Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Express Yourself Freewrite
Post your response to Felicia Pride's "Express Yourself," here.
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Hi Professor Sabir,
Felecia Pride's "Express Yourself"
Just like Felecia, I use music to express myself. It’s always a song that is meant for you or describes you and relate to your life. It’s hard for me to relate to this passage because I don’t write on the regular on how I feel.
Renelle Cullors
English 201a 1:00-2:50 pm
Felecia Pride's "Express Yourself"
Just like Felecia, I use music to express myself. It’s always a song that is meant for you or describes you and relate to your life. It’s hard for me to relate to this passage because I don’t write on the regular on how I feel.
Renelle Cullors
English 201a 1:00-2:50 pm
Kelley Yuen
English 201B
1-250pm MW
Freewrite: “Express Yourself” by Felicia Pride
Some people express their self through music, and poem. Everyone stories are jut as important as others. Hip-pop is a way for people to express themselves, to tell their stories, and not feel ashamed of it. Everyone should be able to feel free to express themselves how ever you want. Always have confidence to tell your own story. Don’t let any of your stories holding you back from moving forward.
English 201B
1-250pm MW
Freewrite: “Express Yourself” by Felicia Pride
Some people express their self through music, and poem. Everyone stories are jut as important as others. Hip-pop is a way for people to express themselves, to tell their stories, and not feel ashamed of it. Everyone should be able to feel free to express themselves how ever you want. Always have confidence to tell your own story. Don’t let any of your stories holding you back from moving forward.
Tomasita Ponce
English 201A
From what I read in this piece of Felicia Pride she's trying to say that you shouldn't be intimidated by what anyone thinks, you are who you are. We can all be heard all at once, seen equally, and treated with respect. I think I can relate to her because music can influence you in so many ways to express how you feel. For example certain music makes me dance certain ways and i can care less what anyone thinks im dancing how i feel like. I'm not afraid to show the world that it doesnt madder how you express because their is no right or wrong way.
English 201A
From what I read in this piece of Felicia Pride she's trying to say that you shouldn't be intimidated by what anyone thinks, you are who you are. We can all be heard all at once, seen equally, and treated with respect. I think I can relate to her because music can influence you in so many ways to express how you feel. For example certain music makes me dance certain ways and i can care less what anyone thinks im dancing how i feel like. I'm not afraid to show the world that it doesnt madder how you express because their is no right or wrong way.
201A 1:00pm-2:50pm
My name is natalie hopkins i can see were the athor is coming from. hip-hop music inspired her to write her on music. I enjoy reading poetry. many poets inspired me to write poetry.
My name is natalie hopkins i can see were the athor is coming from. hip-hop music inspired her to write her on music. I enjoy reading poetry. many poets inspired me to write poetry.
Denice Satchell
English 201A 1-3 P.M.
Free Write: Express Yourself
I was moved by Felicia Pride’s point of view. I believe it is very important to find something or even someone you can take a strong liking to in order to help you become a better or more confident person. I feel she is telling us we are all very important and we should all let or story be told by our self not the next person
We should all “find our mic”, said by Felicia Pride, and have confidence in our self as well as be proud of our story we have to tell. Felicia somehow found herself through hip-hop music and poetry, however whatever a person is passionate about can be what moves them to find their confidence and let it shine through and be heard
I feel if you “Express Yourself” there will always be someone who is willing or someone who wants to hear what you have to say.
English 201A 1-3 P.M.
Free Write: Express Yourself
I was moved by Felicia Pride’s point of view. I believe it is very important to find something or even someone you can take a strong liking to in order to help you become a better or more confident person. I feel she is telling us we are all very important and we should all let or story be told by our self not the next person
We should all “find our mic”, said by Felicia Pride, and have confidence in our self as well as be proud of our story we have to tell. Felicia somehow found herself through hip-hop music and poetry, however whatever a person is passionate about can be what moves them to find their confidence and let it shine through and be heard
I feel if you “Express Yourself” there will always be someone who is willing or someone who wants to hear what you have to say.
Julianne Bauer
English 201B
1-2:50 MW
Hi Sabir
I like how Felecia express to the music. She wants to tell about her life. I don't use music to express myself, sometimes when I get mad at sometime I usually pray about it.
English 201B
1-2:50 MW
Hi Sabir
I like how Felecia express to the music. She wants to tell about her life. I don't use music to express myself, sometimes when I get mad at sometime I usually pray about it.
Mary Perez
Listening to these words I realized that everyone has a story to tell about where there character comes from. There is always an incident where a person is impacted with. In other words it can help a person unwrap the true identity they hide within themselves. Earlier in the morning before coming to this class, I had my psychology class and we discussed a similar topic to this one. There was a particular quote from ghandi were he says that people walk around like walking sticks or sleep walking. Somehow these topics are related because reading the last paragraph, “hip hop helped to embolden me... (pg4)”They are related because back to what ghandi said we are not aware of our surroundings until we have been impacted.
