Wednesday, March 10, 2010



What does it mean to be an empowered woman or a powerful woman in the world of Half the Sky? Use at least one example of a powerful woman to illustrate your point.

How did this womam realize her innate power and actualize it? What triggered the power within her? When did she stop being a victim?

Do the authors in Half the Sky define power, if so, what is it according to them? Form the women they profile, we can extrapolate a definition. What is it?

Respond to one post with an example of your own.

Other class work

After the freewrite, students spent the rest of class time reviewing exercises in Section 4 in SPHE. Many students got up to Synthetica. We will write the Synthetica essay in class on Monday or Wednesday. Make certain you do the exercises in the appendix on elipses (324-325 in 1st edition).

Finish Half the Sky. We will develop thesis sentences and outlines next week as well.

Field Trip

Students indicated whether or not they could make the Speak Out event (3/19)and/or the play (3/18 or 3/21). We only have commitments from two people on the play, and perhaps six people for Ise Lyfe's Pistols and Prayers. To get the group price ($10) we need ten people.

Shyann Kinzer
Professor Sabir
English 201B 10-1150
10 March 2010
A Empowered Woman
In Half the Sky the authors show what it means to be empowered. Like the profile of Goretti she becomes empowered as she gets involved in a program, CARE. After getting a loan for two dollars and starting a potato crop. When the crop was successful she became financially stable. Along with that she earned the respect of her husband, and got some social freedom. An empowered woman is a woman that has the freedom to be equal to all others, even men. That includes having their own income and social life, especially respect from others, like their husbands.
Still in places today woman are oppressed and do not have the ability to be successful and full of self confidence. However, it is much better today than before when woman had next to no rights at all. Many woman here are now succeeding more than before, having their own jobs and taking care of their families.
Damian Jackson
201 MW 10-1150
Professor Sabir
10 March 2010

Empowered Woman
Zoya Najbi is an empowered woman because she stood up and decided to leave a relationship with her husband. The physical and emotional abuse she has endured from her husband’s family was an unbearable condition. She was beaten with an election cable and also with a stick until she couldn’t feel her feet. Being a good wife she had weather the conditions until the point they became to harsh and she did what she had to do. She left her husband and went to a shelter to be on her own and that was a courageous act. Some woman stays until they are beaten to death or other horrible states. Most of time they are emotionally scared so they don’t better their selves by leaving the situation they are in. I think she is one of the bravest women in the book because I’ve known woman in those situations and they didn’t have the strength to get away. I think any lady that’s leaves a abusive relationship can be something in life because of the fact that they have strength.
Sandy Saeteun
Professor Sabir
English 201B
10 March 2010

What it means to be a powerful woman in Half the Sky is a woman that can stand up for themselves and fight against all odds. I think the entire woman in the book has overcome a lot and they still stand strong after all that they have been through. A great example of that is Mukhtar’s story. Mukhtar’s bother was accused of having an affair with a girl and he was sued for it. Mukhtar went and defend her brother and his punishment was that her sister was to be raped in front of everyone. Then Mukhtar was upset by what the court has done to her, so she went and sued the government. To her surprise, she had won and the governor had actually admired her for her courage. The government had awarded her with money and what she had done with the money was started a school for girls. This is where she realized that she is powerful and she just kept on speaking out to the media about how her country treats young girls. Mukhtar was outspoken and she let the world knew how her country was treating her. And instead of spending the money for herself, she went and started a school which benefitted a lot of young girls. Mukhtar is powerful because she stood up for herself and she was not scared of the government. Although she was a female, she was not scared to speak or defend herself.
Kelly Bohler
Eng.201A 10-11:50
Professor Sabir

Cyber-Post Freewrite

When I think of what is an empowered women I think of a women in control of her life and making thoughts become actions. In half the sky a women that really stands out as a empowered women is Meena Hasina to have your children get taken away from you by brothel owners, get beaten constantly and let others escape while u take the blame is a inhuman. But that didn’t stop here she didn’t loose her power. I think at the end of her story where it talks about how she’s look down upon in her village because she actually got the brothel owners in legal trouble and all she cares about now is that she has her son and daughter back with her. I think that’s also what power means standing up for what you believe and having integrity.
Sonry Chhoth
Professor Sabir
English 201A MW 10-1150AM
10 March 2010

