Monday, August 23, 2010


Reflections on privilege

Today in both classes we reflected on the term "privilege:" what the term means and how it is applied in our lives. Are you privileged? How so? What has privilege allowed you to accomplish or the reverse, if one is not privileged?

Post your freewrite here and then respond to a classmate's comments.

In the afternoon class we watched the film: Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible. Visit

"This film features the experiences of white men and women who have worked to gain insight into what it means to challenge notions of racism and white supremacy. Participants talk about their learned and internalized sense of privilege. Their stories reveal what is often required to move through the stages of denial, defensiveness, guilt, fear, and shame into making a solid commitment to ending racial injustice. This film catalyzes powerful dialogue to support the learning, change and healing of all people who want to undo race-based oppression. Featuring: Tim Wise, Joe Fahey, Peggy V. MacIntosh, Marguerite Parks, Gary Howard and many more" (World-Trust).

Post your summaries here as well as your freewrites (ENG 201 1-2:50 PM AUG 23-24). Bring a copy of the summary to class on Wednesday, AUG. 25.

Privilege can mean one thing but explained differently because people think differently therefore we all would have different definitions. An example is the video, Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible; this video shows interviews with different people from different places and race. One person from California thought that California was diverse but as she moved to California, she noticed that it was as segregated as any other place. Whites think that colored folks have more of a privilege to do certain things and think they only do as they please and when it is something that is wrong, whites think that colored people still get a fair treatment, similarly, if a colored person seen a white group or individual, they would automatically think, they are spoiled and have money and they think just because they have money, they are more superior to people below them.
I think that people in general wrap their minds around what makes them happy and over rates everything, such as money. Therefore no one can be any more helpful to oneself than their own kind because they feel that they would be more comfortable around people that look like themselves. People that are rich are privileged to being rich because they live in that moment, and they would not settle for anything less, on the contrary, those who are fair with money see the difference in most scenarios. Whites cannot understand what colored people go through because white parents focus more on becoming successful and doing whatever they have to do to get to the top, without a care. Whites do not understand that people struggle and those who think they understand and try to help, they can’t because they should first change the eyes of their parents or whomever else that does not understand because the perspective of one person can change a majority amount of minds to believe there is such superiority. A set of parents teaching their children one thing and the other set of parents teaching their children another thing, it just make matters worse. People have to understand the different life styles and experiences others live in and until everyone can believe one thing as a whole, then there will always be racism and superiority in oneself.

DALINA LE -- ENG 201A 1-2:50 PM
Privilege is something that can be interpreted in many different ways. It can mean wealth to some people and maybe having something like a family to some or even just the color of their skin is a privilege to themselves. In the movie Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible, it talks about privilege and race in the modern day. Prejudice and Racism is still a big issue here in the United States even after many years since the slavery days and the days of segregation. The movie shows the views of white men and women who are aware of the invisible pedestal that they are put on just because of the color of their skin and are trying to do something about the problem. They tell past stories of racism that they’ve witnessed in the past and how they realize that just because they are white they are immediately more privileged than the average man or woman of color. Even though some may not notice, the whites are more privileged with more than just money but in society also. Due to their skin color the whites will be privileged with an easier life, meaning they get the privileged with little things such as better treatment at a restaurant or getting a job easier then compared to a person with color. The men and women in the movie are well aware of the privilege that they have due to their skin color but often times feel very guilty towards it. I believe that racism will always be a problem and someone will always be more privileged then others but it wouldn’t hurt to open their eyes up to the world around themselves where everyone is different.

[ENGLISH 201B 1-2:50PM]
Privilege to me is another way of saying "favored." Being given certain opprotunities, and or beimg handed whatever you desire due to favortism, weather it be beacuse of you skin color, race, gender, class and or sexual preference. I myself am not privileged no, but I do believe that people who are do not see it as that because they've never had to look outside of the "box."

Jakaila Scott Eng:8-8:50am
My initial interpretation of privilege fell into the legal sense of the word: such as the privilege to drive, or the privilege to ride a motorcycle. The more discussion took place, and the more I thought about the definition of the term, the more I realized it was increasingly difficult to define. I found that to be true because there is an element of perspective when you refer to privilege. When taking into account which context privilege refers to, it’s important to consider there are differences of opinion in the definition, and to accommodate and respect each individual’s interpretation.

In the video Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible, the people who were interviewed discussed and explored their fears and tensions about racism, and how it impacts themselves, and their relationships. They had the privilege of ignoring and not caring about the struggles and challenges of people of color. It’s abundantly clear that many white people lack clarity in reality, and assume that everyone has equal footing: that success and failure hinge upon personal effort and perseverance. There are simply times when it goes beyond qualifications and effort, and it’s unacceptable to behave that way.

Privilege is often something taken for granted. Every person should have the same opportunities as everyone else. Sadly, this is often not the case. We should strive to think outside the box, and consider the implications of those who have influenced us, whether for good or ill. We should challenge those who carry hatred and racism in their hearts, as it’s an unnecessary and irrational. In time and effort, I can only hope bigotry will dissolve, but it needs to start at home first, and spread across the world.

Matthew Roycroft
ENG 201B 9-10:50 AM AUG 24
Summary of Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible.
Privilege in one sense refers to an acknowledged permission to perform a specific task, or be in a specific location where others may or may not be allowed. Privilege is often something subject to revocation. In another sense, privilege can be something you did not earn on your own merits, such as an inheritance.

I am in one way privileged in the legal sense: I have the privilege to drive, and to ride a motorcycle. In contrast, I cannot write laws the way a legislative body can, but I can participate in electing officials; although voting is a right. Unless you’re a convicted felon: then you may or may not have the right to vote depending on state laws.

Rights are legally backed, where a privilege does not have the same legal backing. Rights include things such as guardianship for those who are under 18 years of age, housing, food, etc. Though we possess these rights, we are not always granted access to it. An extreme example of such is a very wealthy person attempting to collect food stamps or a welfare check. A wealthy person clearly does not meet the criteria of a person in need of such benefits.

The concept of being underprivileged is something that is somewhat elusive to me. Privilege is known to be a system of acquisition where little or no personal effort was exerted to obtain said acquisitions. We are each born into the world with nothing, but are granted what is given to us by our caretakers. Is that to say someone who was born underprivileged simply gets less of everything? Can you be underprivileged regardless of your guardian’s financial status? That may be entirely contingent on the system of values the guardian’s possesses. Where a family places its values is a factor in determining whether one is underprivileged (such as education, health care, etc), whereas money can determine the quality of those privileges.

Despite having grown up in a larger family, where it can be easy to get lost in the mix, I feel having a large family was in its own right a privilege. I bore witness to how my brothers and sisters approached life and its struggles, and took a part of it with me.

