Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today in the morning class we met in A232. The afternoon class meets in A202E. We spent a few minutes getting familiar with the technology and then students opened a Word.doc and typed answers to the nine (9) questions at the end of the Salvation essay. Students were then instructed to write a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs). Each summary needs to start:

In Langston Hughes's short story, "Salvation," he....

We ran out of time, so students were instructed to post their answers and summaries later. Students also need to respond to one classmate's post. You have to mention the student's name, so we will know whose work you are referencing. Post the assignment(s) below at the link to "Salvation," not here. Oh, if the blog will not let you post because the response is too long, split it into multiple posts-label them "part 1, part 2...".

For Monday students were to continue in SPHE chapters 1-2. We will write the first essay next week. It will be due the following week. We will also have a couple of quizes and review MLA (textbook).

If students don't have SPHE use the books on reserve in the library. There are 4 copies. I think one book is in the Writing Center. I will put another one there as well.

Bring Half the Sky to class on Monday too. We will read the introduction in class.

Richard Myers

Professor Sabir

English 201B

3 February 2010

“Salvation Questions and Summary”

What did the writer say and what did you think?

1) Salvation is about pressure, lies, and the guilt that comes with it.
2) Without getting into my own beliefs I think that for their day and age they weren’t. However, in today’s society most definitely.
3) Langston really wanted to believe. So, much so that he wouldn’t get up off the mourners bench until he did “see” Jesus and could be saved. Although generally it is a self-induced feeling of “seeing”, he took it literally. Nothing came to him, and he was embarrassed, tired, and felt isolated. That is why he was disappointed.
4) Westley didn’t take the revival as seriously as Langston did, he pretty much just wanted to get it over with to please the crowd (become part of the group) and move on.
5) Not really, I think that could be one interpretation, but not mine. I think he was simply conveying a situation from his childhood that affected him in an adverse way. This situation then changed his outlook on religion from then on.

How did the writer say it?

1) The story pretty much speaks for itself by depicting the events which brought him to the conclusion that Jesus was not for him. Also, you want the reader to “feel” the emotions and “picture” the scene as it unfolds. A thesis would have just been a spoiler.
2) He starts with a quick two sentence brief and then dives into the actual events from start to finish as a flashback. Yes, I believe it does create suspense for the reader in the sense of slowly putting each piece of the puzzle together.
3) Not really, the reader does not need to be familiar with them. Although, these days if you have never been then you most likely have seen it on television.
4) The hymn lyrics and the actual act of singing them definitely add’s to the pressure. Mainly, because towards the end there, it’s all for him!

In Langston Hughes’s short story “Salvation”, he discusses an experience he had as a boy with his Auntie’s church group and a revival for the children. The youngsters were to be saved and brought like lambs into the waiting arms of Jesus Christ our Savior. She had told him how once someone is saved Jesus then comes into their lives and heart. It’s something that can be seen and felt, and he believed her.
Richard Myers

part 2 of summary below

But he never saw Jesus, or felt him. He mostly felt the pressure from the singing, wailing, and crying of the rest of the congregation, he felt embarrassment because he was the only one left and all eyes were on him. He had thought that Jesus would literally come into his life and he would feel something, see something. But alas, nothing happened, he had believed his Auntie and now he was stuck.
Finally, he decided to get it over with. He got up, walked to the altar and was saved. However, the only thing he was saved from was the pressure of the entire congregation focused upon him. He had lied, and that night in bed the waves of guilt washed over him like a perfect storm. He cried, and cried, and cried, and decided that there was not a Jesus anymore.
1.The narative piont in this thesis is explaining how the character Langston feels about eccepting Christ.

2.I don't think the adults were unfair wanting the children to get saved because, I think they ment well and want there kids to have a chance to the kingdom of heaven.

3.Langston defines "see" as actualy seeing God in person.He's disappionted because he did'nt see God.

4.Westly's reaction is different from Langston's because Langston was serius about the matter and Westly was'nt.

5.Yes I believe that Hughes wants to comment on adults failure to remember the reality of childhood because,in the passage he talks about how Langston thaught that he was going to see Jesus like he would see anyother person.

1.I think its implied rather then directly because, he might be trying to reach people on a spiritual livel.

2.Hughes tells the story in order from begining to end,I think it creats suspence when he writes how the preacher and everybody was waiting for Lagston to get up and say he recieved Jesus.

3.I think that the adience does have to be told what a revival is because not everybody goes to church,and they could explain what a revival is.