Empowered Women
Edna Adan is an empowered woman of Africa. In her country, women didn’t have much education. She was one of the few who received an education. Edna wanted to have a job in the medical field so she could people. She got a job in the World Health Organization but she wanted a hospital of her own. With the money she earned working for WHO, she built a hospital. Funds for the hospital ended but “Friends of Edna” fundraised enough to have the hospital built. Edna was a victim of genital cutting. Her mother thought it was a good idea. Seeing how sad the genital cutting made her father encouraged her.
Canlas 1
Gilbert Canlas
Professor Sabir
English 201A 10-11:50am
10 March 2010
Freewrite: Empowered Women
Empowered women in the world of the book “Half the Sky” by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, means these women are independent, strong, and smart. The word empowered means to have the authority and have legal power. A woman like Ushu from the book is a good example of having the guts to stand up, and say “I can do this.” She protected herself from the gang members, and she stood up. People saw her courage and they realize it is not the gangs that are strong; it is that they feared the gang so much that they let it be like that all the time; they realized that they can unite together and fight as one.
Empowered women are getting a lot of credits these days, and that is right. Because in some countries, some women still get discriminated. Empowered women show the whole world that women can do what men can. There are few numbers of women that are named in the book, but they made huge difference not only in the place they live in but also in other countries too.
Kelly Bohler
Eng.201A 10-11:50
Professor Sabir

Cyber-Post Freewrite

When I think of what is an empowered women I think of a women in control of her life and making thoughts become actions. In half the sky a women that really stands out as a empowered women is Meena Hasina to have your children get taken away from you by brothel owners, get beaten constantly and let others escape while u take the blame is a inhuman. But that didn’t stop here she didn’t loose her power. I think at the end of her story where it talks about how she’s look down upon in her village because she actually got the brothel owners in legal trouble and all she cares about now is that she has her son and daughter back with her. I think that’s also what power means standing up for what you believe and having integrity.
Fatima Lopez
201 MW 10-1150
Professor Sabir
10 March 2010

Empowered women or powered women:
According to Nicholas D Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn in the half sky book, Nowadays powerful women are becoming very popular compare with so many years ago, women have raise their voices and have fight for the rights in so many ways too. You can find them everywhere in the white house, hospitals or building construction. Nowadays women with power had work very hard to gain that title; women just don’t only have to work outside the house. They attend their children, do the house errands and attends their husband too furthermore an empowered women are women who have the ability to help other people, they are strong, smart and passionate for what they do and they encourage other to follow their steps too. They don’t let other to get into their dreams and they do everything by themselves and sometimes with the help of who are around them. They leave what interrupt them and protect themselves and other.
Empowered women will control the world in the future generation.
Michael M
english 10-1150
free write

What I think it mean to be empowered women today is patience for one trust, I say trust because I tend to see women that’s as trust issues tend to struggle in life long goals and other things. Another thing I think it take to be a strong empowered women is support from someone else that she wouldn’t think to look or surprise of where it came from. For example the first lady I’m pretty sure someone around the way gave her some type of empowerment along the way at some point of time. So to me to become for anybody to become empowered it take the time, trust to want to change and dedication. I think if you stick to most of those things what every your try to empower yourself for the it should work out. And I also think it’s a more easy task for a women to empower her self then a men trying to empower her self.
Jasmine Kemper
English201b MW10-11:50
March 10,2010

What does it mean to be an empowered women or powerful women in the world of Half the Sky?
Well a empowered women means many things it basically depends on the women herself. I believe that it means self-empowerment , personal, or some type of growth for an empowered women. I also believe that power just means to have authority, self will(ed) or having influence. The women in the community have power within their selves but are not able to let that out because the way that they are contained they are not able to be who they are for the simple fact that they were sold into prositution or for some other reason that occurred during a time in life. For example Meena Hasina she was forced into prostitution for the simple fact because she was born in a brothle , while two other girls in the book Neth and Momm in away had a choice to leave because they were freed. Well one went back to doing that because thats all she knew and she was hooked on drugs that’s the way the only reason why she left her family. While the other women became empowered because she used the knowledge that she had to open up a little shop because she did not want to go back into prostitution. Basically what im trying to say is that everyone has some power in them you just need to know when to take charge.
Melvin Herring
professor sabir
english 201b 10-11:50
10 march 2010

A Empowered women
To me a empowered women can be any women all women can be empowered, it all depends on the women herself. To me it can be a mother, a hard working women at your job who’s trying to support her family or even a teacher. Due to the economic state the world is in right now all women are starting to be empowered because they have to be. I support all the empowered women and I think we need more in this world.

