Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Thanks Patrice for sharing your birthday with us this afternoon (smile). We hope your new year is fantastic!
Today in class we continued in Cisneros with "Boys & Girls." If students have not responded to the two chapters "Cathy Queen of Cats" and/or the following chapter, "Our Good Day," complete that as well.We reviewed Pronoun Case and then read "Synthetica" and identified the errors. Homework is to typed the errors (7) and bring in electronically in essay form: heading, header, double spaced, 1 inch margins, Times Roman font. We will complete the introduction and conclusion together.
Bring Always Running Monday, Feb. 27, as well. Mail your letter to the governor. Let us know if you get a response. Bring a copy of the letter to me. Post it as well. Students also were supposed to do another cyber-assignment. Check the blog and make sure you are caught up.
We will write an essay in class next week, taking its topic from Yummy.
Pidd teaches us to pay attention to the details. Make sure you do so in your own writing. Proper nouns need to be capitalized. There should be two spaces after a period. Don't forget to complete the ellipsis exercises in the ancillary before typing your Pronoun Case body paragraphs.
Note the following:
Check your sentences against the errors recap:
1. ". . . Ditch wanted to come with Camper and I . . ." (1).
2. "the General attacked two of the hill divers, Camper and
I . . ." (1).
3. ". . . Ditch was smarter than Camper and me . . ." (1).
4. "Me and Camper laughed . . ." (2).
5. "It was me . . . " (2).
6. "you are almost as pretty as her" (2).
7."[I]f the Pidd men, Sid and me, can do a little camping . . . (2).
1. ". . . Ditch wanted to come with Camper and I . . ." (1).
2. "the General attacked two of the hill divers, Camper and
I . . ." (1).
3. ". . . Ditch was smarter than Camper and me . . ." (1).
4. "Me and Camper laughed . . ." (2).
5. "It was me . . . " (2).
6. "you are almost as pretty as her" (2).
7."[I]f the Pidd men, Sid and me, can do a little camping . . . (2).