4.The hymn lyrics contribute to the pressures Hughes feels becausee,it gives off the feeling of spirituality and a church atmopher.

Alicia Candies
Khan Ly
Professor Sabir
English 201B
3 February 2010

Salvation’s Questions:

1. The narrative thesis in “Salvation” is about the feeling of deception, guilt and disappointment when he lied about seeing god.
2. I think that the adults were unfair in their pressures on the children because their pressures can cause the children to commit a sin.
3. Langston define see as something he can see with his own eyes that have a shape and can be touch. Then Langston disappoint because he cannot see god and he disappoint in himself for lying to everyone else.
4. Westley’s reaction different from Langston’s in a way that his lies to other so he don’t feel humiliate. But as for Langston, he lies because he doesn’t want the adults to wait for him to be saved.
5. I don’t think Hughes wants his essay to be read as a comment about adults’ failure to remember the realities of childhood because I think his essay show us how disappoint he have with himself for lying to other.
6. Hughes’ thesis implied rather than expressed directly because he don’t want to show other that god did not exist to save other.
7. Hughes presents his narrative order from the beginning to the end. From when he still believes in god to when he lost his believe. I think that his order did not create suspense to the reader because what he says in the order give me the feeling that I can believe in his words.
8. I don’t think that the audience has to be acquainted with the concept of religious revivals to comprehend Hughes’ narrative because everyone have to go through a state to which you have no choice but to lie to other.
9. The hymn lyrics contribute to the pressures the young Hughes feels because the more the adults sing the more he feels that he need to see god and the more he feel the god have abandon him when god did not show up.
Ronald Thomas
English 201B
Professor Sabir
Questions 1
1)To be saved by the lord Jesus and also to see and god and to be saved from sinning anymore as they put it no more for the poor sinners.
2) Yes because there was no one there to say if you choose not to be hit by the Holy Ghost I would not be let down they just keep pressuring them by telling them what they want to hear.
3) Being able to see Jesus and be able to see the holy ghost he felt he would not be able to believe it unless he saw it
4) because Westley took the part about the really be saved as been accepted while Langston just got saved because he did not want to stir things up anymore. The difference of that is that Wesley only looked at the salvation at one view point while Langston looked at in many viewpoints.
5) Yes, because many parents pressure many issues on their kids and wonder while there children are unhappy with their life because their parents make decisions for them instead of them being able to live a little. Because children have wide and exploring minds they should let kids explore more.

Questions 2
1)because he gives you hints to lead up to a strong points and many detail sentences are lead up to the overall viewpoints that he did not want to go up to the temple and not that excited about seeing something that everybody else thought was real that you can’t see.
2) He presents his narrative in a way which is kind of funny but interested and also in a mean put understandable way. The order obviously keeps suspense for the reader because I read it but other hand that it has a crazy ending that’s wants you to read more like how long did he go faking it did his mother really believe him.
3) yes, he explained the point of how people think about revivals and how they think they mean so much to your life and bring so much help and support that it is a must be involved in your life that mostly what preachers preach and church members go by you must have god in your life.
4) It makes him feel that you must have a certain feeling to be saved from sinning and how the revivals are performed and it is not always like that. He was set to expect probably more than he got and it let him down and left him with dough’s about Jesus and god so it basically gave him a false
Yesra Mobarez
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 201B Mon-Wed@10:00-11:50
02 February 2010
Salivation Being in Search of Something and it doesn’t
Find You

