Monday, December 06, 2010


Brainwashed directed by Tom Burrell

Today we watched a film: Brainwashed. Reflect on the short work in response to what we have been looking at this semester: privilege, entitlement, structural racism, bigotry, slavery and power.

Take the test:

Ronald Parker Jr
Professor Sabir
English 201B
6 December 2010
After watching the film brainwashed I feel as the black race we do have privilege, entitlement, structural racism, bigotry, slavery and power. I also feel sometimes the blacks keep the negativity about us going on themselves. We use the n word like it is nothing around each other, but when someone of a different race does it we want to get mad. We really can not get mad because by us constantly using the word for fun we are giving others the right to do the same. I am not saying it is right for them to do it. But just so they know not to do it at all we need to learn to hold our tongues and watch ourselves. Since slavery has been abolished I feel we have overcome a lot, lets not slowly put ourselves back into the place we struggled in for four hundred years.
Adalie Villalobos
Professor Sabir
English 201B
6 December 2010
Privilege, entitlement, structural racism, bigotry, slavery and power.
The movie “Brainwashed” directed by Tom Burrell is an eye opener. There is still bigotry towards African Americans today. The movie shows how they are looked at as and how they portray themselves as well. Many of them do not realize that saying the word “nigga” is not helping today’s society. It is a derogatory word that was taken from the word “nigger” used in slavery. Many African Americans today are privileged to not be in that predicament anymore and should not allow themselves to be called that word and should not call anyone that word. The movie was interesting and it is true.
Edwin Peabody
Professor Sabir
English 201A 8-850
6 December 2010

The film today was very interesting. It showed how blacks during slavery were viewed as superior to whites. Blacks were hung, raped, burned, killed, sold off like goods, chased by dogs, treated like animals, and beaten with sticks. The black race was totally humiliated during slavery. The film mentioned how the black race today still accepts and support being superior. It mentioned how the black race today still supports the mockery. During slavery, blacks were considered not fully human and were giver the name nigger. In today’s black society, the word nigger is used everyday on regular basics. I really enjoyed the film.
Edwin, do you mean "superior" or "inferior"? Though, Burrell's audience is specific, how is what he says larger than just African Americans and their experiences? How does this perpetuation of one's own captivity post-chattel slavery: the psycho-social impact, effect the rest of society?

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