Monday, April 30, 2012


Email your Hootenanny Essay to me at If any student was absent, he or she has to complete the essay on his or her own. You can use the same errors as your group uses to chose six from.

Bring in the 5 sources in MLA style for your Social Entrepreneur essay. If you do not know how to cite a particular type of source, ask the librarian for help. You can ask me as well.

Bring in a fast draft of your book report essay for a casual review. Post your book titles and plot summaries in today's plan.

Bring Mango to class on Wednesday as well. We will read another chapter and talk about your books.

Book Report presentations are Monday, May 7; the essay is due then as well via email. We might do peer reviews on Monday if we get through the presentations early. Let me know if you want pizaa for your Hootenanny prize (smile).

We will share Hootenanny essays on Wednesday as well.

For those students who have not decided on a Social Entrepreneur, use Rodriguez. I know he's in LA, but you can use Always Running as one source, his website as another, I think you have an article already too. You just need two more sources.

What is his work?

1. House on Mango Freewrite ("Papa Who Wakes up Tired in the Dark")

2. SPHE "Hootenanny Essay"

3. "Book Report Essay Cyber-Assignment

Post here you book title, plot and the question you are thinking of answering in the essay.

4. Social Entrepreneur discussion

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yesterday we had a workshop class where students caught up on Essay Exams and others worked on revisions or on the final essay Subject Verb Agreement.

We didn't do the quiz or a freewrite from House on Mango Street. We will either do the SV AGR quiz or Grammar Exam 2 (smile).

Keep reading your books for the book report essay. We will do the presentations on Wednesday or Monday.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Announcements: The LAUNCH Conference at UC Berkeley, Friday, April 20, 2012, 8 to 1:30 at the Clark Kerr Campus. Attendance is Free. Lunch is provided. For information visit

Also Cal Day is April 21, 2012 Visit

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Monday in class we read two chapters from Mango. One was a freewrite, the other homework. The chapters were "Hips" and "My First Job."

Students were to turn in their Always Running essays. As of this writing, most essays are not in. Today we will talk about the Social Entrepreneur essay and watch one of the Frontline World videos and respond to the questions together.

Homework is to complete the next Pidd essay, Subject Verb Agreement. If I can find it, we will complete the quiz, otherwise we will take it next week, along with Grammar Exam 2.

All students should be completing an independent study project: The Book Report Essay.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Book Report Assignment

Each student was asked to choose a book. Preferably the author is alive and living in the Northern California and if the book; however, bring the book to class and let me see it before you start. It can be fiction or nonfiction.

For each essay, students need to find three articles: a published book review or analysis, and for the author, see if there is something on the author in Literary Criticism, (on-line in the Library Database and in COA library (public libraries as well). Third, find an article that addresses one of the themes in the book. Include all of these sources in your works cited page or bibliography.

The essay will be 2-3 pages and in it you will summarize your book’s major themes and analyze them. If the book is a biography, feel free to tell us something about the author and how he or she comes to know the person he or she writes about. (Avoid plot summaries.)

The presentation is weighted heavily here, so prepare well, and please include an abstract which includes the title of the book, the key points you plan to make and any arguments you’d like us to consider. Bring in copies for each student.

Book Report
First Draft with Planning Sheet, Outline, due Monday, April 23___________
Final Draft April 25-27 via email____________
Presentations: Monday-Wednesday, April 23-25___________

Book Report Presentations: Monday, April 30
Grade is an “A “for all presentations or “-0-“ for opting out. The presentation is a quarter of the grade for this assignment


Social Entrepreneur Essay Assignment, Note the multiple components

Cyber-Assignment 1
Frontline World: Engaged Citizenry Cyber-Assignment. Complete between April 16-25.


This assignment will help students better articulate what a social entrepreneur is, although you have met many in the pages of Mighty and Half the Sky.

Assignment: Respond to 3 stories from Thursday, March 22 to Thursday, April 12. Bring in headphones for the computer 3/22. Post your Frontline World Responses (3) here (on the blog).

Answer the following questions in your response to the program.


1.Who is the social entrepreneur profiled?
2.What problem did the person profiled identify?
3.What is the name of the organization they started?
4.Describe their relationship to the community that they serve?
5 Why did the person decide to address this issue?
6.What is the local component?
7.How does the community own the process, that is, feel as if they are integral to the success of the venture or business?

2. Social Entrepreneur Essay Worksheet: Assignment: Social Entrepreneurs: Engaged Citizenry

Students need to explore the terms, entrepreneur, engaged citizenry, business, social good to grasp fully what it meant by the term: social entrepreneur. Another related, but different term is philanthropy. An entrepreneur is not necessarily a philanthropist. You need to know the difference and do not choose a philanthropist.