Salivation is a story about a young man by named Langston Hughes. Hughes had religion forced upon him at a young age and the end resulted in him losing any faith, hope and belief in Jesus. The line that was most effective in the story was the last line. It goes like this, "I didn't there was Jesus any more, since he didn't save me. This verse stood out most to me because; it reminds me of when my father died. I was six years old and I remember feeling so hurt and mad at God for taking away my dad. I was raised to believe that if you would stumble upon trouble in life, you pray to god and he will make everything alright. After my dad died I gave up hope in believing in God. As time passed I had allot of family and friends who were supportive of me and helped me understand that everyone has their time to go, and that’s apart of life that we need to except. I hope that over time Huges realizes that it takes time to heal and find who you are.
1) The narrative point of Salivation is that it takes time to discover who you are and you can’t force religion on an individual.
2) Forcing religion on anyone is unfair. The adults in this story were extremely unfair/on how they chose to handle this situation. Religion its self needs time ant patients to except it.
3) Langston never seen anything he laid and said that he did for others satisfaction
4) I believe that Huges has good intention and wants his readers to relate to his experience. I also believe that Huges message was, for any one that tries to convince someone to convert to make sure to come about it in a different way.
5) Westleys reaction differs from Huges because, Westly didn’t was impatient and just wanted to get out of there, while Huges was really into the revival and wanted to be saved.
6) Huges reaction to the situation was implied rather than expressed, because he was ashamed of his loss of faith in Jesus and didn’t want to disappoint anyone.
7) Huges presented his narrative in first person because he wants his readers to visualize how it feels to be in his shoes. Huges does create suspense for the readers; it’s almost like watching a movie and yearning to know what happens next.
8) I don’t think you have to be acquainted with the concept of religious revivals to comprehend Huges narrative. I’m sure many people haven’t experienced religious revival but, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t understand what he experienced. For example, growing up as a Muslim girl, you are required to wear the head scurf at seven years old. So when I was younger, my mother tried to force me to wear my scarf. She threatened that I would go to hell if I didn’t wear it. Those treats didn’t stop me from not wearing the scarf; but I knew many girls who wore the scarf just because their parents made them and I refused to fall in that category. My point is that I would have considered wearing it if my mom made me understand the value and importance, rather than pressuring me. That’s why I don’t think you have to be acquainted with the same concept to understand others situations.
9) The Hymn lyrics contributed to the way Huge felt in to extreme measures. The constant shouting of the preacher and other church members had to of been scary and overwhelming for Huges. Not only were their loud annoying voices, but the constant pressure of Jesus saving you was crazy. It’s no wonder why he lost faith in Jesus, “I would have lost my mind if someone did that to me”.
Melvin Peter Herring
201b, 10-11:50, Feb 3rd 2010
Professor Wanda Sabir

Part 1
What is the narrative point or thesis in “Salvation”?
1. I think that Langston Hughes point is that you can’t push someone into something before he or she is ready. I think he’s trying to say they were trying to make them find god but god is meant to find you, it will come to you when you are ready.

Do you think that the adults were unfair in their pressures on the children? Why, or why not?
2. To me that’s a mixed question I believe they are and there not, they are because you can’t make someone believe in what you believe in everyone has their own path in life and you have to take your own. But they wasn’t because they was just doing what they felt was right they just wanted to save the kids.

How does the young Langston define see? Why, then, is he disappointed?
3. The young Langston define see as seeing the light, seeing God which he does not see. It does not take place.

How is westleys reaction different from Langstons?
4. Westleys reaction was different because he faked seeing the light, he acted like he seen something when he really didn’t see anything just because he didn’t feel like sitting down. But Langston really wanted to see something he didn’t want to lie, but he didn’t want to let everyone down.

Do you think that Hughes wants his essay to be read as a comment about adult’s failure to remember the realities of childhood? Explain.
5. I think Langston do believe that adults do not remember the realities of their childhood because they forgot what it’s like to be a child, and they think to make the kids grown up to fast.

Why is Hughes’ thesis implied rather than expressed directly?
1. Langston implied because he wanted the reader to find their own message within the story, he would rather someone find their own meaning then tell them.

In what order does Hughes present his narrative? Does this order create suspense for the reader? How?
2. Hughes presents his narrative in the past tense because it helps builds the suspense. The whole story has a suspense because you keep thinking he going to find the light, and you are waiting for the moment that he finds it, and it turns out that he don’t find it at all.

Do you think the audience has to be acquainted with the concept of religious revivals to the comprehend Hughes’ narrative? If so, what details could support your answer?
3. I know the reader does not have to be acquainted with religious revivals because someone can go though the same situation and feel the same way that he did.

How do the hymn lyrics contribute to the pressures the young Hughes feels?
4. The hymn Lyrics help build up more pressures because the young Hughes is not feeling the same as everyone around him and he wants to but he’s not feeling it yet!
Melvin Peter Herring
201b, 10-11:50, Feb 3rd 2010
Professor Wanda Sabir

part 2.

In Langston Hughes's short story, "Salvation," he a young man, or a group of young men in fact are forced by the adults to believe in what they want. All the adults want the children to believe in god strongly and be saved. From what all the older people say when your saved u see a light and you can feel god coming inside you. They say it’s a joyful feeling and from then on you know that Jesus is always going to be with you. So they take all the young “sinners” to the front of the church and say “wont you come to Jesus?” The preacher would stick out his hands and wait for the children to embrace Jesus and come to him showing that they been saved. When they go to him that means that they seen the light and that they felt that god was in the life’s. Slowly by slowly all the kids start to go up and embrace Jesus in their lives, except two young men.

