Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Book Report Essay & Photos
Today in class we practiced writing the Book Report Essay together using Guy's book as an example. The topic we chose was "evolution means change."
Students practiced the 3-part thesis (handout). They then started writing their introductions. Homework is to complete the introduction and outline. Students write their IPS in class. Don't forget to find three other sources: published book review, author profiles and perhaps an article on the topic.
I gave students an article from Ode magazine on social entrepreneur and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Muhammad Yunus. We will review it in two weeks (when we return from Thanksgiving Break.) We also adjusted the due dates for the next essay(s)--Pidd included.
Presentations are Nov. 20 for the Book Report Essay. Bring any questions on Thursday.
We will continue writing Thursday. I gave students a handout on conclusions as well. We will write a conclusion on Thursday too.
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Kimberly James
Professor Sabir
English 201A
August 21, 2013
Syllabus Response
I do understand that this is a contract. I have read, understand, and agree to the syllabus. I think this syllabus is very reasonable. I understand the materials I need are a pens, blue or black ink, paper, stapler or paper clips, a jump drive, a notebook, a three hole punch, a folder, a binder to keep all work organized and together and dictionary, preferably The American Heritage Dictionary Fourth Edition. Along with that I am aware that I need The Virgin Soul book and Stewart Pidd Hates English textbook.
I do have a question about the essay that is due on The Virgin Soul. When do you expect or recommend us to be done reading the book and when are the essays due? Also, for the research project can we form groups with other students in the class, research together, and do our presentations together on the day of the final?
I understand that daily assignments are posted on our class blog on http://professorsabirsposse.blogspot.com/ I think that making this for your students is very helpful! Whenever we need to post a comment we should make sure we include a heading, student name, Professor Sabir, English 201A or 201B, the date, and our syllabus response.
I am very excited to start this class and I am ready for whatever assignment you give me. I am very determined and striving for success!
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Professor Sabir
English 201A
August 21, 2013
Syllabus Response
I do understand that this is a contract. I have read, understand, and agree to the syllabus. I think this syllabus is very reasonable. I understand the materials I need are a pens, blue or black ink, paper, stapler or paper clips, a jump drive, a notebook, a three hole punch, a folder, a binder to keep all work organized and together and dictionary, preferably The American Heritage Dictionary Fourth Edition. Along with that I am aware that I need The Virgin Soul book and Stewart Pidd Hates English textbook.
I do have a question about the essay that is due on The Virgin Soul. When do you expect or recommend us to be done reading the book and when are the essays due? Also, for the research project can we form groups with other students in the class, research together, and do our presentations together on the day of the final?
I understand that daily assignments are posted on our class blog on http://professorsabirsposse.blogspot.com/ I think that making this for your students is very helpful! Whenever we need to post a comment we should make sure we include a heading, student name, Professor Sabir, English 201A or 201B, the date, and our syllabus response.
I am very excited to start this class and I am ready for whatever assignment you give me. I am very determined and striving for success!
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