Wednesday, August 31, 2011
In class this week we previewed the book, Stewart Pidd Hates English and completed a few exercises, namely quizzes to test our skills on "Confused Words" and "Sentence Punctuation." I was really pleased that most students have their books. I had a few copies of sections from Pidd, such as: "Plagiarism and Paraphrasing" and Essay 1.
Here are more details on the reading, essays and Pidd. I will give students copies of these assignments Thursday in class.
Homework was to read and do the exercises up to page 30 or Essay 1 as well as start the exercises re: "Plagiarism and Paraphrasing."
Tomorrow we will summarize the news articles students read about Katrina 6 Years after the Storm or Michael Jackson. Make sure you read your article.
Tupac Readings for Fall 2011 All classes
We will read a book a month. In August-September as we work our way through SPHE we will read Michael Eric Dyson’s Holler If You Hear Me: Searching for Tupac Shakur.
Weekly there will be at least 2-3 weekly cyber assignment connected to each section. At the end of the book we will write a short essay reflecting on a central theme from the book or a character analysis of Tupac Shakur based on Dyson’s scholarship. We will listen to select songs as well as write a skit based on one of the chapters and perform it in class (smile).
Week 2: Aug. 29-Sept. 1: Introduction-Preface
Summaries, paraphrasing and outlines. In class and cyber-assignments
Week 3-4: Sept. 5 – 8: Childhood Chains: “Dear Mama” (21) & “Son of a Panther” (47); “No Malcolm X in My History Text” (69)
Selections from The Rose that Grew from Concrete
Week 5: Sept. 12-15: Portraits of an Artist
Give Me a Paper and a Pen (105); For All the Real Niggas Out There (141)
Selections from The Rose that Grew from Concrete
Week 6: Sept. 19-22: Bodies and Beliefs
“Do We Hate Our Women” (175); “But Do the Lord Care” (201); “I Got Your Name Tatted on My Arm” (231)
“Epilogue: How Long Will They Mourn Me?”
Posthumous Presence of a Ghost Saint (247)
Selections from The Rose that Grew from Concrete
Week 7: Essay plans and essay
Plans Monday/Tuesday, Sept. 26-27
Essay due Sept. 27-28 for peer review 1
Essays due Sept. 29 for peer review 2
Final drafts due: Sept. 30 via mail for English 201 and for English 1A.
There will be a separate essay assignment sheet.
Readings for Fall 2011 All Classes con't. (English 201 & English 1A)
Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary by Jasmine Guy is an easier read than Dyson and we will finish it quickly. I like to look at the themes: nature vs. nurture for this book as well as forgiveness of self and others. These will be the topics students can consider for the essay based on this book.
We will start the book in October, October 10, but students can start sooner. We will read, beginning with the preface, 50 or so pages a week. We will finish the book the week of Oct. 31-Nov. 3.
Essay plans are due: Nov. 1. First drafts are due Nov. 2/3. Final drafts are due: Nov. 7.
Students will already be looking at potential subjects for the final essay on a Social Entrepreneur and the research associated with this essay will start in November. The essay is due at the end of the month, Nov. 21/22, the presentation Nov. 29-Dec. 1.
We will be multitasking. Students will be watching videos late October on Social Entrepreneurs into November to get a feel for what a business person who creates wealth for social good, looks like.
There will be separate assignment sheets for all the essays. This is an overview for the semester. Students who have free time should read ahead. We will be finished with Pidd by the time the first essay is due—that is the plan (smile). Stay on top of the work and ask for help and get help if you are not grasping a concept. If you don’t ask questions, I don’t know what you don’t know until the essays come in.
There are quizzes associated with the Pidd work. We will take the short quizzes and longer Grammar Exams in class.
We will also squeeze a Library Orientation into the September mix (smile). Plan to be busy. This is a plan, so it is open to revisions and suggestions if it isn’t working for students. The only constants are the end marks or dates for the beginning and ending of the semester, as well as holidays like Labor Day, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. We do not have a sitting final. The final is an e-assignment – the portfolio which we will work on the final week of classes.
Stewart Pidd Hates English Assignment Schedule for Fall 2011
English 1A/English 201 Professor Wanda Sabir
WEEK 2-3 August 22-Sept. 8
Part 1, Confused Words (p. 1)
Paraphrase exercise (pages 339-354)
Read MLA Format (pages 312).
Part 2, Punctuating Sentences (p. 18) (WRITE ESSAY)
MLA exercises (pages 319-320)
Do “Titles” and “Quotations” exercises (pages 322-329).
Paraphrase ex (pages 346-350)
WEEK 4 Sept. 12-15
“In-text parenthetical” exercises (pages 330-332)
More in paraphrases (pages 355-380)
Part 3, Pronoun Agreement (p. 69) (WRITE ESSAY)
MLA exes (pages 319-320)
“Ellipsis marks” (pages 333-334)
Part 4, Pronoun Case (p. 108) (In Class Essay)
WEEK 5 Sept. 19-22
Part 5, (144-175) Point of View (WRITE ESSAY)
Part 9, Subject-Verb Agreement (p. 277)
WEEK 6 Sept. 26-29
Part 7, Possessive (p. 221) (Take-home exam: optional)
Part 6, Be Verb (p. 178) (WRITE ESSAY)
WEEK 7 Oct.-3-6
Part 8, Parallel Structure (p. 243) (In class Essay)
Here are more details on the reading, essays and Pidd. I will give students copies of these assignments Thursday in class.
