Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Hear the Cry Cyber-Response

Today Ramona Jones, Victory Outreach Church, spoke to the class about Human Trafficking and an event this Friday, April 2, 2010, 5-7 PM, in Oakland to bring attention to this travesty of justice: "Hear the Cry Candlelight Vigil: Exposing Human Trafficking," on the steps of Oakland City Hall, 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94621.

Please post your comments and reflections here. Connect what she told us about human trafficking in Alameda county to what we have learned from our readings in Half the Sky.

Some of the community resources are: MISSEY, A Safe Place, Family Justice Center, A new Day Children (Kathy Wilson), Children of the Night (Los Angeles County), S.A.G.E., H.E.A.T (Human Exploitation and Trafficking in the DA's office), Victory Outreach Church International

Some of representatives from these organizations as well as Assemblyman Sandre Swanson's office and Alameda county's District Attorney's office will have speakers at the vigil.

Luis Arechiga

Professor Sabir

English 201B

31 March 2010

The comparrison with Hear the Cry, and Half the Sky is that, they both show us true and painful stories of everyday lives. The United States has its very own problems with human exploitation whithin its states. The issue of human exploitation is worldwide.

Children and women are suffering over this evil crime. The only difference here are the global regions. It's trully possible to shape one's future, but there are those who need a helping hand towards that promising future.
Obada Natouf
Professor Sabir
English 201B
31 March 2010
Today Ramona Jones talked about her personal experience in the world of poverty. I thought that her story is exact like Meena Hasina's Story from the book of half the sky. I think it is such a wonderful thing that she is trying to end the whole problem of Child exploitation by informing people about it. Her story is so inspiring. After all what happened to her she is still strong and motivated. she is one of the people who i would remmeber if i needed something to motivate me.
Today in class we got a good message given to us about human trafficking. I was shocked to see a woman as educated to be a person who had suck a past that she turned around for the better. I was even more shocked to hear about the 300,000 teenagers and children who have been exploited in the east bay alone. That is some number for you and it was just sad. Me personally I know about exploitation of the human body. I wasn’t the one being exploited but I have an aunt who does that for a living and she is 33 years old with 3 smart kids. That’s all she ever knew. She was a drop out and had her first child at the age of 16. She’s beautiful and she is just now getting her life on track. She’s attending school and trying to get her G.E.D. I can say that I’m very proud of her and I know her kids are also. Human trafficking is no joke. I’m still in shocked a little bit, but I can say that I can’t wait to see what the turnout is going to be like this Friday. It will surely be an eye opener for all…
Khan Ly
Professor Sabir
English 201B-1:00-2:50p.m.
31 March 2010

As Ramona Jones has introduced to us about trafficking in Alameda County, I am so surprise to hear the fact there is also trafficking in America. Because I have never thought that in a modern country like America also has trafficking. Base on what I read in Half the Sky, I know that there is trafficking around many countries, especially the poor countries like India, China, Thailand, etc. after hearing about trafficking in America; I realize that there are some similar between the book and Ramona Jones. For instance, all the women that are prostitutes were being force and the prim was someone they know like family, relative, friends or someone in have the same sex at them. There also difference between those two like in the book only focus on women prostitutes but not the boy. But in what Ramona says, she did mention that there are also boy being force into sex.
Shakira Makamjuola

Professor Sabir

English 201B

31 March 2010

We need to keep praying for people that in the human Exposing and Trafficking and hoping they stop and come clean. Most of the stuff she talks about today I don’t even know there is Human Exposing Trafficking. I will keep praying for this woman. She also talks about some of the web site you can go to find out more information. I think this web site we help a lot of people that are in the H.E.A.T and also people that know that are in the H.E. A.T. I also like how she talks about the past. She talks about what she did and how she got out about.
And all the stuff she goes though. It was very nice of her to share it with us because some other people that go thought the same things; they don’t like to talk about it because they don’t like what they did in the past or other thing.
Ramona Jones’s presentation today brought home how close to home the issues addressed in Half the Sky really are. Her life also illustrated how being vulnerable to sexual exploitation can affect anyone regardless of income or education. When one thinks about sexual predators one imagines innocent children as victims, but Ramona when she described herself as crack addicted, was a victim as well. When someone is sick the correct response is not to take advantage of them, but to help. I thought her struggle for sobriety pointed to the absence of government sponsored programs and support networks, geared to women in particular. That college students are augmenting their tuition with solicitation means monies for education are not adequate to cover realistic living costs and need to be increased. No one should have to participate in illegal commerce such as prostitution to make ends meet.

I found Ms. Jones testimony honest and frank, and I appreciate her taking time out of her busy busy schedule to come to our class and share her work and passion for trafficked children.
Tracey Lee
201B 23075
MW 1-2.50pm
Similar to the women in Half the Sky, Romona Jones’ story was about oppression and substance abuse. Distinctly, she is using her painful past history to compel a call to action, to partake as a change agent in our society. I totally agree with her, that whatever we do in our own life affect and effect our family, friends and community. I believe we can jumpstart from our own backyard with simple gesture such as a smile to acknowledge each others’ presence and offer a helping hand when opportunity arises.
Richard Myers

