Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Nature vs. Nurture Essay Assignment

Homework is to write the essay arguing whether or not Afeni's life was a matter of freewill or choice or environment (nurture) or heredity (nature).

Bring in a completed essay on Thursday, October 27, 2011. Bring in an electronic copy for a peer review. I will be paying attention to the introduction, topic sentences and conclusion: organization. The essay is due Monday, October 31, 2011, electronically and as a paper copy. Email it and the associated assignments to: coasabirenglish201@gmail.com

Secondly, I will be looking at how well students integrate their citations into the argument. English 201 A should write an essay minimally 500 words long and English 201 B should write an essay minimally 750 words pr three pages long. This does not include the works cited page and the bibliography.

Each essay includes an IPS, an outline and any cyber-assignments connected to Evolution of a Revolution. Include the scholarly article as a part of the bibliography.

Today in class we reviewed the first four templates for the Parallel Structure Essay. Students got all of them wrong. We will continue Thursday. Review them beforehand.

In the earlier class, students had not completed the templates. Well one student had.
Their homework was to complete the templates.

They are also supposed to bring in a completed "Initial Planning Sheet" (IPS) for tomorrow. The essay is due for both classes Thursday. There are students who have not turned in their "Hip Hop" Essay.

We only have two more essay for the semester: Afeni Shakur: Nature vs. Nurture and the Social Entrepreneur essay. I handed out the SE essay outline and supporting documents for finding a SE. Students who had headphones watched one of the Frontline World Videos. Other students were given the Muhammad Yunus essay to read and summarize.

Everyone will be given the essay eventually. There is a link for the assignment post.

Ayo Hogue 10077222
English 201a m-th 8a
Professor Sabir
It was a combination of both for Afenis' decision to join the movement she did
Good post. I remember a few nature vs. nurture essay assignments given at my college. I used these guidelines to make it right.
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