corrected sentence read,having fun and enjoing life are the solution.
Great responses. The only problem is, some students did not pay attention to details. There are misspelled words, extra characters. Note the other paragraphs you didn't have to complete. Keisha's introduction is great. No one posted a conclusion. Practice helps students master the rules and apply them in their essays.

If you type these paragraphs in Microsoft Word as I asked, spell check is available. Please turn it on and use it.
Yeju Munankarmi
Wanda Sabir
English 201A
18th May, 2009
(error 3)
The template for the error paragraphs is compound subject error. Pidd writes, "Neither the townsfolk nor I believes (. . .)" The plural subject "I" does not agree with the singular verb "believes." When the compound subjects are connected with the words neither/nor, the verb agrees with the nearest antecedent. Pidd can fix the error by replacing the verb “believes” with “believe.” The correct sentence will read, “Neither the townsfolk nor I believe (. . .)”
Larry Smith
Ms Sabir
English 201 B 1-250
18 May 2009

error 4

Stewart Pidd makes a collective noun agreement error. He says “The BeaGus Clan are united”. The plural subject “BeauGus Clan” does not agree with the plural verb “are”. He makes an error because a group functioning as a single unit is singular and he made it plural. To fix this error Pidd should replace the plural verb “are with the singular verb “is”. The corrected sentence will read “the BeauGus clan is united”
I made a small mistake in my previous posting and here is the correct one
Yeju Munankarmi
Wanda Sabir
English 201A
18th May, 2009
(error 3)
Steward Pidd makes the compound subject error. Pidd writes, "Neither the townsfolk nor I believes (. . .)" The plural subject "I" does not agree with the singular verb "believes." When the compound subjects are connected with the words neither/nor, the verb agrees with the nearest antecedent. Pidd can fix the error by replacing the verb “believes” with “believe.” The correct sentence will read, “Neither the townsfolk nor I believe (. . .)”
Christine So
201 B

An error occurs involving plural words treated as words. Pidd writes, "“Cowards” are the best word to describe the merchants of Ludville." The singular subject "word" does not agree with the plural verb "are." To fix the error, Pidd must replace the plural verb “are” with a singular verb “is” to agree with the singular subject “word.” The correct sentence will read, “Cowards” is the best word to describe the merchants of Ludville.”
Jacky Leung
Professor Sabir
English 201B, MW 1-3
18 May 2009

Pidd makes a subject-verb agreement error. A subject and a verb is separated by a phrase. He writes, “Cowards are the best word to describe the merchants of Ludville.” The plural subject “merchants” does not agree with the plural verb “are.” The subject merchants are working together. To fix this error, Pidd should replace the plural verb “are” with the singular verb “is.” The revised sentence will read, “Cowards” is the best word to describe the merchants of Ludville.”
Kelley Yuen
Professor Sabir
English 201A MW 1-250

Error 8
Pidd makes a compound subject with a subject complement error. He states, "Having fun and enjoying life is the solution." The plural subject "having fun and enjoying life" does not agree with the singular verb "is." This sentence is an error because “having fun and enjoying life” is a compound subject, and compound subject are plural. To fix the error, Pidd needs to change the verb “is” to the verb “are.” The corrected sentence will read, "Having fun and enjoying life are the solution.”
Julia Mcdonah
English 201A
1-3:00 pm
May 18 2009
error 2: company name
Pidd makes a subject verb agreement error with company names. He says “BeauGus Properties are going to buy up the strand and build a huge resort.” The singular subject “BeauGus Properties” doe not agree with the plural verb “are.” Company names, titles of work, and words used as words are singular. To fix the error Stewart must change the plural verb “are” to the singular verb “is” to agree with the singular subject “BeauGus Properties.” The correct sentence will read. “BeauGus Properties is going to buy up the strand and build a huge resort.”
Adries Ahmed
Ms. Sabir
English 201
18, May 2009

Stewart Pidds essay “Nothing Ever Changes in Ludville” contains subject agreement errors because the verbs do not agree with there subjects.
Pidd places a verb before a subject. He writes, “There is rumors going around Ludville”. The plural subject “rumors” does not agree with the singular verb “is.” The rule for subject agreement is subjects must agree with there verbs. To fix the sentence Pidd needs to change the singular verb “is” to “are.” The corrected sentence will read, “There are rumors going around Ludville.”
In Stewart Pidds essay “Nothing Ever Changes in Ludville” the subjects do not agree with there verbs. Pidd should learn the subject agreement rules.

The template for the error paragraphs is [claim naming the type of error]. "Insert the error." the (singular/plural) subject "____" does not agree with the (singular/plural) verb "____." [Explain why the error is an error. Explain how to fix the error.] The correct sentence will read, "Give example of the corrected sentence."
Jacky Leung
English 201B, MW 1-3
(Body, Error 6 posted on top)

Stewart Pidd makes many subject-verb agreement errors in his essay “Nothing Ever Changes in Ludville.” Subjects must agree with their verbs. Due to many subject-verb agreement errors in his essay, Pidd should review the rules for subject-verb agreement.
Hertema G
Professor Sabir
English 201b
May 18, 2009

Error 2

Pidd makes an error with the company name. He writes,” Beau Gus properties are going to buy up the stand and built a huge resort”." the singular subject "Beau Gus Properties" does not agree with the plural verb
“are”. Company names are singular. Pidd needs to fix the error by replacing the plural verb “are” with a singular form “is”. The corrected sentence will read, Beau Gus properties is going to buy up the strand and build a huge resort.
Treana Penn
English 201B M/W 10-12
May 16 2009

Subject-Verb Agreement Essay

The authors of Stewart Pidd Hates English devote an entire section to Subject-verb Agreements.Stewart Pidd does not have the skills to master subject-verb agreements, because he does not correctly use them. The rule for subject-verb agreements is that the sentence structure must agree. According to Stewart Pidd’s essay “Nothing Ever Changes in Ludville” gives evidence that Pidd incorrectly uses subject-verb agreements.

Pidd makes a verb before subject error. He writes, "There is rumors going around Ludville" (1). His verb and subject do not agree with each other. The rule for subject-verb agreements is that subjects must agree with their verbs. Pidd can fix this error by replacing the singular verb "is" with the plural verb "are". The correct sentence will read, "There are rumors going around Ludville".

Pidd makes a company name error. He writes, "Beaugus Properties are going to buy up the strand and build a huge resort." (1). The company name rule in the subject verb agreement are used as words are singular. Pidd can fix the sentence by removing the plural noun "are" with the singular noun "is". The correct sentence will read, "Beaugus Properties is going to buy up the strand to build a huge resort."

After reading over Stewart Pidd's essay, "Nothing Ever changes in Ludville" shows that Pidd has trouble with using his subject-verb agreements. By correcting his errors, he will find out that he could master subject-verb agreements.
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