Thursday, May 27, 2010

I will be at the college today from 10-12 and 2-4/5ish. Graduation is tomorrow. Congratulations to everyone! I will be at the ceremony to honor you. If any students are having difficulties, call me. Also, if there are any assignments, like Pidd, still without grades that you know you turned in, post the essay in the portfolio. I have a lot of Pidd essays to return. Students can pick them up in A-232 today and/or call me. If they do not need revision, I can post the grade on the checklist.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I'll be around tomorrow, 10 AM to 1 PM in A-232 if you need me.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Note the extended Portfolio due date, Thursday, May 27, 2010, 12 noon.

Email portfolios to: In the subject line write: STUDENT NAME Portfolio English 201 A or B (8-9 or 9-10) SPR 2010 Class Code ...


Portfolio Checklist

Phone number
Course, term and code

Course codes: 23043/23044

ENG 201 A
23066 Lec 10:00-11:50 MW Sabir A 200
23067 Lec 01:00-02:50 PM MW Sabir A 213

ENG 201 B
23074 Lec 10:00-11:50 MW Sabir A 200
22075 Lec 01:00-02:50 PM MW Sabir A 213

This page can serve as you table of contents. If an assignment doesn’t look familiar just put N/A on the line. If you are missing work you know you turned in, make sure you let me.

If there is work you have done which is not listed, please add it at the end. Thanks!

Portfolio Narratives
See assignment in previous post

1. Self-reflection on 18 weeks of study (250 words minium).
2. Self-reflection on revision strategies (250 words miminum).

Stewart Pidd Hates English Assignments

Grammar Exam 1, March 2010_____/50
Gramar Exam 2 May 2010 _______/50

Midterm Synthetica March 2010 (Pronoun Case) _______
Revision ____________

Essay Exam 2 Possessives_______
Essay Exam 3 Parallel Structure________

Sentence Structure ________, Pronoun Agr._______, POV _______, Be-verbs______, SV Agr._______

Paraphrase pkg. _____________
Cyber assignments, in-class assignments___________

Half the Sky

Planning Sheet, Outline, Thesis _________
First Draft _________
Final Draft Grade __________
Revisions (how many? Grades?) __________

Pidd-type essay grade__________or narrative _______________

Please include in this section peer comments and self-reflections (how many?)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Half the Sky freewrites (how many?)_______ and reading logs (how many_______(if typed include them) and grade on reading logs ________

Women’s History Month presentations:__________
Include peer responses and self-reflection ___________
Cyber assignment attached to this assignment (250 words)__________

War Stories
Poetry of War __________

Book Report
Planning Sheet, Outline, Thesis___________
Final draft grade__________
Pidd-type essay grade ____________or Narrative________________

Book Report presentation___________
Peer reviews (how many?)_________________

Book Report Presentations:
Grade is an “A”for all presentations or “-0-“ for opting out. The presentation is a quarter of the grade for this assignment


Social Entrepreneur

Planning _____________
On-line Frontline World (on-line responses 3) Post them here

Library Research sheet _______________(if you did it)
List of sources (5) minimum in MLA format (post here)

Essay: Planning Sheet, Outline, Thesis__________
First Draft (peer review)__________
Final Draft Grade ______________
Revisions _____________
Pidd type essay ________________ or narrative ____________

SE Presentation date ___________
The presentation is a quarter of the grade.

Love Essay__________
Love presentation____________
New Hero essay responses (Inderjit Khurana, Mimi Silbert, ____________

Other cyber-assignments
Felicia Pride's book, The Message (how many?)________________
Martin King Sermon Response (Feb. 16: Love Your Enemy)___________
Women’s History Month_____________
El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) reflection on his birthday__________
More than 1 Million Women Are Missing (extra credit 2/10) _____________
Salvation by Langston Hughes_________
Paraphrase (2/1)__________
Response to introductory letter________
Response to syllabus _________

Anything else?________________________________________________________

Extra Credit essays: Half the Sky event, Mirrors in Every Corner. Speak Out: Tim Wise, Pistols and Prayers, SFIFF, other?_____________________

May 24 10 A to 2 PM A-232
Portfolio assembly workshop _______________

Portfolios due: Wednesday, May 26-Thursday, May 27, 12 Noon electronically. Make sure you receive a receipt for your submission. No paper copies, no exceptions.

