Monday, October 11, 2010


Cyber-Assignment on Chris Columbus

Post your short essays here.

Nestor Mendoza

Professor Sabir

English 201A

11 October 2010
Free Write

The word indigenous mean native. In which the word means that someone who is living in their home land or if from their home land. The rights to discovery are that if you discover something or some place, you have the right to claim it yours. Unlike Columbus, he came to the Americas and made himself believe that he discovered North America. He claimed all the land, the animals and the natives who lived there, but he was wrong.
Murder and genocide are related because they both take someone’s life intentionally. The only difference is that murder is taking someone’s life, but only one person; while genocide is when a group of people try to take a whole race out of extinction.
I am thankful for the Raiders winning the game yesterday against the Chargers. I will also be thankful when the Raiders beat the 49ers next week.
Nestor Mendoza
Professor Sabir
English 201A
11 October 2010
Free Write
The word indigenous mean native. In which the word means that someone who is living in their home land or if from their home land. The rights to discovery are that if you discover something or some place, you have the right to claim it yours. Unlike Columbus, he came to the Americas and made himself believe that he discovered North America. He claimed all the land, the animals and the natives who lived there, but he was wrong.
Murder and genocide are related because they both take someone’s life intentionally. The only difference is that murder is taking someone’s life, but only one person; while genocide is when a group of people try to take a whole race out of extinction.
I am thankful for the Raiders winning the game yesterday against the Chargers. I will also be thankful when the Raiders beat the 49ers next week.
Jimmy Tran

Professor Sabir

English 201A

11 October 2010

To be indigenous is to be native. THe rghts of discovery for Chrisopher Columbus was given by his leader. He had the rpvilege to travel all around the world and discover places such as America. He had the rights to keep traveling becuase he was constantly discovering new places. The difference between a genocide ans a murder is completely different. A genocide is when a group of people die together. A murder is when one per dies. Overall, Christopher Columbus was believed to do this. He had porblems with the Indians becuase he supposedly invaded their land. I am thankful for the rights we have in America.
Jimmy Tran

Professor Sabir

English 201A

11 October 2010

To be indigenous is to be native. THe rights of discovery for Chrisopher Columbus was given by his leader. He had the privilege to travel all around the world and discover places such as America. He had the rights to keep traveling because he was constantly discovering new places. The difference between a genocide and a murder is completely different. A genocide is when a group of people die together. A murder is when one per dies. Overall, Christopher Columbus was believed to do this. He had porblems with the Indians because he supposedly invaded their land. I am thankful for the rights we have in America.

Rachel Marra

Professor Sabir

English 201A

11 October 2010

Indigenous means someone that is native to a certain part of the world. For example if a person is born in America they are indigenous to America. It also means where a person has originated from. People think of indigenous as being their homeland. The rights of discovery could vary depending on the situation. In my eyes, I believe someone can only consider something a discovery if nobody else has ever seen it or been there. When it comes to Chris Columbus, I do not think he should have gotten credit for discovering America. There were people already here when Columbus came along. Since there were already people in America, that means Columbus was not the person to discover it.

Genocide and murder could mean something similar, but if you are looking for an exact definition, the definitions are very different. Genocide means the deliberate destruction of an entire race or nation. Genocide kills off entire groups of people, sometimes even reaching millions. For example, the Holocaust was known as genocide because Hitler was aiming at killing off an entire group of people. Murder is the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. Murder is different because it can be the killing of just one human being rather than a whole group of race of humans.

In my life, I’m thankful for a number of different things. I am not thankful anything anyone else given me. That is because everything I am proud of and thankful for I have because of my hard work. I’m thankful for having a job and making money. Also, I’m thankful I was given determination as a personality trait. Also, I’m thankful for being an independent person that does not need people in order to succeed. In life, being independent and determined will get you far.



11 OCTOBER 2010

Christopher Columbus:
I think being indigenous means to go to one place to another, to originate. I do not know where Christopher Columbus originated from but I do know that some schools and people celebrate him today. There are many different rights to a discovery. Sometimes it is very difficult because people will not believe anything you say unless you have proof. People always want money or credit for something they may or may not have discovered. For example, some one on the radio said they came up with the idea of the hit T.V show Hannah Montana and he wants all the money from it. This person could be telling the truth but then again he has no evidence to support his claim so no one believes him. People always try to be unique but they end up stealing ideas. There are many differences and similiarities to the word genocide and murder. Some differences is that genocide is trying to wipe out an entire group or organization of people based on sex, religion or different ethnical beliefs. For example, Hilter created an army and wiped out millions of Jewish people and that is a genocide. Murder can be based on anything from a single view. There can be many reasons of why but people have a choice to choose from. I think these two words can be similar because if a person is a sociopath then they can target specific people and create a genocide based on their specifics. I am thankful for everything in life. I am thankful for clean water, food, a roof, a bed, clothes, education, financial support and many other events in life.
Martin’aye Bullock

Professor Sabir

English 201A

11 October 2010

Free Write
The word indigenous means to be of origin of a place and being produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment. The rights of discovery are choicely because of the fact that something you “discovered” might have already been there it jus remained nameless until you found it or maybe you’re just claiming what’s already taken. The difference between genocide and murder is the fact that genocide is like a total and complete wipeout of a large group of people who have no defense for themselves. Where as, murder may be just a small amount of victims or one victim who obviously lost in their defense, if they had any. I'm thankful for all the privleges we have in America.
Dalina Le