The two young men were Langston and Westley, they were the only two yet who haven’t seen Jesus. Ladies of the church and the deacons started to surround the two while they prayed for the two in hopes that they could help them see the light. After a while Westley whispered to Langston “god damn! I’m tired o’ sitting here. Let’s get up and be saved” so he got up and faked like he was saved and that just left Langston out of the young sinners. Everyone prayed for him hoping he would see the light and sang songs in hopes that he would see the lights. It started to get late so finally Langston decided to get up and be saved like everyone else but it wasn’t the same he really wasn’t saved. Everyone cheered and was joyful. Later that night all he could do was cry his aunt thought it was because he seen the Holy Ghost but it was really because he didn’t see anything and he lied to everyone.
Tracey Lee
Professor Sabir
English 201B 1-2.50pm
3 February 2010
1. The thesis in “Salvation” is about deception, guilt and disappointment.
2. The adults were unfair in their pressures on the children, because they were enforcing their
religion onto the children instead of educating them about the religion.
3. Langston defined see as being saved by a light that personify Jesus.
4. Westley’s reaction was annoyance, because he was tired of waiting for something to happen.
5. Hughes wanted his essay to inform adults not to compel children to follow their faith blindly.
1. Hughes’ thesis was implied as it made the story interesting as oppose to express directly.
2. Hughes’s presented his narrative as a remembrance of his past. The suspense was when he
cried in bed alone, I thought that he was touched by the holy spirit.
3. I do not think the audience has to be acquainted with the concept of religious revivals.
4. The hymn lyrics contributed pressure to the young Hughes because it was catechizing.

In Langston Hughes’s short story, “Salvation,” he illustrated a nostalgic childhood experience of church revival. Although he did not believe in Jesus Christ, he went along with his aunt to her church revival. He was brainwashed; that he will be saved when he see a light, and something within him changes. Seated in the mourners’ bench he was waiting for the light experience that eluded him. Being taunted by Westley and feelings of guilt, Langston stood up to be saved. The joyful preacher and congregation blessed Langston in the name of God for being redeemed. Sadly, at home and alone, he sobbed in bed for his guilt of lying to the
Khan Ly
Professor Sabir
English 201B
3 February 2010

Salvation’s Summary:

In Langston Hughes’s short story “Salvation”, he take us back to his childhood live where he still believe in god. The story begin at the time Hughes turn thirteen when he wait patiently for the “revival” event to come. To Hughes that event is important because he believes that he will be saved by god like what his aunt have tell him. Finally the “revival” day have come, Hughes is sitting on the mourners’ bench with other children waiting to be saved by god. Surround them are the adults, who were singing, praying, and shouting. They hope that Jesus will come to those young children and save them from the sin. As the adults are praying, one after another child stands up and go to the altar and be saved by god. After a while, the only one left on the bench was Hughes and Westley. Watching all the children up in the altar, Westley stands up and be save even though he did not see god. Finally the only one left was Hughes, he keeps waiting for the god to come and save him but god did not come. He feels so depress that he the only one that cannot see god. In his mind, Hughes thinks that he was abandon by god and feels isolate.