Grade Justification

What grade do you think you've earned this semester? What evidence supports this conclusion?

Teacher research

Can I use your work in presentations and publications? Would you like to be anonymous? If I plan on using your essays or work in a book, I will let you know and share any proceeds.

Yes, I agree.
No, do not use my work.

Final Grade
Portfolio checklist _____________
Portfolio Essay 1_______________
Portfolio Essay 2_______________
Portfolio Grade_________

Course Grade_________

Thursday, May 20, 2010



The checklist will follow the assignment sheet I gave students over a month ago. I am still grading essays (smile) and will post the checklist before sunrise (smile).

Thanks for your patience. I hope to see you at the Portfolio Workshop on Monday, May 24, 2010, 10-2 in A-232, and if you can't make it, please call me and email me drafts to review.

Email portfolios to:

In the subject line write: STUDENT NAME Portfolio English 201 A or B (8-9 or 9-10) SPR 2010 Class Code ...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Freewrite 1-3 PM class

Today is Malcolm X or El Hajj Malik El Shabazz's birthday (1925-1965). His life illustrates transformation, education or literacy the primary tool. Reflect on your own life and the role education, specifically, reading and writing has assisted in your evolutionary process.

Unless the three essays were perfect, that is, received passing grades without revision instructions, students have to use the Stewart Pidd template for revision to write an essay about an essay revised: Half the Sky, Book Report, or the Social Entrepreneur essay.

For each essay students were to indicate in a narrative what changed between drafts. The Stewart Pidd treatment is the final essay for SPHE and can be included in the portfolio. It should proceed the final draft.

Remember, the portfolio does not include any new essays except the first two narratives.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday students made their presentations, in the English 10-12 class most students presented. Thea is presenting Wednesday. If anyone missed and wants to present, let me know.

We also completed Grammar Exam 2. The Subject/Verb Agreement Essay is also due. If there are any essays without grades in your portfolio, you will receive a zero -0-. All essays in the portfolio except the portfolio essays (2) are graded essays. For those with grades like Cs, students have the opportunity to revise 1 for a higher grade, but the essay needs.

Final Days, Portfolio Narrative Assignment
The portfolio narratives (These are essays)

1. The narrative will look at the 18 weeks, the themes we looked at this semester, women and women's empowerment. Talk about what you've learned and discovered this semester about writing and yourself, college and life, which have transformed or changed you.

What have you learned about yourself this semester? What have you learned about the discipline you are studying here: reading and writing that you plan to carry forth into your lifelong pursuit of learning.

Please also comment on the texts and whether or not they were helpful in this process. You can also talk about the instruction, culture of the class and the teacher.

2. The second part of the narrative looks at the writing process and what you have been learning about yourself as a writer. Take two essays and talk about the planning, research and revision strategies you used. It helps to choose an early paper and compare to a later paper. Often you can more easily see the differences in your writing and a better example of mastery of certain concepts. Also discuss skills you need to improve and how you plan to address that.

Besides the two essays you use as evidence to discuss your revision process, I also want you to include the Half the Sky essay, the book report essay and social entrepreneur essay. We have already started the narrative on revision. Each essay needs to be 250 minimally words. Check previous posts.

You have a copy of the assigned essays this semester. The check-list is the same with grades posted next to the assignment. We will look at this the last day of class. Bring all your work to class.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The Write Course: "Argumentation"

Reflect on the argumentation process and the video. Now think about the essay by Ann McClintock, "Propaganda Techniques." Students can combine comments (English 201 1-3 PM class).

We looked at the chapter in Diana Hacker's Rules for Writers on argument and completed some of the exercises there.


Stewart Pidd Hates English

We reviewed the Subject-Verb Agreement essay on Monday, May 10, 2010. Students have begun to turn the essays in. They are due no later than Monday, May 17, 2010.

Some students are behind. If you are one of those students, let's hope your essays come in correct because there will not be time to revise them.

