Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Homework was to bring in a published article, about 250 words minimally. Read the article. The afternoon class was asked to free paraphrase three paragraphs (of the article) or minimally 25 lines of text.

We completed some of the exercises in SPHE on paraphrasing. The pages in the book are: 339-370(2nd edition). I will have copies you can take home tomorrow for those who haven't purchased the book yet.

You need the book for the course. I will not be copying any more of the text after next week.

Mo Dabashi
Course time 10-11:50
English 201A

Happy New Year to everybody and I hope it will be a good one and a peace one as well for all of us.
My name is Moufaq Dabashi and everyone calls me Mo because it’s easier and it’s a shortcut for my name, it’s also because no one could pronounce it right. I’ve been coming to school off and on in the last 3 years. I was in school a couple of semesters ago and I couldn’t come back after that because I was working and now finally I don’t have to work as much so I came back to school and trying to focus on school.
I do not have a major but I’m focusing on school to help me get back on track and start a career that I like. I am working in a family business now and its good because its helping in everything I need but I’m really trying to major on something and get out in my own. I think what really stops me from having major was working in the family business because everything was going easy for me and I didn’t think about my future and my own career, but now I really have to do good in school and find me a major so I could go on my own.
I am in 201A from 10 o’clock to 11:50. That is my first English since I took it 3 semesters ago and I dropped it. I am really looking forward to do everything I can to do well and get a good grade. I hope everything will work for the best and I hope it will be a good semester.
Hi, my name is Sodchimeg.
I am from Mongolia. I am married and have 2 beautiful children. I love my family so much and they are most important thing in my life. I wanted to help to my children to get better education, better life and satisfied future. That is why we moved to United States. First three years were hard because of not known English, new culture, new people, new food and new environment. Little by little life is getting better. My children are grown up. They do not need much attention as they were at the beginning. They speak English well; they have friends and adjusted to new life very well.
Now, I think it is time for to get education as well. I know it is hard for me as I have full time job, my brain works slower than when I was 20 years ago. But, I really want to be someone, reach some thing in my new life. My goal is to be Nurse in my Hospital where I work now. I am taking prerequisites for the Nursing school. I Know I can do it. I will do my best and study hard.
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