Wednesday, February 16, 2011



Today we completed the Sentence Punctuation Quiz. There was a possible 20/20. If you didn't do well, that is, miss less than 5 total, you need to review the exercises in the chapter.

A great website for grammar exercises is:

Essay 1
Essay 1 in Stewart Pidd, Sentence Punctuation. We took a 20 question Quiz. Most students had to revisit the exercises. There was a lot of confusion; however, I think students are clearer now on how to complete the templates.

Students paired up for the balance of the class and completed the templates for the errors and for the introduction and conclusion. Before submitting the essay on-line by 12 noon Tuesday, February 22, to

Please have a classmate or friend answer the questions on the Peer Review sheet. If it is a classmate, they are to then grade you and write a short justification for the grade. If the grade is not 100 percent, revise the essay before submitting it to me. You will give me the Proofreading Assignment on Wednesday.

When sending the essay, make sure you paste it and attach it. Indicate the assignment and the date in the subject line of the email.

We are meeting in the COA library next Wednesday at 1 PM for an assignment and orientation with Professor Davis Sparks. Homework for the long holiday weekend is to continue reading Half the Sky and writing your logs. Also start Pronoun Agreement exercises when you submit Essay 1. It is the next section. Don't forget to complete the exercises on titles and ellipses (Part 3).

We will check-in briefly next week, but most of the time will be taken up with the Library Orientation. Bring your books to class that day.

Essay 4 is an in-class essay, we'll probably get to two weeks from now. I am in A-232 from 11-12 and 1-2 Thursday, February 17, 2011. You can call me if you can't find it. I am in A-232 from 8-11 AM. I might not be able to help you much, but you are welcome to come sit in my English 1A classes tomorrow.

If there are any questions over the long weekend, call me. I am around Thursday from 11-12 and after 12 until 1 PM in A-232. You can drop by with questions or to work.

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