No matter how long Hughes waits in the bench, he still cannot see god. Suddenly, the adults around him were crying and asking him why didn’t he stands up. Why didn’t he save by god. Those questions cause Hughes to feels even more depress and isolate. He don’t know the answer to the questions, all he see is the frightening eyes of those adults that wonder why he was still on the bench. After looking up in the altar, he sees Westley and other children proudly sitting there. As the adults pressure him and as the fact that they waiting for himself to be save, Hughes makes the same decision as Westley. He stands up and goes to the altar. After he stand up, all the adults stand up and cheering. They keep singing and crying that all the children are saved. But no one at that time knows that there is a single person that did not be saved and that person is Hughes himself. After going home, Hughes cries in his bed. He cries not because he was saved by god but he cries at the fact that he have lied to everyone and his aunt, whom he respect. After that night Hughes realizes that he will never be able to see god, because he have lose his faith in him.
Part I
Obada Natouf
Wanda Sabir
English 201b
Feb 3 2010
Salvation Questions
1. The narrative point of “Salvation” is about lies guilt and shame that a child felt when he lied about Jesus.
2. The adult pressure was unfair to the children. The adult’s pressure had the child in an embarrassing moment. That moment made him lie.
3. Young Langston defined see as a way of felling about him self. Therefore, he lied about seeing Jesus and then he lost his faith that Jesus existed. This had made him disappointed.
4. Westley’s reaction was different than Langston’s because Westley believed that the whole church was boring so he got up and left.
5. Hughes wants this essay to be read because he wants everyone to know that everyone has mistakes. He also wants adults to realize that they make mistakes and no need to put pressure on children.
6. Hughes thesis was expressed rather than stated directly because he wanted the reader to think about his point.
7. Hughes presented his narrative by using flashbacks. The order creates suspense for the reader because at first it stared of by him being saved from his sins. Then it introduced what happened to get him saved from sins?
8. I think that the audience has to be acquainted with the concept of religious revival to understand Hughes story. The audience should understand what is a revival and how does a person get saved from their sins to understand the whole story.
9. The hymn lyrics contributed to the pressures the young Hughes feels by making him feel that he needs to be saved. Because they are really meaningful that made the kid feel a lot of pressure.
Part II
Salvation Summary
In Langston Hughes's short story salvation, Langston talks a child's guilt when he lied. the story begins where the kid was saved from his sins. Then, the story talks about the Kid's background. He is 12 years old boy who attends the church with his aunt every weak. Then, the story explains how one day he was saved from all sins. the kid was in the church for a big revival. people were singing, preaching and praying. At this revival kids were asked to come forward so they can accept Jesus. instead the kid waited for Jesus to come save him. Furthermore, the kid had no more patience and saw his fried leaving him behind. Langston stood up to do something out of his mind. He told everyone that Jesus had saved him. Everyone in the church broke down and cried. After getting home, The kid felt overwhelmed and guilty about what he had done. he didn't believe in Jesus and lost his faith in him. The kid got home and sat on his bed and thought about what he has done. He started to cry. His aunt heard him crying so she told his uncle about the holy Ghost coming to the child's life. After all, the kid couldn't tell anyone that he had lied about being saved by Jesus. the Kid didn't believe in Jesus anymore because he didn't help him.
Neil Chu
English 201A
Professor Sabir
Monday and Wednesday 10am – 11:50

1) The narrative point in “salvation” is being saved by a higher power.

2) The adults were unfair in pressuring the children into accepting god because in one part of the story they waited until the children rose from the benches. When they did it means their sins had been redeemed. The children were pressured intro standing and accepting.

3) Langston defines see as being literal. He really means he has to see it with his own eyes. He was disappointed because he was pressured into standing when he did not see god.

4) Westley’s reaction was different from Langston’s. Westley just wanted to get it over with and stood up. He did not care whether he saw god or not, he was pressured.

5) I think that Hughes wants his essays to be read as a comment explaining adult’s failure to remember the realties of childhood. I think this because in the story the children don’t have a real understanding of religion, they were pushed into it. At a young age they will take things literally, if they can not see it, it does not exist.

6) Hughes’s thesis is implied rather then expressed directly because it gives the reader a better feel, you can’t take things literal.

7) Hughes’s presents his narrative in an adults perspective reflecting back when he was 13

8) I don’t think that the audience has to be acquainted with the concept of religious revivals to comprehend Hughes’s narrative. The concepts are easy to understand, even for a non religious person. What made it clear is paragraph 11 near the end when he wrote “I’d better lie, too, and say that Jesus had come, and get up and be saved”

9) The hymn lyrics contributed to the pressure Hughes was feeling. Each time a child was saved they would shout. The pressure was he didn’t want to be the one that could not be saved. He was rushed into standing.


In the short story “salvation” by Langston Hughes, Hughes takes us back to his childhood when he was only 13. In this story Langston is taking on a new religion. His aunt takes him to church where other children have their sins taken away and embrace Jesus. Langston’s aunt had told him that “when you were saved when you saw a light and something had happened to you inside.”
While waiting on the benched to embrace god in their lives Hughes became the one of the last people to rise form the bench others before him wanted to get it over with and just stood up. The pressure from the preacher finally got to him. He rose from the bench and saw nothing.
Anthony Payopay
English 201A
Professor Sabir
February 3rd, 2010

1. The narrative point in Salvation is that he talks about accepting Jesus Christ into your life as you Lord and personal savior and if you do that you will have salvation and go to heaven for the rest of your life.
2. Yes I think that the adults were unfair because the adults should never pressure any children to come accept Jesus into their life.
3. What Langston thought about the word see is that he means that he never felt Jesus in his heart and soul that he was their.
4. Westley reaction is that he just got up because he was tired of sitting down really didn’t care much about it and Langston reaction is that we was waiting for a Jesus to show his self or come into his life
5. No, I think Hughes wanted his essay to be read because he wanted people to know that Jesus is out there and is really waiting for us to come to him. He also basically says that don’t force yourself into situations that can just mess up the whole problem.
6. Hughes thesis was implied rather than expressed directly to make the story interesting.
7. Hughes wanted to write this in order to remember how he was in the past. Yes, the order creates suspense for any reader because it shows everyone that you shouldn’t lie about anything and you can be put in that situation also.
8. No, I don’t think the audience has to be acquainted with the concept of religious revivals
9. The hymn lyrics put more pressure on Hughes by forcing him to be saved

