Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Freewrite 1-3 PM class

Today is Malcolm X or El Hajj Malik El Shabazz's birthday (1925-1965). His life illustrates transformation, education or literacy the primary tool. Reflect on your own life and the role education, specifically, reading and writing has assisted in your evolutionary process.

Luis Arechiga

Professor Sabir

English 201B

19 May 2010

Reflect on Malcom X

Malcom X was full of knowledge that he had gained from his previous years in schooling. He was Intelligent and articulate.

I have much to accomplish in my life. So far, I'm starting in my college education. Education has an important role in our lives. Education is power. Education gives us knowledge and skills far superior to the average person. Education is what makes this world turn.

Reading and writting in college has evolutionized me. I have learned proper grammar, parallel structure, and other writing rules as well. I can write essays ten times compared to my first semester in college. Reading and writing is an important skill that will stay with me throught my life.
Tracey Lee
201B 1-3pm MW
20 May 2010

I believe Malcolm X became a charismatic leader by observing his Baptist father in action. The more he observed the more he internalized. Likewise, I believe I have learned heaps this semester. For example; application of critical thinking instead of “herd mentality”, that I can make the world a better place with passion and belief in the cause (Frontline Video clips were inspiring to me), that I do not have to be highly intellectual to do so. Besides, I respect Malcolm X, when he refused to cover up the wrongs that he discovered in the cult. To me this is virtue is lacking in today’s culture because of the “fast paced” or “short cut” to success that has caused misery to millions of ordinary folks due to the greed of certain individuals in the financial sector.
Richard Myers
Professor Sabir
English 201B - 1-3pm
20 May 2010

Thoughts on Education

A formal education is in my mind one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. It expands our minds and teaches us patience.

Personally, this class has improved my skill set in many ways. However, I dont think my writing is where it needs to be yet. Although I will keep on trying.
Obada Natouf

Professor Sabir

English 201B

19 May 2010

Reflect on Malcom X
Malcolm X is an important U.S. political figure in the mid-20th century. by reading his biography I saw that he is an intelligent and has a strong personality. he established something that no one has done. what he did was to learn how to read and write in jail that is completely amazing.
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