Monday, March 15, 2010


Half the Sky and the Synthetica Midterm

In the afternoon class we completed the Pronoun Case and Ellipses quizzes. Students will take the Grammar Exam 1 on Wednesday, March 17. If any students in the English 201 10-12 class want to do the two quizzes come by my office in the morning (10:15-11:30ish). I'm in L-236 (by the elevator in the Writing Center wing.)

We covered a lot of ground in the afternoon class:

1. SPHE Quizzes. We also reviewed templates students were having trouble with.

2. Homework: Bring in the templates typed and in an electronic form on Wednesday, March 17. Students will write the essay in class. You will have about 15-20 minutes.

3. Block quotes and signal phrases (We used Half the Sky to identify and discuss. We also spoke about transitional words and phrases and how they are not the only device writers use to link ideas. Other strategies are repetition of key words, another is restating or paraphrasing a key idea. This happened in the topic sentence following the block quote, the opening of a new paragraph.)

Remember, a block quote is a citation that is more than four lines of text and is set off (4 spaces from the left margin, left justified).

A signal phrase introduces the speaker or the citation.

4. Freewrite: Half the Sky--develop 2-3 essay questions

Tracey's question was: Why despite globalization and advancement in the world does oppression still exist?

In the morning class we looked at Neal's question: In Half the Sky, the authors, N. Kristoff and S. WuDunn, show the oppression of women as part of a larger culture. If this is so, how are women cited here making these cultures change?

Students practiced completing the Initial Planning Sheet. Homework is to complete a planning sheet for your essay. Number five should be the thesis sentence (answer your question), then find evidence or support for your claims in Half the Sky.

We will develop an outline on Wednesday and perhaps write an introductory paragraph to share. Come to class on time.

There are students who come to class unprepared, the Synthetica essay is our third essay, (but it is not Essay 3), we will move right into the next essay for next week. If you are missing work, look for it Tuesday via email or in the envelop.

Arely Razo
Professor Sabir
English 1A
March 15 2010

1. Why is it that if a women is poor, she is considered of no value?
2. What are people around the world doing so that sex trafficking can be stopped?
3. How can people around the world just not care about what is going around the world?
4. Why is nothing being done about the sex trafficking of women?

Shakur, Mukhtar;s brother, was rapped by a group of men and wrongly accused of raping a girl in the village:
Then in July 2002, her younger brother Shakur was kidnapped and gang-raped by members of a higher-status clan, the Mastoi…Shakur was twelve or thirteen at the time, and after raping him the Mastoi became nervous that they might be punished. So they refused to release Shakur and covered up their crime by accussing him of having had sex with a Mastoi girl, Salma. (70)

Meena is an Indian Muslim that thought she was going to be given a job and instead was sold into prostitution:
Four or five times, they brought customers in, and I still resisted, and they kept beating me. Finally they drugged me: They gave me wine in my drink and got me completely drunk.” Then one of the brothel owners raped her. . . . “Now I am wasted,” she thought, and so she gave in and stopped fighting customers. (4)

Prudence a village women was not given the health care that was needed for her to give birth to her baby:
Prudence had been living with her family in a village seventy-five miles away, and she had received no prenatal care. She went into labor at full term, assisted by a traditional birth attendant who had no training. But Prudence’s cervix was blocked, and the baby couldn’t come out. . . . Pascal Pipi, realized that she needed an emergency cesarean. . . . Prudence husband and parents said that they could raise only $20. (109)
Arely Razo
Professor Sabir
English 1A
March 15 2010

1. Why is it that if a women is poor, she is considered of no value?
2. What are people around the world doing so that sex trafficking can be stopped?
3. How can people around the world just not care about what is going around the world?
4. Why is nothing being done about the sex trafficking of women?

Shakur, Mukhtar;s brother, was rapped by a group of men and wrongly accused of raping a girl in the village:
Then in July 2002, her younger brother Shakur was kidnapped and gang-raped by members of a higher-status clan, the Mastoi…Shakur was twelve or thirteen at the time, and after raping him the Mastoi became nervous that they might be punished. So they refused to release Shakur and covered up their crime by accussing him of having had sex with a Mastoi girl, Salma. (70)

Meena is an Indian Muslim that thought she was going to be given a job and instead was sold into prostitution:
Four or five times, they brought customers in, and I still resisted, and they kept beating me. Finally they drugged me: They gave me wine in my drink and got me completely drunk.” Then one of the brothel owners raped her. . . . “Now I am wasted,” she thought, and so she gave in and stopped fighting customers. (4)

Prudence a village women was not given the health care that was needed for her to give birth to her baby:
Prudence had been living with her family in a village seventy-five miles away, and she had received no prenatal care. She went into labor at full term, assisted by a traditional birth attendant who had no training. But Prudence’s cervix was blocked, and the baby couldn’t come out. . . . Pascal Pipi, realized that she needed an emergency cesarean. . . . Prudence husband and parents said that they could raise only $20. (109)
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