In the short story “ Salvation” by Langston Hughes the story talks about a boy named Langston who went to church with his aunt Reed. In the whole congregation the whole entire church was very into the sermon and the pastor. At the end of the revival they had held a meeting for the young kids. Langston was a young kid who was only twelve years old going on thirteen and he was not saved. During the meeting after the pastor had spoken the kids were asked to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal savior and be saved. As soon as the pastor had said that mostly everyone had gotten up to go on their knees. There was only two people who was sitting down still which was Langston and Westley. Once that everyone was all looking and praying for the last two to come and get saved they had pressure to accept Jesus into their life and be saved. So, Westley was getting irritated of sitting down and just got up. Then the service had been going on for a while now and they were all praying for Langston to get saved. Langston was waiting for Jesus to come but didn’t seem to get the answer that he wanted, so he just got up also so that everyone would be praising God and get the meeting over with. His aunt Reed was so happy that he had been saved. At the end he started to cry every night because he felt guilty about how he lied to his aunt.
Kim Hardy
Eng.201A 10-11:50am
Feb. 3, 2010

Salvation by Langston Hughes
1. What is the narrative point or thesis in “Salvation”?
In Langston Hughes’ short story he paints a very vivid picture of his experience at the revival as a child. His interpretation of salvation was clear that “it” (salvation) is something that one must receive willingly.
2. Do you think that the adults were unfair in their pressures on the children? Why, or why not?
I think the adults pressures were unfair because the children did not have a clear understanding of what salvation was and how to receive it.
3. How does the young Langston define see? Why, then is he disappointed?
Young Langston defines see as something he would have done physically. He was wanting to see Jesus as a physical being, or at least see his works manifested in the physical.
4. How is Westley’s reaction different from Langston’s?
Westley and Langston’s interpretation were quite similar, however Westley soon discovered that if he “faked” getting saved that would lift the pressure of the adults even though he wasn’t really saved. The action of merely getting off the bench would “save’ him.
5. Do you think that Hughes wants his essay to be read as a comment about adults’ failure to remember the realities of childhood? Explain.
Absolutely! I think the adults in this story most definitely failed to realize the realities of childhood. Langston was the only child in this story that didn’t give into the pressures of getting saved. He somehow realized that his salvation would come when the time was appropriate.
6. Why is Hughes’ thesis implied rather than expressed directly?
I’m not sure why Hughes’ thesis is implied rather than expressed.
7. In what order does Hughes present his narrative? Does this order create suspense for the reader? How?
8. Do you think the audience has to be acquainted with the concept of religious revivals to comprehend Hughes’ narrative? If so, what details could support your answer?
I think the audience does have to be acquainted with certain religious concepts.
9. How do the hymn lyrics contribute to the pressures the young Hughes feels?
Kelly Bohler
Eng 201A

Salvation Questions
1)I think the thesis or point of the story is that you should be very clear and realistic when speaking to children about religion or anything in that matter, studies show that from ages 3 and up children remember everything is their past.
2)I don't think that children should have to pick a religion at such a young age but everyone raises their children differently but yes I did think it was unfair to put Langston through that.
3)Langston defines "seeing" by actually seeing Jesus himself in person.
4)I think Westley reacted differently because he was probably tired of sitting there for so long and just gave in not knowing what he was giving into.
5)I definitely feel like Langston Hughes wrote this to open adults eyes and take them back to when they were children.
6)I think Hughes story is told the way its told because that's really what happen to him.
7)Yes i do think this story does bring suspense to the reader because he writes the story as if we were there with him.
8)No I don't think that the readers have to acquainted with the concept of religious revivals to comprehend Hughes’s narrative I'm not religious and I still understand where Langston's coming from
9)Definitely the hymn lyrics I think pushed him more.