Matthew Roycroft
ENG 201B 9-10:50 AM AUG 24
Free-write on “privilege”
The film, “Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible”, focuses on white privileges and stories from white women and men who have approached a serious issue on what it means to challenge the ideas of racism and white supremacy. The stories from these men and women reflect on past events in their lives that made them feel of remorse, denial, fear and disgrace, but also lead up to how they wanted to prevent racism. As talked about in the film, privilege is having a special advantage in something or something that you can benefit off of. For example, in the documentary “Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible” white people were privileged for being white because they benefited from a system of being white. Privileges and advantages are so similar because as said in the documentary white people have more advantages than black people, as in getting better jobs and more recognition. As seen in the documentary most of the white people didn’t consider being white a privilege because they didn’t recognize it was, but when asked what privileges do black people have, they could not answer. The men and women shown in the video were well aware of the privileges they had, but had felt guilty of the advantages that were given.

[ENGL 201B 1-2:50PM]
I think the word privilege to me means havin a lot of opportunity that someone else doesnt have. I feel like im privilege because i have more then people who are homeless, people to dont have a bed to sleep in, and fresh water to drink. I think we as americans take things for granted therefore everyday normal things dont seem like privilege to us. I also feel the the word privilege is different to every person so what is privilege to me may not be the case for the next person.

-Renysha Randall 201A
I'm privileged because I'm able to attend college full time, and don't need to obtain a full time job. Otherwise it will be hard to focus on my homework, and time to study for the career I plan to pursue. Working during the day, could have intervened in getting the classes i really need to take. I live with both my parents, therefore it gives me the privilege, time, and financial aid to receive a higher education. I was born in El Paso, Texas, I'm Mexican American, in another example I have the privilege to obtain a drivers license. As for the undocumented people, they cannot obtain the same opportunity or right because the laws of this country restrict that privilege if you were not born in the United States. We are all equal people, none not above me nor below me.

Mayra S. Cortez
English 201A (8am-8:50am)
Thinking of the word privileged I have two perspectives. One privileges are granted to you and which can be conditional while a right is inherited. the second is working up to gaining that privilege. Alot of People with money I considered Privileged because they have the advantage over alot of people to do things. For example they dont have to stand in lines to wait for anything and they basically get everything they want. While as an unprivileged person must do the opposite. I consider myself privileged because I have a roof over my head, a job and I attend school. While there are many people in the world that are less fortunate to have these things.

Watching the video "Mirrors of Privilege" we saw how if you werent white you were the class of people who were not privileged. The white individuals got to do alot more things and get away with it. Even though different races would be with the whites they would still see some form of racism by certain looks, or actions made by people of more authority.

Ronald Parker Eng 201B 8 - 850
The word privilege simply means having more than others. while cetain individuals have things. You might have the same things but just a surplus amount. i honestly think I am privileged because of the life i was given. Being the baby of the family I received everything I wanted no matter how I acted. Even Being A young adult today I feel the same. Alot of my friends see my life and want the same. A car to drive, a job, attending school, a place to live and a beautiful wife.

Being Privileged to me is something you can inherit through family or gain by working hard to earn it. I consider all Rich people to be privileged because they are able to do many more things that some of us can not. Such as them receiving anything they want whenever they want it, and probably having to never stand in a line. they are waited on hand and foot by certain people. the people without money can not have this luxury life.

Ronald Parker English 201B
The basic definition of privilege is a special entitlement to immunity granted by the state or another authority to a restricted group, either by a birth or on a conditional basis. In my opinion the word privilege is something that you already have when you first born. It’s hard to explain my perspective about the word privilege but some people have more privilege than others, and some don’t even have any privilege. As for me, I am a privileged person because I can do whatever I am willing to do and I have the opportunities to do it like going to school and work my way up. I also agree that people can work themselves to have more privilege in life.
Once I have seen the documentary “Mirrors of Privilege”, I understood how it’s difficult to be non-white citizens of America back in early days and possibly as of today. I consider the country as a very diverse country made by immigrants and that we are all created equal. Referring to the video, we are not and that white American has more privilege than any other race in this country. They have more benefits and opportunities to reach success. The people who are shown on the video briefly discussed about their past experience with the other race and how it made them feel and understand how difficult it is for them to gain privilege. I think it’s still happening in the society, but I can’t change any of that, and hopefully it will change.

Dulguun Enkhtsogoo Eng 201B 1-2:50pm
Mirrors of Privilege

Throughout the movie it was obvious that all the people interviewed and introduced all had something in common. Most of the people introduced were white and shared the same thoughts about racism. As the video went on it let each person have a chance to introduce themselves and tell everyone about their experience with racism. People in the video that were white felt that they had an overall advantage over those people who were colored. Most of them looked at it as a privilege while others thought it was normal. The movie went in depth by showing the viewers how naive many people are. Many white people throughout the United States live in small isolated areas where there aren’t many colored people around. Many people that live in isolated areas don’t see this as a problem mainly because they aren’t around it but also because nobody has really brought it to their attention. All over the television as well as throughout newspapers, white people are always the ones appearing successful. The movie shows how many people don’t think about what’s in front of them or look at the bigger picture. In the movie it lets you see what some people think about on a regular basis even every morning they wake up. One person interviewed in the movie shared information about a close friend of hers that thinks about how she is black every morning she wakes up. The women then goes into sharing that never once has she woken up and thought to herself that she is white. One man that was introduced in the movie explained his life and how racism tore his family apart and ruined what they had. He has joined with many others hoping to get the message out that colored people are equally as good as those who are white. Throughout the movie it shows comparisons between an average white person’s life and a colored person’s life. For example, one white man told his story about how years ago he would go into the store and nobody would pay attention to him as he entered because everyone that worked at the store was busy following around the black people. In the movie it describes how unfair colored people get treated even being Asian you still get treated differently. Colored people are often watched by the police even if they are not doing anything wrong. In certain cities police even pull colored people over just to do it not because they have a real reason to do so. As you watch the movie you begin to develop a different understanding for the word privilege.

Rachel Marra
ENG 201 A
summary for:
Mirrors of privilege: Making whiteness visible

This movies talked about how white people viewed people of other ethnicity. There privileges where different from blacks so they never felt the same hurt that the others felt, even though whites had the same rights as the people of color they where treated different. All characters in this move, which was more like a documentary, where white. They where brought up with black people around them, they all talked about there experiences with loving, caring, and excepting black people.

Each character talked about there life experience with black people. One man in the movie talked about how one day at school an officer said they would pull over any car with a bunch of blacks in it because he knew there where up to know good. A lady talked about when she was just a little girl how her grandparents had slaves, and how she love one of the slaves named besty. One day when she was leaving she kissed besty then went to kiss her grandmother who then told her I bet u kissed besty with them same lips. The lady then explains how those words and the way her grandmother looked at her made her never kiss besty again. Another women talked about how she had black cousins in her family that where adopted, and that even though her family and herself accepted them her friends didn’t. That’s when she then decided that she would no longer hang out with her black cousins to be able to hang out with her whit friends.

In conclusion most of the people in the film understood the pain in hurt that black people suffered for not being accepting in California . Some even wanted to help; they just could never understand why black people never trusted them. One lady explains that she ask how could she help and the person of color old her teach your own people. She didn’t understand why or how this man could say that to her. She would have to understand that she couldn’t help by teaching people that already understand she would have to teach people who don’t. Black people and white people do share the same rights in America but we do not share the same privileges, and in this film it shows and explained to us the view from a white person who loved and cared for black people.