Professor Sabir

English 201A

11 October 2010


Ingidenous means to be originated from a place. To be indigenous is to either be from one place/homeland or for a person to move away from his or her homeland and still represent and claim their former homeland. The rights to discovery is to have witnesses, documents, or written exams to take credit for what was discovered or to claim that you were the discoverer.
The difference between genocide and murder is that genocides have unbalanced group, or one group is more dominant than the other and targets certain racial or cultural groups, however murder is a killing of a human being by another human being.
I am thankful for everything that I have, such as my family and friends. They are like a part of me and who help me get through the difficulties in life.
Samon Pen

Professor Sabir

English 201A 1-3pm

11 october 2010

Free Write

The word indigenous is to be native in ones contry. The charateristic of a particular region or country. The right of a discovery to many people is basically finders keepers. Sometime it can mean to find something that someone might not see great until another person would find it great. The differents between genocide and murder is the people of the attack. A genocide is a mass killing of a particular group as race or sex. A murder is a killing of anybody that the murderer pleases. I am thankful for my elders before me that thought me the lreanings of life.
Ricardo Campos

Profesor Sabir

English201A 1-3pm

11 october 2010

The word indigenous, or, native, refers the people of a civilization or community erected before westernization, or the process by which western settlers used to get natives to adopt western ideas and customs.

To understand the rights to discovery, one must understand that the Catholic Church declared war on all non-christian lands during the Crusades. So, Chris Columbus sailed to the Americas with the idea that any and all lands he discovered that were ruled under non-christian leaders were free for him to claim as his, and the people of the lands were to surrender completely to him as a christian leader.

These same ideas were used later to justify the genocide demonstrated by Columbus and the Spanish Catholic church. Genocide, or the practice of deliberately eliminating a religious, or ethic group, was arguably practiced on the American Natives by European settlers, as well as many individualized murders.

While Columbus might have seen his discovery validated by the European Catholic church, the word discovery is defined as, "to see, get knowledge of, learn of, find, or find out; gain sight or knowledge of (something previously unseen or unknown)"; meaning for him to truly have discovered the Americas, the American Natives would not have been settled, or exist on American lands (though, in the eyes of the Church, they did not exist as a people because they were not christian

im thankful for alot of things first one being life its self and given the chance to live it and enjo it everyday . im thankful to have the family and friends that i have and they strive for me to succed in life everyday.
MIguel Ahumada

Professor Sabir

English 201A

11 october 2010


Indigenous means native ,which describes certain types of people that are native to a part of land. Christopher Columbus had the privilege travel in a boat given by queen Isabella and also had the privilege to meet the indigenous people and encounter land that no one from the european continent knew about. He did not discover this new world. In fact, he just came upon it accidently, trying to sail to india. He claimed the land, the natives, and animals that were in North America. Columbus called the natives "Indios". he did not call them Indios because he thought they were from India, but because they were so kind and treated him with respect. Indios means "In God". He tried to take over the land and the native people and brought genocide upon the indigenous people. Columbus was so wrong for this and took of advantage of very kind people. Why should people celebrate Columbus day? He really did not discover this land.
I am thankful for my family and also for my team, the raiders who finally beat the Chargers and going to beat the 49ers next week.
Mayra Cortez

Professor Sabir

English 201A

11 October, 2010
Free Write

Indegenous Has the meaning of were you came from, or the original origin. associated with territory, race, history and style. whi were independently or largely isolated from influence of government.

Murder, as defined in common law countries, is the unlawful killing of another human being with "malice aforethought."
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.

im thankful that im still breathing.
Edric Kinsey

Professor Sabir

English 201A

12 October 2010

Free Write

The word indigenous means native. The discovery Of Northern America was basically foundend by Chrisopher Columbus.He had the privilege to travel all around the world and discover places such as America He claimed everything including the natives who lived there, but he was mistaken. I dont believe he should have gotten credit for discovering America.

In my life im thankful for a number of different things. Im thankful for having the oppurtunity to go to school and become a succesful person in life.Thankful waking up in the morning thanking god for another day to chase my success.
Bundarin Ouk JR

Professor Sabir

English 201A

12 October 2010

The definition of the word indigenous means native. Meaning someone living where they came from. The rights to discovery means having the right to find and seek out but, cannot take or claim it for yourself. Murder means to be killed individually and genocide means to be killed in large numbers at one time. For example like the Nazis killing the Jews that's an example of genocide. I am greatly thankful being born in America instead being born where my parents were.
Dulguun Enkhtsogoo

Professior Sabir

English 201a

11 October 2010

The word indigenous means is to be a native to a land or decent. Whichever the land that a person was born into is indigenous to that land or country or place. I think indigenous people have more appreciation and love for his or her land and they are all teid together. I think there are deep spirits that bonds them together, like the movie called Avatar. The rights to discover is tricky. There is a saying that finders keepers and loosers weepers, but in Christopher Columbus's case is different because, he discovered a place that had already people living in it, and he claimed that he discovered it, so i think all the rights are supposed to be for the indigenous people, but it didnt work that way. They had to kill every natives to claim the land. Genocide means mass murder , where there are hundreds and thousands of people gets killed. So i think it was wrong to kill the natives.
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