Monday, November 01, 2010


Cyber-Assignment Freewrite

How do your ancestors impact your life consciously and unconsciously? How are days like All Saints Day (Nov. 1) and Halloween (Oct. 31), a reminder of this?

Dalina Le
Professor Sabir
English 201A
1 November 2010

There is once certain ancestor that I really admire. She was a very good person and although i did not meet her in person, she makes me feel as if we have known each other since I was a baby. She is by far the best aunt I have. I still consider her being around me because I can feel her presence. She impacts my life by helping make the right and better decision by teaching me lessons and telling me what is wrong and what can affect me. Days like All Saints Day or Halloween is like being impacted by your ancestor because you live in a place people belive in such things and you would have to conform to respect the people that once impacted somebody important.
Jimmy Tran
Professor Sabir
English 201A
1 November 2010

My Ancestors give me a reminder that I am someone that is from their side. They remind me that I am vietnamese and that I have some history behind it. They also make me know that I have come from a struggle but yet a proud history. My Ancestors gave meaning to my family. I feel proud that my Mom and my Dad did whatever it took to make their lives best for themselves and for the family.
Folami Brumfield
Professor Sabir
English 201a
1 November 2010

I have a few great ancestors that have greatly impacted my life. The most influencial ancestor would be my maternal grandmother. My maternal grandmother went by the name of Jeannine Teresa McDaniels, affectionately known as J.T.. My grandmother was a positive permanent fixture in my life. She was their to take care of me when my mother worked. She taught me how to cook, clean, and how to be a forthcoming and honest human being. I also credit my granmother, known to me as grandmama, with teaching me about god. Even though she is gone, she will always be a very special women in my life. Everthing that she did was with grace and class, so my grandmother will always hold a very special place in my heart.
Martin’aye Bullock
Professor Sabir
English 201A
1 November 2010

I don’t really know my about my ancestors except the fact that they were African-American, and Arkansas and North Carolina natives. They don't impact my life because I don't know them, they haven't taught me much about myself. I don't know how days like All Saints Day and Halloween are a reminder of my ancestors because they weren't saints, i don't think.
Nestor Mendoza

Professor Sabir

English 201A

1 November 2010

My ancestors impacted my life in many ways. One is that i am here with the oportunity to live my life as an American. My ancestors risked their lives to come to this country and work to make money. Halloween is a tradition held every year on the 31st of every year an ancestor might be remembered. on all saints day which is held on the 1st of is some what the same concept of halloween.
Rachel Marra

Professor Sabir

English 201A 1-3

1 November 2010

Ancestors are an important part of each persons life. In my life, I do not know much about my ancestors but i know that some of my ancestors are from Italy and Spain. Also, from my mom's side of her family her grandparents are from Mexico. ncestors impact my life because what happened to them in the past had an affect on every generation that has passed on to get to me. Depending on how you were raised, Some people do not celebrate Halloween. Some people on November 1st go to their ancestor's grave to celebrate. Each person either celebrates or worships their ancestors but some do not.
Miguel Ahumada
Professor Sabir
English 201A
1 November 2010

Most of my ancestors originated from a little town in Mexico named Amec, in the state of Jalisco. Many of them were part of the Mexican Independence movement. My mom told me that one of my great grandfathers was the right hand of of Emiliano Zapata, a great revolutionary man from Jalisco. I have Aztec blood in me and have traits from my past indigenous ancestors. I am proud of my ancestors for being part of freeing Mexico from the spanish. I am one of the few of my friends that knows my families history and I am a proud Chicano(Mexican-American).


ENGLISH 201 A 1-3


My ancestors made an impact on my everyday life because without them I wouldn't be here. I know that times have changed and I live in a better world than them. I have many things that they never had. They consciously impacted my life because I know they struggled for a better life for their kids as the generation went on. They impacted my life unconsciously because I believe that their are spirits watching over us. All Saints Day and Halloween are holidays that we celebrate and all of our ancestors celebrated it as well.

As I said in class, my older daughter graduated from Emiliano Zappa Street Academy in Oakland.