We will spend time Wednesday and perhaps Monday revising SPHE essays and other essays. The portfolios are due the following week electronically (Word documents) by Wednesday, May 26, 2010, or sooner. We will not have an in-class exam. Next week we are finished.

Portfolio workshops
I will show students examples of portfolios on Monday, May 17, 2010. If you do a search in the blog samples will come up.

Thursday, May 20, 2010, I will host a portfolio assembly workshop. I will also host such on Monday, May 24, 2010 from 10 AM to 2 PM in A-232. Students can complete their portfolios at that time.


Propaganda Techinques

Read the essay by Ann McCintock, "Propaganda Techniques." Do the prereading assignment first and then read the essay and respond to the questions at the end of the essay. In the writing questions, respond to one in a paragraph.

Monday, May 17, 2010, we will continue our conversation on argumentation. I plan to show students a video and we'll do some activities.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 we will take Grammar Exam 2 and work on portfolios. It is our last meeting. If there are any essays out which you have not gotten grades on, make sure you let me know before May 19, 2010.

I will post the portfolio checklist and questions this week, before or by Friday, May 14, 2010.



Post an abstract or brief summary of your social entrepreneur essay here. Each student needs to read all of the posts and be prepared to actively participate on Monday, May 17, 2010. Being visuals. We have a projector and a screen. PowerPoint presentations are okay. Talk to Mr. Sami Ali ( about technology needs. Look at the equipment in advance.

It looks like we can connect the projector to one of the computers.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Today we reviewed the major essays and peer reviewed first drafts of the SE essay. Today is the last day I can drop students who are not passing. I am dropping students whose work and attendance are sketchy. If you are one of these students who want a grade rather than a "W" let me know, so I can add you back. I am speaking of students who missed quizzes 2 and 3 and essay exam 2, have not gotten revisions back to me on the Half the Sky essay or the book report essay.

We will continue revision essay tomorrow and doing the peer reviews. We will also write essay exam 3.

Some students spoke to me but of those students, some have not upheld their ends of the bargain, so I am dropping you. You need to be in touch with me, if you plan to miss class.

We reviewed the exercises in the SPHE on Subject/Verb Agreement. We will write the essay in class on Wednesday.

I will show you a video on Argumentation on Wednesday, May 12, 2010.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Today in class we continued workshopping essays: Half the Sky and the book report essay. Students shared their initial planning sheets and outlines with each other and with me. Some students had not followed the assignment and were profiling men. The social entrepreneur essay is has to be a woman. If you want me to make an exception, it needs to be compelling.

We took the Parallel Structure Quiz and a few students completed Essay Exam 3: Parallel Structure. For those who didn't, you can complete the essay next week on Monday. Continue in Pidd, the last essay is Subject/Verb Agreement. We will review the exercises and essay assignment next week, also on Monday. I think your SE essay is due by Wednesday, May 11.

Monday, May 03, 2010



Keep working on the Social Entrepreneur essay. Today students were to complete the planning and outlines and start their introductory paragraphs if they were finished with the research. If not, they were to do the research.

In Pidd we are completing Parallel Structure, complete the templates and email them to yourself. This is essay exam 3. After that, work on Subject Verb Agreement. We wil go over this essay on Wednesday in class. I will also give students the Parallel Structure quiz.

Write your social entrepreneur essay.



We watched the video: Revision Strategies (The Write Course). Please reflect on the video in a narrative that considers your revision strategies. How has Stewart Pidd Hates English affected your revision process?

Why is the opportunity to revise a welcome one for advanced writers? Why do some writers dread such assignments?

Use examples from the film. How is revision defined and what steps are offered? How is re-writing a step in the writing process? What did the scholar, Sandra Pearl, mean about editing prematurely?

What myths did Dr. Linda Flowers say about the "perfect draft syndrome"? Are you so afflicted? What is writer based prose vs. reader based prose? What is inspiration?

What did you learn about the writing process that you didn't know before, or if you knew it, you were not about to articulate it before now?

Global Revisions
Go on-line and look at
Resources for writers and tutos>Preparing to visit the writing center
Writing exercises>E-ex 3-1 and 3-2

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