This story is about a young boy who went to church with his grandmother thinking he was going to be saved by Jesus.The main character Langston was waiting and waiting while people in the church pressured him into being saved. In the end he never see's Jesus himself but still went forward in the church and was saved he felt wrong because he thought he was lying and in the end cried himself to sleep and lost his faith in the lord.
Shyann Kinzer
Professor Sabir
English 201B 10:00-11:50

Commenting on Adrianna Sterling's summary about Langston Hughes' "Salvation", i came to agree with her thoughts. I do believe that he wanted to see god, but was not able to put trust in god. I feel as though if Hughes' was able to put trust into god he might have ended up seeing god when getting saved. When she said that, "Hughes waited long and hard for Jesus to come, and he believed that he would and should come since he asked him." it brought up a thought that even in today's society one thinks that because we ask god and pray for god to be there and do certain things hes not always going to. Its just the selfishness in us that's makes one think that he should answer to all of our wants.
Sandy Saeteun
Professor Sabir Eng.201 B
MW 10
3 February 2010

1.The narrative point of view is from the first person point of view.
2.I think the adult were unfair to pressure the children because they didn’t let them believe what they wanted and forced the religion on them.
3.The little boy didn’t see anything he just said that he did.
4.Wesley was impatient about the situation and just wanted to get it over with. Wesley lied about the situation and said that he seen Jesus when he didn’t so after that people was making a big fuss over. After that he did not believe in Jesus anymore.
5.I think that Hughes does want his essay to be read as a comment about adult’s failure to remember the realities of childhood because adults tend to force beliefs on children when they are not interested in it yet. Plus when adults do this, kids do not want to believe in it because it pushes them away.
1.Hughes wants us to think hard about it so that is why he doesn’t say it directly. He also wants us to relate it to our own childhood and feel the same way theses kids do.
2.He presents it in a first person point of view.
3.I do not think that you have to be Christian to relate to the story because other kids are always forced to believe in something that they don’t want to believe in, like religion or santa claus.
4. it pressure him because it made it more spiritual.

In Langston Hughes short essay, it talks about a boy that is at church and he is being saved. There are many kids that are at church that is being saved and as they are doing their religious stuff, some kids got up and said that they were saved. But Langston was the last one too get up and he told people that he had seen god, when he really didn’t. Everyone at church believed him and he felt bad for lying. then from then on he said that he don’t believe in Jesus anymore, because supposedly, Jesus didn’t help him get of that situation.
Jasmine Kemper
English 201B
Feb 3,2010

What did the writer say and what do you think?

1) I believe the narriative point in the story is that he does not believe in jesus.
2)I do some what believe that the adults were unfair because you should not have to pressure a child in to believing that should come naturally.
3)He is disapointed because he wanted to see but he could not.
4)Langston was more serious
5)I do think that he would like for his essay to be commented on but also at the same time i think that it could have just been a childhood experience.

How did the writer say it?

1) I think because he wanted us to get into the story and figure out the meaning our self
2) He tells the story from the very 1st start all the way to the end and yes i believe it creats suspense beause through that it tells how he lost his faith.
3)No i do not think so anyone can read a story and put their self in that position but it would be more better if you already knew about it.
4)Yes it does because it is more pressure on him to get up in the end and say that he has been saved.
Darrius Sutton
February 3, 2010
English 201 A

Question 1:
Salvation is like being freed from whatever was holding you back. (Being Saved). I don’t feel that his salvation will come how it was intended to. His salvation will come when he builds up the courage to tell everyone that he lied about the whole situation.

Question 2:
Well its yes and no to this question. Yes because I feel that it is necessary for children to be involved in their church and to take their religion seriously. There are too many youth walking around today with no direction. God can be the one to guide you in the right direction even when you feel that no one else can. But as everyone knows it is hard to see what is good for you at such a young age. This is the reason that parents need to push their kid’s into going to church on a regular basis. No because even though I feel that children should be involved in their church, I feel that to give your self to God is a commitment that you are not ready to make until you’re older. The reason that this is, is because the severity of what you are doing could only make sense when you are a man or a woman. When you give your self to the lord you are now saying I want to live by his words. Now at twelve years old how can you make a decision like that one which will affect you your whole life.

Question 3:
He defines see as if he is to physically see God during this ceremony. I think the see was referring more to feeling him throughout your body and see his amazing power. Also to see the benefits he can bestow upon your life. You’re not actually supposed to see him with your own two eyes.

Question 4:
Westley felt no remorse about not really being saved. He stood up without feeling anything afterwards. Langston did the exact same thing except he felt guilty about getting up in front of the whole church and lying to them. Not only had he lied to the whole church but he lied to the congregation and God.

