Monday, November 16, 2009 days
Today in class we reviewed the final essay in SPHE: Subject Verb Agreement. We will not be doing the Hootenanny essay, instead students will write an essay and then review it, that is, develop templates from their own errors and make recommendations for correcting it. This will be your final.
I passed out two essays, we read one. There was also a lecture on Argumentation. We will continue the discussion on Wednesday, Nov. 18,(1-3 PM class).
The Diana Hacker chapter we reviewed (Argumentation) will be given to you as well. We will review the exercises from Hacker on Monday, Nov. 23 and/or Wednesday, Nov. 18; we will also watch a video called Argumentation.
Bring in your completed Subject Verb Agreement essays. We reviewed all the SV Agr. exercises and identified the errors this afternoon. Include a discussion of all the errors in the body of the essay.
We will review the Tupac essay re: fate vs. destiny/nature vs. nurture on Monday, Nov. 23 (all classes). Bring your outlines and Initial Planning Sheets. The essay is due Wednesday, Nov. 25.
We will write or start our portfolio narratives in class next week. Students should have a portfolio checklist completed by now. If you haven't, review the assignments and note which ones you have completed. The final date to get late assignments in is Nov. 23--NO EXCEPTIONS AND NO MORE EXTENSIONS.
Some students are cheating. Cheating will not help you on the final essay where you have to evaluate your essay based on your individual mistakes. If you do not understand a concept, ask the question in class or outside class. Call me if you cannot make it to my office hours.
I passed out two essays, we read one. There was also a lecture on Argumentation. We will continue the discussion on Wednesday, Nov. 18,(1-3 PM class).
The Diana Hacker chapter we reviewed (Argumentation) will be given to you as well. We will review the exercises from Hacker on Monday, Nov. 23 and/or Wednesday, Nov. 18; we will also watch a video called Argumentation.
Bring in your completed Subject Verb Agreement essays. We reviewed all the SV Agr. exercises and identified the errors this afternoon. Include a discussion of all the errors in the body of the essay.
We will review the Tupac essay re: fate vs. destiny/nature vs. nurture on Monday, Nov. 23 (all classes). Bring your outlines and Initial Planning Sheets. The essay is due Wednesday, Nov. 25.
We will write or start our portfolio narratives in class next week. Students should have a portfolio checklist completed by now. If you haven't, review the assignments and note which ones you have completed. The final date to get late assignments in is Nov. 23--NO EXCEPTIONS AND NO MORE EXTENSIONS.
Some students are cheating. Cheating will not help you on the final essay where you have to evaluate your essay based on your individual mistakes. If you do not understand a concept, ask the question in class or outside class. Call me if you cannot make it to my office hours.