Professor Sabir

English 201B - 1 - 1:50pm

31 March 2010

Hear the Cry

Today we had the pleasure of having Ramona Jones as a guest speaker. As she shared her story there were a number of points which touched on the same material we have been studying in Half the Sky. The underground world of human (and in some cases children) trafficking and prostitution is horrifying to say the least. Having Ramona in the class today was a stark reminder that these things can happen near home, not only in a land far, far away.
Shyann Kinzer
Professor Sabir
English 201B 10-1150

Ramona Jones story was inspiring. The fact that she is putting in her effort to stop child exploitation is amazing especially since it is a national problem. When anyone tries to take the time to help others for the benefit of others it shows their caring character. Trying to get through the horrible crime that occurs can be difficult, but the fact that people dedicate so much of their life to support those who do struggle through it is absolutely amazing. Its motivational to see someone turn around a life that started off so negative.
Darrius Sutton
Professor Sabir
English 201A 1-3pm
31 March 2010
Today we had a guest speaker come in and talk to us about human trafficking. She also was mentioning that human child trafficking is a huge problem in the United States. Child sex slaves are usually tied up in a motel for hours as they are “broken in”. During this time they receive many of the cruel sexual acts that they will soon have perform on a regular basis. Often girls who run away are subject to this sort of lifestyle. Even girls from good homes make the wrong decisions and decided to do this. Others are victims of kidnappings. This sort of behavior is big on the black market. People are willing to pay a lot of money to have sex with a child. She had also commented that another growing problem is women pimping women. The speaker was talking about how she used to be a street prostitute and heavily addicted to drugs.
Luckily when she had her son there was nothing wrong with him. Even though she had two different drugs in her system and she had two different S.T.D.’s. The S.T.D.’s were gonorrhea and syphilis. Not too long after this she had lost her son because of her drug addiction. Her family also had given up on her due to the drugs were now taking over her life. The church took care of her son when she had her second relapse. She eventually turned things around and got her life together. She joined many groups to help women who were once in her position. Overall she was a really good speaker and I wouldn’t mind going to more of her speeches.
This relates to half the sky because the same things are going on here as she said, as in other countries. The only difference is that their economy is solely based on the monies that earn for human sex trafficking. But never the less it is still a problem that needs to be dealt with in both countries until the problem completely goes away. The other similarity I noticed is that the brothels were run by women and the gilds pimping girls. How could you do that to your own sex that’s horrible.
Darrius Sutton
Professor Sabir
English 201A 1-3pm
31 March 2010
Today we had a guest speaker come in and talk to us about human trafficking. She also was mentioning that human child trafficking is a huge problem in the United States. Child sex slaves are usually tied up in a motel for hours as they are “broken in”. During this time they receive many of the cruel sexual acts that they will soon have perform on a regular basis. Often girls who run away are subject to this sort of lifestyle. Even girls from good homes make the wrong decisions and decided to do this. Others are victims of kidnappings. This sort of behavior is big on the black market. People are willing to pay a lot of money to have sex with a child. She had also commented that another growing problem is women pimping women. The speaker was talking about how she used to be a street prostitute and heavily addicted to drugs.
Luckily when she had her son there was nothing wrong with him. Even though she had two different drugs in her system and she had two different S.T.D.’s. The S.T.D.’s were gonorrhea and syphilis. Not too long after this she had lost her son because of her drug addiction. Her family also had given up on her due to the drugs were now taking over her life. The church took care of her son when she had her second relapse. She eventually turned things around and got her life together. She joined many groups to help women who were once in her position. Overall she was a really good speaker and I wouldn’t mind going to more of her speeches.
This relates to half the sky because the same things are going on here as she said, as in other countries. The only difference is that their economy is solely based on the monies that earn for human sex trafficking. But never the less it is still a problem that needs to be dealt with in both countries until the problem completely goes away. The other similarity I noticed is that the brothels were run by women and the gilds pimping girls. How could you do that to your own sex that’s horrible.
Melvin P Herring
Professor Sabir
English 201A
31 march 2010

Ramona Jones story was inspiring. the fact of what she is doing is a great thing we need more people like her to make this world a better place.
Nseke Ngilbus
Wanda Sabir
Eng 1a
April 23, 2010
Romana Jones spoke about some very powerful problems affect the world right now; these are the same problems that we read about in “Half the Sky”. She stated that women tracking not only happen in third world countries, but it also happen in the United States. She said that often times, they target girls who have run away from their homes or who are uneducated. They do this because the girls have nowhere to go or they do not know how to fight back. They are then taking to a motel where they are beaten and rape to get them accustomed to the duties they will be doing. Shortly after, they are market as sex objects to whoever is willing to pay for these women services. This type of business is fast growing, and spans all over the black market. There seem to be a lot of people willing to pay for sexual favors. To keep the women in bondage, they get them addicted to drugs so they have to keep coming back and stay with the trafficking group.
This is truly unfortunate; this speech tells us that human trafficking is very close; it made me realize that I have to watch out for my friends and family. This speech relate to half the sky because a lot of the women in that book went through being a sex slave. They were pimped, beaten, raped, and drugged. Some women got out and were able to help others, but some did not get out. This is why we need to give more attention and help to these people.
Damian Jackson
Professor Sabir
English 201B 10-1150
31 March 2010

Ramona Jones story was inspiring. She tried to put a end to child explotation. She was such a good person for taking in part of caring for other. Trying to get through the horrible crime that occurs can be difficult. Its inspirational to see someone turn around a life that started off so negative.
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