Quanneda Morris

English 201B

Miguel Ahumada English 201A

Key terms for “Mirror of Privilege Making Whiteness Visible”

This video gave a new meaning to the word privilege or at least gave me the real

meaning. This video showed different perspectives of racism. It also talked bout people

saying racial slurs to put another race down and shows racist moments in peoples’ lives.

There was a lot of white people talking about their encounters with Black and Latino

people and how they where racist towards these races also known as minorities. It also

showed how people tried to be friendly with African-Americans but their family or peers

would judge them, wont let them talk to them or accept them.

There was one part in particular that I listened and watched carefully. There a

white girl who talked about one of her experiences, she wanted to be a friendly and

supportive person with a black man. The black man wanted and wants equality and wants

to give freedom from all the oppression to all minorities. She asked “ what can I do to

help” black man answers “ educate your own people”. He wanted the girl to know what

her people has done to his and to face the reality of racism and that everyone needs to be

equal. After the black man said that she was sad and had mixed feelings about what he

A lot of people in the film did not know they were racist until they completely did

something bad or said something bad to another race and let out all of their anger on just

one person. Everyone has freedom of speech but there is people that say things that

offend a different race and causes tension which a lot people talked about in the video.

Also there was Black and Latino people talking about their experiences with white people

and that they don’t really want help from them because most of them are racist. Many

people talked about the good things other people did for each other and also bad things

people did to one another. I think the message of the video is that everyone the privilege

to either help fight racism and fight for peace together no matter what race or to just be

stuck up ,be racist and not face reality. If we all take the privilege we have and work

together we can all be equal instead of living in this oppressive system of inequality.

There is a lot of privileges in this world because people decide what they want to do or go

but to be a good American u have to fight for what is right and we have the privilege to

fight together for good (freedom to assemble).
Folami Brumfield
Professor Sabir
English 201A 1:00-2:50 p.m.
25 August 2010

Responding to: Jennifer Mendez

The main point that I got out of Jennifers paper is that white poeple think that they are superior to all other minority groups simply because of the color of their skin.
Jennifer Mendez
Professor Sabir
English 201A
25 August 2010

Responding to: Folamin B.

Folami pointed out the main points from the video, such as in America people are priviliged based on their race, which in this case is white. The color of someones skin was going to determine how they were going to be treated by society. She also mentioned how African American's had to prove themselves in order to get respect.
Privilege is a word defined by many things. Some might say they have no privileges and some might say they have many. I believe that we all have some or a few privileges. For example, being able to attend school and get the support and financial help we need. I am privileged to have a family and live under a roof. Privilege has allowed me to be here today and continue the road to success. And I would not take any of this for granted.

After watching the trailer, "Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible, I think it mainly presents how Whites feel judged by other races. In everyday life, whether we may know it or not but we stereotype and profile by the looks of people. Other races may assume whites are more privileged than others because of our history and other factors by how we are raised.

I hope that one day everyone of color, race, gender will have the same privileges and for our society to be fair and equal.

ENG 201A 1-2:50 PM
To : Ronald Parker English 201B actually agree with what you have written. You have said “Being privileged to me is something you can inherit through family or gain by working hard to earn it. I consider all Rich people to be privileged because they are able to do many more things that some of us can not.” I have the same idea and understanding of what you have just written, and I feel better to share a similar ideas.
From: Dulguun Enkhtsogoo English 201B, 1-2:50pm, 8/25/10
I agree with Rachel Marra about how the white people felt like they had an advantage over colored people. I also agree that the meaning of word "privilege" stands out more with a different understanding.
summarie on film ..

In the film “mirrors of privilege: making whiteness Visible” they took their definition o fprivilege and took it to next level by saying you are given race priveliges. They talked about how some races where more privileged than others. For example a white women was leaving for a weekand and her black male friend was going to take care of the house so they wont be “alerted” to take any sort of action. Her daughter then asked why she needed to explain herself. Her then said “we are white privileged .” Another idea they talkled about in the film was how this white girl wanted was in college and she saw a black revolutionary group that she wanted to join to help promote equality. She then went to ask if she can join their group to promote equality the man followed by saying “you need to eduacate your own people.” In adddition a white girl who grew up foreign country where she had no problem with seeing people of color. Eveything was different when she moved to texas her world was looked at differently by how she saw white people like act differently toawrds people of color unlike how in the foreign contry she lived in there where no problems with color.

Ricardo Campos - ENG201A 1:00-2:50
Dulguun Enkhtsogoo
Professor Sabir
English 201A
25 August 2010

Responding to: Ronald Parker English 201B

I actually agree with what you have written. You have said “Being privileged to me is something you can inherit through family or gain by working hard to earn it. I consider all Rich people to be privileged because they are able to do many more things that some of us can not.” I have the same idea and understanding of what you have just written, and I feel better to share a similar ideas.
In today’s world, does “Privilege” still exist? As I think it still does but in a different form from
50 years ago. Back in the day people who were white, rich and high social class had more advantages and
privileges than people who were colored skin and considered low social class. In my opinion, director
DIRECTOR’S NAME tried to show one form of privilege and tried to acknowledge people how privilege
hurts people and their social status just because of where they come from in the movie
In conclusion, people must be qual no matter what your ethnicity is, skin color, social
class etc.
ENG 201A 1-2:50PM
Micheal Anderson
English 101.A
Wanda Sabir
August 25, 2010

Mirrors of Privilege: The Response

A privilege is a special choice or right given to a person or group. The film, "Mirrors of Privilege" discussed the issues of racism and social classes. The underlying question is, does privilege relate to the movie, "Mirrors of Privilege", and I disagree strongly. A privilege is a special choice but the truth is, being socially ignorant is a personal choice. The fact that racism still exists is not surprising to me. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion; But to relate something so blasphemic to the word privilege is unbelieveable. Like I said before, everyone is entitled to there own opinions; That is a privilege within itself. What opinions you partake in are completely up to you. I choose to love and respect everyone. Gay, bisexual, straight, trade, girl, boy, transgender, black, white, or green it doesn't matter. My eyes only see one thing and one thing only, human beings. Though most people who are racist or socially oblivious don't have the privilege of being able to see past the outer appearance. But for some racists, the problem is a bit more enternal. It could be a bad experience in which someone has gone through? Or it could be apart of there beliefs? Or it could just be something extremelly personal? But whatever the problem is, I don't think becoming a racist and using racial slurs is the best answer. But not everyoneis as privileged as I am to be culturally diversed, thereby allowing me to see the world and its entirety, and not just a specific color. Like Michael Jackson said, "It doesn't matter if your BLACK OR WHITE".
Free right 08\23\2010
Privilege means to have something or to be able to do thing that other peoples with the same rights can not.
I am and also not privileged, there are thing that I have that other cannot obtain. I say that I’m not because everything are harder for me, people seem to always expect me do something or act a certain way. If I do not apply to their view of me they want pay me any attention. Being a black woman this seen to always be just a little harder, but I always push forward and try my hardest to make it in life. Even with out privileges I keep my focus on what I need and what I want.

quaneda morris
english 201b
Micheal Anderson
English 201.A
Wanda Sabir
August 25, 2010

