Tuesday, October 02, 2012


I Always Wanted to Make a Book out of My Life. . . .

Thursday in class students started their essay. We also reviewed SPHE Essay 2. Students were to complete the templates for today (smile).

Students were also supposed to bring in Dyson's Holler if You Hear Me.  Today we completed the introduction and conclusion for Essay 2 together, students then worked on the body paragraphs. Bring the completed essay to class on Thursday, Oct. 4.

Also read the Introduction and Preface: "I Always Wanted to Make a Book out of My Life." Some students didn't have the second edition, so I gave them a copy of the new intro to the 2006 edition. We read a bit and then stopped to reflect in writing on the work so far. I wrote the summary on the board.

For the Dyson reading logs, include a list of words you cannot pronounce and do not know what they mean; also keep a list of persons Dyson references you do not know.

Type the logs.

We will have an exam on Thursday on all the grammar covered up to Pronoun Case. We might not have time to type the essay. Complete the templates though. Pronoun Case is Essay Exam 1.

Reflections on a Revolutionary 27 September 2012 (I forgot to publish this (smile).
Students spent the first hour of class writing their first big essay or thinking about their first big essay and what they wanted to say about Afeni Shakur's life. The essay is due, Monday, October 1, 2012 vis email. Students are to include:

1. Final Draft of the essay, which includes the Initial Planning Sheet and Outline; 2. Any Cyber-Assignments connected to Evolution of a Revolutionary. One cyber-assignment is a poem Tupac wrote his mother; 3. The Reading Logs (if they are typed.)

Send all of this to coasabirenglish201@gmail.com

I gave students the assignment outline for the semester (3 pages). If you were absent, make sure you get a copy.

Students were also to complete the templates for SPHE Essay 2, Pronoun Agreement. We'll finish the essay Tuesday in class.

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