Listening to these words I realized that everyone has a story to tell about where there character comes from. There is always an incident where a person is impacted with. In other words it can help a person unwrap the true identity they hide within themselves. Earlier in the morning before coming to this class, I had my psychology class and we discussed a similar topic to this one. There was a particular quote from ghandi were he says that people walk around like walking sticks or sleep walking. Somehow these topics are related because reading the last paragraph, “hip hop helped to embolden me... (pg4)”They are related because back to what ghandi said we are not aware of our surroundings until we have been impacted.
Jimmy Sengthavilay
English 201A
“Express yourself” By Felicia Pride
After reading a piece of her work, I feel everyone have their own way of sharing their story or thoughts , and Felicia choose music as her way to express herself, which is one of the popular culture in modern day life. Music is a very catchy way to let out your thoughts and let people know your point of view which is what Felicia Pride did.
English 201A
“Express yourself” By Felicia Pride
After reading a piece of her work, I feel everyone have their own way of sharing their story or thoughts , and Felicia choose music as her way to express herself, which is one of the popular culture in modern day life. Music is a very catchy way to let out your thoughts and let people know your point of view which is what Felicia Pride did.
Rhonda Washington
English 1A 1-2:50p
Hi Professor Sabir,
I read the article on the story of Express Yourself by Felicia Pride and began to understand how the author had a love affair with hip-hop. This was a connection of a lanuage that she actually could relate to and understand. It was fresh, new, exciting and different. The lyrics spoke to the very soul of her. There is an little person in each and every one of us that can be expressive. We all have our own story to tell and it to can be a life changing adventure.
English 1A 1-2:50p
Hi Professor Sabir,
I read the article on the story of Express Yourself by Felicia Pride and began to understand how the author had a love affair with hip-hop. This was a connection of a lanuage that she actually could relate to and understand. It was fresh, new, exciting and different. The lyrics spoke to the very soul of her. There is an little person in each and every one of us that can be expressive. We all have our own story to tell and it to can be a life changing adventure.
Lou Saechao
Eng. 201A
1 - 2:50
As said in " Express Yourself" by Felecia, i fell the same way. Doing things where you feel right and comfortable with. Worrying about nothing but what you really like to do. Understanding that you can do anything if you put your mind in to it.
Eng. 201A
1 - 2:50
As said in " Express Yourself" by Felecia, i fell the same way. Doing things where you feel right and comfortable with. Worrying about nothing but what you really like to do. Understanding that you can do anything if you put your mind in to it.
Mike Saepharn
English 201A
I can really relate to the article, Express Yourself, by Felicia Pride. Before, I was very insecure with my writings as well. Even though I would love to write about any random thing, I would be very insecure to share with others. I was too scared and embarrassed of what they might think of it. Eventually, I broke out of my shell and decided to share what I had to offer; weather if its my poetry, songs, or just any random ad-libs. As time passed by, the insecurities faded away, and I soon realized that it doesn't matter what others opinions are; it only matter to the person who writes his/her own piece.
English 201A
I can really relate to the article, Express Yourself, by Felicia Pride. Before, I was very insecure with my writings as well. Even though I would love to write about any random thing, I would be very insecure to share with others. I was too scared and embarrassed of what they might think of it. Eventually, I broke out of my shell and decided to share what I had to offer; weather if its my poetry, songs, or just any random ad-libs. As time passed by, the insecurities faded away, and I soon realized that it doesn't matter what others opinions are; it only matter to the person who writes his/her own piece.
Kathleen Adams
August 26, 2009
English 201 A
M-W 1-2:50
Express yourself
I can understand how some people are very touch by rap lyrics. She found out who she really was by listening to hip-hop music. She also found her calling and was able to write great literature because of it.
At sometime in our lives we let others tell us what we should do instead of following our own inner voice. Meanwhile feelings are suppressed and are not deal t with, from fear of being disappointed, hurt and shame. It is always wise to be true to yourself and express what you feel. Many forms of art create geniuses everyday
K. A. Eng.201-A
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August 26, 2009
English 201 A
M-W 1-2:50
Express yourself
I can understand how some people are very touch by rap lyrics. She found out who she really was by listening to hip-hop music. She also found her calling and was able to write great literature because of it.
At sometime in our lives we let others tell us what we should do instead of following our own inner voice. Meanwhile feelings are suppressed and are not deal t with, from fear of being disappointed, hurt and shame. It is always wise to be true to yourself and express what you feel. Many forms of art create geniuses everyday
K. A. Eng.201-A
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