In half the sky we learned about a lot of empowered women, one of these empowered women was saima who husband was unemployed and in dept. so she had to provide for her family by going to the market and selling goods. She worked hard and got her husband out of debt.
Torre Major
Professor Sabir
English 201B 10-11:50

To be an empowered woman in half the sky means everything. The goal is to be an empowered woman; in half the sky it means life for you your children and your family. An empowered woman in India or any other oppressed country means a better life not only for you, but for others that you can employ, save and help build up there self esteem. It is like the old saying; “give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time”. This is the same principle in half the sky. If you help a woman that’s good, but if she dose not have any self esteem it is a lost cause. She must have a good self esteem before she can start to progress, and this is what the empowered women in half the sky are doing and that is good.
Adrianna Sterling

To be being a empowered women in the world is to be involved in things like Goretti she was involved in the Care program which led her to becoming satble in her life. To me this is a women who can make sonmethign happen out of nothing a women who doesnt let the negativity hold her back in becoming empowered by her dreams and goals and ability to stand on her own. Edna also showed empowment in her country with the ability to stand and learn.She was the 1st to recieve education in her counrty and that showed the ability to beable to achieve. Having strength and achieving what is needed to beable to empower other women to do the same in their life as well.
Sodchimeg Ulziiutas
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 201A M,W 10:00-11:50
10 March 2010
Empowered Women
Most of the women and girls still stay living this life even they kidnapped, trafficked, raped and abused, because the social environment make them smile and accept it against their will. The culture, tradition and practice of these counties hold women bear abuse rather or accept the risk being killed.
Each women in the Half the Sky is powerful herself. Some of them discover it and realize they can do some thing better to change life of theses girls and women. As long as women allow themselves to use, abuse will continue. They have to fight for their freedom.
For example, women named Usha Narayane graduate from University is fighting with a local gang group and controller of Kastruba Nagar village Akku Yadav. She is a fearless, she doesn’t get frightened by anyone, because her education gives to her a power to fight, stand for her self and follow other women after her. The hundreds of women of the Kastruba Nagar village killed Akku Yadav. The leader was Usha.
All women told to their families had destroyed the monster. The village celebrates this occasion together as a giant wedding. “Empowerment” is a key to in the aid community, to first step toward greater justice to transform that culture of female. When a women does stand up, says Usha it is imperative..
Tracey Lee
201B 23075
MW 1-2.50pm

Srey Neth is from a rural town in Cambodia. She was forced into prostitution when her cousin sold her to a brothel in Poipet. Life became unbearable as she was forced to service customers or be subjected to beatings. The tide turned for the better when Nick bought her freedom at a price of USD150. Fred from bondage, Nick and American Assistance helped Srey along with finance assistance in setting up a grocery store. Srey was determined to start afresh, unfortunately the tide turned against her. Family members helped themselves to the grocery without paying for the items. American Assistance once again came to her aid. They set her up as an understudy in a hairdressing saloon. Srey once again was diligently working toward rebuilding her life. Through positive feedback from her peer, she became more confident. She endeavored to one day setup her own shop and raise money to finance her dad’s medical treatment. Just as things were turning for the better, her health deteriorated. She was tested positive for HIV. Her dreams shattered along with her health, she was giving up for she thought she was going to die. Luck was with her as a suitor by the name of Sothea, an educated man was madly in love with her. Srey was hesitant at first, but was won over by Sothe’s undying profession of love for her. She relented and married him. She was tormented for withholding the past and her health situation from her beloved. When she was pregnant, and had to be tested for HIV, she was elated when the result was negative. Her life turned around. She took charge of her life by returning to the hairdressing saloon to complete her education and to build a business from the skill. Although in her teens, Srey was burdened with sufferings, much of her adult life has blossomed and given her the opportunity to be a wife, mother and confident woman. All because she had the ability to empower herself to rise above the oppression.
Khan Ly
Professor Sabir
English 201B-1:00-2:00p.m.
10 March 2010

Empowered woman is the woman who stands up against power and takes control in her life. Just like Mukhtar in Half the Sky. Mukhtar life started to change when her brother was kidnapped and gang-rape by the higher clan members. The clan members accused him for having sex with other girl. Mukhtar had to go to a meeting in the place of her family. Nevertheless, the clan members punished her brother crime by gang-rape her. When Mukhtar return home, she intend to kill her but thank to her parent she let go of the idea. For a while, Mukhtar did not satisfy with the member punishment. She went to the police and sues the people that rape her. Inexpertly, the police catch those rapists and give her some money. Mukhtar use the money to open the school in her village. And later she becomes a hero that was recognized by everyone. Because Mukhtar stand up for herself, she had showed us how powerful women can be in this world.
Sonry Chhoth
Professor Sabir
English 201A MW 10-1150AM
10 March 2010