Question 5:
I think so because everyone forgets that you can only force kids to do so much. Adults often fail to put them selves in the child’s shoes. When they were that young and you had a whole crowd waiting on you, what would you do stand up and relieve the pressure or sit there until everyone slowly left the room. if you just put your self in Langston’s shoes for a moment then you would see what he did was not necessarily right but it is understandable. the fact still remains that hope is not lost for this young boy he can always try again when he is older and feels that he is ready to accept god into his life.

He wasn’t saved during the whole ceremony. Plus at the end of the story he lied to everyone just to get out of there.

He is remembering the past. This happened when he was a child but he wrote it as a man. So it would make the narrative past tense. The only thing that creates suspense is the fact that he waits until the end to tell whether he gets saved. Because you have to wait until the end to see what happens.

Yes in the sense that you would have to know what it means to be saved. But as long as you have a clear understanding of what it means to be saved, you will be fine. You don’t necessarily have to believe in God to understand what he is trying to say. If someone who didn’t believe in God but still understand the process of being saved, then you will have no problem. It is because you have a full meaning of giving yourself to the God. But if you think like Hughes did then you will think that you actually need to see Jesus to be saved. When in reality, that is impossible.

Because the whole congregation is singing and that will put pressure on you naturally. A room full of people wanting you to do and feel something that you simply can’t at that point in your life.
Amalia Gaspar

Professor Sabir

English 201b

February 2010

1.The pressure that was put on him made him lie and by lying he did not feel that he got saved. He felt betrayed because Jesus did not come to him.

2.Yes I think that the adults were unfair to the children they put lots of pressure on them

3.He physically wanted to see Jesus and want to feel something special. He was the last boy sitting waiting to see Jesus he was disappointed that he didn’t see Jesus and that he lied about seeing him to everyone.

4.Westley reacted to the situation differently from Langston he had also lied but it didn’t seem to have bothered him.

5.I don't think that is what Hughes want but i could be interpreted in that way but i didn't c it like that.

1.Hughes didn’t write a thesis the whole story was like his thesis. If a thesis was put in there, I think that I will have lost the uniqueness of his story.

2.He starts with the present and flashes back to the past. he starts of with “ I was saved from sin…but not really saved” that keep the reader interested in what does he mean by not really.

3.I don’t think that the audience has to be acquainted with this particular religion. The way he tells the story he make it clear that this event is very important to his family and friends and it takes a big part of his life.

4.The hymm lyrics contribute to Hughes pressure because he is saying how he should feel and the more he says the more disapointed Hughes gets.
Tonny Mai
English 201A
MW 1:00-2:50

1) The thesis in “SALVATION” is guilt, deception and dissapointment.

2) Yes, I beliece the adults were unfair. The child was still young and he had no idea what he was up against and it was probably very confusing for the young boy.

3) To young Langston, the word "see" had direct literal meaning. As A kid to see something is to acually see it, as another person. But when he didnt acually see, he choked up and lie and told everyone he seen it.

4) Westley’s reaction was different than Langston’s because he didn’t believe anymore in the existence of Jesus and he wanted to finish this procedure as quick as possible.

5) Hughes wanted us to piant a picture of his story. He wanted us to relate with the story as well. Also giving us a little experience of his childhood so other parents can just let childrens be childrens. They're not going to know what religion you're practicing and follow along with it, they're going to be kid so let them be kids.

1) The writer right away starts off the essay by explaining the impact that event have had on him. He wanted us to relate with it and know right away the main theme of the story is.

2) Hughes presents his narrative in flashback order. I don`t think that the order of Salvation creates an eye catcher for the reader as much.

3) I think the audience have to be acquainted to the religious because salvation is more than people pressure you to cry out in front of the church, Salvation is away to live a better life with god. So when the kid lied, the oint wasn't gottten across, he just wanted to get it over with.

4) The hymns were telling Langston to go to the alter and be saved. They did not even give him a chance to be saved. Everyone was praying for Langston alone and it was alot pressure for one child.

Salivation is a story about a boy by named Langston Hughes. All the adult with him wanted him to be saved by god. They all wanted him to believe in the religion nonsense, which at the time he felt he was too young and was not ready for it. During the alter they were all trying to help him find jesus and them Hughes said he seen him and felt him. But he never saw Jesus, or felt him. He mostly felt the pressure from the singing, crying and yelling, so he got scared and jus lied to everyone he seen jesus. He had thought that Jesus would literally come into his life and he would feel something, see something. Finally, he decided to get it over with. He got up, walked to the altar and was saved. He had lied, and that night in bed he had all this guilt, and dissapointment inside of him. He cried, and cried, and finally beleive there is no jesus.
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