Mirrors of Privilege: The Response

A privilege is a special choice or right given to a person or group. The film, "Mirrors of Privilege" discussed the issues of racism and social classes. The underlying question is, does privilege relate to the movie, "Mirrors of Privilege", and I disagree strongly. A privilege is a special choice but the truth is, being socially ignorant is a personal choice. The fact that racism still exists is not surprising to me. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion; But to relate something so blasphemic to the word privilege is unbelieveable. Like I said before, everyone is entitled to there own opinions; That is a privilege within itself. What opinions you partake in are completely up to you. I choose to love and respect everyone. Gay, bisexual, straight, trade, girl, boy, transgender, black, white, or green it doesn't matter. My eyes only see one thing and one thing only, human beings. Though most people who are racist or socially oblivious don't have the privilege of being able to see past the outer appearance. But for some racists, the problem is a bit more enternal. It could be a bad experience in which someone has gone through? Or it could be apart of there beliefs? Or it could just be something extremelly personal? But whatever the problem is, I don't think becoming a racist and using racial slurs is the best answer. But not everyoneis as privileged as I am to be culturally diversed, thereby allowing me to see the world and its entirety, and not just a specific color. Like Michael Jackson said, "It doesn't matter if your BLACK OR WHITE".
When you ask people what they think privilege means , you are going to get a different response because we are all different. My definition of privilege is having the option to do as you wish, something that not everyone has the opportunity to do.
In the video Mirrors of Priviledge: Making Whiteness Visible. The persons when it came to talking about privilege, they talked about race. How white and color people live different, how one is more privileged than the other.

Elizabeth Gomez Eng 201B 1-2 50
Response to Jakaila Scott Eng:8-8:50am i understand i i feel the same way.
I agree with Ronald Parker when he said, "Being Privileged to me is something you can inherit through family or gain by working hard to earn it." because some are just more fortunate than others, whether they have more money, resources or a healthier environment. On the other hand, some work very hard to get to where they are today, just to be at the same level as where others started at.

ENG 201A 1-2:50 PM
Charles L. Ross
Professor Sabir
English 201A 1-3
25 August 2010
Reflections On Privilege
A privilege is basically a special right. It could be used as an advantage, or a benefit. We watched a movie in class, and we have to compare the movie to the word “privilege’.
How can you compare privilege to a movie about people, and individuals being judgemental, racist, and hateful? Like I said a privilege is a special benefit, or advantage. It has nothing to do with individuals who are being harsh, and hurtful to others. All because they have a problem with the color of their skin, or their sexuality. It’s not meant for them to judge, or hurt these people at all.
To be racist, or sexist. That is not a privilege. That is a personal opinion from the individual. That is not a special advantage, or benefit. All they do is not only look ignorant, but they gain nothing, and benefit nothing from their personal opinions of others.
I believe that a privilege was used in the movie, because of the people of color, and the homosexuals. They were privileged. They worked hard and fought for their beliefs, and their right to be equal for many years. That is why today we are all treated as equal human beings. With the same judicial rights, and benefits. Even though we are not a perfect worls. And there is still racesim, and sexism still exist. We are all american human beings fighting for a better world! Like people of america stay “ united we stand, but divided we fall”!
response to kaja anderson post .

i totally agree with your summarie . you caught the key ideas i saw aswell in the film such as the the advantage of being white .

Ricardo campos eng201A 1-2:50
PRE Write

To be privileged means you have opportunities and or chances in which ever direction your headed. I do believe i'm privileged because I have the opportunity to go to school and also to live in a house. I'm also privileged because I work two jobs and many people around the world are searching for a job which is hard to find. Also, not everyone around the world is privileged enough to be able to attend school. That could be because of not having enough money or because there isn't developed schools in the area they live in.

After watching the movie, it makes you look at the word privilege as something much different. Privilege in the film was something that white people had basically. Not many people were aware of the great privilege they had because they didn't know what life was like without being privileged. When your living a life and never experience racism, you don't really ever open up your eyes and see the privileges you do have. I slightly disagree with the film because I do think other people other than whites have privileges also. It's just because white people's privileges are much more obvious and out there everywhere.

- Rachel Marra ENG 201 A
class 1:00-2:50
Ashlee Lott
ENG 201 A
Professor Sabir
AUG 25,2010

Privilege to me is someone having more oppurinities than others because of favortism, being either the color of your skin, or what you have. As we seen in the film "Mirrors of Privilege" Whites had more privileges over African Americans, there where many things they were able to do that blacks werent. Whites were looked on as being on a higher level than African Americans and the blacks were looked down upon.

I believed I am privileged because there a lot of things that I am able to do such as going to school, buying whatever I want, and driving that others are less fortunate to be able to do.
Charles l. Ross
Professor Sabir
English 201A 1-3
25 August 2010

A privilege is an advantage, or benefit granted to a person, or people. I believe I am privileged, because I am able to take advange of a lot of things in this world. Like for example my education. I am very privileged to be able to further my education as of today. A lot of people older or younger than myself are not as privileged. Some people can not afford, or have any time to do so. I am privileged to do so, because my family is helping me. I am takeing advantage of my education as of now until I can not no more. So that is why I believe I am privileged!
I agree with Jakaila from her posting I agree with her when she said a lot of people that are privileged don't realize they are privileged because they basically don't look at the bigger pciture of life. Many people don't see how bad others lives are they only focus on their life and think that it's so bad when compared to others lives their life might be great.

- rachel marra
ENG 201
Mirrors of privilege: Making Whiteness Visible

In this movie called Mirror of Privilege: Making Visible is based on African Americans dealing with white women and white men being races. Particpants talk about their struggles and what sense of privileges they had. Most of the white families were raised that people of color, particularly blacks were slightly mix with African American blood they were still treated differently.

every five or more black men that were together in public, there would be a cop car waiting for something to happen. This would cause more racism towards the blacks. If any blacks, especially women happened to get rape or harass by any whites in the eternity office there would be no justice for the victim. The eternity would know how to work the system and the biggest advantage is that eternity is white so there would be no hope. Even white English majors barely knew any black authors, that how much segregation there is. Some white families only see blacks once a week, month, or specialocassions. One English major only knew one black author and that was Langston Hughes.

but some whites didn't have that racism in side them that other whites do, one particular white woman were impress about this black artist and wanted to help me. White woman was shocked to hear that coming from his words because she thought was a nice and kind woan

Bundarin Ouk Jr Eng 1A 1:00-2:50
Charles l. Ross
Professor Sabir
English 201A 1-3
25 August 2010

A privilege is an advantage, or benefit granted to a person, or people. I believe I am privileged, because I am able to take advange of a lot of things in this world. Like for example my education. I am very privileged to be able to further my education as of today. A lot of people older or younger than myself are not as privileged. Some people can not afford, or have any time to do so. I am privileged to do so, because my family is helping me. I am takeing advantage of my education as of now until I can not no more. So that is why I believe I am privileged!
Mirrors of Privilege

In the movie, they discussed a privilege between how colored races don’t have an upper hand. Privilege was an upper hand to all the non-colored groups who didn’t get disgraced. It was basically like if you were seen or if you were close to anyone who wasn’t white, that you would get segregated and they would look at you in a different way. The people who got interviewed felt as if this world was racist and had no respect for colored people around them. The definition for privilege had a whole different look after watching this movie.