Response to Khan Ly
I agree with Khan Ly, a woman shouldn't give up as soon as a man belittles her. She should stand up and defend herself and stop being a victim. An example that I can think of is Oprah Winfrey, she was raped when she was younger but is now a successful woman. Being a victim doesn't necessarily mean that one has to give up.
Obada Natouf
Professor Sabir
English 201B MW 1-2;50
10 March 2010
Empowered women
The women we choose were Edna Adan, Zoya Najabi and Roshaneh Zafar. Edna is a woman from Somaliland . She was married then divorced. After that she learned to read because she was illiterate. She was violated when she was young so this empowered her to take action and stop that violation to the younger generations in Somaliland . She made a small clinic to treat poor people that can't pay for medicines.

Zoya Najabi is a woman from afaghanstan. She was married then flee away from her husband. she learned to keep herself awyay from getting obressed by hy men. she had an illeterate husband, she studied untill 8th grade. she was punished by everyone in her family so she fleed and learned to live for herself without any oppression or violation to her life.
Roshaneh Zafar is a woman from pakistan. She was allowed to go to a university, got her MA. Then, She joined world bank. She established a system KASHF that loans money to women. She gave power to woman that couldn't survive in the world of opressing women. she was a revoultionary against the idea that woman aren't responsible enough to be equal with "the Man ". So she empowered woman to be striong and take advantage of the power they have against their husbands.
Neil Chu

Professor Sabrir

English 201A 10am – 12pm


Today we discussed what it means to be an empowered woman in the world of half the sky. To be an empowered woman here in our own country, a woman must be educated and dependent. Women are presented with lots of opportunity in this country and should be considered to live here. In here you are as successful as you want to be. However in other places such as everywhere in half the sky, women are powerless. Being a powerful woman in half the sky the woman
A perfect example of this would be Edna Adan. She lives in Africa, and where she is from women are denied education. She was one of the lucky few to receive the gift of education. She set her goals high and received a job in the medical field. Being the over achiever she is, this was not enough for her. She raised a tremendous amount of money and built her own hospital. She was fueled to finish her goal because of her circumcision.
What does it mean to be an empowered women or a powerful women in the world of “ Half The Sky” Use at least one example of a powerful women to illustrate your point. How did she realize her innate power and actualize it?
Do the author define “empower” or “power”?

Empowered women is doing whatever they want, to control their own lives. Having the freedom. The power for your self., but powerful means being powerful then others, having the power to take control of others, one of the empowered women in “Half The Sky” is Saima Muhammed from Pakistan she was a poor women that had been beaten by her husband everyday. She decided to join an organization that will help her, she got loans and started her own business she supported her daughters and husband and even started loaning money to other women and becoming successful. She had he same problem with money, and after she realized women, just like she was helped. She had stopped being a victim when her business became successful and she had money for her self. She became a hero to others, and she had been known.

The author defines empower and women becoming known and becoming successful, and some are wealthy and well educated also.
Mo Dabashi
Mon/ wed

Free write:

What does it mean to be an empowered women or a powerful women in the world of “ Half The Sky” Use at least one example of a powerful women to illustrate your point. How did she realize her innate power and actualize it?
Do the author define “empower” or “power”?

Empowered women is doing whatever they want, to control their own lives. Having the freedom. The power for your self., but powerful means being powerful then others, having the power to take control of others, one of the empowered women in “Half The Sky” is Saima Muhammed from Pakistan she was a poor women that had been beaten by her husband everyday. She decided to join an organization that will help her, she got loans and started her own business she supported her daughters and husband and even started loaning money to other women and becoming successful. She had he same problem with money, and after she realized women, just like she was helped. She had stopped being a victim when her business became successful and she had money for her self. She became a hero to others, and she had been known.

