Monday, November 29, 2010
Note changes to due dates
Portfolio assembly: Collect all cyber-assignments and posts and put chronologically into a word document. Also include the introductory email sent in August per syllabus.
SPHE: Subject-Verb Agreement Essay. Bring templates to class typed in an electronic form tomorrow.
Book Report Make-up: We will have book report presentations Tuesday, November 30, 2010.
Wednesday, Dec. 1 is the peer review for the Social Entrepreneur Essay. We'll have practice presentations.
Thursday for the morning class there will be Grammar Exam 2. For the afternoon class, Grammar Exam 2 will be given on Wednesday, Dec. 1. SE presentations will be Monday, Dec. 6.
SPHE: Subject-Verb Agreement Essay. Bring templates to class typed in an electronic form tomorrow.
Book Report Make-up: We will have book report presentations Tuesday, November 30, 2010.
Wednesday, Dec. 1 is the peer review for the Social Entrepreneur Essay. We'll have practice presentations.
Thursday for the morning class there will be Grammar Exam 2. For the afternoon class, Grammar Exam 2 will be given on Wednesday, Dec. 1. SE presentations will be Monday, Dec. 6.