One man who was interviewed discussed how his mother was a doctor at a hospital and met this one colored man who later was married which each other. He described that his biological dad was being racist on how his mom was married to a black man. He felt tempered on his father talking about his step-father since he and his step-father had built a strong relationship with each other. But it wasn’t just that, others also looked at him in a whole different perspective.

The point of view of this movie was showing that white people had a privilege over colored in everyway. It was showing how white people were becoming successful and that colored people were seen in the lower bottoms. In conclusion, privilege was given to those who were non-colored.

Chris Tanner_English 201B 1-2:50 pm
I agree with Jakaila Scott Eng:8-8:50am its all being favored

Bundarin Ouk Jr Eng1A 1:00-2:50
I agree with Bundarin he makes a lot of sense of what the word privilege means. He also wrote about how if a there were more than 5 blacks or latinos there would be a cop car waiting for them just to abuse them

miguel English 201a afternoon
Micheal Anderson
English 201. A
Wanda Sabir
August 25, 2010

Privilege Free Write

Privilege: A special choice or benefit or advantage given to a specific person or group.

Q: Are you privileged?
R: I think I am privileged because, I have a lot of things and freedoms that some other people may not be fortunate to have. However, a privilege is not a necessity. I'm privileged to have a home, i'm going to school, i'm in good health; This all to me is a privilege because not everyone has these things. Though some people are more privileged then I am, I am still thankful for everything that I do and do not have. A privilege is a want and not a need. I may not have all that I want but i do have all that I need. This is why everyone in there own unique way is privileged differently from the next person.
Jennifer Mendez
Professor Sabir
English 201A
23 August 2010
Free write 1
Define Privilege. Are you privileged? How so? Why not?
Privileged is when someone ad more then enough resources to life off, weather its natural or materialistic objects. I find that living in the U.S. as an American citizens are more fortunate compared to others who are from third world or developing countries. Even though capitalism is not the best form of government, it allows people to work had, through education in order to obtain a suitable life style. This country offers scholarships and health programs or low-income communities when they are in need. I personally don’t have to live in constant fear that I won’t have food or water to eat in order to survive.

Privilege is something you aren’t forced to do. For example, begin in college is not a required thing for all teens and adults to do. It is something good that we want for ourselves because we want to be successful. I believe in my heart that I am privileged because I chose this option. I worked myself all the way to high school from kindergarten to be in college.

Mirrors of privilege freewrite

In the following video that was being showed on Monday, privilege had became a whole other meaning then what most people would think it would be. As privilege can be defined to be a special benefit for certain individuals, the video had demonstrated that privilege can be based off of a person’s race, boy or girl. The video has demonstrated that privilege is something a person was already born with and that is there race. If you were born black during this time, there wasn’t any privilege given to that race what so ever because the whites were already looked up to be the better ones in society. In matter of fact, the documentary has demonstrated that when African Americans had tried to hang out with their white friends, they weren’t allowed to because that “privilege” was not awarded to them at all. Additionally it has gone vice versa for the whites also. Some of the white individuals in the documentary showed emotions and explained that whenever they had tried to be with their black friends, society would not accept this picture. Up to that point, it really did showed the audience that privilege can be multiple meanings and redefined if we were to really think about it. An example from the video would be the past parents that have said the “n” word constantly to degrade the black individuals. They were awarded that privilege because they were white. This simple shows that “privilege” were awarded in the wrong ways. Another example would be the students that have wanted to learn black poets like Langston Hughes. The teacher did not have the privilege to teach students this material because the teacher did not know who he was. Overall, privilege is something we may already genetically born with due to our skin color. It is something that not everyone has at all.

Jimmy Tran
English 201A 1-2:50PM
privilege is a state of which a person needs and special needs are being place. a greatfull advantage to one or many other people of being the same. being privilege can mean something different for most people because of how they were raised or the mindstate they have. growing up, a couple of things that i might think i am privilege of would be having people related and nonrelated care of me more then i thought they would. having the chance to attend school.

in the video, mirrors of privilege: making whiteness visible, they gave the chances for white americans to share their opinions about the privileges that the country is given them. talked about the time when they were younger and saw or heard of what they soon realized that it was a privilege. most people who have grown in a family with different race members dont see or pay much attention of white american privileges. most believe that rejeting thier ours race to make the others race feel better. saying that they are here with them and dont think why they are here but think about where are the others. sometimes for others which they found out is that it sometime doesnt help to get away from your own people but to stay educate your own people is better to help the problem.
in the video they talked about mostly the privilege of whites and how they are being treated.
samon pen english 201a 1 -3
The word "privilege" means to me that I am given the opportunity to do something. It's a benefit that you get for doing something good or if someone believes you deserve it, they give you the privilege to do something. Privilege does come with rules, and as long as you follow them, you may earn them.
I would say I'm privileged, especially in my family, since I'm the youngest, I get favored and more of the attention from our mother!

After watching Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible, I am sticking with what I had to say about what privilege is in the first place. In the movie, it mainly had to do with Whites and African-Americans, and how it was back in the days, where everything was segregates, and it was like a Whites only diner, or a Colors only haircut place. That’s how it was back then, and I saw that the Whites were being favored. I would say I’m still privileged to certain things, still of course, favored in the family, because I’m the youngest of three!
A time where I really felt put-down was recently. A friend and I had gone to Lady Footlocker, and we asked for a some Converse Chucks in my friend’s size, I believe it was 7 ½ size shoe, and the lady who worked there, who was White, told us that they didn’t have shoes in half sizes in their store. So, my friend and I just looked around for a different type of shoe because we just thought material in different shoes are different, so we looked around, maybe trying a size 7 in Nike’s or 8 in Nike’s, since she had some other pair of Nike’s at home that were that size, so we were looking, and couldn’t really find any. So we decided to leave, but as we were walking out, we heard the lady who was working, talking with another customer, who was White, and the customer asked for a size 7 ½ , and the worker lady said “let me go check in the back”. That instant, we knew it was wrong, because she had told us they didn’t carry half sizes in the store, yet she tells another customer, let I remind you was White, that she would go check in the back for her. In my mind, I wanted to blast on her and tell her that “didn’t you just tell us that your store didn’t carry half sizes”, but then I didn’t want to cause a big commotion either. So I went to my boyfriend, and he took care of it. That just made me so mad when she had done that. I thought it was very unfair, but in her eyes, I could tell she saw us as colored people, just because we were about a shade darker than her! I wanted to let her know and say, “Miss, we are not living like in the old days. Everyone is equal here!” But being who I am, I held it under my breath, even though I knew I should have made my voice heard!