The author defines empower and women becoming known and becoming successful, and some are wealthy and well educated also.
Richard Myers
Professor Sabir
English 201B – 1 – 2:50pm
12 March 2010
Empowering Women in Half the Sky
Srey Rath was a Cambodian teenager of a poor family who was out of money. A job agent recommended for her to go to Thailand to work but, the job agent ended up selling her to gangsters in Kuala Lumpur who promptly put her into a brothel. She was drugged, raped and forced to service the brothels customers. However, Srey was never fully broken and promised herself that she would escape this nightmare of an existence. Then one day she was able to escape with four of the other girls in the brothel. They ran to the nearest police station and were then jailed for being illegal immigrants. Upon her exit from jail a policeman drove her to the nearest border and promptly re-sold her to another brothel. Luckily though, the brothel owners did not guard her very well and she was able to finally escape this hell permanently.
As you can see Srey Rath had her own sort of power. The will to not give up in the face of extreme adversity was strong within her. Her captor’s methodology was to rule with violence and fear, and yes that is power but another kind. Srey connected with an aid group who provided a small loan once she was able to return to Cambodia. She started a small business selling snacks, trinkets and the like. This, of course was empowering to her as she had never before had this kind of opportunity. She now runs two stalls and a public phone business in the town of Poipet. Srey now has her own power, the power to run her own life.
Sareth Chhoth
Professor Sabir
English 201A MW 10-12
14 March 2010

An empowered woman is a woman who does what she believes is right and can stand up for herself and her beliefs and never gives up even though it is a tough path. Also education can play a part in their empowerment. For example, Roshaneh Zafar is an educated woman and founded the Kashf Foundation. Her education helped her found the Kashf Foundation and through her education she helped poor women receive microcredit. Even though she was well educated she still wanted to help out many people who are suffering.
In response to Damian Jackson's blog on empowered woman i agree that it takes an empowered woman to have the strength to get up and leave a negative situation with ones spouse. Many people cant and don't leave and stay tell its to late. Zoya Najbi left a situation were she was treated horribly, and once she did that she gave her self a chance to move on in life in a positive aspect.

Shyann Kinzer
English 201B 10-1150
Professor Sabir
10 March 2010
Nseke Ngilbus
prof Sabir
Eng 1a 8-8:50
12 march 2010

In Half the Sky the authors elaborate that empowerment is making women independent, confident, and aLeader. These women generally become empowered by crossing paths with aid agencies that seek to promote good in their community. Goretti is such an example, prior to joining the program CARE, she was dependent, weak, and control by her husband. After she joined, she was able to start a little business that was able to flourish. Then on, she became empowered. She provides for her family and putting her children through school. She is also become leader in her community promoting women equality and advancement.

This is still a bad situation for most women, many women are not fortunate enough to become successful. In turn, these are the women how are beat and mistreated. Women are only considered eqaul if they make more money then their spouse. so most women are never treated as equals. But there are many foriegn help organization that serve to aid these women become empowered. So there is hope that one day women will finally acheive equality.
Natalie Hopkins
English 201 1:00-2:50
10 March 2010
Meena Hasina
Bihar, India

She was kidnapped when she was eight years old and trafficked. She was from a poor family that did not defend her. She was also uneducated but also stern to have a better life. She was sold to a local brothel called Nutt clan then taken to rural house. She never gave into the things they wanted to do. She would often resist clients that wanted to have sex for money. So she was raped, drugged and beaten. She became pregnant in the brothel with two children. She escaped and got help from a man name kuduz. He helped her escaped. She is a empowered woman becuse she faught for her life and her kids
Latisha Davis
professor sabir
English 201 a/b 10-1150
March 10 2010

Empowered women
is getting involved in programs to help other women starting there other company to do what they need to get ahead an suerviveZoya Najbi is an empowered woman because she stood up and decided to leave a relationship with her husband.

standing up for what is wrong fighting back for wat they believe in even thow they been pushed around somany times
Adilene Velazquez
Professor Sabir
English 201A MW10-12
10 Feb 2010

Empowered Women

To me a powerful woman is one who has authority over others. She has the ability to make rules and enforce them. Empowered women on the other hand, have gained the ability to be powerful and have gained the respect they deserve. In the book Half the Sky, by Nicholas D. Kristof, and Sheryl WuDunn, I found many great examples of empowered women. Srey Rath is a great example because when she was 15, she was tricked into a brothel but after many years of struggle she was able to succeed and she opened up a shop in Cambodia.

Another good example is Usha Narayane. She was a Dalit who graduated from university and learned to speak up for herself and others. Thanks to her, the slum became a safer place. To me she is an empowered woman because even though she was born in a slum, she was able to get an education, and gain the respect that was not commonly given to the women living there. She also opened the door for other women, so that they could get the respect that they deserve.
Adilene Velazquez
Professor Sabir
English 201A MW 10-12
19 March 2010

Response to Shyann Kinzer

I agrre with ehat you said. Although there are still women out there that are being oppressed, there are many women who have opened the doors and made it easier for other women to make a change and stand up for themselves. Now more women are becoming empowered and successful. Even more than men.
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