Homework was to read and do the exercises up to page 30 or Essay 1 as well as start the exercises re: "Plagiarism and Paraphrasing."
Tomorrow we will summarize the news articles students read about Katrina 6 Years after the Storm or Michael Jackson. Make sure you read your article.
Tupac Readings for Fall 2011 All classes
We will read a book a month. In August-September as we work our way through SPHE we will read Michael Eric Dyson’s Holler If You Hear Me: Searching for Tupac Shakur.
Weekly there will be at least 2-3 weekly cyber assignment connected to each section. At the end of the book we will write a short essay reflecting on a central theme from the book or a character analysis of Tupac Shakur based on Dyson’s scholarship. We will listen to select songs as well as write a skit based on one of the chapters and perform it in class (smile).
Week 2: Aug. 29-Sept. 1: Introduction-Preface
Summaries, paraphrasing and outlines. In class and cyber-assignments
Week 3-4: Sept. 5 – 8: Childhood Chains: “Dear Mama” (21) & “Son of a Panther” (47); “No Malcolm X in My History Text” (69)
Selections from The Rose that Grew from Concrete
Week 5: Sept. 12-15: Portraits of an Artist
Give Me a Paper and a Pen (105); For All the Real Niggas Out There (141)
Selections from The Rose that Grew from Concrete
Week 6: Sept. 19-22: Bodies and Beliefs
“Do We Hate Our Women” (175); “But Do the Lord Care” (201); “I Got Your Name Tatted on My Arm” (231)
“Epilogue: How Long Will They Mourn Me?”
Posthumous Presence of a Ghost Saint (247)
Selections from The Rose that Grew from Concrete
Week 7: Essay plans and essay
Plans Monday/Tuesday, Sept. 26-27
Essay due Sept. 27-28 for peer review 1
Essays due Sept. 29 for peer review 2
Final drafts due: Sept. 30 via mail for English 201 and for English 1A.
There will be a separate essay assignment sheet.
Readings for Fall 2011 All Classes con't. (English 201 & English 1A)
Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary by Jasmine Guy is an easier read than Dyson and we will finish it quickly. I like to look at the themes: nature vs. nurture for this book as well as forgiveness of self and others. These will be the topics students can consider for the essay based on this book.
We will start the book in October, October 10, but students can start sooner. We will read, beginning with the preface, 50 or so pages a week. We will finish the book the week of Oct. 31-Nov. 3.
Essay plans are due: Nov. 1. First drafts are due Nov. 2/3. Final drafts are due: Nov. 7.
Students will already be looking at potential subjects for the final essay on a Social Entrepreneur and the research associated with this essay will start in November. The essay is due at the end of the month, Nov. 21/22, the presentation Nov. 29-Dec. 1.
We will be multitasking. Students will be watching videos late October on Social Entrepreneurs into November to get a feel for what a business person who creates wealth for social good, looks like.
There will be separate assignment sheets for all the essays. This is an overview for the semester. Students who have free time should read ahead. We will be finished with Pidd by the time the first essay is due—that is the plan (smile). Stay on top of the work and ask for help and get help if you are not grasping a concept. If you don’t ask questions, I don’t know what you don’t know until the essays come in.
There are quizzes associated with the Pidd work. We will take the short quizzes and longer Grammar Exams in class.
We will also squeeze a Library Orientation into the September mix (smile). Plan to be busy. This is a plan, so it is open to revisions and suggestions if it isn’t working for students. The only constants are the end marks or dates for the beginning and ending of the semester, as well as holidays like Labor Day, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. We do not have a sitting final. The final is an e-assignment – the portfolio which we will work on the final week of classes.
Stewart Pidd Hates English Assignment Schedule for Fall 2011
English 1A/English 201 Professor Wanda Sabir
WEEK 2-3 August 22-Sept. 8
Part 1, Confused Words (p. 1)
Paraphrase exercise (pages 339-354)
Read MLA Format (pages 312).
Part 2, Punctuating Sentences (p. 18) (WRITE ESSAY)
MLA exercises (pages 319-320)
Do “Titles” and “Quotations” exercises (pages 322-329).
Paraphrase ex (pages 346-350)
WEEK 4 Sept. 12-15
“In-text parenthetical” exercises (pages 330-332)
More in paraphrases (pages 355-380)
Part 3, Pronoun Agreement (p. 69) (WRITE ESSAY)
MLA exes (pages 319-320)
“Ellipsis marks” (pages 333-334)
Part 4, Pronoun Case (p. 108) (In Class Essay)
WEEK 5 Sept. 19-22
Part 5, (144-175) Point of View (WRITE ESSAY)
Part 9, Subject-Verb Agreement (p. 277)
WEEK 6 Sept. 26-29
Part 7, Possessive (p. 221) (Take-home exam: optional)
Part 6, Be Verb (p. 178) (WRITE ESSAY)
WEEK 7 Oct.-3-6
Part 8, Parallel Structure (p. 243) (In class Essay)