Tuesday, December 04, 2012


Social Entrepreneur Cyber-Freewrite

Mimi Silbert with dog, Amnesty
We watched the New Heroes segment on Mimi Silbert, director of the Delancy Street Foundation. Here is a link to the program: http://www.pbs.org/opb/thenewheroes/meet/index.html

In 3-4 paragraphs explore the topic of "rehabilitation." This is Mimi Silbert's business. I want you to look at all sides of the issue. What do skeptics say about rehabilitation? Silbert describes her clients as people who have "hit rock bottom." There is no where to go but up.

In this short essay, look at the pro-argument or thesis, the argument in favor of rehabilitation, let's say, over incarceration.

In another paragraph look at the counterargument or antithesis, the argument against rehabilitation and perhaps for jailing or locking people away Delancy Street employs and helps.

The concluding paragraph will look at the synthesis of the ideas, both pro and con and find a place of agreement between the two sides.

In each paragraph use a citation, it can be one of the topical invention sentences: definition, analogy, consequence and testimony. Post the short essay here. Don't forget to give it a title. We will do the works cited for the film and website together and then post.

Here is a link to the Foundation: http://www.delanceystreetfoundation.org/

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