Joanne Africano-English 201A Mon/Wed 8-8:50am
After watching the film, Mirrors of Privilege, i discovered that racism is still being fought until this day. Whether its through skin color, language, and segregation of the people. Although white people seem to be in defensiveness and denial, many realize that their can be a change in attitude, and points of views to lessen and hopefully one day end racism.
It is shown in the power of silence, how to groups can be different on how they act around each other. For example, if a group of white people are gathered in a classroom, party, or event with a separate group of colored people. What would they talk about? or have in common? Its almost as if your looked down upon, being low class, poor, uneducated, due to your skin color. Whites segregated themselves away from colored people, as if you could not exist in the same religions, schools, neighborhoods, or stores. This created fear, prejudice, and misunderstanding about how whites view colored, and vise versa.
Racism is very real and it has impacted many families, emotionally, and physically. The only way to reduce and end it, is if we learn from one another, educate, and heal each other by talking about it.

Mayra Cortez 201A 8am-850am
Today I watched the film: Mirrors of Privilege. I can define privilege as something that gives one person an advantage over another person. The film depicted “white privilege.” It gave the audience the idea that all a white person has to do to have privilege is show up. So the next question is, “Am I Privileged?” According to the video, I am absolutely not privileged. I am not white. I am Puerto Rican and Dominican. When people look at me, they do not simply see a man, they see a Latino male. Some may look at me and have positive thoughts about Latino men, while others may associate my being Latino with drug abuse, violence, gang association, and the inability to speak English. Let’s face it, people have stereotypes. They make assumptions about people based on their race and or ethnicity.

Several years ago, when I was in junior high school, the guidance counselor put me in an all Spanish speaking math class based on my last name. I do not speak Spanish. I tried to tell the office this several times, and they refused to believe me. After all, my last name is Gonzalez; I must speak Spanish, right? As a consequence, my grades began to slip. My math teacher asked to stay behind one day after class to discuss my slipping grades. I told him that I don’t speak Spanish. In South Florida it is VERY unusual for a Latino male not to speak Spanish. So he also thought I was lying. Interestingly being a Latino and speaking English only is far from privileged.

Fortunately, my whole life has not left me feeling under privileged. I can think of one particular occasion when I felt extremely privileged. A few short years ago My Senior Vice President and Regional Manager Hand selected me to be in a new program for my company. I have experience in my line of work that showed my talents and was excited that they chose me. After a few months in the program I became my District Manager’s “Go to Guy”. The privilege I felt was amazing. To feel like it was my right to be here was gratifying. I believe that this situation illustrates that one can feel to feel both privileged and unprivileged depending on the circumstances and the environment.

-Joshua Gonzalez English 201A 8a-8:50a
Adalie Villalobos

Professor Sabir

English 201B 8:19a.m

26 August 2010

Making Whiteness Visible

There was and still is racism, bigotry, denial, sexism, and violence. Many people grew up with many different priveleges, some had more than others. Certain privileges destroyed many families and even friends. Some people just wanted to feel accepted no matter what the cost. White people who aren’t racist still got treated as if they were because of their race. Although some white people were taught to treat black people differently, some white people wanted to make a difference.

Many white children were taught by their parents and families to treat black people differently. “I bet you kissed me with the same lil o'lips you kissed Bessy!"-Peggy McIntosh. Children would see the white adults would do, hear what they would say and they would mimic them. Some white people just wanted to be accepted and treated like an individual by black people, not as a part of the many others who were racist. Many people wanted to end racism because it destroyed their futures, families, and friendships. “I felt guilty about the history, about the past.”- Krista Alderson. Good amounts of people felt guilty and are in denial about the past.

Many people wish they could do something about the past to fix the future but the best they feel they can do is make a difference now and try to mend things. Privileges were given to those who at times didn’t them but were taken away from those who did. Friends and families were lost because of choices that were made in the past. All that some people want to do now is try to forget about the past but in order to move forward, sometimes one has to look at the past. The past is there and people will remember it, some will try and fix it but others will just move on.
Binh Nguyen

Ms.Professor Sabir

English 201B 8-8:50


Privilege to me means to have an

opportunity to do something that

others can't. For example in the

U.S. we have education, but

outside the country others would

die to go to school. In some parts

of the world education is not a

option because they just don't

have money or the government to

provide education. So I feel very

privileged to have a chance to go

to school and be educated.
Wonda Sabir
Eng 201A 8-850
sabir 1 26,August,2010

The film that was watched in class today was very interesting. It discussed the differences between the privilege and the underprivileged. The film showed people self reflect on racism. There were many speakers in the film that expressed their feelings and emotions toward racism and also shared their experiences of times when they first realized racism existed.

In the film, a man named Tim, a white male, told his story of when he first witnessed racism. Tim had a African American co worker. One day he and his co worker was sent out to make a delivery in separate vehicles. The delivery was in a predominantly white neighborhood. While driving to their delivery, Tim realized that his co worker was driving very slow. Time decided to pull over and asked his co worker what the problem was. Tim said,” that his co worker replied back by saying he didn’t want to draw any attention to him self and informed Tim about the term Driving while Black.” Tim was shocked from what he had just heard and felt that a change needed to be made.

Jenifer also told her story of the first time she witnessed racism. Jenifer had a best friend that was Asian American. They both attended the same class together. Jenifer mentioned how her Asian friend would get teased because she had a ax cent. She described the way her Asian American friend would get teased and made fun of. They would laugh at her because she couldn’t pronounce the world French fries. Jenifer said, that she will never forget the embarrassment and pain she felt for her best friend. Jenifer realized after that moment the differences of the privilege and underprivileged.
Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible is a documentary movie examining the lives of white men and women, and their confrontation with their inherited privilege. In the movie we see varies interviews with young and old Caucasians. They express their suppressed, shocked,
misunderstood and hurt emotions in the realization of what they encountered in their psyches, as well as the world around them. Personally, I had never heard any white person share stories like this and was taken back. As the movie progress, I started to understand their startling unheard of struggle with racism.

One person stated "Even though California is a diverse environment it is segregated." she
speaks about her childhood interactions with black people. She goes on later to say "We lived somewhere different and rode different buses". Some whites as adolescents were taught to fear blacks and heard racist comments. Many had no knowledge about their ancestors dealings with African Americans generations forgone and weren't aware of their privilege. Black youth on the other hand lived with racism as a daily reality as one woman’s friend put it, "I wake up every morning and say, I'm Black."

As they reached adulthood many Caucasians were awakening to the fact that life for them
didn't "mirror" that of that of the black experience in America. Gary Howard states as he
rode through a black neighborhood " I saw a 12 year old boy and he was living in third
world poverty”. In another similar incident two friends one white the other a man of color
were going on an annual trip to a multicultural event in another town. While driving through a town in Illinois the black man slowed down and began driving consistly at that pace. The other man asked his friend, " What was all that about?". The man replied "You just don't get it, the Ku Klux Klan meet here every year in this town and Black men get pulled over for a DWB, (Driving While Black) they'll pull me over just because I'm black”.

Many people in the documentary expressed being very hurt by other whites around them, because of their negative feelings towards blacks. I saw many different phases within the ones that started to understand how racist America and at times their own families really were. One woman recounted being at college and while the black fraternity would line up to pledge, the cops would stand and watch. Others disregarded other whites as being racist, and them "good people". A man said he saw the unfair treatment of blacks and decided to help them, making him a better white person, all the while the "others" stayed others.