At the Oakland Museum this year for the Dia de los Muertos exhibit there is an altar and installation that is in the shape of a pyramid. There are Aztec inscriptions and artifacts in the installation as well. I highly recommend your visiting the museum and checking the installation out.
Evelyn Rodriguez
Professor Sabir
English 201A
1 November 2010

Well I don't really know anything about my family ancestors. I just know that my great grandfather used to live in Guanjajuato, Mexico and that he was really poor. I beleieve since he and his family was really poor all his kids tried to work hard to get out of that position. Since I don't know much about my ancestors i'm not really reminded of then on Halloween or on All Saints day. But I did go to the cementery and took some flowers to my frien Eric Toscano. I know him better than my great grandfather because I spent a lot of time together with him. I knew Eric was focused on his school stuff and thats what I am trying to do now that he can't.
Dulguun Enkhtsogoo
Professor Sabir
English 201A
1 November 2010

I believe that my ancestors that are passed away are looking after me and my family. My uncle was a famous boxer and my grandfather was a gret volleyball player back in the day. Their success made me believe in myself that i can be the best when i play basketball because, i came from sport family and they made it. Also ma other grandfather was a great person and menthor in my life. Unfortunately he passed away, but he impacted me a lot when i was young. I am always thankful that i have a great family around me and great ancestors that i look up to.
Thu Houang
Professor Sabir
English 201A
2 November 2010

I remembered when I was a child, my father would always tell me that halloween is a day that all death will come out from the underworld and come hunt for the children that behave badly. So everytime I do something bad, every year of the halloween, it will come out and hunt me down. Since I am all grown up, I do not believe in it anymore, but I understand that my father was trying his best to make me into a better person with stories that may or may not appears in the world.
Hoa Vo
Professor Sbir
English 201A
2 november 2010

I dont know much about my ancestors at all because i was raised in a camp at a yougn age. My family was trying to survive day by day so my aprents never had the time to tell me much about my ancestors. But what i do know is that they worked very hard to get my great grandmothers & granddathers to be the best they could be & raised my grandparents. With that being said, good morals were passed down to my parents and so on. My parents are very cultural and always tell me that ive come from a hard working family and have to always keep that in mind. Furthermore, they helped me realized to take nothing for granted because throughout their lives, they suffered alot to get me where i am today.
Bundarin Ouk Jr
Professor Sabir
English 201A
1 November 2010

When talking about my ancestors there is a lot to talk about. All my ancestors have a different story or journey that they have to take to survive on Earth. But the ancestor that i admire most is my grandfather. My whole family has a high level of respect towards him. He use to be a general back in his own country in Cambodia. He died young but always had that type of respect that you to earn. I never met him before because he had already died before I was born but i did think highly of him. I heard from uncles and aunts that he was a leader and always on top of things. I think that would be a type of ancestor that I would admire highly.
Edwin Peabody
Wanda Sabir
Eng 201A 8-850
3 November 2010

My ancestors play very important roles in my life. I believe that my ancestors are angles watching over me. During the good times or bad times in my life, I often speak to them through my prayers. I sometimes hear their voices helping to make good decisions. My ancestors are the reason why I am here today living. They went through the injustice and cruelty of slavery so I could have a better life. When the season of Halloween comes around every year, it just reminds me to honor my ancestors and be grateful for the life that I have been given.
Joanne Africano
Professor Sabir
English 201A 8-8:50an
6 November 2010

Ancestors are important because they give u a sense of where you came form and the ways they lived and a sense of a way you should live by. Down the line thats where your family is come from, cousins, aunties, and so on. Some of our ancestors had to make due with what they had and how they got by.
Adalie Villalobos
Professor Sabir
English 201B
7 November 2010

My ancestors remind me that I come from people who wanted to keep the family going. My great grandmother reminds me to live life to the fullest. She had sixteen kids and went on many cruises. I do not know many of my ancestors but I would think that they are Spaniard, Mayan, and Mexican. Days like All Saints Day and Halloween is like being impacted by you ancestor because we all live in a world that celebrates death and ancestors in some way or another.
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