The social entrepreneur for this assignment needs to be female, a woman or girl. The person has to be documented, which means she cannot be new to this field. The person profiled cannot be you (smile) unless you meet all the criteria and present a convincing argument to me first (smile). I used to say the person couldn't be related to you, but that's okay as long as the other criteria is met.

The entrepreneur needs to live in Northern California and be alive.

Open with the problem statement. Be descriptive.

The thesis sentence names your social entrepreneur as a person who is addressing the problem identified in the introduction.

Body paragraphs
Background on the social entrepreneur and what brings them to the work. You can cite statistics here to illustrate the problem

Introduce the organization or business venture. Does the work grow out of the community? How do the SE and the community interact?

Are there any partnerships with other organizations and/or government?

Are there any peer reviews or industry reports?

What are the measurable results for the community? Share a story here.

What are the measurable results for the SE. You could quote the SE here.

Your essay needs to answer all of these questions; you can structure it like a typical problem/solution essay or cause and effect.

The person has to be alive. Try to find someone local, who is living in the San Francisco Bay Area or in California. The person has to have been doing this work for 10-20 years (the length of time is negotiable; see me).

You need to locate 5 sources on your subject to form a bibliography; you don't have to cite them all. The sources can be published or broadcast interviews, books, articles, and films or you can interview them yourself. You can work in groups and share data. In fact, I encourage it.

You will have three citations: 1 in-text citation, one paraphrase, and one block quote in the essay. The rest of the writing has to be your own. The essay should be about 4 pages (English 1A); 2-3 pages English 201. This does not include the works cited page or bibliography.

This paper is your final.

English 201 Social Entrepreneur
Library Planning Sheet (handout) due by Wednesday, May 2 (share)_____________
List of sources (5) minimum in MLA format due May 2 (share in class)___________

Essay: Initial Planning Sheet, Outline, Introduction and Conclusion are due: Monday, May 7 ______

First Draft May 9 (peer review)__________
Final Draft Friday, May 11 by 12 noon ______________

SE Presentations: May 14-16___________. We spoke about having the presentation over an early dinner at a restaurant. If we do this then on May 16 we would review the portfolio process. I will host portfolio assembly workshops during finals week: Monday, May 21, 9-12 in A-232.
The presentation is a quarter of the grade.

Supplementary Assignments

On-line Frontline World (cyber-responses 3) due by April 25_______
Library Research sheet: Wednesday, May 2 _______________
Website Evaluation completed (worksheet) by May 2 (in-class)_____________

Today, I handed out library research worksheets. I have provided links to these sheets here.

The book report essay is approaching. I will post the assignment sheets here as well. I will give students a paper copy on Monday.

We reviewed how to use Microsoft Comment (Review) and how to send in your essay:

1. Final Draft
2. Initial Planning Sheet
3. Outline
4. Peer Review
5. Cyber Assignments and Freewrites applicable to the topic "Always Running". We found 1 assignment. There might be more.

Make certain to include the assignment and semester in the subject line. If your name is not in your email, then include that as well as your class: Wanda Sabir Always Running Portfolio English 201A Spring 2012

Email to: Don't forget to copy yourself. Paste the portfolio in the body of the email and attach it.

Research Tools

1. Visit

2. for the assignment: Evaluating a web page. Students need to open this document to complete the earlier assignment.

Other resources

Today students took the Essay 3 Exam. We are almost finished with Pidd. Next week we will complete the book: Subject-Verb Agreement and the Hootennanny Essay. We will then concentrate on the last two essays: Book Report and Social Entrepreneur Essay.

Look here for the last two assignments with due dates. We decided that we will have our last class, finals--at a near by restaurant. If students do well on the Hootennany, I will pay for it.

The Always Running Essay takes its topic from the textbook. We spoke about this at length the over the past month. The essay should be 3-4 pages long, not including the works cited page. Each page should use one citation, a mix of 1 block quote, 1 free paraphrase, and 1 shorter citation.

Do not forget the works cited page. Proof read for all the Pidd grammar errors you have been studying this semester. There should be none in your essay.

The essay should be emailed to me: It is due by Friday, April 13, 2012. Include all the cyber assignments and any freewrites connected to the text. Also include chapter notes.

Put everything in a Word Doc. and attach and paste the document. We will review this today in class.

If you have not already decided what book you'd like to read for your book report essay, decide now and after getting approval, start reading it. This essay will be due in a couple of weeks literally.

The Social Entrepreneur essay will be due mid-May, just before May 17. The presentation is your final.

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