In the conclusion of the movie they began to get to the root of racism. Slavery. They say that something is ajar in the Pathology of white people who in the past would go to church and a lynching the same evening. The present generations are from these people. Not only the people that performed the lynchings, but the victims of them as well. In America there are racist barriers in the society, but also embedded in peoples psyches and in order to clear this everyone, black and white alike must speak about this issues wholeheartly for healing to take place. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has".
Binh Nguyen
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 201B 8-8:50
25 August 2010

Mirrors of Privilege (Summary)

In the movie Mirrors of Privilege is based on a documentary on white people how racism affected and destroyed their families and own life. The people shown in the video were so blinded and ignorant; they could not see how racism was affecting not just them but different colors. In the movie the white people were really struck by racism, they didn’t see how different colors felt until it happened to them. It felt like the people in the documentary had heart to change not just them but wanted to change the whole community in a way to bond all races. The white people wanted to make a change in the world to stop racism.

In the documentary the white people wanted change, to stop the racism and try and bond everyone together. They wanted change but just didn’t know how to do it because in a way they have to reject their own people in order to prove to the people who is not white that they wanted change and felt bad just how they feel. In the video it was a lady who had an African American teenager who would watch over the house while she was gone but she went through the trouble in her own neighborhood to explain that the black teenager is watching over the house. This proves that the people only wanted change because some how they got affected by racism in their own life.

The people shown in the documentary felt so blinded by the racism, they only wanted change because they got affected by racism and it destroyed most of their families because when they were growing up, their parents would be racist. When they fell in love or made friends outside their own race, the white people began to realized that all races were not an issue. That they felt bad because anything they do would harm them in a legal way because they are colored. For example the black man who was driving to the city had to explain to his friend that he had to drive slow and careful because anything little mistake or non mistake he would do would get him in trouble because of his skin color. The white people were too blind to see that all race was equal until they got affected and destroyed not just their own life but their families too.
Reagan Lolo
Professor Sabir
English 201 B 8-8-50
Sabir1 26 August, 2010
Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible is a documentary movie examining the lives of white men and women, and their confrontation with their inherited privilege. In the movie we see varies interviews with young and old Caucasians. They express their suppressed, shocked,
misunderstood and hurt emotions in the realization of what they encountered in their psyches, as well as the world around them. Personally, I had never heard any white person share stories like this and was taken back. As the movie progress, I started to understand their startling unheard of struggle with racism.

One person stated "Even though California is a diverse environment it is segregated." she
speaks about her childhood interactions with black people. She goes on later to say "We lived somewhere different and rode different buses". Some whites as adolescents were taught to fear blacks and heard racist comments. Many had no knowledge about their ancestors dealings with African Americans generations forgone and weren't aware of their privilege. Black youth on the other hand lived with racism as a daily reality as one woman’s friend put it, "I wake up every morning and say, I'm Black."

As they reached adulthood many Caucasians were awakening to the fact that life for them
didn't "mirror" that of that of the black experience in America. Gary Howard states as he
rode through a black neighborhood " I saw a 12 year old boy and he was living in third
world poverty”. In another similar incident two friends one white the other a man of color
were going on an annual trip to a multicultural event in another town. While driving through a town in Illinois the black man slowed down and began driving consistly at that pace. The other man asked his friend, " What was all that about?” The man replied "You just don't get it, the Ku Klux Klan meet here every year in this town and Black men get pulled over for a DWB, (Driving While Black) they'll pull me over just because I'm black”.

Many people in the documentary expressed being very hurt by other whites around them, because of their negative feelings towards blacks. I saw many different phases within the ones that started to understand how racist America and at times their own families really were. One woman recounted being at college and while the black fraternity would line up to pledge, the cops would stand and watch. Others disregarded other whites as being racist, and them "good people". A man said he saw the unfair treatment of blacks and decided to help them, making him a better white person, all the while the "others" stayed others.

In the conclusion of the movie they began to get to the root of racism. Slavery. They say that something is ajar in the Pathology of white people who in the past would go to church and a lynching the same evening. The present generations are from these people. Not only the people that performed the lynchings, but the victims of them as well. In America there are racist barriers in the society, but also embedded in peoples psyches and in order to clear this everyone, black and white alike must speak about this issues wholeheartly for healing to take place. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has".
Kinsey Edric
Professor Sabir
English 201A
26 August 2010

I watched a small film today

showing how people with privileges

can mis-use their privileges as

well most relating to racism.

A lot of situations that occured

with colored people involved

another race including themselves

in the conflict. This explains how

other races with privileges seem

to be selfish an non responsive to

a colored persons situation unless

its demanding and degrading. I've

seen other races go through the

fight for rights and survival, but

I have also seen other races take

things for granted. Example being?

Having a job. Certain people of

different race can get a better

job then a person of color.People

of color have to fight for the

position the other race has

accquired because he's favored or

because he has the privilege to

have that position. (Racism

Privileges) (Positive) - Helps

assist or speakout to other people

to show that the person lower or

in need should and can be treated

equally. (Racism Privileges)

(Negative) - Most think they're

always right about every situation

but never think outside there box

a.k.a perspective.
Joshua Gonzalez

Professor Sabir

English 201A 8a-8:50a

26 August 2010

The Constitution of the United Sates reads, “All men are created equal.” In our society, we have discovered there’s a lot more to the story. We have the privileged and the disadvantaged. To define the first half of the title of the film, Mirrors of Privilege, a mirror is a reflection. And as we look into a mirror we see not only what’s on the outside, we also judge what’s on the inside. Privilege can also be defined as; a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most. So to define the title, Mirrors of Privilege, one can reflect on his or her own life and ask one self, am I privileged?

In the film we watch the journeys of several white Americans as they wrestled with the idea of racism in our country and being white. Most of them recognized that they grew up in homes where racism was the norm. But some felt racism was nonexistent until it affected them. Others were so offended by racism that they actually felt compelled to try and end it. As a result of bigotry and racism, families were torn apart. Friendships where tested and prejudice reared its ugly head. So these white people took it upon themselves to try and end racism in their community or environment. Taking into consideration of the privilege of being white Americans, they tried to educate their own.

In conclusion, the people in the film took the experiences they received growing up in homes where racism and bigotry were the standard norm. They spoke out and tried to change other white Americans thoughts and beliefs of just being another white American. All of the people in the film acknowledged that racism is wrong and hurtful to not only minorities, but society as a whole. This film left the audience with the impression that in order to be privileged, one must be white. White comes with a privilege because it is devoid of many stereotypes which place one in the disadvantaged category. Am I privileged? According to the film, absolutely not.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thu B. Houang
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 201A
26 August 2010

Privilege is something that everyone own, but also can be taken away by someone more powerful and in this case Blacks’ privilege was taken away when slavery started. Even though, slavery ended, but the misunderstanding between Blacks and Whites can’t be end if everyone not willing to come as one. In the film “Mirror of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible”, showed the way White men and women thinks about Blacks and how Blacks are being treated affected them. The men and women that participated in this film gave an example of how their family members influenced them to treat Blacks in a disrespectful way when the participants were young. As a child, not everyone understands what racism is and what it can cause because all children thinks about is happiness, love and care about ones that feel the same way about them without anyway walls being blocked between anyone. But as time passed, the child that grew up in a family that doesn’t accept Blacks will slowly be sacred. For example, in this film, all the participants were sacred because of what they did or their love one did and the memories will always be trapped in their heads. The feeling of guilt will grow inside and make people turn abnormal because the feeling of trapping inside makes the people think that it’s their fault that it happened that way which why this movie was made to help changed.
TO Ricardo Campos...

I agree on your analysis that privilege can be very one sided when it comes to their race. That makes a huge difference and puts out the outcome of who has more privilege well done.

Jimmy Tran, English 201A 1 - 2:50pm
Edwin Peabody
Professor Wonda Sabir
English 201A 8:00-8:50
23, August, 2010
In my opinion, the definition of privilege is to be favored or born into favoritism. Privilege people hardly worked for anything. Privilege people are rewarded great opportunities based on family history, race, age, wealth, and etcetera. The privilege are almost always entitled to something with out working for it.
Myaisha Bracken
Eng-201A 8-8:50Am
Aug 23 Freewrite

Define the word "privilege." Are you privileged? How so? The word privilege, in my own word, means giving the opportunity to be able to do what you please. It is an advantage that’s granted to one person. During slavery time, black people were not privileged. As time has passed, I truly see people of color rising. For an example, we have a black president today. Do I consider myself privilege? No, I do not because I work hard for everything that I have, nothing is handed to me.
Myaisha Bracken
Eng-201A 8-8:50Am
Aug 25 Freewrite

Yesterday, the class had a discussion about privilege. Ever since I've watched part of the film Mirrors of Privilege my outcome on the meaning changed. Privilege is deeper than what I've believed yesterday. I learned that a lot of people are confused by being privilege and having rights. The two can seem similar, but they are not.
Myaisha Bracken
Eng-201A 8-8:50Am
Aug 26 Summary

The film Mirrors of Privilege reveals white people experience and understanding about racism. This film allows the interviewees to speak openly on the topics racial justice and white privilege without fear. This film creates a different outlook on the word privilege and racism. It helps people of color and white people understand their own issues on racism and how to correct the issue. This film defines a more intellectual definition of racial justice and white people experience that got them to realize that people of color are unequal.
When I watched the film, I was able too connect with the interviewees. One of the things I had notice was how emotional they were when they were talking about their experience about racism. One of the lady’s, in the film talked about how she kissed her grandmothers cook Betsy, who is black, good-bye and then she went to go kiss her grandmother who said “I BET YOU KISSED ME WITH THE SAME LIPS YOU KISSSES BETSY WITH.” After hearing her grandmother talk like that she was afraid to kiss Betsy again. Most of the interviewees felt like they were afraid to love a black person just as much as they loved a white person because they thought that they wouldn’t be accepted by their own color. In a way that shows how they are denial about racism.
This film allows white people to speak about a topic that most white people are afraid to speak about. It gave them the opportunity to talk about white privilege and question black privilege. Most of them felt guilty. They were ashamed about confessing that their family members were the ones who introduced them to racism. In the end, they sent out a powerful message that can bring people of color and white people together.
Myaisha Bracken
Aug 28, 2010
Eng 201A 8-8:50am

I agree with Jakaila Scott, privilege is being favored. No matter how hard you have worked in life you still may not be privileged due to your race, gender, etc.
I watched a small film today showing how people with privileges can mis-use their privileges as well most relating to racism. A lot of situations that occured with colored people involved another race including themselves in the conflict. This explains how other races with privileges seem to be selfish an non responsive to a colored persons situation unless its demanding and degrading. I've seen other races go through the fight for rights and survival, but i have also seen other races take things for granted. Example being? Having a job. Certain people of different race can get a better job then a person of color.
People of color have to fight for the position the other race has accquired because he's favored or because he has the privilege to have that position. (Racism Privileges) (Positive) - Helps assist or speakout to other people to show that the person lower or in need should and can be treated equally. (Racism Privileges) (Negative) - Most think they're always right about every situation but never think outside there box a.k.a perspective. In the film the white people realized that colored people didnt cause any conflict they were always picked on by white people. Most of film showed me that white people misunderstood colored people an what they went through.
Its seems that the white people mis-used there privileges and didnt understand how ignorant they became when they mis treated colored people. This film explained to me that you cant mis-use the privileges you have.Some may say that they have privileges,but some may also say they have rights. I believe i have rights an privileges because im writing this summary about a film which made me see privileges from a different point of view, made me understand people that have privileges are sometimes mis-guided by beliefs of there race.

Edric Kinsey 201A 8-850am
The word to me means an opportunity to express the honor of what is being granted in which people with advantages are consider privileged. It has meaning expressed in many different ways, In my eyes I feel I have the privilege to be in class writing this, its a chance to make the best of whats to be honored. Example Privileges are things your parents explain an grant to you, like having the chances to get things that they may not have had or things your sibilings may want but cant get. In my eyes its having specials rights under certain conditions. I feel being in this class is considered a privilege my conditions is to learn without fail, pass without second guessing my decisions. Im Edric Kinsey & I have the right to explain,but also have the privilege to explain it.
Ronald Parker Jr
Professor Wanda
English 201B
30 August 2010

After watching the film “Mirrors of Privilege Making Witness Visible” it showed me all kind of different types of racism and prejudice behavior. It showed the class how if you were of any other race then white you were considered the unprivileged. They were seen to have the advantage over everyone else of different races in the film, and they got the special treatment that everybody deserved to have. It appeared that the whites were naïve to the incidents going on until it affected someone close to them.
One situation was when an Asian actor in a school plays for her high school, just like the other girls she had to say a few lines. In the line were the words “French fries”, but the director kept bugging her to say “flinch flies”. She constantly repeated French Fries after several times being told that was the wrong thing to say. She knew that they were trying to insinuate that Asians do not pronounce certain thing to there liking, which led to her feelings being hurt and her running off stage. Another was when a black man was taking a drive up to a different state with his white friend. With passing through a certain city on the freeway the black man slowed down and picked back up to speed once out of it. The white man was very questionable about his actions and confronted him of that. The black guy told him that was the city where the Klu Klux Klan had their annual meets and they were known for stopping blacks just for even driving through and would sometimes result to a hanging. The white man was not even aware of this because he knew it had nothing to do with him. He then started to have sympathy because that was his close friend.
Privilege can be explained in many ways. I think that it could honored or favored in a way. Do I think that I am privileged? Yes I do becuase I do and have many things that plenty of others would want probably more than I do. I have a family, I go to school, I have friends, and much more. There is nothing wrong with being privileged.
From what I've seen in the film,everyone was white. They were talking about their experiences of times that showed them being privileged. They've all realized they were committed to racial justice. It was difficult to understand how much they benefit from being white. They didn't realize it at first that they were doing so but when they did they felt the need to change. Trying to change things weren't so easy for them either. Krista A. was once told, "Why bother/ all you're gonna get from this experience is pain." This was different from what I've written in the freewrite the other day because I said that privilege was something you earn and work hard for. The people in the film didn't earn and work hard to become white.

Reyva Jugarap
Eng 201A 8-850am.
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